scholarly journals Sociological interpretation of social problems

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (6-7) ◽  
pp. 39-45
Oleksandr Katsora

In the article, the author analyzes the main sociological approaches to dealing the social problems, their historical development. Social problems are one of the hottest topics of modern society, which requires consideration of sociological science. The topic of social problems gains special significance in the context of social and economic tensions in ukrainian society. Of course, that social problems are not a phenomenon, that is present exclusively in the crisis period, but their worsening and spreading occurs in difficult socio-economic conditions. Therefore, the aim of the article is to analyze the main traditional and modern sociological approaches to understanding social problems. To achieve this goal, a systematic analysis (to describe the phenomenon of social problems) and a comparative-historical method (to outline traditional and modern sociological approaches to understanding social problems) were used.The article considers such sociological approaches to social problems as social pathology, social disorganization, functional and critical approaches, the approach of value conflict, constructionsite approach and the approach of «labelling». Each approach has its own peculiarities of consideration of social problems, that is related with the historical period in which it arose and settled down, and the views of members of a particular sociological approach to social problems. Moreover, considering the basic sociological approaches to understanding social problems, there is a certain evolution of these views. Two sociological groups of approaches to social problems that approach their definition from the objectivist and subjectivist side are substantiated and singled out. Also, the article discusses the main advantages and disadvantages of sociological approaches to dealing the social problems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 129
Dwi Hariyanto

AbstrakPengkajian ini memaparkan gambaran kritik sosial dalam tiga cerpen yang dimuat dalam koran di Kalimantan Timur pada tahun 1980-an, yaitu  “Nomer”, “Suatu Sore di Pinggiran Desa”, dan “Tatkala Takbir Menggema”. Fenomena sosial di masyarakat dalam cerpen yang dimuat dalam media cetak berbentuk koran ini layak diungkapkan. Pengungkapan  fenomena sosial dalam tiga cerpen tersebut sangat diperlukan untuk melihat kondisi sosial masyarakat di tahun 1980-an karena pada tahun-tahun tersebut dapat dikatakan sebagai awal kemunculan  karya sastra berbentuk cerpen dalam media cetak berbentuk koran di Kalimantan Timur. Metode kualitatif digunakan penulis untuk mengungkapkan gambaran sosial yang terjadi pada tahun 1980-an di Kalimantan Timur. Pendekatan sosiologi sastra digunakan sebagai alat untuk mengungkapkan masalah sosial dalam tiga cerpen ini. Namun, sebagai pijakan awal, penulis akan memanfaatkan struktural untuk mengungkapkan salah satu unsur intrinsik yang terdapat dalam karya cerpen yang dibahas. Gambaran masalah sosial yang terdapat dalam tiga cerpen di atas adalah masalah kemiskinan, disorganisasi dalam keluarga, disorganisasi keluarga, generasi muda dalam masyarakat modern, pelanggaran terhadap norma masyarakat, kependudukan, lingkungan hidup, dan birokrasi. Kata kunci: kaltim, kritik sosial, koran, cerpen Abstract This study presents a picture of social criticism in three short stories published in newspapers in East Kalimantan in the 1980s, namely "Nomer", "Suatu Sore di Pinggiran Desa", and "Tatkala Takbir Menggema". Social phenomena in the society in those short stories are worth disclosing. It is necessary to see the social conditions in the society in the 1980s. It can be considered to be the beginning of literary works in the form of short stories in print media of newspapers in East Kalimantan. The author uses qualitative methods to reveal the social picture in the 1980s in East Kalimantan. It also uses the sociological approaches to literature to show social problems in these three short stories. However, as a starting point, the writer will use the structure to reveal one of the intrinsic elements in the short stories. Social problems in those short stories are poverty, disorganization in the family, family disorganization, young people in modern society, violations of social norms, demography, environment, and bureaucracy. Keywords: East Kalimantan, social criticism, newspaper, short stories  

2021 ◽  
pp. 95-104
Ruslana Bezuhla

The article analyzes approaches to the study of phenomena and concepts of performativity, discourse and communication, and makes it possible to trace how various types of communication are interconnected in the structure of artistic culture. It has been established that in modern society, performativity, discourse and communication provide a higher level of generalization and prevalence than in previous historical periods, which leads to an expansion of the subject field for the study of these phenomena. The aim of the work is to research and systematize existing theories conceptualizing performativity, communication and discourse in the mode of humanitarian knowledge. This approach will contribute to solving the scientific problem of clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus of modern cultural studies and art history. Methodology of work. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study were philosophical and general scientific approaches, principles and methods that made it possible to analyze the phenomena of performativity, discourse and communication from different-vector positions: the method of generalization, made it possible to determine the place of performativity, discourse and communication in the worldview paradigm due to the analysis of ambiguous formulations and statements about the phenomena, which were presented in various sources; an interdisciplinary approach ensured the use of the latest theoretical developments in the social sciences and humanities; the sociological approach made it possible to consider the phenomena of performativity, discourse and communication at the macrosocial and microsocial levels.

