scholarly journals Keefektifan Model Problem-Based Learning Berbantuan Microsoft Sway Terhadap Hasil Belajar PPKn

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 37-41
Nimas Gandasari

Abstrak Berdasarkan hasil observasi, wawancara, dan data dokumen berupa hasil belajar di kelas IV SDN Gugus Fatmawati Semarang diperoleh hasil belajar PPKn yang kurang maksimal dikarenakan model yang digunakan oleh guru belum dilaksanakan secara optimal serta kurang memanfaatkan media pembelajaran yang kreatif dan inovatif sehingga menciptakan suasana pembelajaran yang membosankan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran problem-based learning berbantuan microsoft sway terhadap hasil belajar PPKn serta mendeskripsikan aktivitas peserta didik dalam pembelajaran PPKn. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental atau eksperimen semu dengan desain nonequivalent control grup desgin. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model problem-based learning berbantuan microsoft sway efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran PPKn materi keragaman budaya di Indonesia. Hasil uji hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa thitung = 4,845569 > ttabel = 1,9925 maka Ho ditolak yang berarti model pembelajaran problem-based learning berbantuan microsoft sway lebih efektif terhadap hasil belajar PPKn. Hasil uji N-Gain kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi daripada kelas kontrol yaitu 0,42391304 dengan kategori sedang sedangkan kelas kontrol sebesar 0,08634 dengan kategori rendah. Pengamatan aktivitas peserta didik dengan menggunakan lembar observasi menunjukkan rata-rata aktivitas kelas eksperimen lebih tinggi yaitu sebesar 72% dibandingkan kelas kontrol yaitu 50%. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah model pembelajaran problem-based learning berbantuan microsoft sway efektif digunakan pada pembelajaran PPKn dan meningkatkan hasil belajar. Abstract Based on the results of observations, interviews, and document data in the form of learning outcomes in fourth grade cluster Fatmawati State Elementary School Semarang, the learning outcomes of Civics Education were not optimal because the model used by the teacher had not been implemented optimally and did not take advantage of creative and innovative learning media so that learning feels boring. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the problem-based learning model assisted by Microsoft Sway on the learning outcomes of Civics Education and describe the activities of students in learning. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a non-equivalent control group design. The results showed that the problem-based learning model assisted by Microsoft Sway was effective in learning civics education material on cultural diversity in Indonesia. The results of the hypothesis test show that tcount = 4.845569> ttable= 1.9925, so Ho is rejected, which means that the problem-based learning model assisted by Microsoft Sway is more effective in the learning outcomes of civics education. The result of the N-Gain test for the experimental class was higher than the control class, namely 0.42391304 with the moderate category, while the control class was 0.08634 with the low category. Observation of the students' activities using the observation sheet showed that the average activity of the experimental class was higher at 72% compared to the control class, namely 50%. The conclusion of this research is that the problem-based learning model assisted by Microsoft Sway is effective in learning civics education and improving learning outcomes.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 102
Tri Sulistiyawati Lamalat ◽  
Supriadi Supriadi ◽  
Siti Nuryanti

Research on the effect of the problem-based learning model in the basic laws of chemistry on student’s learning outcomes in class X MAN 2 Model Palu has been done. This study aimed to determine the effect of the application of the problem-based learning model in the basic laws of chemistry on student’s learning outcomes in class X MAN 2 Model Palu. The type of research was a quasi-experimental study non-randomized design with pretest-posttest control group design. The sample was conducted with a purposive sampling technique. The study sample was students in class X MIA 6 as an experimental group (n = 22) and students in class X MIA 3 as a control group (n = 22). The data testing of students' learning outcomes used a non-parametric statistical analysis, the analysis of Mann-Whitney U-Test. The research results indicated that the mean value of the experiment class was high compared to the control class, 22.61 >18.39. The statistical analysis obtained that sig. 2-tailed (0,032) ˂ 0.05 and Zcalculation (-2.149) ˂ Ztable (-1.96). The average value of the experiment class was 82.95 while the average value of the control class was 73.64. So it can be concluded that there is the effect of applying the problem-based learning model in the basic laws of chemistry on student’s learning outcomes. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Syayid Qosim M. Jafar Al-idrus ◽  
Hikmawati Hikmawati ◽  
Wahyudi Wahyudi

Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran berbasis masalah dengan bantuan video kartun terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah quasi experimental. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dengan jumlah 113 siswa. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan melalui teknik purposive sampling dengan siswa kelas XI IPA 2 sebanyak 37 siswa sebagai kelas eksperimen dan siswa kelas XI IPA 1 sebanyak 36 siswa sebagai kelas kontrol. Desain yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah nonequivalent control group design. Instrumen yang digunakan berupa tes tertulis dalam bentuk pilihan ganda yang sebelumnya dilakukan uji validitas, reliabilitas, analisis tingkat kesukaran, dan analisis daya beda soal. Data hasil tes akhir dianalisis menggunakan uji-t dua pihak dengan rumus pooled varians dan diperoleh thitung sebesar (5,318) dengan ttabel sebesar (1,996) pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Nilai thitung lebih besar dari ttabel maka H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berbasis masalah berbantuan video kartun berpengaruh terhadap hasil belajar fisika siswa kelas XI SMAN 1 Sikur. Kata kunci : Model pembelajaran berbasis masalah, video kartun, hasil belajar.Abstract: This research aims to determine the effect of problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video of the physics student learning outcomes. This type of research is a quasi-experimental. The study population was all students (113 students) of class XI IPA SMAN 1 Sikur academic year 2014/2015. Sampling was done through purposive sampling technique with class XI IPA 2 as experimental class (37 students) and class XI IPA 1 as the control class ( 36 students). The nonequivalent control group was used as the experimental design. The instruments used in the form of a written test in the form of multiple choices previously tested the validity, reliability, analysis of the level of difficulty, and analysis about the different power. The final test result data were analyzed using t-test two parties with pooled variance formula and obtained tcount of (5.318) with ttable of (1.996) at the 5% significance level. The value of tcount greater than ttable then H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This suggests that the problem-based learning model assisted cartoon video has effect on the student class XI of SMAN 1 Sikur physics learning outcomes.Keywords: Problem-based learning model, video cartoon, learning outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 64-69
Inang Widigdo

This research is motivated by the low mastery of basic movements due to the incorrect way of doing the passing technique. How to teach volleyball games using the lecture method so as to make students less interested so that students become less active during the learning process. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was effectiveness in the problem based learning model on the psychomotor outcomes of volleyball underpassing in class XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang and discovery learning models on psychomotor outcomes of volleyball underpassing in class XI students of SMK Negeri 2 Semarang. The research method used in this research is Quasi Experimental Design (quasi-experimental) with the design used in this study is the Noneequivalent Control Group Design. Data collection techniques using tests. The population in this study were students of class XI SMK N 2 Semarang, with samples of class XI BDP 1 and XI UPW 1 students. The results showed that the hypothesis test was obtained t count (22.669 < 29.556) which means that the problem based learning and discovery learning models are effective in psychomotor results of passing under volleyball in class XI students of SMK N 2 Semarang. The results of the effectiveness of passing down volleyball with a problem based learning model of 83.06. While the results of the effectiveness of passing down volleyball with the discovery learning model of 89.00. Based on the results above, it can be concluded that the discovery learning learning model is more effective than problem based learning exercises for the effectiveness of passing down volleyball in class XI students of SMK N 2 Semarang, because from the data the value of the discovery learning model is greater than problem based learning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 163
Yusriana Soejana ◽  
Muhammad Anwar ◽  
Sudding Sudding

Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh media pembelajaran e-modul berbasis flipbook pada model problem based learning terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo pada materi pokok sifat koligatif larutan. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah posttest only control group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo yang terdiri dari 6 kelas. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara random sampling. Kelas yang terpilih sebagai kelas eksperimen yaitu kelas XII MIPA 1 yang dibelajarkan menggunakan media pembelajaran e-modul berbasis flipbook pada model problem based learning dan sebagai kelas kontrol yaitu kelas XII MIPA 6 dibelajarkan menggunakan model problem based learning. Data motivasi belajar peserta didik untuk kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol terdistribusi normal dan memiliki varians yang homogen, sehingga dilakukan uji-t dengan α= 0,05 dan dk= 52, diperoleh thitung > ttabel (3,303>1,674). Perhitungan hasil belajar dari kelas eksperimen tidak terdistribusi normal dan kelas kontrol terdistribusi normal, serta kedua kelas berasal dari populasi yang homogen sehingga uji hipotesis yang digunakan yaitu uji statistik non-parametrik, Mann-Whitney dengan α= 0,05 diperoleh Zhitung > Ztabel (8,66 > 1,64). Terdapat pengaruh media pembelajaran e-modul berbasis flipbook pada model problem based learning terhadap motivasi dan hasil belajar peserta didik kelas XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo pada materi pokok sifat koligatif larutan. Kata kunci: PBL dan e-modul berbasis flipbook ABSTRACT This research was quasi experiment research that aimed to know the effect of using e-modul based on flipbook media in problem based learning model toward students motivations and learning outcomes in class XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo on subject matter of colligative properties solution. Research design was posttest only control group design. Population was students in class XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo that consist of six classes. Sample was taken randomly. Experiment class was XII MIPA 1 that learned e-modul based on flipbook media in problem based learning model and control class was XII MIPA 6 that learned problem based learning model without e-modul based on flipbook media. Motivation data in experiment class and control class was normally distributed and it has homogen varians so test-t with ∝=0.05 dan dk=52 was done with tcalculated > ttable (3,303>1,647). For the learning outcome data in experiment and control class was not normally distributed while in control class was normally distributed and it has homogen varians so, parametric test by Man-Withney with ∝=0.05, was done with zcalculated > ztable (8,66>1,64). It can be concluded that there is an effect of e-modul based flipbook on media in problem based learning model toward students motivations and learning outcomes in class XII MIPA SMA Negeri 1 Wajo on subject matter of colligative properties solution. Keywords: PBL and e-modul based on flipbook

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 549
Septi Handayani ◽  
Nur Ahyani ◽  
Dessy Wardiah

This research aimed at finding out the effect of the problem-based learning model and audiovisual media that based on South Sumatera's local superiority to learning outcomes. This research was using Quasi Experimental Design as the method with design Nonequivalent Control Group Design. The subjects were 45 students in Experimental Group and 45 students in Control Group. The researcher used the data collection tool in the form of pretest-posttest, observation and documentation. The average score of pretest in experimental group was 83 and average score of pretest control group was 66,8. The data of pretest and posttest in experimental group was distributed normal with the value km -0,71 and 0,80. The hypotheses was calculated by using t-test which is polled varians and and the result of t obtain was 8,598 in 0,05 significant level and the t-table is 1,987. Since the significant level showed tobtain&gt;ttable, therefore Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted. The result of this research proved that the problem-based learning model and audiovisual media that based on South Sumatera's local superiority to learning outcomes.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 235
Buyung Adi Dharma ◽  
Nikmatul Tasrikah ◽  
Madziatul Churiyah

The purpose of this study is to determie the effect of Problem Based Learning (PBL) on learning outcomes through critical thinking. This research is quasi experimental with posttest only control group design. Analysis of data using Two Way Anova. The result of this research shows that (1) There is a difference between students who are taught by using teaching model PBL and students who are not taught by using teaching model PBL. (2) There is a difference in learning outcomes between high critical thinking skills with low critical thinking skills. (3) There is an effect between Problem Based Learning model with the ability to think critically in learning outcomes. Keywords : Learning Model, Problem Based Learning (PBL), Learning Outcomes, Critical Thinking

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 155
Ardian Firmansyah ◽  
Kosim Kosim ◽  
Syahrial Ayub

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of problem based learning model with experiment method of the topic light on student’s physics learning outcomes of SMPN 2 Gunungsari academic year 2014/2015. The design of this study used experimental research with pretest-posttest control group design. The population of this study is students of grade VIII SMPN 2 Gunungsari, with sampling was using cluster random sampling technique. The samples are the students of class VIII A as experimental class and class VIII B as control class. Data results studying by test used is polled variance t-test. The results of the analysis of hypothesis test obtained tcount= 2,71 compared with ttable = 2,.02 at the significance level of 5%. According to criteria of hypothesis testing, if tcount > ttable, then Ho is rejected and Ha accepted. It can be concluded that there are effect of problem based learning model with experiment method of the topic light on student’s physics learning outcomes of SMPN 2 Gunungsari academic year 2014/2015.

