scholarly journals Physiological Response of Thallasia hemprichii on Antrophogenic Pressure In Pari Island, Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta

2017 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 40 ◽  
Aditya Hikmat Nugraha ◽  
Dietriech G. Bengen ◽  
Mujizat Kawaroe

Seagrass ecosystem is one of tropical marine ecosystem and have important function. The function of ecosystem like a feeding and nursery ground for marine biota. Antrophogenic pressure is one of threat for seagrass ecosystem sustainability. This research study about effect antropogenic pressure for seagrass Thallasia hemprichii physiology response in some different location at Great Barrier Pari Island. The physiology response study cover growth, heavy metal bioaccumulation and histology analysis. The result shows that growth of leaf and rhizome Thalassia hemprichii have positif correlation with nutrient consentration in environment. The highest growth of leaf Thalassia hemprichii at 2nd station (4.16 and the highest growth of rhizome Thalassia hemprichii at 4th station (1.3 Seagrass can accumulation heavy metal from environment. The highest heavy metal accumulation is Pb. Not correlation between heavy metal consentration in seagrass with heavy metal concentration from environment. Analysis histology result that not damage seagrass tissue in all research station. Keyword : Bioacumulation,Growth,Physiology,Seagrass, Thalassia hemprichiiSeagrass ecosystems is one of the tropical marine ecosystems that have important functions, among others as a feeding and nursery ground for marine life. Anthropogenic stress is one of the threats that may inhibit the survival of seagrass ecosystems. This study examines the effects of anthropogenic pressures on physiological responses of seagrass Thalassia hemprichii at several different locations in Pari Islands. Physiological responses studied were leaves and rhizome growth, bioaccumulation of heavy metals and histological tissue analysis on seagrass. The results showed that the growth response of seagrass has a positive correlation with the nutrients in the environment. Seagrass leaf growth is highest at Station 2 (4.16 and rhizome growth is highest at Station 4 (1.3 Seagrass accumulate heavy metals from the environment and accumulation of heavy metals is highest on Pb. There is no correlation between the concentration of heavy metals in the seagrass and environment. The results of histological analysis showed that there was no damage to the tissue of seagrass leaf and rhizome. Keywords : Bio-acumulation, Growth, Physiology, Seagrass, Thalassia hemprichii

2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. e2021026
Ismail Saleh ◽  
Syamsir Syamsir ◽  
Vita Pramaningsih ◽  
Hansen Hansen

Asian green mussel is a marine animal that is used as food by most Indonesians. The mussels are widely cultivated in tropical countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and other Asian countries. The mussel, known as perna viridis, is marine biota that is a filter feeder in the waters. Therefore, the quality of its meat is greatly influenced by the quality of the sea in its habitat. It is a food that is quite popular with the community but can endanger public health due to the accumulation of heavy metals. This study used a literature review by collecting data related to heavy metal concentrations in green mussel tissue in Indonesia. The results showed that the mussels from several sampling locations still exceeded the maximum acceptable limits of lead (Pb), mercury (Hg), and cadmium (Cd) concentration according to the standards of the food and drug administration of the Republic of Indonesia. Consumption of green mussels can increase health risks if you frequently consume them from cultivating or catching locations that have been contaminated with heavy metals.

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 98-105
Himatul Aliyah Febriana ◽  
Pujiono Wahyu Purnomo ◽  
Suryanti Suryanti

