scholarly journals Developing Worksheet Based on Multiple Intelligences to Optimize the Creative Thinking Students

2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 44-55
Anida Luthfiana ◽  
Alben Ambarita ◽  
Suwarjo Suwarjo

The research and development of worksheet based on multiple intelligences aims to develop and describe the effectiveness of worksheet based on Multiple Intelligences to optimizing the ability of creative thinking students. The type of research used is research and development that refers to the theory of Borg Gall. The population of this research is the students of 5th grade of Primary School in Metro East. The sample of this research was 33 students of 5th grade in Islamic Primary School of Wahdatul Ummah Metro is determined using purposive sampling technique. Data were collected used questionnaires and test questions. The results showed that worksheet based on Multiple Intelligences effectively optimize the creative thinking students.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Anida Luthfiana ◽  
Alben Ambarita ◽  
Suwarjo Suwarjo

The research and development of worksheet based on multiple intelligences aims to develop and describe the effectiveness of worksheet based on Multiple Intelligences to optimizing the ability of creative thinking students. The type of research used is research and development that refers to the theory of Borg &amp; Gall. The population of this research is the students of 5<sup>th</sup> grade of Primary School in Metro East. The sample of the study was 33 students of 5<sup>th</sup> grade in Islamic Primary School of Wahdatul Ummah Metro. Data were collected used questionnaires and test questions. The results showed that worksheet based on Multiple Intelligences effectively optimize the creative thinking students.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-143
Tomi Satria Maggara ◽  
Aldri Frinaldi

This study describes the impact of work culture in implementing the e-planning application to realize good governanc e studies in the Planning ,Research and Development Agency of 50 Kota. There search method used is descriptive qualitative, because the problems are complex so that it requires interviews and observations to get valid data. The selection of informants was carried out by using purposive sampling technique. Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that the impact of work culture in implementing E-Planning applications to achieve Good Governance at Bapelitbang Kabupaten 50 Kota it has had a good impact but there are still some problems that the authors haveen countered, among others: there are still delays in the preparation and inp t of planning documents, there are no awards given to employees, accommodation of RPJPD programs in application E-Planning and there are still employees who don't understand how to use the E-Planning application.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Nadya Rizky Amalia ◽  
Noor Fajriah ◽  
Asdini Sari

Salah satu keterampilan yang perlu dikembangkan pada zaman sekarang adalah berpikir kreatif. Kenyataannya, siswa enggan menyampaikan penyelesaian selain yang dicontohkan oleh guru ketika diberi masalah. Salah satu pendekatan yang dirancang dengan melibatkan siswa langsung untuk menyampaikan alternatif-alternatif jawaban dalam menyelesaikan masalah adalah Pendekatan Scientific Berbasis Masalah Open-Ended. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk (1) mendeskripsikan  kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa di kelas yang diterapkan pendekatan scientific berbasis masalah open-ended, (2) mendeskripsikan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa di kelas yang diterapkan pendekatan scientific, dan (3) menganalisis pengaruh pendekatan scientific terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa menggunakan permasalahan open-ended. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Quasi Experiment Design dengan teknik purposive sampling. Populasi yang digunakan ialah seluruh siswa kelas 8 SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin, sedangkan sampel yang diambil adalah siswa kelas VIII-D dan kelas VIII-E sebagai kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian yang dianalisis menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa yang diterapkan pendekatan scientific berbasis masalah open-ended di SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin berada pada tingkat cukup kreatif, (2) Kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa yang diterapkan pendekatan scientific di SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin berada pada tingkat kurang kreatif, dan (3) Pendekatan scientific dengan menggu­nakan masalah open-ended berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa di Sekolah Menengah Pertama Negeri 14 Banjarmasin. Kata kunci: Kemampuan berpikir kreatif, pendekatan scientific, masalah open-ended. Abstract: One of the skills that needs to be developed today is creative thinking. In fact, students are reluctant to present solutions that were different with the teacher’s examples when they were given problems. One of the approaches designed by involving students directly to present alternative solutions in solving problems is the Open-Ended Scientific Problem-Based Approach. This study aims to (1) describe the students’ creative thinking ability in the classroom that applied an open-ended problem-based scientific approach, (2) describe the students' creative thinking ability in the classroom that were applied a scientific approach, and (3) analyze the influence of scientific approaches to students’ creative thinking ability by using open-ended problems. This research uses Quasi Experiment Design method with purposive sampling technique. The population used was all 8th grade students of SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin, while the samples were grade VIII-D and grade VIII-E students as the experimental and the control group respectively. The results of the research show that: (1) students’ creative thinking ability  in the classroom that applied an open-ended problem-based scientific approach in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin were at a sufficiently creative level, (2) the students' creative thinking ability in the classroom that were applied a scientific approach in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin were at a less creative level, and (3) the scientific approach using open-ended problems has an effect on students' creative thinking ability in SMP Negeri 14 Banjarmasin. Keywords: creative thinking abilities, scientific approach, open-ended problems.

