2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-160
Arief Subangkit ◽  
Dini Fajar Yanti ◽  
Lidya Maria Kusnadi ◽  
Mochammad Ikbal Sonuari

Abstract. The purpose of this research is to describe the form of social capital in the development of urban farming in the hydroponic village of Pangadegan, South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta. Data collection is done through interviews, documentation and observation. Data is processed and analyzed through a three-stage data encoding technique: open encryption, axial encryption and selective encryption. Arguments are formulated through analysis using Putnam’s social capital theory which focuses on networks, norms, and beliefs. The result is that social capital in developing urban farming in Pengadegan Village can be described in 3 ways, namely ties of trust, social institutions, and social networks. Relating to the bond of trust can be seen from the community including Gapoktan and the Village Government have the same passion and commitment to greening the environment and building community cohesiveness. Besides that, from social institutions, it can be seen that Gapoktan has its own written rules, both Gapoktan Gang B and Gang C. The written rules contain the duties and functions of each member. Social networks can be seen by showing that there are two Gapoktan who have different principles, Gapoktan in Gang C chooses to independently develop Hidroponik village, Gapoktan in Gang B prefers to develop the widest network both for the government and the private sector.  Abstrak. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan bentuk modal sosial dalam pengembangan urban farming di kampung hidroponik Kelurahan Pangadegan Kota Jakarta Selatan DKI Jakarta. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik wawancara, dokumentasi dan observasi. Data diolah dan dianalisis melalui teknik tiga tahap penyandian data: penyandian terbuka, penyandian aksial dan penyandian selektif. Argumen dirumuskan melalui analisis dengan menggunakan teori modal sosial dari Putnam yang memfokuskan pada jaringan, norma, dan kepercayaan. Dari hasil analisis peneliti ditemukan bahwa modal sosial dalam pengembangan urban farming di Kelurahan Pengadegan dapat digambarkan dalam 3 hal yaitu ikatan kepercayaan, pranata sosial, dan jaringan sosial. Berkaitan dengan ikatan kepercayaan dapat dilihat dari masyarakat termasuk Gapoktan dan Pemerintah Kelurahan memiliki semangat dan komitmen yang sama yakni untuk menghijaukan lingkungan dan membangun kohesifitas masyarakat. Selain itu dari pranata sosial dapat dilihat Gapoktan memiliki aturan tertulis masing-masing, baik Gapoktan Gang B maupun Gang C. Aturan tertulis tersebut berisi tugas dan fungsi masing-masing anggota. Jaringan sosial dapat dilihat dengan menunjukkan bahwa terdapat dua Gapoktan yang memiliki prinsip yang berbeda, Gapoktan di Gang C memilih untuk secara mandiri mengembangkan Kampung Hidroponik, Gapoktan di Gang B lebih memilih untuk mengembangkan jaringan seluas-luasnya baik kepada pemerintah maupun swasta. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Dwi Reni Marta Diana ◽  
Raudlatul Jannah

