2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-124
Yanuar Lutfi Rohman

This research discusses about the effectiveness of the Cooperative Learning Method Reciprocal Teaching techniques in write essays (Sakubun) learning. The purpose of this research was to find out about the write ability from UPI Japanese Education third-year students before and after using the Cooperative Learning method Reciprocal Teaching technique, to find out whether there were significant differences between the use of Cooperative Learning methods Reciprocal Teaching and drill / training methods in write essays write essays (Sakubun) learning at UPI Japanese Education third-year students and to find out the responses and impressions of UPI Japanese Education third-year students towards the use of Cooperative Learning methods in Reciprocal Teaching techniques in write essays (Sakubun) learning. In this research used the experimental method using randomized control group pre-test post-test design. To obtain data, the instruments used were in the form of written tests and questionnaires. While the samples in this research were UPI Japanese Education third-year students with a total of 50 people consisting of 25 people for the experimental class and 25 people for the control class. From the results of data analysis, it can be seen that there is a significant difference between the ability to compose students in the experimental class and the control class. In other words, the Cooperative Learning Method Reciprocal Teaching techniques is effective in increasing the student write ability. In addition, the results of the questionnaire analysis showed that the majority of students had a positive opinion on the Cooperative Learning Method Reciprocal Teaching technique which made it easier for students to write essays (Sakubun   Penelitian ini membahas tentang efektifitas metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching dalam pembelajaran Sakubun. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana kemampuan mengarang mahasiswa tingkat III JPBJ FPBS UPI sebelum dan setelah menggunakan metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching, untuk mengetahui adakah perbedaan yang signifikan antara penggunaan metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching dengan metode drill/latihan dalam pembelajaran Sakubun pada mahasiswa tingkat III JPBJ FPBS UPI dan untuk mengetahui respon dan kesan mahasiswa tingkat III JPBJ FPBS UPI terhadap penggunaan metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching dalam pembelajaran Sakubun. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode eksperimen dengan menggunakan randomized control group pre-test post-test design. Untuk memperoleh data, instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes tertulis dan angket. Sedangkan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa tingkat III JPBJ FPBS UPI dengan jumlah 50 orang yang terdiri dari 25 orang untuk kelas eksperimen dan 25 orang untuk kelas kontrol. Dari hasil analisis data, dapat diketahui bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemampuan mengarang mahasiswa pada kelas eksperimen dengan kelas kontrol. Dengan kata lain, metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching efektif terhadap meningkatkan kemampuan mengarang mahasiswa pada pembelajaran Sakubun. Selain itu, hasil analisis angket menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar mahasiswa berpendapat positif terhadap metode Cooperative Learning teknik Reciprocal Teaching yaitu mempermudah mahasiswa dalam menulis karangan (Sakubun).     © 2019 Universitas Negeri Semarang

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Eny Purwaningsih ◽  
Eka Ariyati Ariyati ◽  
Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan

This research was aimed to determine the implementation of cooperative learning through two stay two stray type toward the students achievement and behavior on biodiversity material on tenth grade students in MAN 1 Pontianak. Quasi experiment by control group pre-test post-test design was used as the form of research. The tools of data collecting were students test result in essay and questionnaires. The students average score of post-test by using two stay two stray learning method is 28,27 meanwhile the students behaviour average is 73,74 %. It showed that the implementation of two stay two stray can increase students learning achievement and behaviour.Keywords: two stay two stray, biodiversity.

