scholarly journals Assessment of the factors contributing to non- adherence of anti- retroviral therapy (ART) treatment among male patients at Katutura Health Centre, Khomas region

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31 ◽  
Nghitanwa Emma Maano ◽  
Niilonga Elina N

The purpose of this study was to assess and explore the contributing factors of non- adherence among male patients on Antiretroviral therapy (ART) treatment at Katutura Health Centre, Khomas Region. The objectives of this study were to determine and describe the factors contributing to non-adherence of ART treatment among male patients at Katutura Health Centre .Data were collected using the structured questionnaires.A purposive sampling technique was used. The collected data were entered in data sets and analyzed using Statistical (SPSS) version 23.0 software to describe the phenomena and to assess the magnitude of ART non-adherence among male patients.The study concluded that non-adherence of ART treatment among male patients in Katutura Health Centre, Khomas region is caused by different factors, such as, lack of food among patients on ART treatment, lack of transportation to the health facility for treatment and alcohol abuse. Therefore practical preventative interventions such as community education program should be developed and implemented to improve and ensure ART adherence.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17 ◽  
Olivia Ningeninawa Tuhadeleni ◽  
Linda Ndeshipandula Lukolo

Background: The benefits of antiretroviral therapy (ART) are undeniable: decreased morbidity and mortality, improved clinical outcomes, and decreased HIV transmission. In recent years, there have been remarkable efforts to roll out HIV support and treatment programs, resulting in ART access to nearly 4 million people in sub-Saharan Africa. However, a decisive step in improving outcomes of these programs relies on ART adherence. This study was conducted by aiming at exploring and describing the perceptions of patients on ART and treatment supporters about their roles in ART adherence. It was carried out at Oshakati ART clinic in the Intermediate Hospital Oshakati in Oshana region, Northern Namibia.Methods: The qualitative investigation was carried out on patients on ART and treatment supporters by means of unstructured interviews through convenient sampling technique. The data were analysed by content analytical method.Results: The study results from all respondents were consolidated, which gave a clear understanding regarding adherence at the ART clinic in Intermediate Hospital Oshakati. The perceptions of patients on ART and treatment supporters with regard to their role towards ART adherence were classified based on participants’ experiences into two main themes and sub-themes, including: 1) ART patients’ perceptions around their current roles in ART adherence comprise of four sub-themes of ART patients’ perceptions about taking medication daily, perceptions about collection of medicine supply and follow-up visits, perceptions about food and medication and perceptions about support in ART treatment; 2) Treatment supporters’ perceptions about their role in ART adherence consist of four sub-themes of perceptions about follow-up visits and collection of medicine, perceptions about psychosocial and emotional support, perceptions about giving food and medication and perceptions about encouraging personal hygiene.Conclusion: Patients and treatment supporters perceived adherence as an important aspect in the success of antiretroviral treatment. Giving patients correct information, personal motivation, patients understanding of treatment, traditional and religious beliefs were among other factors perceived by treatment supporters to be impacting on ART adherence.

1970 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 128-134
T Biseck ◽  
S Kumwenda ◽  
K Kalulu ◽  
K Chidziwisano ◽  
L Kalumbi

Background The proportions of women of reproductive age living with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vary between different regions of the world, with significantly higher proportions in sub-Saharan Africa. Family planning is one of the major issues that couples and families affected with HIV must confront. We aimed to assess the cultural and social factors associated with childbearing and family planning knowledge, decisionmaking, and practices among HIV-positive pregnant women attending antenatal clinic at a health centre in Balaka, Malawi.Methods This was a qualitative descriptive study carried out at Kalembo Health Centre in Balaka. A purposive sampling technique was used to select pregnant women enroled in the antiretroviral therapy (ART) programme. A sample size of thirty-five women was decided upon after data saturation. Qualitative inquiry was used during data collection. Data were analysed using systematic text condensation, while numbers and percentages were generated using Microsoft Excel.Results Out of 35 participants, 20 were aged between 25 and 34 years, and 18 had been married at least three times. All 35 women wished to have their own biological child. Factors, reported by participants, that promote childbearing included: the desire to please their husbands, fear of losing their husbands to others if they did not bear children, the knowledge that ART would help prevent their children from acquiring the virus, the desire to prove to others that they can also bear children, and a lack of family planning leading to unplanned pregnancies.Conclusions The factors that lead to pregnancies among women on ART in Balaka ranged from assured safety of the child from HIV, lack of contraception, to other factors related to their partners. The authors recognize and support the freedom for women to become pregnant and bear children, and, in the context of HIV infection, fertility and reproductive services should include a comprehensive approach towards addressing issues of HIV and AIDS and childbearing among infected women.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 436-441
Saba Haider ◽  
Noman Ul Haq ◽  
Sohail Riaz ◽  
Aqeel Nasim ◽  
Muhammad Saood ◽  

Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and awareness regarding cervical cancer and its prevention among nurses working in different hospitals of Quetta, Pakistan. Methodology: The cross sectional, descriptive study was conducted by using structured questionnaire in different hospitals of Quetta from January to September 2016. Convenient sampling technique was applied by targeting all the nurses working in different hospitals of Quetta city. Study questionnaire was developed and tested for validity and reliability. Descriptive and inferential statistics (Mann Whitney U test and Kruskal Wallis tests, p<0.05) were used to assess the significance among study variables and were performed by using IBM SPSS v.20. Results: Out of 415 distributed questionnaires 324 were returned (response rate of 78%). The mean Age of respondents was 28.18 ±9.5 years. Majority (n=127, 43.3%) of participants were interns and had no or less than one year of experience (n=128, 43.7%) with negative family history of any cancer (n=275, 93.9%). Mean knowledge score was 18.52±4.84with majority (n=258, 88.1%) had adequate knowledge regarding cervical cancer. Respondent sage, current area of practice, qualification, Institute of degree and past family history were contributing factors (p > 0.05) in adequate knowledge in this study. The results also reviled that not only 68.3% (n=200) and 65.5% (n=192) respondents knew that cervical cancer is vaccine preventable and availability of the vaccine for it. Conclusions: Nurses working in different hospitals of Quetta city had better understanding of the disease cervical cancer and its prevention. Yet many of the respondent are not aware of it vaccine and its availability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 51-74
Fonteh Athanasius Amungwa

This paper examines the impact of community education and challenges facing Centres for Education and Community Action as a rural development strategy in Cameroon. The study was conducted in the North-West Region of Cameroon, employing field observations, semi-structured interviews with key informants using a convenient sampling technique and through elaborate review of documents. These research instruments were blended into what is termed triangulation and the data collected was analysed descriptively. The main focus of qualitative analysis is to understand the ways in which people act and the accounts that people give for their actions. This paper posits that extreme dependence on the provision of Western formal education cannot solve the problems of a rapidly changing society like Cameroon, which is facing a long-term economic crisis and persistent unemployment issues of graduates. Consequently, education should be redefined in the context of the prevailing economic crisis to make it responsive to the aspirations of rural communities. Findings showed that community education had contributed towards rural development immensely but has suffered many challenges due to neglect of the field in the policy agenda. This paper recommends the integration of community education with formal education to facilitate group and community betterment in particular and rural transformation in general.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Harsono . ◽  
Bagoes Widjanarko ◽  
Priyadi Nugraha Prabamurti