2014 ◽  
Vol 25 (4) ◽  
pp. 55-74
Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen

Formålet med herværende artikel er at undersøge sammenhængen mellem den samfundsmæssige udvikling og sociale problemer i Grønland eksemplificeret ved afhængighed af pengespil. Der tages udgangspunkt i en sociologisk forståelse af begrebet sociale patologier og social transition. Afhængighed af pengespil sættes ligeledes i relation til misbrug af alkohol og hash. Data er indsamlet i byer og bygder i hele Grønland som led i det internationale forskningsprojekt Inuit Health in Transition og bestod dels af en klinisk undersøgelse, samt interview og et selvudfyldt skema. I alt 2.454 personer deltog i interviewundersøgelsen (63%) og heraf udfyldte 2.189 personer det selvudfyldte spørgeskema (56%). Analysen af afhængighed af pengespil i relation til social transition viser, at afhængighed af pengespil forekommer i et mindre omfang blandt fangere og fiskere i bygderne samt de veluddannede professionelle i byerne sammenlignet med de øvrige sociale grupper i samfundet. Blandt problemspillere er både alkohol- og hashmisbrug udbredt. Den lavere forekomst af problemspil blandt fangere/fiskere i bygder samt blandt professionelle i byer kan være et tegn på, at social integration i den dominerende livsstil, der hvor man bor, har betydning for afhængigheden af pengespil. Sammenfaldet mellem misbrug viser desuden, at det ikke giver mening at betragte spilleafhængigheden som et isoleret problem. ENGELSK ABSTRACT: Christina Viskum Lytken Larsen: Pathological Gambling Among Greenland Inuit – A Sociological Approach to Addictive Behavior in a Society Undergoing Rapid Transition The aim of this paper is to analyze the social problems in Greenland in relation to the rapid transition which characterizes the Greenlandic society by using a sociological perspective on social pathologies and social transition. Pathological gambling is used as an example of the high prevalence of social problems that proposes a current challenge in modern Greenland. The association between pathological gambling, use of alcohol and marijuana is also analyzed. Data was collected in towns and villages across Greenland as a part of the international study Inuit Health in Transition. A total of 2454 persons were interviewed and 2189 of these also filled out a self-administered questionnaire. The study shows that the prevalence of pathological gambling is lower among hunters and fishermen in villages and professionals in towns than in other social groups. In addition the prevalence of harmful use of alcohol and marijuana among pathological gamblers was relatively high. A significant association between pathological gambling and social groups defined by their involvement in the ongoing social transition suggests that people caught between tradition and modern ways of life are especially vulnerable. Furthermore, the association between pathological gambling and other addictive behaviors underlines the importance of a comprehensive approach in understanding these phenomena. Keywords: gambling, inuit, Greenland, social pathology, addictive behavior.

L. Lipich ◽  
O. Balagura

The article is devoted to the problem of formation of sociological imagination in the process of teaching sociology to students studying in technical educational institutions. The concept of “sociological imagination”, introduced into scientific circulation by the American sociologist Wright Mills, is being clarified. It turns out that the concept of sociological imagination has acquired the status of one of the main in modern sociology and began to play an important educational role, and in sociological science, respectively, methodological and methodological. Attention is paid to the peculiarities of teaching sociology in technical educational institutions, and in view of this, the problem of forming the sociological imagination of students. The fact is that sociology in technical educational institutions is not professional, so it is taught exclusively as a general discipline of worldview. The purpose of teaching sociology in such higher education institutions is to promote the formation of students’ sociological imagination, ie to help future specialists in engineering to develop the ability to think socially, ie to adequately perceive, comprehend and interpret social processes and phenomena, analyze and be ready to solve complex social problems. The solution of this problem involves the use of such methods of teaching sociology, which would be related to the specific practices of modern society, taking into account the universal and professional interests of future professionals. The own experience of teaching sociology at the National Transport University is analyzed. There are examples of using different methods of teaching sociology, aimed at forming a sociological imagination that allow students to perceive the social world around them and relate their professional problems with general social problems, educate and shape their civic position and increase their general cultural level.