This study aims to analyze the role of youth and social capital in the Raung Tubing Adventure Tourism management. This research conducted in Sumberbulus Village, Ledokombo sub-district. By using social capital theory from Robert D. Putnam, this research elaborates three elements of social capital, namely trust, social networks, and norms. The result shows after revitalizing the Raung Tubing Adventure Tourism management, the social capital rises. It indicated by changing situation around the river. Firstly, people no longer throw garbage into the river. Secondly, youth no longer do harmful things. Thirdly, many actors in this village develop good relations with the village government, the Tourism Office and the Irrigation Service. The most important finding is the role of the Student Community Service Program from the University of Jember, who helped the youth villagers to build tubing tours from the beginning to the present. They help in terms of cleaning up rivers, making tubing grooves, inaugurating, and promoting tubing tourism, helping to find sponsors, and recording them in the Jember Tourism Office. Finally, we can underline that the youth also potential in building community-based tourism as proved in Sumberbulus Village, Ledokombo sub-district.   Keywords: Social capital, youth role, Community Based Tourism Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis peran pemuda dan modal sosial dalam pengelolaan Wisata Petualangan Raung Tubing. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Sumberbulus, Kecamatan Ledokombo. Dengan menggunakan teori modal sosial dari Robert D. Putnam bahwa penelitian ini menguraikan tiga elemen modal sosial, yaitu kepercayaan, jejaring sosial, dan norma. Hasilnya menunjukkan setelah merevitalisasi manajemen Wisata Petualangan Raung Tubing, modal sosial naik. Ini ditandai dengan perubahan situasi di sekitar sungai. Pertama, orang tidak lagi membuang sampah ke sungai. Kedua, remaja tidak lagi melakukan hal-hal yang berbahaya. Ketiga, banyak aktor di desa ini mengembangkan hubungan baik dengan pemerintah desa, Dinas Pariwisata dan Dinas Pengairan. Temuan yang paling penting adalah peran Program Layanan Komunitas Mahasiswa dari Universitas Jember, yang membantu para pemuda desa untuk membangun tur tubing dari awal hingga sekarang. Mereka membantu dalam hal membersihkan sungai, membuat alur tubing, melantik, mempromosikan pariwisata tubing, membantu mencari sponsor, dan mencatatkannya di Kantor Pariwisata Jember. Akhirnya, kita dapat menggarisbawahi bahwa pemuda juga berpotensi dalam membangun pariwisata berbasis masyarakat seperti yang dibuktikan di Desa Sumberbulus, Kecamatan Ledokombo.   Kata kunci: Modal sosial, peran pemuda, Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat Daftar Pustaka Davis, Keith & Newstrom, John W. 1985. Perilaku Dalam Organisasi. Edisi Ketujuh. Jakarta: Penerbit Erlangga.  Liliweri, Alo. 1997. Sosiologi Organisasi. Cet. Pertama. Bandung: P.T. Citra Aditya Bakti. Maarif, S. 2011. Bahan Ajar Sosiologi: Kapital Sosial. Yogyakarta: Gress Publishing Moleong, J Lexy. 2001. Metode Penelitian Kualitatif. Bandung: PT. Remaja Rosdakarya. Ndraha, Taliziduhu. 1997. Budaya Organisasi. Cet. Pertama. Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta. Pitana, I Gede. 2005. Sosiologi Pariwisata. Yogyakarta: Andi. Poloma, Margaret M. 2004. Sosiologi Kontemporer. Cet. 6. Jakarta: PT. Raja Grafindo Persada. Raho, Bernard. 2007. Teori Sosiologi Modern. Jakarta: Prestasi Pustaka.  Soekanto, Soerjono. 2012. Sosiologi Suatu Pengantar. Jakarta: PT. Rajagrafindo Persada. Suwantoro, Gamal. 1997. Dasar-Dasar Pariwisata. Cet. Pertama. Yogyakarta: Andi.  Sztompka, Piotr. 1993. Sosiologi Perubahan Sosial. Cet. Ke-21. Jakarta: Prenada Media. Wirawan, I.B. 2012. Teori-Teori Sosial Dalam Tiga Paradigma (fakta sosial, definisi sosial dan perilaku sosial). Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: Kencana Prenada Media Group. Yoeti, D. A. 1982. Pengantar Ilmu Pariwisata. Bandung: Angkasa. Zubaedi. 2013. Pengembangan Masyarakat Wacana & Praktek. Edisi Pertama. Jakarta: Kencana Prenadamedia Group. Darsiharjo, Kastolani, Wanjat dan Pratama Nayoan, Galih Nugraha. 2016. Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Minat Khusus Arum Jeram Di Sungai Palayangan. Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Hanifah, Luluk. 2015. Peran Keberadaan Karang Taruna Trenginas dalam Meningkatkan Modal Sosial Pemuda (studi deskriptis Taruna Trenginas di Desa Purwoasri Kecamatan Tegaldlimo Kabupaten Banyuwangi). Jember. Universitas Jember. Martha Errawati, Rina.  2014. Peran Karang Taruna dalam Pembinaan Pemuda (studi deskriptif pada kegiatan Karang Taruna Karya Muda (Kartayudha) di Desa Pontang Kecamatan Ambulu Kabupaten Jember). Jember. Universitas Jember. Risky F., Anggiar, Hamid, Djamhur dan Hakim, Lukman. 2016. Peran Serta Masyarakat Desa Dalam Inisiasi Pengembangan Wisata Alam Desa Wringinanom Kecamatan Poncokusumo Kabupaten Malang. Malang. Universitas Brawijaya.  

2019 ◽  
Arlika Anindya Putri

Purpose – The purpose of this study is to develop a structural equation model to explain the complexrelationship between social network and firm performance by introducing the mediating role of trust, sellingcapability and pricing capability.Design/methodology/approach – The research model with hypothesis development was derived basedon the literature. To provide empirical evidence, this study carried out a survey in which the data wereequated with a list of questionnaires with a random survey of 380 small and medium enterprises (SMEs) inthe Indonesian context.Findings – This study indicates that the use of social media in management process will not affect theincreasing firm performance, unless the firms build trust upon social networks. The social network with trustallows the firms to gain a pricing capability and a selling capability, which brings a positive impact on firmperformance. The results also show that the selling and the pricing capabilities become essential following theutilizing the social media, which concerns on trust building.Research limitations/implications – This study focused on the small-to-medium context, which hasconventionally provided an exemplary site for the development of social capital theory but raises issues ofgeneralizability across different contexts.Practical implications – To the managers, it is advisable to encourage their employees to consciouslyexploit the selling capability by enhancing the business networks via social media to achieve the firmperformance.Originality/value – This paper contributes to the social capital theory by explaining the mediating role oftrust in the complex relationship between social network and firm performance. This study provides evidencethat trust plays a pivotal role in social networks, which enable the observed firms to achieve the performance.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
M Falikul Isbah

