scholarly journals The importance of changing urban scenery in the assessment of citizens’ soundscape perception. On the need for different time-related points of view

Noise Mapping ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 138-161
Jerónimo Vida Manzano ◽  
José Antonio Almagro Pastor ◽  
Rafael García Quesada

Abstract The city of Granada is experimenting a big urban transformation, attending national and international commitments on clean air, energy efficiency and savings linked to greenhouse gases reduction strategies and sustainable development action plans. This situation constitutes a good scenario for new noise control approaches that take into account the sound variable and citizens empowering in urban design, such as the soundscape assessment of urban territory. In this way, soundscape tools have been used in Granada as a complementary method for environmental noise characterisation where traditional noise control techniques are difficult to be carried out or give limited results. After 2016 strategic noise map and in the preparation of the new noise action plan, the city came across a great acoustic challenge in a new area located outskirts characterised by growing urbanisation, still under development, the greatest legal protection because of sensitive teaching and hospital buildings and the greatest noise exposure from nearby ring-way supporting heavy traffic flow. As quiet urban areas are not characterised by the absence of noise but for the presence of the right noise, this research intended to provide the local administration with results and proposals to transform this conflict area in a pleasant or quiet urban place. Main results came from important and significative differences in morning and evening characterisation, as great differences appear in soundscape assessment over the day and along the soundwalk path, indicating the importance of time and local issues to adequately characterised citizens perception to be considered by administration in the development of strategies and effective noise control actions.

Niaga Rajesh ◽  
Paavni Varma

It has been noticed that there has been an increase in the number of families adopting dogs as pets in the urban areas on India. Dogs among all other pets are considered the most loyal and unconditionally loving animals. However, maintaining a dog is not as simple as it may seem. One of the most important factors that contribute to the wellbeing of a dog is the nutritious food consumed by the dog. This research paper aims to understand the behavior that influences the purchase of dog food in Mumbai city. The goal is to comprehend the preferences and the buying pattern of dog food consumed in Mumbai. To undertake this research, 15 in-depth interviews were conducted, of people who own dogs; belong to the middle and upper-class families in the city of Mumbai. Dog owners indulge in a lot of reading and research to make sure that they give the right form of nutrition to their dogs. This research threw light on the purchase behavior of dog food consumed in Mumbai.

2013 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-217 ◽  

This study offers a combined analysis of personal exposure to noise and air pollution within the metropolitan centre of Thessaloniki, Greece. The area is selected on the grounds that it is considered as one of the most polluted cities in Europe, especially with respect to air pollution. An extensive survey has been designed to provide detailed information on CO and VOC concentrations and noise pollution levels in the main modes of transport and along heavy traffic routes inside the core of the urban area under consideration. Air pollution and noise measurements were performed simultaneously along several commuting routes, during morning and evening rush hours. Personal portable devices were used. The results highlight the magnitude of air and noise urban scale personal exposure, since they depict a considerable environmental burden for the citizens of Thessaloniki, especially for VOCs and noise pollution levels. Furthermore, they provide, for the first time, a combined exposure assessment to these environmental pollutants for Thessaloniki and in this sense they are of importance for local public authorities and decision makers. The material herein points out the importance of micro-environmental monitoring and the necessity of considering environmental pollution in urban areas in a more holistic way.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 57
Siska Giofana Mapusa

Introductioan: Indonesia is a country that upholds the protection of human rights . One of the human rights pillars of concern for Indonesia is legal protection for Persons with Disabilities.Purposes of the Research: The study aims to determine whether the national regulations in Indonesia have accommodated the implementation of the Right to Work in accordance with Article 27 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and the availability of regulation at the regional level, especially in Ambon as a form of protection for the Disability Right to Work.Methods of the Research: This research was conducted using normative methods. The results of this study were presented in a descriptive analysis report.Results of the Research: The results showed that the Act and regulations in Indonesia have not been maximal in providing protection for workers with disabilities because not all rights in Article 27 of the CRPD were regulated in national regulations. Relating to the protection of the right to work for persons with disabilities in the city of Ambon, there was no district regulations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 323
Ratih Sukmo W ◽  
Agnes Widanti ◽  
Hadi Sulistyanto
The City ◽  

Authentica ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-144
Rexon Manihuruk

Legal Protection for Third Parties (Occupants: Tenants) Facing Investors who do not relinquish Building Rights After the Termination of Contract Agreement for Morning Market Business Sites in Tegal City is needed. This paper uses a normative juridical research method. The main data sources of this study come from the results of decisions and documents relating to the problems faced by traders, especially those who received complaints and were sued by Investors, including decisions between the city government and investors. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that the role of the city of Tegal to protect traders is very important as a form of legal protection for the actions of investors against the occupants of the morning market stalls block B and C morning market in Tegal City. The Tegal City Government as having legal rights and relations (compensation/ peace agreement) after terminating the contract for the place of business with the Investor to collect the obligation of the Investor to give up his rights in a preventive and repressive manner (making a claim) to the investor to carry out its obligations as agreed surrender (release) the right to use the building.Keywords: Legal Protection; Business Place Contracts; Building Use Rights 

