2013 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 52
Eko Sugiarto

Cultural values in accordance with the substance a/education which is to educate the nation as a whole, have changed direction into a value-and-job oriented human beings. Going to school or college, a person is only to get the predicate of "pass" with apiece of evident "certificate", instead of becoming an educated intelligent man intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Such reality raises various concerns among education observers. Indonesia is gradually losing its national character. The issue of national character is a question of culture. Therefore, the character education should also be multiculturally based, -which is implicitly inherent in "learning about the arts ", "learning the arts ", and "learning through the arts ". Art education has a strategic position, so it has the potential to implement the national character education. The development of the implementation of art education leading more greatly to multicultural-based character value that requires conceptual contribution of all parties is needed. In general this paper discusses the implementation of art learning in order to manifest multicultural-based character education as a response to the road map for arts-education, Unesco.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Ajri Faujiah ◽  
Ahmad Tafsir ◽  
Sumadi Sumadi

Character is something that is reflected in human beings through their words, actions and movements in daily life. Good characters are expected by everyone. Indonesia has sparked 18 national character values that must be owned by its citizens. Characters will be formed through daily habituation that is done consistently, exemplary and repetitive. One environment that helps the development of children's character is the school environment, where habituation in the school environment must be in line with habituation in the home environment and community environment. This article was written to look at how the school environment can help in character development, by taking one of the schools that focuses on students' character education, namely the character school in the Indonesia Heritage Foundation (IHF) Depok, in terms of its education management and education model.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 53-64
Ferdian Achsani

Literature and character education are two things that can not be separated. Literature as a reflection of the life of the community, generally teaches the reader to be able to understand the wisdom of the displayed story. Literature can be used as a medium of learning, especially in the process of internalization of the value of character education to learners. The value of character education in the literary work is expected to be followed by the students. Currently Indonesia is experiencing moral degradation. The need for moral cultivation to the learners aims to create human beings who are virtuous in the future. Each subject has the right to internalize character education to learners. So in the Indonesian language, the process of characterization of character education can be done when learning on literary materials. This study aims to describe the value of character education in Solopos children's stories. this research is included in qualitative discrptive research. The results of this study concluded that in the story Solopos child, there is a value of character education that can be taught to learners, especially at elementary school level. The results showed that this child's story can be used as a reference for teachers, as a medium to internalize character education at elementary school level.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
Sri Sudarsih

Japan is a developed nation in a variety of fields. The key to success for the nation of Japan is inseparable from the attitude to life which respects its cultural values are realized in everyday life as the character education. This research emphasis on the attitude of empathy as a reflection of the morality of society Japan. The attitude of empathy is one of character education developed in Japan and must be instilled from an early age. The attitude of empathy because of friendship and togetherness that this high esteem is a value that becomes the cornerstone of people's lives so that Japan reached its former glory until now.Keywords: moral, empaty, character education.