There is an increasing trend among Indonesian Islamic boarding schools or locally called pesantren to address the socio-economic problems of their neighbouring communities. Over the last two decades, many pesantren have articulated that concern through operating Islamic microfinance business or popularly called BMT (Baitul Maal wat Tamwil) and other enterprise forms. However, the majority of those initiatives are not financially developing. Pesantren Sidogiri is among a few of those exhibit business success and relatively significant social benefits to the Pesantren as well as its graduates. Based on fieldwork findings and the employment of social capital theory, this paper argues that the success of Pesantren Sidogiri’s three business hubs (Kopontren Sidogiri, BMT MMU, BMT UGT) is because the Pesantren has successfully mobilised and managed its rich social capital which is embedded in the Pesantren’s social networks. That social networks have constantly been managed and developed through appropriable social organisations and closure of social networks. The former is evident in the Pesantren’s program of Affiliating Madrasah (madrasah ranting) and Teacher-Internship (guru tugas), while the latter in the Alumni Association (himpunan alumni) and the publication of monthly-Bulletin Sidogiri. These two streams have intentionally or unintentionally provided the Pesantren with a ready-use of social capital to be converted as economic capital in its economic projects.There is an increasing trend among Indonesian Islamic boarding schools or locally called pesantren to address the socio-economic problems of their neighbouring communities. Over the last two decades, many pesantren have articulated that concern through operating Islamic microfinance business or popularly called BMT (Baitul Maal wat Tamwil) and other enterprise forms. However, the majority of those initiatives are not financially developing. Pesantren Sidogiri is among a few of those exhibit business success and relatively significant social benefits to the Pesantren as well as its graduates. Based on fieldwork findings and the employment of social capital theory, this paper argues that the success of Pesantren Sidogiri’s three business hubs (Kopontren Sidogiri, BMT MMU, BMT UGT) is because the Pesantren has successfully mobilised and managed its rich social capital which is embedded in the Pesantren’s social networks. That social networks have constantly been managed and developed through appropriable social organisations and closure of social networks. The former is evident in the Pesantren’s program of Affiliating Madrasah (madrasah ranting) and Teacher-Internship (guru tugas), while the latter in the Alumni Association (himpunan alumni) and the publication of monthly-Bulletin Sidogiri. These two streams have intentionally or unintentionally provided the Pesantren with a ready-use of social capital to be converted as economic capital in its economic projects.

Sascha C. Mowrey

This chapter considers how leaders in early childhood education can use social networks and social capital to promote professional learning and change. First, the author explores the ways in which effective leadership and social relationships are inextricably linked, through distributed leadership and collective work. Drawing on social capital theory, the author includes the importance of identifying the knowledge, skills, and resources (social capital) among the members of the school community, developing or maintaining formal and informal networks, and providing support for collaboration within and across those networks to support individual and collective goals. The affordances and constraints of intra- and inter-organizational networks are examined.

2011 ◽  
Vol 15 (05) ◽  
pp. 959-987 ◽  

This research includes an examination about the impact of three organisational factors upon the perceived usefulness of workplace social networks for problem solving in engineering SMEs. As well this research examines the impact of the perceived usefulness of workplace social networks upon the innovative behaviour of engineering SME employees. More specifically, the dimensions of Social Capital Theory are applied as a lens to develop an understanding into the effect of the strength of workplace social network ties, sociability and organisational culture upon the perceived usefulness of workplace social networks for problem solving. This study examines the proposed model by applying mixed methods. The research method includes a survey with engineering employees' and interviews with senior management. The findings confirm that the organisational factors tested (tie strength, sociability and organisational culture) impact upon the perceived usefulness of workplace social networks for problem solving. Furthermore, the findings also confirmed that the perceived usefulness of workplace social networks affects the innovative behaviour of engineering SME employees. Therefore, this research adds to the current body of literature by providing insight into the usefulness of workplace social networks for problem solving and the impact this has on the innovative behaviour of engineering SME employees.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 313-332
Beate Volker