2016 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
pp. 28 ◽  
Aliangga Kusumam ◽  
Mukhidin Mukhidin ◽  
Bachtiar Hasan

This study is aimed to develop teaching materials of basic electrical and electrical measurement, and to find out the feasibility of the teaching materials that have been developed in SMK Negeri 1 Koba Bangka. This study used the method of Research and Development (R & D) that begins with the preliminary study followed by the development phase and the product assessment. The subjects that consisted of three experts and 28 students of the Department of Electrical Installation Engineering were determined using purposive sampling technique. The data collection technique used documentation, interviews and questionnaires. The procedure of this study is the process of preparing the teaching materials through the following stages: (a) A preliminary study, by conducting interviews with the head of the program and the teachers. The analysis of the syllabus and core competencies. (b) Collecting learning resources and literature as well as the main points of the materials. (c) Preparing the draft of the materials. (d) The limited trial of the products (e) The extensive product testing. (f) The data analysis and evaluation. The results were the development of the teaching materials was based on the curriculum of 2013 and the syllabus of basic electrical and electrical measurement. The teaching materials were developed starting from the materials of electric current and electron current, electrical materials, passive elements, active elements, direct current resistive circuits, two poles theorem, power and efforts, switching circuits, the system of units of measurement, measuring instruments and electrical measurements, and the types of measuring devices.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar dasar dan pengukuran listrik, dan mengetahui kelayakan bahan ajar yang telah dikembangkan menurut expert judgment dan peserta didik di SMKN I Koba Bangka. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development (R & D) yang diawali dengan studi pendahuluan dilanjutkan tahap pengembangan dan penilaian produk. Subjek penelitian ditentukan dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling yang terdiri dari tiga orang expert judgement dan 28 orang peserta didik teknik instalasi pemanfaatan tenaga listrik. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik studi dokumentasi, wawancara dan kuesioner berupa angket. Prosedur penelitian ini adalah proses penyusunan bahan ajar dasar dan pengukuran listrik melalui tahap-tahap sebagai berikut: (a) Studi pendahuluan, dengan melakukan wawancara terhadap ketua program dan guru. Studi analisis silabus dan menganalisa kompetensi dasar dalam penyusunan bahan ajar (b) Mengumpulkan sumber belajar dan literatur serta pokok-pokok materi yang akan disusun. (c) Penyusunan draft bahan ajar dasar dan pengukuran listrik. (d) Uji coba terbatas produk. (e) Uji coba lebih luas produk. (f) Pengolahan data dan evaluasi. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah pengembangan bahan ajar mata pelajaran dasar dan pengukuran listrik yaitu bahan dikembangkan dari kurikulum 2013 dan silabus mata pelajaran dasar dan pengukuran listrik. Materi bahan ajar dikembangkan mulai dari materi arus listrik dan arus elektron, bahanbahan listrik, elemen pasif, elemen aktif, rangkaian resistif arus searah, teorema dua kutub, daya dan usaha, peralihan rangkaian, sistem satuan pengukuran, alat ukur dan pengukuran listrik, dan jenis alat ukur.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-164
Asih Miatun ◽  
Nurafni Nurafni