Penerapan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat pada tatanan rumah tangga di Indonesia pada tahun 2015, baru mencapai 55%. Padahal dari sisi perilaku per indikator idealnya diatas 80%. Faktor risiko timbulnya Penyakit Tidak Menular(PTM) antara lain karena gaya hidup seperti merokok, obesitas, inaktivitas, peminum alcohol dan narkoba. Lemahnya upaya preventif dan promotif dalam upaya kesehatan masyarakat (UKM) disebabkan salah satunya oleh distribusi tenaga promotif preventif di Puskesmas masih belum merata.. Keberadaan tenaga kontrak Promotor Kesehatan di Puskesmas diharapkan mampu menjawab kekurangan tenaga promotif preventif di Kabupaten Indramayu. Namun keberadaan mereka menjadi prokontra sehingga dapat berpengaruh pada kinerja dalam pelayanan promosi kesehatan di Puskesmas.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja tenaga kontrak promotor kesehatan dalam pelayanan promosi kesehatan Puskesmas di Kabupaten Indramayu. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan rancangan studi cross sectional. Besar sampel adalah 35 orang. Analisis data secara univariat, bivariat dengan Chi square dan multivariat dengan regresi logistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kinerja tenaga kontrak promotor kesehatan dalam pelayanan promosi kesehatan Puskesmas di Kabupaten Indramayu sebagian besar responden berkinerja tinggi (51,4%). Hasil uji statistic menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara pengetahuan (p=000), kemampuan diri (p=0,000), persepsi beban kerja (p=0,011), motivasi (p=0,010), imbalan (p=0,024) dan sarana prasarana (p=0,001) dengan kinerja tenaga kontrak promotor kesehatan dalam pelayanan promosi kesehatan Puskesmas di Kabupaten Indramayu. Faktor yang memiliki pengaruh paling kuat terhadap kinerja tenaga kontrak promotor kesehatan adalah faktor pengetahuan dengan nilai Odds Ratio (OR=17,84 95% CI=1,99-149,5) dan kemampuan diri (OR=17,36 95% CI=1,4-220). Rekomendasi pada penelitian ini adalah perlu adanya pelatihan e-learning dan in-house training, pembinaan tenaga kontrak, dan penyediaan sarana prasarana promosi kesehatan. Abstract The application of clean and healthy life behavior at household order in Indonesia in 2015, had just reached 55%. From the behavior side, where every indicator should be above 80% as the ideal one. The weakness of preventive and promotion effort in accordance with the community health efforts, one of the reasons is because the distribution of the health preventive and promotion agent into the community health centre is not all totally covered yet. The presence of the out-sourcing health promoter agent in the community’s health center is expected to be able to supply the lack of health preventive and promotion agent in Indramayu. However, their presence become pros and cons, which can influence to the performance in theservice of health promotion in community’s health centre. This research aimed to analyze the elements which influence their performance to carry out health promotion service in every community’s health centre in Indramayu. Type of observational study with cross sectional design.The population in this study amounted to 105 people, consisting of 35 contract workers, 35 heads of Puskesmas, and 35 co-workers contract workers.The sampling technique is purposive sampling in total population or saturated sampling, so the same sample size is 105 people. The data are analyzed by univariat, bivariat method with Chi square and multivariate with logistic regression. The results of this study indicate that the performance of health promotion contract workers in health promotion service of Puskesmas in Indramayu Regency most of the respondents are high performers (51.4%). Based on the test of Chi-Square, it shows that the elements related to the out-sourcing health promoter in carrying out the health champagne service at community’s health centre in Indramayu are knowledge (score p=000), self ability (p=0,000), duty perception (p=0,011), motivation (p=0,010), reward (p=0,024), means and infrastructures (0,001). The most influence factors to the performance to the out-sourcing health promoter in carrying out the health champagne service at community’s health centre are knowledge factor (p=0,009) with the OR score=17,84 95% CI=1,99-149,5.Therefore, as the recommendation, the training for the candidates of health promoters, e-learning, in-house training, and also the out-sourcing coaching as well, and providing means and infrastructures of health promotion.

Behnam Farhoudi ◽  
Seyed Ahmad Seyedalinaghi ◽  
Masoud Jafarinasab ◽  
Seyed Mohammad Ghavam ◽  
Omid Dadras ◽  

Background: Antiretroviral medications have improved the survival and life quality of people living with HIV and turned HIV into a chronic controllable disease. However, the success of HIV treatment depends on many factors; the patient adherence is one the most important indicators which. In this study, we explored the potential barriers to an effective adherence antiretroviral therapy (ART) among the HIV-positive prisoners of Ghezelhesar prison, Iran. Methods: To explore and identify the barriers toward ART adherence, a focus group discussion was held with six prisoners eligible for ART but rejected to be treated or did not retain on ART. The prisoners were recruited through purposive sampling method. All the words, behaviors and even body languages were precisely recorded and analyzed to reach the final results. Results: The most reported obstacles toward ART adherence were the lack of trust in effectiveness of medications and drug complications. Other reasons were inadequate nutrition, lack of amenities, social stigma, lack of economic and psychological support, misbehavior of prison staff and inadequate methadone prescription for those with opium addiction. Conclusion: Due to the results and the fact that adequate Methadone prescription for opium addiction, improving life quality and receiving emotional and medical support from staff could improve adherence to HIV medication in prisoners, comprehensive education of prisoners about their health condition along with staff education may improve the life condition of HIV infected prisoners and may cause dramatic improvement in ART adherence and prisoners health.

Panmial Priscilla Damulak ◽  
Suriani Ismail ◽  
Rosliza Abdul Manaf ◽  
Salmiah Mohd Said ◽  
Oche Agbaji

Optimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) remains the bedrock of effective therapy and management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This systematic review examines the effect of interventions in improving ART adherence in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), which bears the largest global burden of HIV infection. In accordance with PRISMA guidelines, and based on our inclusion and exclusion criteria, PUBMED, MEDLINE, and Google Scholar databases were searched for published studies on ART adherence interventions from 2010 to 2019. Thirty-one eligible studies published between 2010 to 2019 were identified, the categories of interventions were structural, behavioral, biological, cognitive, and combination. Study characteristics varied across design, intervention type, intervention setting, country, and outcome measurements. Many of the studies were behavioral interventions conducted in hospitals with more studies being randomized controlled trial (RCT) interventions. Despite the study variations, twenty-four studies recorded improvements. Notwithstanding, more quality studies such as RCTs should be conducted, especially among key affected populations (KAPs) to control transmission of resistant strains of the virus. Reliable objective measures of adherence should replace the conventional subjective self-report. Furthermore, long-term interventions with longer duration should be considered when evaluating the effectiveness of interventions.