2021 ◽  
pp. 026858092096683
F Kubra Aytac

Children are important actors in the urban areas of Turkey since they make up the largest demographic group. Therefore, the reasons behind their being regarded as ‘passive’ should be re-examined, in view of the fact that they live and work in, and create and recreate the city. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the children’s right to the city concept from two different points of view using liberal and radical approaches within the theoretical framework provided by Marcuse in the right to the city discourse. The reason for choosing Marcuse is that at some points, his arguments meet with both a liberal and radical understanding of the right to the city. Therefore, these two approaches will be compared regarding children’s right to the city in Turkey in light of related literature. In the last part of the study, children’s right to the city will be discussed from these two perspectives with the particular case of street children derived from findings in the literature. It is revealed that while there are significant developments in Turkey at local and international level in terms of children’s right to the city and street children, there is still a need for a strengths-based perspective which positions children as active agents making decisions about their own lives and formation of urban space.

2012 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Syaifuddin Syaifuddin ◽  
Sri Turatmiyah

Divorce cases in the Islamic Court of Palembang (Pengadilan Agama Palembang) becomes the top of the list, during the year 2009 (72%), 2010 (72%) and 2011 (in June) about 70%. The purpose of this study is to analyze the causes of high divorce rate happening in the city of Palembang, beside to explain the forms of legal protection and analyzes the factors that becoming obstacles for the wife in a filed divorced. The research was conducted with a Normative-Juridical approach which is completed with Empirical Juridical, The location is in the jurisdiction of the Islamic Courts in Palembang (Pengadilan Agama Palembang. Causes of high divorce cases in the city of Palembang, among others: a) economic factors; b) Lack of responsibility; c) a young age and no permanent employment; d) cheating and Unhealthy polygamy as well as domestic violence.  Legal protection towards wives who filed the divorce, in Indonesian legal system has been arranged as equality in law and equal treatment before the law and the right to justice. Barriers toward the wife filing the divorce among others: cultural factors, economic dependence, lack of knowledge, and bias Perspective of judges who tend to blame the women, the long process of trial and expensive fees to be paid, also Over valued self-esteem in Indonesian people's community, as well as women's rights arenot easily executed.                                                                                                   Key words: legal protection, divorce process

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (55) ◽  
pp. 328
Flávia Piva Almeida LEITE ◽  
Rui Carvalho PIVA

RESUMO Esse artigo jurídico trata de um dos temas mais relevantes do momento das pessoas com deficiência e de suas famílias que vivem nos espaços urbanos brasileiros.O acesso das pessoas com deficiência aos espaços urbanos é um direito com expresso reconhecimento legal e esse direito vem sendo considerado como caminho indispensável para a inclusão social dessas pessoas. Acesso e inclusão, que tiveram suas trajetórias de consideração e inclusão na legislação da Organização das Nações Unidas e do Brasil, sempre foram considerados sob a ótica de direitos individuais, sendo certo que a busca de suas efetivações ocorriam por meio dos instrumentos processuais igualmente individuais, ou seja, ações civis para cumprimento de obrigação de fazer e para apuração de danos materiais e morais provocados por entidades públicas e particulares. Uma nova abordagem jurídica para esta situação de descumprimento do comando legal permitiu a identificação do direito de acesso das pessoas com deficiência aos espaços urbanos como sendo um direito fundamental, porque as previsões que o asseguram preservam a dignidade dessas pessoas e o direito à vida digna é um direito fundamental, e permitiu também a sua identificação como um direito difuso, por ser um direito transindividual, de natureza indivisível, cujos titulares são pessoas indeterminadas e ligadas por circunstância de fato. Sendo assim, a sua tutela jurídicapode ser efetivada por meio da poderosa ação civil pública, o que representa uma ampliação respeitável das possibilidades de acesso e inclusão para as pessoas com deficiência aos espaços urbanos. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Acessibilidade; Espaços urbanos; Direito Fundamental Difuso; Pessoa com deficiência; Tutela Jurídica coletiva. ABSTRACT This legal article deals with one of the most relevant issues of the moment for people with disabilities and their families living in Brazilian urban spaces. The access of people with disabilities to urban spaces is a right with express legal recognition and this right is being considered as an indispensable way for the social inclusion of these people. Access and inclusion, which had their consideration and inclusion trajectories in the legislation of the United Nations and Brazil, they have always been considered from the perspective of individual rights, being certain that the search for its effectiveness occurred through the equally individual procedural instruments, that is, civil actions to fulfill the obligation to do and to ascertain material and moral damages caused by public and private entities. A new legal approach at this situation of non-compliance with the legal command identified the right of access of disabled people to the urban areas as a fundamental right, because the predictions that ensure preserve the dignity of such persons and the right to decent life is a fundamental right, and also allowed its identification as a diffuse right, because it is a transindividual right, of an indivisible nature, whose holders are indeterminate persons and connected by de factual circumstance. Thus, its legal protection can be effected through the powerful public civil action, which represents a respectable increase in the possibilities of access and inclusion for people with disabilities in urban spaces. KEYWORDS: Accessibility; Urban spaces; Diffuse Fundamental right; Disabled person; Collective legal guardianship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 55
Nurbismi Nurbismi ◽  
Muhammad Ridha Ramli