ABSTRAK Ekosistem padang lamun merupakan ekosistem yang memiliki produktivitas primer yang tinggi, hal tersebut didukung oleh keberadaan perifiton yang melekat pada permukaan daun lamun. Pengaruh tersebut dapat berkurang akibat adanya kegiatan perikanan atau aktivitas antropogenik yang menyebabkan pencemaran kandungan logam berat seperti Pb dan Cd. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui jenis lamun, kelimpahan perifiton dan kandungan logam berat pada daun lamun serta hubungan kelimpahan perifiton dengan kandungan logam berat di Teluk Jepara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Maret - April 2016 di Teluk Jeparapada lingkungan lamun padat (368 ind/m2), sedang (240 ind/m2), dan jarang (178 ind/m2). Sampling menggunakan metode purposive random sampling dengan menentukan obyek yang diambil sebagai sampel berdasarkan kerapatan lamun. Jenis lamun yang ditemukan di Teluk Jepara adalah Thalassia sp. Rata-rata kelimpahan perifiton pada kerapatan lamun padat, sedang dan jarang adalah 1742 ind/cm2, 1481 ind/cm2, dan 1249 ind/cm2. Perifiton yang ditemukan dari kelas Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Rodhophyceae, Dinophyceae dan Chlorophyceae. Hasil logam berat  Pb dan Cd selama tiga kali sampling diperoleh nilai yang sama yaitu Pb <100 mg/gr dan Cd <10 mg/gr Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa adanya kandungan logam berat Pb dan Cd tidak mempengaruhi keberadaan perifiton pada daun lamun di perairan Teluk Jepara. Kata kunci: Lamun; Perifiton; Logam Berat Pb dan Cd; Teluk Jepara ABSTRACT Seagrass ecosystem is one of the ecosystems that has high primary productivity, supported by the presence of periphyton which attached to the seagrass leaf surface. The influence can less result of fishing activity or anthropogenic activities can also cause contamination of heavy metals like a Pb and Cd. The purpose of this research were to determine the type of seagrass, the abundance of perifiton and heavy metal content in the seagrass leaves and relationship periphyton abundance to the heavy metal content in the Gulf of Jepara. This research uses descriptive method. Research activities carried out arround March-April 2016 in the Gulf of Jepara in dense seagrass environment (368 ind/m2), moderate (240 ind/m2), dan rare (178 ind/m2).    Determining location of sampling using purposive random sampling method to determine the object sampled by different densities of the seagrass. Seagrass species found in the Gulf of Jepara is Thalassia sp. The average abundance of periphyton in dense, medium and rare seagrass density are 1742 ind/cm2, 1481 ind/cm2, and 1249 ind/cm2. Periphyton types were found came from class of Bacillariophyceae, Cyanophyceae, Euglenophyceae, Rodhophyceae, Dinophyceae and Chlorophyceae. The result of heavy metals Pb and Cd for three times of the sampling obtained similar content of heavy metals which are Pb <100 mg/gr and Cd <10 mg/gr. Based on the research results concluded that content of Pb and Cd heavy metals is not affect the existence periphyton on leaves of seagrass in the Gulf waters Jepara.  Key Words: Seagrass; Periphyton; Heavy Metal of Pb and Cd; Gulf of Jepara 

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 9-17
Irzzan Gaus ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin ◽  
Churun Ain