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan profil kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis mahasiswa calon guru dalam menyelesaikan masalah open-ended ditinjau dari gaya kognitif reflective dan impulsive. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa calon guru pada Program Studi Pendidikan matematika, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA yang diambil menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Validasi data menggunakan teknik triangulasi waktu. Data dianalisis menggunakan metode perbandingan tetap (constant comparative method) dengan langkah (1) reduksi data dan kategorisasi, (2) penyajian data; dan (3) penarikan kesimpulan dan verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari empat indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis, mahasiswa dengan gaya kognitif reflective mampu memenuhi aspek kelancaran dan keterincian, yaitu menjawab soal dengan lebih lancar, mampu menjelaskan hubungan sebab akibat antar konsep yang digunakan, serta lebih rinci dan runtut dalam menjawab dan menjelaskan jawaban tertulisnya, dibandingkan dengan mahasiswa dengan gaya kognitif impulsive. Indikator aspek keluwesan dan kebaruan masih belum bisa terpenuhi karena mahasiswa dengan gaya kognitif reflective dan impulsive baru mampu menjawab pertanyaan menggunakan satu cara saja dan belum menggunakan strategi baru. Profile of mathematical creative thinking ability viewed from reflective and impulsive cognitive style AbstractThe study aimed to describe mathematical creative thinking ability profiles of prospective students in solving open-ended problems in terms of reflective and impulsive cognitive styles. The research classified as a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were prospective students of the Mathematics Education Department, Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA and selected using a purposive sampling technique. For data validation, we used time triangulation techniques. Data were analyzed using the constant comparison method with steps (1) data reduction and categorization; (2) data presentation; and (3) conclusions and verification. The results showed that from the four indicators of mathematical creative thinking, students with reflective cognitive style were able to fulfill fluency and detail aspects in answering questions, explain causal relationships between concepts used, and more detail in written answers, compared to students with impulsive cognitive style. The indicators of flexibility and originality aspects of both students with the reflective and impulsive cognitive style are still cannot be fulfilled because they only answer questions using one method without using a new strategy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 150-156
Rita Mariyana

This study aims to develop a virtual learning model design in the form of a flipped classroom virtual learning program application. This research and development is carried out to improve the quality of learning by developing a flipped classroom virtual learning design that is easy to understand, easy to use so that students can quickly understand the teaching material in the online lecture process. The research and development approach used in this research was purposive sampling technique for students who participated in the online system learning process. To describe the result of research from the improvement of learning design of flipped classroom based on virtual media, this research utilised a descriptive method, with a purposive sampling technique that studied active students in Early Childhood Teacher Education Program (henceforth-ECTE Program). Faculty of Education, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia. Data from students’ final examination scores, questionnaires, interviews were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative approach. The final products were a flipped classroom software along with its virtual based classroom design. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 88-94
Rahmat Hidayat ◽  
Eko Risdianto ◽  
Titin Aprilatutini ◽  
Nova Yustisia

This research aims to conduct a basic analysis of policies on learning services during the Covid-19 period towards practice subjects at IAIN Curup Bengkulu Indonesia. This type of research is Research & Development (R&D) by ADDIE at the need assessment stage. Case studies are carried out in the Physical Education course at the Curup state Islamic Institute Bengkulu Indonesia. The population in this study were students of IAIN Curup who took Physical Education courses. The research sample was 238 students. The sampling technique used was the purposive sampling technique and the instrument used was a closed questionnaire. Data were analyzed by using quantitative and qualitative analysis. From this research, it will be obtained the results of an analysis of policies on learning services during the Covid-19 period towards practicing subjects at IAIN Curup. Through this research, it is concluded that most of the policies regarding learning services carried out during the pandemic are still not very good.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Hafiziani Eka Putri ◽  
Cahya Karisma Pertiwi ◽  
Aisyah Herlina Arrum ◽  
Rifa Nurhanifa ◽  
Aan Yuliyanto