Vina Pebriani ◽  
Dedi Sutedi ◽  
Nuria Haristiani

 AbstrakKosakata merupakan komponen terpenting dalam bahasa. model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe tea party dilakukan dengan cara siswa membentuk dua barisan dimana siswa saling berhadapan satu sama lain. Guru mengajukan sebuah pertanyaan, siswa mendiskusikan jawaban dengan siswa yang ada dihadapannya, setelah satu menit baris terluar bergerak searah jarum jam sehingga akan berhadapan dengan pasangan yang baru. Guru mengajukan peranyaan ke dua dan seterusnya. kemudian siswa mempresenasikan hasil diskusi depan kelas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui perbedaan yang signifikan antara kemapuan mengingat kosakata bahasa Jepang siswa sebelum dan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Tea Party. metode yang di gunakan adalah true experimental design dengan menggunakan design Randomized control group Pre-test Post-test..Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas X SMA BPI 1 Bandung tahun ajaran 2014/2015 kelas X-5 sebanyak 20 orang sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas X-4 sebanyak 20 orang sebagai kelas kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah adalah test dan angket. Hasil analisis data, diperoleh nilai t-hitung sebesar 2,85 dan taraf signifikan 5% adalah 3,73. Karena t-hitung lebih besar dari t-tabel maka Hk diterima. Hal ini berarti bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe tea party efektif digunakan dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang.Serta data yang diperoleh dari angket, dapat dikatakan bahwa model pembelajaran kooperatif tipe Tea Party mempunyai langkah-langkah yang efektif dan mampu membuat siswa lebih fokus dan belajar bertanggung jawab dengan tugas-tugas yang diberikan. Kata kunci : menghafal, model pembelajaran, model Tea Party.Abstractvocabulary is the most important component in language. Cooperative learning type tea party is done by students forming two rows witch every students is facing each other. Teacher asking a question. Student s discuss the answer with student in front of him,after one minute, the outer row is moving in the same direction as clockwise so that will facing with new student. Teacher asking a new question etc. after that student have to presented the result of discussion in front of class. The purpose of this research is to determinate the significant different between student ability to remember Japanese vocabulary before and after using cooperative learning type Tea Party method that used is true experimental design method with using  randomized control group Pre-test Post-test design. Sample in this research is 10th grade student SMA BPI 1 Bandung school year 2014/2015 class X.4 that consist 20 students for control class and class X.5 that consist 20 students for experiment class. Instrument that used is test and questionnaire.  Result of data analysis obtained t-count value is 2.02 with significant level 5% 3.73. because t-count is greater than t-table so Hk is accepted. That can be concluded that the ability in the end of Japanese vocabulary education is significantly better than the initial of Japanese vocabulary education.  As well as date that obtained from questionnaire, can be says that cooperative learning type Tea Party is have an effective ways and can make students more focus  in studies, and more responsible in every task that they have. Key world : memorized, learning model, Tea Party model.

Veolina Irman ◽  
Fenny Fernando

Background: Intravenous therapy is a kind of therapy which is often given to children patients. The use of intravenous in a long time will cause phlebitis. Non pharmacology action to cure phlebitis is by applying aloe vera compress on it. Aloe vera is useful because it has low electrolyte concentrate, so it will not cause extravation. This research aims to learn the effect of giving aloe vera to phlebitis children.Methods: The research method is using Quasi experiment with randomized control group pre-test and post-test design. The sample of the research is 30 phlebitis children who are taken randomly. The sample is divided into two groups; 15 phlebitis children are cured with aloe vera compress, and the other 15 are cured by using pure aloe vera. The treatment is done 3 times a day for two days. Phlebitis degree is measured by using phlebitis scale infusion nurse society (INS) before and after interruption.Results: his research finds that the average degree before the act is 3 with minimum-maximum score 1-4. The degree of phlebitis after the act becomes 2 with minimum-maximum score 1-3. Aloe Vera is effective for lowering the degree of children phlebitis with p=0.0000. The test used Mann-Whitney.Conclusions: Aloe vera compress is effective in reducing the degree of phlebitis.

EduFisika ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
pp. 56-64
Natalia.D. Naikteas.Bano ◽  
Amiruddin Supu ◽  
Vinsensius Lantik

Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together dan Group Investigation. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan desain randomized control group pre-test post-test design. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 5 Kupang. Analisis data dilakukan menggunakan uji-t. Hasil uji t dengan taraf signifikan 5% (α = 0,05) diperoleh nilai Sig(2-tailed) 0,006<α 0,05 dan nilai ttabel 2,854>thitung 1,99547 sehingga menerima Ha.  Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan kemampuan berpikir kritis yang signifikan antara siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together dan Group Investigation.  Kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together lebih tinggi daripada siswa yang diajar menggunakan model pembelajaran Group Investigation.

Saharnauli J. Verawaty Simorangkir

Background: Jigsaw is a cooperative learning method in which students work together in small groups, helping one another towards a common goal. The aim of this research were to find out the different effect of Jigsaw cooperative learning method with conventional method in terms of anatomy learning achievement and retention. Method: Forty-nine students were randomly assigned into two groups, control group (n=24) and experimental group (n=25). A pretest was administered to all students before classes. The Jigsaw learning method was applied to the experimental group for one session. At the same day, control group was taking classes using the lecture-based learning method. At the end of session, all students were retested (post test) on subject. A retention test was administered 3 weeks after the post test. Mean scores were calculated for each test for the experimental and control groups, and the data obtained were analysed using the independent samples t-test.Results: No significant difference was determined between the Jigsaw and lecture based methods at pretest or post-test. The highest mean test score was observed in the post-test with the Jigsaw method. In the retention test, no significant difference between the Jigsaw and lecture-based methods. The highest mean retention test score was observed in the lecture-based method.Conclusion: The Jigsaw method is less effective than lecture-based method. 