AbstractThis study examines changes in individual social capital during adult life within a 19-year period. Social capital theory and life course theory are combined, and it is argued that changes in social networks do not necessarily go together with changes in social capital: while personal networks are known to decline in size with age, social capital can be expected to accumulate, in particular for those who had a better starting position and therefore more resources to share. Panel data from the survey of the social networks of the Dutch (SSND) (1999–2018) at four points of measurement are employed to inquire into this argument. Social capital is measured by the position generator instrument, and three indicators, that is, resource extensity, mean prestige access, and resource range are analyzed. Results of fixed effect models show that, on average, people maintain access to social capital, and that men and higher educated gain social capital through their life as opposed to women and lower educated. Implications for the understanding of the reproduction of social inequality are discussed. The paper concludes with a reflection upon the value of ego-centered network analysis in the era of big data and data science.

KURNOSENKO Anastasiia ◽  

Background. The process of social capital formation as a full-fledged scientific theory reflects and explains important social processes. Constant communication and socialization process make new demands on the economy and economic mechanism. Now there are clear periods of technological change for which humanity at the subconscious level is ready and needs it. Most of these processes took place due to the constant functioning of social capital. The aim of the article is to identify and periodize the main stages of evolution of the social capital concept based on the study of its origin nature, and characteristics of key points that influence further theory process, definition of basic features and structure of social capital. Materials and methods. The works of foreign and domestic scholars on social capital were studied to solve this goal. Methods of historical and logical generalization, analysis and synthesis, comparison and generalization were used in the paper. Results. A significant amount of works on this concept has become a prerequisite for identifying and periodizing the evolution stages of the social capital concept: latent, conceptualization, the stage of convergence and pragmatization. The following approaches to the interpretation of social capital were formed in the second stage: sociological, historical, economic, institutional, political science and symbiotic. The study has confirmed the third stage of development of the social capital theory lasts, which is characterized by significant achievements in understanding its content and role in society, practical implementation of certain methodological provisions, on the one hand, and active discourse and pluralism of views on the social capital concept on the other hand. Conclusion. Historical retrospection of the formation process of the social capital concept, analysis of scholars’ views on its essence, their synthesis and development have allowed to determine the following main essential characteristics of the "social capital" concept and form its author’s vision as a set of social institutions, relations, norms, values, mutual trust structure. Its parameters affect the formation of other capital forms, management models and benefits in general, which are characterized by interconnectedness with human capital and the historical and cultural development context and management object. Keywords: social capital, trust, communication network, norms, institutional environment.

2011 ◽  
Vol 32 (10) ◽  
pp. 1277-1284 ◽  
Tammy L. Henderson ◽  
Gladys Hildreth

The current collection contributes to our understanding of the stress experienced by and resilience of individuals and families in the aftermath of a disaster. We begin the collection with an article on two theories, vulnerability and social capital theory. These theories serve as tools to capture physical, social, and economic vulnerabilities as well as to determine how the dynamics of social networks interact when experiencing a disaster. The remaining authors of the current collection examined the experiences, stresses, and resilience of lower-income mothers, special education teachers, older adults, and families. Authors offer recommendations for disaster planning or future research.

2008 ◽  
Vol 30 (3) ◽  
pp. 203-235 ◽  
Cynthia E. Coburn ◽  
Jennifer Lin Russell

Policy makers increasingly include provisions aimed at fostering professional community as part of reform initiatives. Yet little is known about the impact of policy on teachers’ professional relations in schools. Drawing theoretically from social capital theory and methodologically from qualitative social network analysis, this article explores how district policies influence teachers’ social networks in eight elementary schools in two districts involved in the scale-up of mathematics curriculum. It is argued that policy affects whom teachers seek out for discussion of mathematics instruction but that differences in policy provisions lead to variations in the nature and quality of interactions. Furthermore, school leaders mediate district policy, thereby influencing these patterns of interaction. By uncovering the dynamics by which policy influences teachers’ social networks, this article contributes to understandings of the factors that foster the development of social capital. It also uncovers opportunities for intervention for those designing policy initiatives to support implementation of instructional innovations.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-25 ◽  
Andrew King ◽  
Ann Cronin

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to contribute to debates about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) housing later in life by placing these in a theoretical context: social capital theory (SCT). Design/methodology/approach – After a discussion of SCT, emanating from the works of Robert Putnam and Pierre Bourdieu, the paper draws on existing studies of LGBT housing later in life, identifying key concerns that are identified by this body of literature. Findings – The paper then applies SCT to the themes drawn from the LGBT housing later in life literature to illustrate the usefulness of putting these in such a theoretical context. Originality/value – Hence, overall, the paper fills an important gap in how the authors think about LGBT housing later in life; as something that is framed by issues of social networks and connections and the benefits, or otherwise, that accrue from them.

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