Abstrak. Provinsi Aceh sebagai daerah dengan kewenangan khusus pelaksanaan syariat Islam, memberika kewenangan pendistribusi zakat melalui lembaga non struktural Baitul Mal Berdasarkan Qanun Nomor 10 Tahun 2007. Distribusi zakat produktif yang tepat sasaran menjadi salah satu target pencapaian dalam mereduksi kemiskinan diwilayah perkotaan. Untuk itu, distribusi zakat produktif perlu ditelaah dalam suatu penelitian yang spesifik dalam upaya mereduksi kemiskinan di Kota Banda Aceh. Penelitian ini menggunakan metodologi muliple regression dengan menempatkan kinerja amil zakat produktif sebagai moderating variabel. yang mereduksi tingkat kemiskinan. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan sebanyak 100 orang mustahik zakat produktif pada kelompok usaha mikro pada tahun 2017. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan bahwa jumlah zakat produktif, pendapatan, dan kinerja amil berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap penurunan tingkat kemiskinan mustahik zakat di Kota Banda Aceh. Penurunan kemiskinan yang diindikatorkan dengan income gap ratio, mampu turun dengan Kisaran persentase penurunan sebar 0,19% - 0,25%. Maka dapat disimpulkan penyaluran zakat produktif dapat mengurangi tingkat kesenjangan pendapatan mustahik zakat produktif.Kata kunci: Zakat, Kemiskinan, Kesenjangan Abstract. Aceh Province as an area with special authority for the implementation of Islamic law, gives the authority to distribute zakat through non-structural institutions Baitul Mal Based on Qanun Number 10 of 2007. The right distribution of productive zakat is one of the targets of achievement in reducing poverty in urban areas. For this reason, the distribution of productive zakat needs to be examined in a specific study in an effort to reduce poverty in the city of Banda Aceh. This study uses multiple regression methodology by placing productive amil zakat performance as a moderating variable. which reduces poverty. Sampling was carried out as many as 100 people mustahik productive zakat in the micro business group in 2017. Based on the results of the study found that the amount of productive zakat, income, and performance of amil significantly influence the decrease of the poverty level of mustahik zakat in the city of Banda Aceh. The decline in poverty which is indicated by the income gap ratio, is able to decrease with the range of the percentage spread of 0.19% - 0.25%. So it can be concluded that the distribution of productive zakat can reduce the level of inequality in productive zakat income. Keywords: Zakat, Poverty, Gap

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 138-144
Rezeda Firgatovna Khasanova ◽  
Irina Nikolaevna Semenova ◽  
Yuliya Samigullovna Rafikova ◽  
Yalil Tukhvatovich Suyundukov ◽  
Irina Valerievna Ilyina

The research studies the content of heavy metals (HM) in soils of residential zones of Sibay - the mining industry center of the South-East of the Republic of Bashkortostan. It is shown that in soils under herbaceous vegetation there is an increased content of a number of HMS, such as copper, zinc and cadmium. At the same time the areas located under the crown of Betula pendula Roth. are less contaminated with HM compared to open areas. Reduced content of a number of metals (iron, cadmium, cobalt and mobile forms of Nickel) in soils under the crown of the Roth confirms the barrier role of woody plants that protect the soil from airborne toxicants. The study showed the prospects of using a birch as a type of accumulator-phytoremediant in the greening of the mining region urban areas of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Studies of TM content in organs and tissues have shown that representatives of the species growing in Sibay can accumulate a significant amount of phytotoxicants, especially zinc, the content of which ranged 1041-1855 mg/kg. One of the sources of the increased TM content in the leaves and the bark of trees is dust. The paper presents a comparative study of the dustiness of birch leaves growing in the Central part of the city with heavy traffic and in the vicinity of the Sibay quarry, developing a Deposit of copper-zinc ore. The amount of dust on the leaves collected near the dumps of the Sibay quarry was 3,53 0,64 g/m, which is less than in the Central part of the city, where this figure reached 41,04 10,38 g/m. Obviously, this is due to the fact that the dumps of the Sibay quarry are located in an open and intensively ventilated area, which explains the strong dispersion of dust. At the same time dust particles near the quarry dumps are much more contaminated with manganese, cobalt and cadmium than in the Central part of the city.

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