1992 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 219-248 ◽  
Elisabeth Gidengil

AbstractThis review essay examines the contribution of the Canadian National Election Studies to understanding vote choice in Canada. Analyses using both the sociological approach and the social-psychological approach are discussed. The essay starts with a review of the debates about the role of class, region and religion in Canadian voting and then goes on to discuss the applicability of the concept of party identification to Canada. An evaluation of both recursive and non-recursive models of vote choice follows. The review calls for social psychological approaches to take the social context of political choice more seriously and points to the need for sociological approaches to conceptualize social categories as live social forces.

2018 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 10-26 ◽  
Michael J. Thompson

This article argues that the dynamics behind the generation of social pathologies in modern society also undermine the social-relational framework for recognition. It therefore claims that the theory of recognition is impotent in face of the kinds of normative power exerted by social hierarchies. The article begins by discussing the particular forms of social pathology and their relation to hierarchical forms of social structure that are based on domination, control and subordination and then shows how the internalization of the norms that shape and hold together hierarchical social formations causes pathologies within the self. As a result of these processes, the recognitive aspects of social action that the theory of recognition posits are unable to overcome and in fact reproduce and in many instances reinforce the pathologies themselves.

2019 ◽  
Vol 62 (5) ◽  
pp. 62-79
Ivan I. Rezvitsky

The article discusess the problem of individual sociality, which developed during the transition from the traditional to the individualized society and become relevant for the knowledge of new social problems in modern society. The article focuses on the concept of sociality, its new properties and new meaning, revealed through its individual dimension. In this regard, the author identifies two types of sociality – collective and individual socialities, indicates the conditions of their development, analyzes their role in the formation of society. Individual sociality is considered as a new form of sociality that emerged as a result of evolution. The article demonstrates the role of individual sociality in the organization of modern sociality, in the formation of society as an individualized society. The author argues that the research of these issues requires a new, individualized social theory. Thus, the description of this theory is presented, the problems that arise before it in the new social cognition are determined. These are primarily the problem of the individualized subject of knowledge, the problem of the individualized language of knowledge, the problem of the individualized method of knowledge and others. Finally, the article highlights the issues facing the new social theory in order to comprehend the development of modern society, the article identifies the social forces that will solve these issues. Thus, one of these social forces is individual intelligence as the main reserve of the creative forces of modern humanity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-172
Siti Badi'ah

The development of science and technology, the minimum of employment and the decline in the level of education are very influential on the emergence of social problems in society. Social problems in the community are often referred to as "social pathology." Community disease is the behavior of members of the community which can lead to unrest and insecurity in people's lives. Community diseases in the social community today are increasingly prevalent in the community, especially the local government and very disturbing people who live in the area. Examples of community diseases are gambling, fighting or brawls, drug or drug abuse, alcoholism or drunkenness, prostitution, corruption, and many more public diseases that occur in society today. social is one of the problems that is considered by Islam, various kinds of problems have been explained in the Qur'an to solve this problem, for example giving punishment to people for theft, drunkenness, killing, etc. is a reward for people who do something mass ah which is contrary to Islamic law. This research is an attempt to look at the problem of community diseases in the eyes of the Qur'an. This study has three focus problems, namely: first; efforts to see the type of society's illness in the view of the Qur'an, second; see things that are the background to the emergence of social pathology, and third; efforts to find solutions / knowledge of social pathology in the view of the Qur'an.

Prospects ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 17-33 ◽  
Jay Mechling

Modern society, it would seem, is a conspiracy against authentic existence. Freud thought this true of all civilization, but a generation of literary critics, historians, and social scientists are laying at the door of modern civilization responsibility for the pathologies of everyday life. The time scales vary greatly, some scholars insisting that the modern revolution in the conception of the self has taken centuries, while others see this process as having taken place within the last century, but the savants all seem to arrive at roughly the same conclusion, namely, that what characterizes modern American life in this century is an unconsummated search for authenticity. The social pathology of this search, those most critical of modernity conclude, is narcissism. Clearly, whatever form the argument takes and regardless of the willingness of the analyst to moralize on the basis of his or her analysis, authenticity is a “hot” subject.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 80-84

The article deals with the social problems of modern society in the light of human interaction with the outside information space, ways of influencing social consciousness through social advertising. The technique and methods of advertising design by the example of social action are stated.

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