BMJ Open ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. e049824
Andreas D Haas ◽  
Cordelia Kunzekwenyika ◽  
Stefanie Hossmann ◽  
Josphat Manzero ◽  
Janneke van Dijk ◽  

ObjectivesTo examine the proportion of people living with HIV who screen positive for common mental disorders (CMD) and the associations between CMD and self-reported adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART).SettingSixteen government-funded health facilities in the rural Bikita district of Zimbabwe.DesignCross-sectional study.ParticipantsHIV-positive non-pregnant adults, aged 18 years or older, who lived in Bikita district and had received ART for at least 6 months.Outcome measuresThe primary outcome was the proportion of participants screening positive for CMD defined as a Shona Symptoms Questionnaire score of 9 or greater. Secondary outcomes were the proportion of participants reporting suicidal ideation, perceptual symptoms and suboptimal ART adherence and adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) for factors associated with CMD, suicidal ideation, perceptual symptoms and suboptimal ART adherence.ResultsOut of 3480 adults, 18.8% (95% CI 14.8% to 23.7%) screened positive for CMD, 2.7% (95% CI 1.5% to 4.7%) reported suicidal ideations, and 1.5% (95% CI 0.9% to 2.6%) reported perceptual symptoms. Positive CMD screens were more common in women (aPR 1.67, 95% CI 1.19 to 2.35) than in men and were more common in adults aged 40–49 years (aPR 1.47, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.85) or aged 50–59 years (aPR 1.51, 95% CI 1.05 to 2.17) than in those 60 years or older. Positive CMD screen was associated with suboptimal adherence (aPR 1.53; 95% CI 1.37 to 1.70).ConclusionsA substantial proportion of people living with HIV in rural Zimbabwe are affected by CMD. There is a need to integrate mental health services and HIV programmes in rural Zimbabwe.Trial registration numberNCT03704805.

2020 ◽  
Vol 31 (9) ◽  
pp. 886-893
Yitayish Damtie ◽  
Fentaw Tadese

Poor adherence was the major challenge in providing treatment, care, and support for people living with HIV (PLHIV). Evidence of adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) after initiation of the Universal Test and Treat (UTT) strategy was limited in Ethiopia. So, this study aimed to determine the proportion of ART adherence after the initiation of UTT strategy and associated factors among adult PLHIV in Dessie town using two adherence measurements. A cross-sectional study was conducted on 293 PLHIV selected using a systematic sampling technique. The data were collected by face-to face-interview using a pretested questionnaire; chart review was also used to collect the data. The proportion of ART adherence measured by using the Morisky scale and seven-day recall was 49.3% (95% CI: [43.5%, 54.8%]) and 95.9% (95% CI: [93.2%, 98.2%]), respectively. Being urban in residence (AOR = 3.72, 95% CI: [1.80, 7.68]), the absence of depression (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 3.72, 95% CI: [1.22, 11.35]), taking one tablet per day (AOR = 3.26, 95% CI: [1.64, 6.49]), and the absence of concomitant illness (AOR = 0.23, 95% CI: [0.09, 0.59]) were factors associated with ART adherence. The proportion of ART adherence measured by the Morisky scale was very low; however, adherence measured by seven-day recall was higher and consistent with World Health Organization recommendations. Residence, depression, and the number of tablets taken per day had a positive association with good ART adherence whereas having concomitant illness had a negative association with good ART adherence. Efforts should be made to improve adherence and interventions should be given to overcome factors linked with poor adherence.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. e237504
Rosa Maja Møhring Gynthersen ◽  
Helene Mens ◽  
Marianne Wegener ◽  
Neval Ete Wareham

We describe a 61-year-old man living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART), who presented with headache, dizziness and blurred vision. Latest CD4+ cell count 3 months prior to admission was 570×106 cells/mL and HIV viral load <20 copies/mL. The patient was diagnosed with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lymphocytic pleocytosis, raised intracranial pressure and papilloedema. Neuroimaging showed normal ventricular volume and no mass lesions, suggesting (1) neuroinfection (2) idiopathic intracranial hypertension or (3) retroviral rebound syndrome (RRS) as possible causes. Neuroinfection was ruled out and idiopathic intracranial hypertension seemed unlikely. Elevated plasma HIV RNA level was detected consistent with reduced ART adherence prior to admission. RRS is a virological rebound after ART interruption, which can mimic the acute retroviral syndrome of acute primary infection. To the best of our knowledge, we describe the second case of RRS presenting as CSF lymphocytic pleocytosis and elevated intracranial pressure after low ART adherence.

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