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pencemaran Pb dan Cd yang terjadi di perairan Teluk Semarang. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 (dua) stasiun penelitian berbeda yaitu perairan Tambak Lorok (stasiun I) dan perairan Mangunhardjo (stasiun II). Analisa kandungan logam berat pada sedimen dilakukan dengan menggunakan AAS. Perhitungan kandungan bahan organik dilakukan dengan metode Gravimetri. Perhitungan kandungan karbon organik dilakukan dengan mengonversi dari kandungan bahan organik. Karbon merupakan unsur yang dapat mengikat unsur-unsur lain di perairan. Proses identifikasi makrozoobentos dilakukan dengan metode check list. Rata-rata konsentrasi logam berat Pb dan Cd yang didapatkan di stasiun I sebesar 15,709 mg/kg dan <0,004 mg/kg, sedangkan rata-rata konsentrasi logam berat Pb dan Cd di stasiun II sebesar 12,283 mg/kg dan <0,004 mg/kg. Famili makrozoobentos tertinggi yang didapatkan pada kedua stasiun adalah famili Archidae dan Nereidae. Analisa makrozoobentos menghasilkan nilai keanekaragaman pada stasiun I sebesar 1.3008 dan pada stasiun II sebesar 1.00424; nilai keseragaman pada stasiun I sebesar 0.80823 dan pada stasiun II sebesar 0.9141; dan nilai dominasi pada stasiun I sebesar 0.32426 dan pada stasiun II 0.38776. Nilai korelasi antara logam berat dengan karbon organik sebesar 0,632, logam berat dengan kelimpahan makrozoobentos sebesar 0,591, dan karbon organik dengan kelimpahan makrozoobentos sebesar 0,496. Nilai korelasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa adanya hubungan yang cukup kuat antar ketiga variabel tersebut. Nilai keseragaman makrozoobentos mendekati 1 yang menunjukkan spesies cukup beragam dan tidak terjadi dominasi di kedua stasiun. Nilai keanekaragaman makrozoobentos pada kedua stasiun berada pada nilai 1>a< 3 yang menunjukkan bahwa terjadi pencemaran sedang pada kedua perairan tersebut. This research supposed to know the level of Pb and Cd pollution that occurred in Semarang Bay waters. The research was conducted in 2 (two) different research stations that were in Tambak Lorok (station I) and Mangunhardjo (station II) waters. Analysis of heavy metals in organic contents used AAS. Calculated the organic matter contents used Gravimetri method. Calculated the organic carbon with covertion from organic matter contents. Carbon is an element that can bind other elements in the water. Macrozoobenthos identify processed used check list method. The average concentration of heavy metal of Pb and Cd from station I 15,709 mg/kg and <0,004 mg/kg, and average of heavy metal concentration of Pb and Cd from station II 12,283 mg/kg and <0,004 mg/kg. Macrozoobentos analysis resulted value of diversity in station I was 1.3008 and in station II was 1.00424; uniformity value in station I was 0.80823 and value from station II was 0.9141;  and dominance value from ststion I was 0.32436 and value of dominance from station II was 0.38776. Correlation value between heavy metal and organic carbon is 0,632, heavy metal and macrozoobenthos abundance is 0,591, and organic carbon and macrozoobenthos abundance is 0,496. Those correlation value indicated that there is a relation between the three variables. Uniformity value approached to one (1) that means existence of species good enough diverse and that mean there was no domination in those two (2) stations, and macrozoobenthos diversity’s value in the two (2) stations was 1> a <3 that mean there was indicated moderate pollution in both of research station.

1999 ◽  
Vol 54 (9-10) ◽  
pp. 730-734 ◽  
Herman Clijsters ◽  
Ann Cuypers ◽  
Jaco Vangronsveld

Depending on the physiological process investigated heavy metal phytotoxicity can be either inhibitory or stimulatory. Photosynthesis and its partial light and dark reactions are inhibited; the activity of various enzymes, located in several cell compartiments, is increased. These enzymes are mostly induced since metals affect the transcription activity. They appear to be related to the plant defence against oxidative stress caused by metal phytotoxicity. Careful examination of the time course of this induction reveals differences in response between the metals applied

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 455-462
Novananda Nadia ◽  
Siti Rudiyanti ◽  
Haeruddin Haeruddin