Avyana Destyasti Lintang ◽  
Sarjiwo Sarjiwo ◽  
Nur Iswantara

AbstractCharacter education in Indonesia is being re-implemented to shape students to have intellect and character and can be taught through art education, one of which is Javanese opera. Langen carita is one of the arts that is intended to shape children's character as a continuation of children's art education. Langen carita is a form of the sariswara method in which there are literature, songs/music/karawitan, stories and solah bawa in short operas or children's plays (ages 10-14 years). Langen carita has also developed as a performing art with many historical stories, chronicles, or daily life, including Patine Arya Penangsang. This study aims to describe the values of character education in the language of the play Patine Arya Penangsang. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method by studying, analyzing, expressing, and describing character education values in performing art. Data collection techniques used literature study, interviews, observation, and documentation, which were then validated using triangulation. The results showed that Langen Carita entitled Patine Arya Penangsang has values of religious character education, tolerance, discipline, creativity, love for the country, responsibility, leadership, self-confidence, never giving up, cooperation, obedience, perseverance, patience, courtesy, and sincere. In the elements of drama, dance, and music. AbstrakPendidikan karakter di Indonesia sedang diterapkan kembali untuk membentuk siswa memiliki akal pikiran dan budi pekerti dan dapat diajarkan melalui pendidikan seni, salah satunya dalam bentuk opera jawa. Langen carita merupakan salah satu kesenian yang ditujukan untuk membentuk karakter anak sebagai lanjutan pendidikan seni dolanan anak. Langen carita adalah bentuk dari metode sariswara yang di dalamnya terdapat sastra, tembang/lagu/musik/karawitan, cerita dan solah bawa dalam bentuk opera kecil atau sandiwara anak (usia 10-14 tahun). Langen carita juga berkembang sebagai seni pertunjukan dengan banyak cerita sejarah, babad atau kehidupan sehari-hari, salah satunya patine Arya Penangsang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter dalam langen carita lakon Patine Arya Penangsang. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan mengkaji, menganalisis, mengungkapkan, dan menggambarkan nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter di dalam suatu kesenian. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi pustaka, wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi, yang kemudian divalidasi menggunakan triangulasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa langen carita berjudul Patine Arya Penangsang memiliki nilai-nilai pendidikan karakter religius, toleransi, disiplin, kreatif, cinta tanah air, tanggungjawab, kepemimpinan, percaya diri, pantang menyerah, kerja sama, patuh, tekun, sabar, sopan santun, dan ikhlas dalam unsur drama, tari, dan musik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-111
Solihin Solihin

ABSTRACT Character education is a planned effort to make students know, care about, and internalize the noble values ​​of the nation and religion, so that they become human beings (insan kamil). Character education can be obtained well in formal education or non-formal education,  Islamic religious education teachers are expected to be able to instill and foster character education for students. Some of the roles of Islamic religious education teachers in fostering student character education, including: First, fostering the character education based on religion, Second, fostering character education based on cultural values, Third, character education based on environment, and Fourth, character education based on self-potential. Islamic religious education teachers must be aware and understand that coaching is not only enough with orders, not only by giving rewards to those who carry out discipline, or giving punishment for violators, but more than that where coaching must be aware of the students themselves. When the awareness has emerged from the students, without coercion from the teacher, students will do habits and have an environment-based character. And it is at this stage that teachers are said to be successful in fostering character education

Jurnal Socius ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Dewi Sukarni

Character education is defined as education that develops cultural values and national character in the self-learners so that they have value and character as the character himself to be a responsible person in life of being a member of society and citizens are religious, nationalist, productive, creative and responsible. By instilling character education learners in learning, especially civics students will be able to develop an effective potential as a citizen who has their cultural values and national character and develop habits and attitudes commendable and in line with universal values, and religioustraditions of Indonesians. This research is conducted in SMP Negeri 1 Banjarbaru for 3 months (from March to May 2016). This study uses a qualitative description, data collection by using observation, documentation and interview (purposive sampling), data analysis with data reduction, data presentation and verification, testing validity of the data was done by triangulation and the examination by colleagues.This study aims to analyze the planning, implementation and assessment of the character of responsibility in teaching civics class VIII SMP Negeri 1 Banjarbaru. Result of the study decribes as follows: (1) Palanning, (2) Implementation and (3) Evaluation of character of responsibility in civics learning   is not optimal.Keywords : Character Education , Responsibility , Civics Lesson Pendidikan karakter didefinisikan sebagai pendidikan yang mengembangkan nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter bangsa dalam diri peserta didik sehingga mereka memiliki nilai dan karakter sebagai karakter dirinya menjadi orang yang bertanggung jawab dalam kehidupan menjadi anggota masyarakat dan warga negara yang religius, nasionalis, produktif , kreatif dan bertanggung jawab. Dengan menanamkan peserta didik pendidikan karakter dalam pembelajaran, khususnya PKn siswa akan mampu mengembangkan potensi yang efektif sebagai warga negara yang memiliki nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter bangsa dan mengembangkan kebiasaan dan sikap terpuji dan sejalan dengan nilai-nilai universal, dan religioustraditions dari Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMP Negeri 1 Banjarbaru selama 3 bulan (dari bulan Maret sampai Mei 2016). Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif, pengumpulan data dengan menggunakan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi (purposive sampling), analisis data dengan reduksi data, penyajian data dan verifikasi, pengujian validitas data dilakukan dengan triangulasi dan pemeriksaan oleh rekan-rekan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perencanaan, pelaksanaan dan penilaian karakter tanggung jawab dalam mengajar PKn kelas VIII SMP Negeri 1 Banjarbaru. Hasil penelitian decribes sebagai berikut: (1) Palanning, (2) Pelaksanaan dan (3) Evaluasi karakter tanggung jawab dalam pembelajaran PKn tidak optimal.Kata kunci: Pendidikan Karakter, Tanggung Jawab, Pelajaran PKn