Reni M. Kusuma ◽  
Anita D. Anwar ◽  
Dwi Prasetyo

Background: The competence of asphyxia management on newborn baby is essential for midwife. The quality of learning process should be improved by applying interactive learning method. The cooperative learning method is often applied to enhance the effectiveness of clinical learning process. The purpose of this research was to analyze the influence of cooperative learning on competence which consists of student’s knowledge, attitude, and skill in comparison to teacher-centered learning method.Method: This is quasi-experimental research with control group pre-test and post-test design Samples were third semester students at Stikes A. Yani Yogyakarta. The samples were 80 students in cooperative learning group and 90 students in teacher-centered learning group.Result: The result showed that  there was an improvement of knowledge in cooperative learning group compared to teacher-centered learning group (p=0.002). The improvement od student’s attitude in cooperative learning group was significantly higher than teacher-centered learning group (p=0.001). In the field of skills, cooperative group, although not significant (p=0.671). The competence was significantly higher in cooperative learning group rather than in teacher-centered learning group (p=0.027). Correlation between competence and method of learning was weak (rpbi  = 0.134, p= 0.041).Conclusion: Cooperative learning method is proven to be improve student’s knowledge, attitude and skills. The difference is not significant for skills domain. Cooperative learning method is proven to improve student’s competence in carrying out the management of newborn babies asphyxia, even though the correlation is weak.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 66
Putu Indraswari Aryanti ◽  
Joni Haryanto ◽  
Elida Ulfiana

Pendahuluan : Osteoarthritis (OA) merupakan penyakit kronik progresif yang sering dialami oleh lansia. Kerusakan jaringan tulang rawan pada daerah sendi mengakibatkan rasa nyeri kronis yang kemudian menyebabkan gangguan pergerakan. Hambatan ini menyebabkan lansia membatasi aktivitas yang dikemudian hari akan mengarah pada penurunan mobilitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi pengaruh pemberian masase jahe merah terhadap nyeri pada lansia dengan osteoarthritis. Metode : Jenis penelitian ini adalah true eksperimental dengan rancangan randomized control group pre-test post-test design. Responden akan terbagi dalam dua kelompok yakni kelompok dengan masase jahe merah dan kontrol. Teknik sampling menggunakan cluster random sampling sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 62 responden. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah WOMAC. Uji statistik menggunakan paired t test, dan MANCOVA. Hasil : Dari 62 responden yang terdaftar, hanya 60 responden yang menyelesaikan penelitian. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa masase jahe merah berpengaruh terhadap penurunan respon nyeri (p = 0,001). Diskusi : Kombinasi intervensi masase dengan penggunaan minyak atsiri jahe merah secara simultan memberikan pengaruh yang baik terhadap penurunan nyeri pada lansia dengan osteoarthritis. Saran : Masase jahe merah dapat diterapkan sebagai perawatan komplementer untuk membantu menurunkan tingkat nyeri selain penggunaan obat-obatan standar pelayanan pada penyakit osteoarthritis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Anak Agung Gede Bayu Eka p . ◽  
I Ketut Sudiana, S.Pd. M Kes . ◽  
I Nyoman Sudarmada, S.Or. .