Sungai Cisadane memiliki fungsi penting bagi kehidupan manusia dan makhluk hidup lain disekitarnya. Berbagai jenis aktivitas manusia mulai dari pertanian, perikanan, pemukiman, pariwisata, perkebunan, transportasi hingga berbagai aktivitas industri terjadi di sepanjang Sungai Cisadane. Berbagai aktivitas tersebut menyebabkan penurunan kualitas air Sungai Cisadane setiap tahunnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui konsentrasi serta sebaran spasial logam berat Pb dan Cd pada kolom air dan sedimen di perairan muara Cisadane, Tangerang, Banten. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak 1 kali yaitu pada tanggal 15 Januari 2017, sampel yang diambil berupa air dan sedimen, dan pengukuran parameter fisika kimia perairan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan di 9 stasiun pengamatan yang ditentukan berdasarkan adanya aktivitas industri disekitar perairan tersebut. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif dengan metode sampling menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Pengukuran logam berat Pb dan Cd mengacu pada metode SNI dengan spektrofotometer AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Hasil pengukuran konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada kolom air yaitu berkisar antara <0,001 hingga <0,01 mg/l dan konsentrasi logam berat Cd pada kolom air yaitu <0,002 mg/l. Sedangkan konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada sedimen berkisar antara <0,01 hingga 52,8040 mg/kg dan konsentrasi logam berat Cd pada sedimen yaitu <0,002 mg/kg. Apabila dilihat dari gambaran sebaran spasial logam berat Pb dan Cd di air dan sedimen, dapat disimpulkan bahwa logam berat Pb dan Cd di perairan muara Cisadane tersebar di seluruh stasiun penelitian, tetapi masih tergolong rendah konsentrasinya dan sebagian besar masih berada di bawah baku mutu yang telah ditetapkan.  The Cisadane River has an important function for human life and other living things around it. Various types of human activities from agriculture, fisheries, settlements, tourism, plantations, transportation to various industrial activities occur along the Cisadane River. These activities has caused the decrease in the water quality of the Cisadane River each year. The purpose of this research is to know the concentration and spatial distribution of heavy metals Pb and Cd on water column and sediment in the waters of Cisadane estuary, Tangerang, Banten. Sampling was conducted once on January 15, 2017, samples taken in the form of water and sediment, and measurement of water chemistry physics parameters. Sampling was conducted at 9 observation stations determined based on the existence of industrial activity around the waters. The method used is descriptive method of sampling method using purposive sampling technique. Measurements of heavy metals Pb and Cd referring to the ISO method with a spectrophotometer AAS (Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). The result of measurement of heavy metal concentration of Pb in the water column is between <0,001 to <0,01 mg/l and concentration of heavy metal Cd in water column that is <0,002 mg/l. While concentrations of Pb heavy metals in sediments ranged from <0.01 to 52.8040 mg/kg and concentrations of heavy metal Cd in sediments ie <0.002 mg/kg. When viewed from the description of the spatial distribution of heavy metals of Pb and Cd in water and sediment, it can be concluded that there are heavy metals of Pb and Cd in the waters of Cisadane estuary scattered throughout the research station, but still relatively low concentration and most are still below the standard which has been set.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Irsan . ◽  
Yusthinus T. Male ◽  
Debby A. J. Selanno

Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni merupakan dua sungai tempat beroperasinya trommel untuk pengolahan material emas Gunung Botak dan Gogrea. Melalui aliran sungai, limbah merkuri hasil pengolahan trommel terangkut dan terbawa ke muara yang pada akhirnya akan mencemari perairan laut Teluk Kayeli. Kerang Polymesoda erosa merupakan salah satu jenis kerang yang sering digunakan dalam pemantauan logam berat merkuri, terutama pada wilayah muara sungai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kadar logam berat merkuri(Hg) pada air, sedimen dan kerang Polymesoda erosadi Muara Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni Kabupaten Buru. Hasil penelitian menunjukan konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada air di Muara Sungai Waelata dan Sungai Anahoni tidak terdeteksi di semua stasiun penelitian dan dibawah baku mutu air laut untuk biota laut berdasarkan Kepmen LH No. 51 Tahun 2004 sebesar 0,001 ppm. Konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada sedimenmemilikikisaranrata­ratasebesar0,134­0,874ppm dan dibawah baku mutu sedimen berdasarkan ANZECC/AMRCANZ (2000) sebesar 1,0 ppm. Konsentrasilogamberat merkuripada kerang Polymesoda erosamemilikikisaranrata­ratasebesar0,123­0,206 ppm dan dibawah Batasan Maksimum Cemaran Logam Berat Dalam Pangan merujuk pada Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) No. 7387 Tahun 2009 sebesar 1,0 ppmABSTRACT The Waelata River and the Anahoni River are the two rivers where trommel operates for the processing of gold material from Gunung Botak and Gogrea. By the river, mercury waste from the processing of trommel is transported through estuary which will ultimately pollute the waters of the Kayeli Bay. Polymesoda erosa shells are one type of shellfish that is often used in monitoring heavy metals of mercury, especially in the estuary region. This study aims to analyze the concentration of heavy metal mercury (Hg) in water, sediments and Polymesoda erosa shells in the Waelata River and Anahoni River in Buru Regency. The results showed that the concentration of mercury heavy metals in water in the Waelata River and Anahoni River were not detected at all research stations and were below sea water quality standard for marine biota based on Minister of Environment Decree No. 51 of 2004 which is 0.001 ppm. The concentration of mercury heavy metals in sediments has an average range of 0.1340.887 ppm and is below the sediment quality standard based on ANZECC/AMRCANZ (2000) of 1.0 ppm. The concentration of mercury heavy metals in Polymesoda erosa shells has an average range of 0.1230.206 mg/kg and under the Maximum Limit of Heavy Metal Contamination in Food refers to the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) No. 7387 of 2009 which is 1.0 ppm.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 299-304
Andi Bakia Askara ◽  
Fadhliyah Idris ◽  
Risandi Dwirama Putra ◽  
Aditya Hikmat Nugraha