2020 ◽  
Vol V (III) ◽  
pp. 65-71
Mohammad Alam ◽  
Riaz Ahmad ◽  
Moldalieva Nargiza

Geographical primacy plays a vital role in countrie's strategic position, creating economic benefits and influencing and shaping the region's dynamics. Pakistan's geo-strategic location is significant in South Asia, surrounded by large countries, waterways, countries, and essential oil reserves that have been blessed geographically. The key segments of OBOR initiated in Pakistan, known as CPEC. CPEC has provided Pakistan with the top-notch possibility to show its strong and diverse socio-cultural values. The tourism industry is significant to make a distinction in the lives of thousands of human beings. Tourism increases awareness, understanding, lowering poverty, creating jobs, and fostering improvement and tolerance. The new dimensions are arising from the route developing between Pakistan and China. Transport is an essential segment of the product; good routes increase comfortability and connectivity and reduce price and time between destinations.

Agus Setiawan ◽  
Ika Ratih Sulistiani

Value, culture and character education is an effort to improve the quality of the process and learning outcomes that lead to the formation of the character of students who are characterized by national culture. These cultural values and characters are the pride of the nation and make the nation known by other nations as a nation that has a distinctive Indonesian character. Education has a function in developing cultural values and past achievements into a proud element for the present and future life so that it becomes a strong foundation for national character. Value education, culture and national character are important points that must emerge in the learning process in the classroom. Integration of the three in the learning process, especially mathematics learning, is intended as a process of introducing values and culture, facilitating the acquisition of awareness of the importance of values and culture in the behavior of students through daily learning processes that take place both inside and outside the classroom on all math subjects. Thus, mathematics learning activities, in addition to making students master competencies (material taught in mathematics) are targeted, also to make students know, care, and internalize cultural and character values in everyday behavior

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 233
Syaiful Anwar ◽  
Agus Salim

National character education aims to form a strong, competitive, moral, tolerant nation, mutual cooperation, patriotic spirit, dynamic development, knowledge and technology oriented all of which are inspired by faith and piety to the Almighty God as in aspiring to the Pancasila philosophy. Character education is an important issue in the world of education related to the phenomenon of moral decadence that occurs in the community as well as in an increasingly diverse and diverse government environment. Crime, injustice, corruption, violence against children, violation of human rights, are evidence that there has been a crisis of identity and characteristics of the Indonesian nation. The values of politeness, and religiosity that are upheld and become the culture of the Indonesian nation as long as it seems to be weak and feels foreign along with the entry of global cultural values (global culture of the era), so that it is rarely encountered in the midst of society. Islamic education is a strategic answer in realizing the formation of national character from the family (informal), institutional institutions (formal) and learning groups in the community (non-formal), which is the main capital in the formation of national character.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-323
Esti Zaduqisti

Abstract: Holistic education model using the method of knowing the good, feeling the good, and acting the good. Knowing the good can easily be taught because of cognitive knowledge only. After knowing the good, it must be grown feeling loving the good, that is how to feel and love of virtue into a machine that can make people always want to do something good. Once accustomed to do good things, the good acting then it turns into a habit. The formulation is embodied in a program named: education culture and national character, which is interpreted as an education that develops the cultural values and national character in students. Keywords : Character education and national character.

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