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan side jump sprint dan depth jump terhadap kelincahan. Metode penelitian ini adalah metode eksperimental semu dengan rancangan penelitian the modification non-randomized control group pre-test post-test design. Subjek penelitian ini adalah siswa putra peserta ektrakurikuler sepakbola SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada sebanyak 30 orang. Kelincahan diukur dengan menggunakan zig-zag run, selanjutnya data dianalisis dengan uji Anava one way pada taraf signifikansi 0,05 dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lanjut (LSD) untuk memperoleh perbandingan. Data dianalisis dengan bantuan program SPSS 16,0. Deskripsi data pada kelompok perlakuan side jump sprint terhadap kelincahan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,68 dari 8,21 (pre-test) menjadi 7,53 (post-test), pada kelompok perlakuan depth jump terhadap kelincahan mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,38 dari 8,22 (pre-test) menjadi 7,84 (post-test), sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,15 dari 8,20 (pre-test) menjadi 8,05 (post-test). Berdasarkan uji Anava diperoleh Fhitung sebesar 33,474 dengan signifikansi 0,000. Nilai hitung signifikan 0,000< 0,05, maka terdapat perbedaan pengaruh dari masing-masing kelompok. Dari uji LSD menunjukkan kelompok perlakuan side jump sprint dengan mean defference 0,24900 lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kelompok perlakuan depth jump dengan mean difference -0,24900 terhadap peningkatan kelincahan. Dari deskripsi dan analisis data dapat disimpulkan bahwa;1) pelatihan side jump sprint berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kelincahan pada siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada, 2) pelatihan depth jump berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan kelincahan pada siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada, 3) terdapat perbedaan pengaruh antara pelatihan side jump sprint dan depth jump terhadap kelincahan, dimana pelatihan side jump sprint lebih baik daripada pelatihan depth jump terhadap peningkatan kelincahan pada siswa putra peserta ekstrakurikuler sepakbola SMA Negeri 1 Sukasada.Kata Kunci : Side jump sprint, depth jump, kelincahan The aims of the study were determined the effect of side jump sprint training and depth jump training exercise to agility. This research method is a quasi experimental method with the modification-randomized control group pre-test post-test design research planning. The subject of research is the students of SMAN 1 Sukasada who follow football extra, the amount are 30 students (boys). The agility is measured by using zig-zag run and then the data is analyzed by ANAVA one way test on 0,05 signification standard and then continue to LSD test to gent comparison. The data is analyzed by SPSS 16,0 program. The description data in side jump sprint group to the agility increase 0,68 from 8,21 (pre-test) to 7,53 (post-test). And in depth jump group to the agility increase 0,38 from 8,22 (pre-test) to 7,84 (post-test), while in control group increase 0,15 from 8,20 (pre-test) to 8,05 (post-test). Based on ANAVA test is got 33,474 Fcount with 0,000 signification on 0,05 signification standard. Significantly the calculated value 0.000 < 0.05, there are differences in the influence of each group. From LSD test showed the treatment group with mean sprint jump side defference 0.24900 better than the group treated with the depth jump mean difference -0.24900 to increased agility .From description and data analyzed the concluded are : 1) side jump sprint exercise influence to agility of SMAN 1 Sukasada who follow football extra, 2) depth jump exercise influence to agility of SMAN 1 Sukasada who follow football extra, 3) there is differentiation between side jump sprint and depth jump exercise to agility, side jump sprint exercise is better than depth jump exercise to agility of SMAN 1 Sukasada who follow football extra. keyword : Side jump sprint, depth jump, agility

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
May Ann Bague Valencerina

Cooperative learning is defined as a category of instructional strategies that place students in mixed-ability groups in which students work together to achieve a common academic goal. This type of learning has become more desirable as researchers study individual learning differences and styles as well as multiple intelligences. The theory of multiple intelligences suggests that there are number of distinct forms of intelligence that each individual possesses in varying degrees and that the implication of the theory is that learning and teaching should focus on the particular intelligences of each person. This study was conducted to provide empirical facts on the effect of cooperative learning method supported by multiple intelligence theory on students’ achievement in mathematics. This study used the nonequivalent control group design. The instruments used were the 90-item adopted Multiple Intelligence test and the 40-item teacher-made test for the topics Fundamental Operations on Rational Algebraic Expressions, Positive Integral Exponents, and Zero and Negative Exponents. The data gathered were summarized, translated, and analyzed using the mean scores for both pre-test and post-test. The difference between the post-test mean scores of the experimental and control group is statistically significant, which means that students’ achievement in mathematics is greatly affected when cooperative learning methods were used as teaching strategies compared to the traditional method. Furthermore, it is strongly recommended that cooperative learning method supported with multiple intelligence theory should be used in teaching mathematical concepts and even in other fields of study.Keywords— Mathematics Education, Cooperative learning method, multiple intelligence theories, traditional lecture method, non-equivalent control group design, Philippines, Asia

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 125
Scarvia Nuzula ◽  
Siti Hani Istiqomah ◽  
Achmad Husein

 Pengetahuan tentang pencegahan penyakit menular berbasis lingkungan seperti ISPA, perlu diberikan kepada kelompok-kelompok yang berisiko, salah satunya yaitu anak usia sekolah da-sar. Penyuluhan dapat mencapai hasil maksimal jika media yang digunakan sesuai dengan sa-saran yang dituju. Untuk siswa SD, salah satu media yang tepat adalah yang mempermudah mereka untuk menerima pesan kesehatan yang diberikan. Salah satunya adalah kartu bergam-bar yang diberi nama “smart card”. Penelitian ini merupakan  eksperimen semu dengan non-randomized control group pre-test post-test design. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 41 siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SDN Pingit sebagai kelompok eksperimen dan 41 siswa kelas 4 dan 5 SD Karangrejo sebagai kelompok kontrol. Hasil analisis statistik menggunakan uji t-test bebas pada derajat kepercayaan 95 %, menghasilkan nilai p se-besar 0,015 yang menunjukan bahwa perbedaan peningkatan pengetahuan yang teramati antara kelompok eksperimen dan kelompok kontrol, adalah signifikan. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan “smart card” pada kegiatan penyuluhan mempengaruhi peningkatan pengetahuan pencegahan penya-kit ISPA pada siswa SD, karena media tersebut membantu penyampaian materi penyuluhan menjadi dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para siswa.

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