Human activities in coastal areas have the potential to cause heavy metal pollution. The impact of heavy metal pollution causes the accumulation of heavy metals in the body of marine biota, including the Gonggong Snail (S. Canarium). This study aims to analyze the concentration of heavy metals Pb in Gonggong snails in two different characteristics of aquatic ecosystems. Purposive sampling used as a sampling method of Gonggong Snail. The Analysis of heavy metal concentrations from Pb using the ICP (Inductively coupled plasma). The results showed the heavy metal concentration of Pb was 0.427 mg/kg for Malang Rapat Village and 0.71 mg/kg for Tanjung Siambang village. The difference between the two locations possibly due to differences in the aquatic characteristics at the study site. Aktivitas manusia di kawasan pesisir berpotensi menyebabkan terjadinya pencemaran logam berat. Dampak dari pencemaran logam berat dapat menyebabkan terakumulasinya logam berat pada tubuh biota laut, salah satunya yaitu Siput Gonggong (S.Canarium). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis konsentrasi logam berat Pb pada Siput Gonggong yang terdapat pada dua ekosistem perairan yang memiliki karakteristik perairan berbeda. Pengambilan sampel siput gonggong dilakukan dengan cara purposive sampling. Analisis konsentrasi logam berat menggunakan bantuan alat ICP (Inductively coupled plasma). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasi logam berat Pb sebesar 0,427 mg/kg untuk Desa Malang Rapat dan 0,71 mg/kg untuk desa Tanjung Siambang. Terjadi perbedaan antara kedua lokasi kemungkinan dikarnakan adanya perbedaan karakteristik perairan pada lokasi penelitian.

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 405-411
Rizqan Khairan Munandar ◽  
Sulistiono Sulistiono ◽  
Isdrajad Setyobudiandi

This research is about studying ecosystems that was designed to analyze the relationship between seagrass ecosystem, environmental competition, and seahorse participation to analyze the distribution of seagrass ecosystems and the abundance of sea horses, and to analyze seahorse-based ecosystem management strategies. This research was conducted in March–June 2017. The determination of the research station was based on purposive sampling technique. Retrieval of seagrass ecosystem data was conducted using a quadrant with the size of 50 x 50 cm transect. Seahorse data were collected using visual census on seagrass transect with a plot of 100 x 100 cm. The relationships between environmental parameters, seagrass ecosystems, and seahorses were calculated using XL Starting 2015. Management of seagrass ecosystems was analyzed using SWOT. Analysis of seagrass included type, density, and INP. Seahorse analysis calculated the abundance of seahorse. The results found 6 species of seagrasses, namely Enhalus acoraides (Ea), Thalassia hemprichii (Th), Halophila ovalis (Ho), Syringodium isoetifolium (Si), Cymodocea serrulata (Cs), and Thalassodendron ciliatum (Tc) with a density that covered sea horse  abundance, and INP which had several types of roles in the research location. The management is carried out with the objectives of sustainable resources.   Keywords: seagrass ecosystem, seahorse, Sebong Pereh Village