Firmansyah Nur Utomo ◽  
Agus Efendi ◽  
Endar Supri Wihidayat

<p>This study aims to find out (1) whether there are differences in learning outcomes in the application of learning models Problem Based Learning in Group Investigation with conventional learning models; (2) Are there differences in student learning activeness in the application of learning models Problem Based Learning in Group Investigation with conventional learning models (3) Is the application of learning models Problem Based Learning in Integrated Group Investigation more effective than conventional learning. This study used the quasi-experimental design method with a pretest-posttest control group design model. The population in this study were students of X Axioo class and X RPL B of SMK Negeri 5 Surakarta. The sample used was 70 people. The sampling technique used is total sampling. Data collection techniques using pretest-posttest and observation sheet. The data analysis technique used is balanced test, normality test, homogeneity test, and hypothesis test. The results of the study are as follows. First, there are differences in learning outcomes between learning models of Problem Based Learning in conventional Group Investigation and Learning. Second, there are differences in learning activeness between learning models of Problem Based Learning in conventional Group Investigation and Learning. Third, the effectiveness of the learning model of Problem Based Learning in Group Investigation is higher than conventional Learning in improving learning outcomes.</p><strong>Keywords: </strong>Problem Based Learning, Group Investigation, Conventional Learning, Learning Outcomes, Activity

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 274
Hani Wardah Latipah ◽  
Adman Adman

The Problem in this research is about the low of student learning outcomes of learners on the basic competence to identifying facilities and office environment in class X of Office Administration Program in SMK Negeri 3 Bandung. It was shown from the daily test score that are still under Minimum Mastery Criteria.The objective of this research is to measure students learning outcomes, using Mind Mapping model and Numbered Head Together (NHT) model so that it can be known which learning model improves learners' learning outcomes. It can be seen by the improvement of learning outcomes after the treatment which is analyzed based on N-Gain.The method used in this research is quasi experimental method and used the Nonequivalent Control Group Design.. The research subject were grade X of Office Administration program namely X Office Administration 1 as the experimental class and X Office Administration 4 as the control class.The results shows that the learners' learning outcomes are equivalent. The evidence is from the N-Gain results in the experimental class of 0.646 and the control class of 0.582 in the medium category. Based on normalized N-Gain and hypothesis test using different test (t-Test) proven that tcount < ttable is 1.236251286 <1.666293697. Hence, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between using Mind Mapping learning model with the model of learning Numbered Head Together (NHT).Permasalahan yang dikaji dalam penelitian ini adalah rendahnnya hasil belajar peserta didik pada kompetensi dasar mengidentifikasikan fasilitas dan lingkungan kantor di kelas X program keahlian Administrasi Perkantoran SMKN 3 Bandung yang terlihat dari nilai ulangan harian yang masih dibawah KKM.Tujuan dilaksanakannya penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur hasil belajar peserta didik, dengan menggunakan model Mind Mapping dan model Numbered Head Together (NHT) sehingga dapat diketahui manakah model pembelajaran yang meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik. Hal ini dilihat dari peningkatan hasil pembelajaran setelah dilakukan treatment yang dianalisis berdasarkan N-Gain.Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen semu (quasi experiment) dengan desain Nonequivalent Control Group Design. Subjek penelitian ini yaitu kelas XAP1 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan XAP4 sebagai kelas kontrol.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hasil belajar peserta didik setara. Hal ini terbukti dari hasil N-Gain pada kelas eksperimen sebesar 0.646 dan pada kelas kontrol sebesar 0.582 yang berada pada kategori sedang. Berdasarkan N-Gain ternormalisasi dan uji hipotesis menggunakan uji beda (t-Test) yang terbukti bahwa thitung < ttabel yaitu 1.236251286 < 1.666293697. Sehingga, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tidak terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Mind Mapping dengan model pembelajaran Numbered Head Together (NHT). 

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 131-136
Afriliandy Tumbelaka ◽  
Xaverius Erick Lobja ◽  
Ellen Eva Poli

The background of the research is an effort to develop the quality and explore the potential of students. Teachers are strived to use the right learning model, namely problem-based learning models combined with online learning methods (learning from home) that have been decided by the Ministry of Education and Culture during the Covid-19 pandemic. The purpose of this study was to determine the application of problem-based learning models in improving student learning outcomes in geography subjects at SMAN 1 Langowan. The method used is a quasi-experimental design with a pretests-posttests control group design. The research variable with the independent variable is the problem-based learning model and the dependent variable is the learning outcome. The results showed that the problem-based learning model was effective and efficient to improve student learning outcomes. The comparison of learning outcomes shows the experimental class with 76.2 pretests and 87.7 posttests and the control class with 74.4 pretests and 81.8 posttests. It also encourages students to be more active and creative in overcoming the problems encountered in learning.

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