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-141
Junho Lee ◽  
Kyungsoo Han ◽  
Dongmyung Kim ◽  
Taeyoon Lee

Objectives:The purpose of this study was to evaluate the heavy metal contamination level by analyzing heavy metals in sediments near Ieodo ocean research station located in southwestern Jeju Island. Methods:Sixteen sediments samples were collected from Ieodo ocean research station, and two and three sediment samples were collected from the southwestern region and between Ieodo and Jeju Island. These samples were used for heavy metal content analysis according to the marine pollution process test method, and contamination level of sediments was calculated using the measured heavy metal concentration. Results and Discussion:All heavy metals except Ni were evaluated as non-contamination level, and Ni was found to have high pollution level. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency guideline, samples 6, 9, 15, and 22 were classified as severe contamination, and according to the geoaccumulation index, samples 15 and 22 were classified as slightly contaminated for Ni. When classified by the Enrichment factor value, Ni contamination was categorized as moderately severe enrichment for samples 15 and 22. Using the potential ecological risk factor value, the ecological risks of the heavy metals in all samples were classified as low risk. The mean PEL quotient value for all six heavy metals in samples was a maximum of 0.60, indicating a 21% probability of toxicity for heavy metals in all samples.Conclusions:It was confirmed that there was no contamination by Cd, Cr, Cu, Pb, and Zn, but contamination by Ni was found to be a serious level. Compared with previous studies, the concentration of Ni in the Ieodo was found to be high, which may be due to the inflow of ocean research station or the Yangzu river runoff in China.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 201-206
Dara Ramadhania Istiqomahani ◽  
Chrisna Adhi Suryono ◽  
Rini Pramesti

 ABSTRAK : Kegiatan manusia meliputi pertanian, industri, mebel, pariwisata dan kegiatan nelayan di Pulau Panjang dan Pantai Bandengan diduga menjadi sumber logam berat Pb. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui nilai konsentrasi dan hubungan kandungan logam berat Pb pada Air dan daun lamun Thalassia hemprichii di Pulau Panjang dan Pantai Bandengan, Jepara Materi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah sampel air kedua perairan dan daun lamun T. hemprichi. Hasil penelitian menunjukan. Konsentrasi Pb dalam air laut yang ada di kedua daerah tersebut rata rata antara 0,034–0,054 ppm sedangkan dalam daun lamun 0,509-1,334 ppm.  Korelasi antara konsentrasi logam berat Pb dalam air dan daun lamun T. hemprichii menunjukan tingginya keeratan hubungan atara dua faktor tersebut. Bila konsentrasi Pb dalam air laut meningkat akan diikuti dengan peningkatan konsentrasi Pb dalam daun lamun dengan sangat nyata.ABSTACK : Human activities include agriculture, industry, tourism and fishing activities in Panjang Island an Bandengan shores of the supposedly heavy metal Pb (lead). The purpose of this researches to compare the heavy metal content of Pb (lead) in water and leaves Thalassia hemprichii in Panjang Island an Bandengan shore, based on existing quality. The material used in this researched were the samples of leaves of T. hemprichii and water of both. The result showed that the concentration of Pb in marine waters on two regions between 0,034–0,054 ppm and concentration in seagrass leaves between 0,509-1,334 ppm. The result of the correlation between the concentration of heavy metals Pb in water and leaves of seagrass showed a high close relationship between the two factors. If the Pb concentration in seawater rises, it will be followed by an increase in Pb concentration in leaves of seagrass very significantly.

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