AbstractThis study was motivated by the importance of mathematical connection ability for elementary school students. It was necessary to develop an instrument that suitable the indicators of mathematical connection ability to understand the students' mathematical connection ability. The goal of this research was to develop an appropriate mathematical connection ability instrument for primary school students. This study was applied using Research and Development. The participants were 34 third-grade students at an elementary school in Purwakarta, SDN Nagrikaler, chosen through purposive sampling. The instrument was an essay test consisting of six open questions about whole numbers. The indicators developed in composing questions were related to the mathematical connection ability, namely connections inter topics in mathematics, other subjects, and everyday life. The questions were made beforehand in the expert judgment, then tested to see the validity, reliability, difficulty index, and discrimination power index. The validity test analysis indicated that six items on the instrument were valid, the reliability of the test instruments was very high. Meanwhile, the difficulty level was classified as difficult and moderate, and the discrimination power was also categorized as good and very good criteria. Thus, those six developed questions could be applied to measure mathematical connections in the topic of operations of whole numbers for second-grade elementary school students and were suitable for further research instruments on similar subjects and variables even at different times and places.AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh pentingnya kemampuan koneksi matematis bagi siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini bermaksud mengembangkan instrumen yang sesuai dengan indikator kemampuan koneksi matematis untuk memahami kemampuan koneksi matematis siswa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan instrumen kemampuan koneksi matematis yang sesuai untuk siswa sekolah dasar. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Research and Development. Partisipan adalah 34 siswa kelas III SD di Purwakarta, SDN Nagrikaler, yang dipilih secara purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes esai yang terdiri dari enam pertanyaan terbuka tentang bilangan cacah. Indikator yang dikembangkan dalam menyusun soal berkaitan dengan kemampuan koneksi matematis, yaitu koneksi antar topik dalam matematika, mata pelajaran lain, dan kehidupan sehari-hari. Soal-soal tersebut dibuat terlebih dahulu sesuai saran expert, kemudian diuji untuk melihat validitas, reliabilitas, indeks kesukaran, dan indeks daya diskriminasi. Analisis uji validitas menunjukkan bahwa enam item pada instrumen tersebut valid dan reliabilitas instrumen tes sangat tinggi. Sedangkan tingkat kesukaran tergolong sukar dan sedang, dan daya pembedanya juga termasuk kriteria baik dan sangat baik. Dengan demikian, 6 item soal yang dikembangkan tersebut dapat diterapkan sebagai instrumen untuk mengukur koneksi matematis dalam pembelajaran matematika pada topik operasi hitung bilangan cacah terhadap siswa kelas dua SD dan layak digunakan untuk instrumen penelitian selanjutnya pada subjek dan variable sejenis meskipun pada waktu dan tempat berbeda.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-24 ◽  
Tina Sri Sumartini

AbstrakKemampuan berpikir kreatif merupakan aspek kognitif yang penting dalam pembelajaran matematika. Peningkatan kemampuan tersebut perlu didukung oleh model pembelajaran yang tepat yang salah satunya adalah model pembelajaran Mood, Understanding, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review (MURDER). Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran MURDER dengan konvensional, serta mengetahui interpretasi peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa dari kedua kelas. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu kuasi eksperimen. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik Purposive Sampling dengan mengambil sampel sebanyak dua kelas di Institut Pendidikan Indonesia. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif dengan menggunakan uji gain ternormalisasi dan Mann Whitney. Adapun hasil penelitian yaitu Pencapaian dan peningkatan kemampuan berpikir kreatif mahasiswa yang mendapatkan model pembelajaran MURDER lebih baik dibandingkan dengan konvensional dengan interpretasi peningkatan pada kategori sedang. Students’ Creative Thinking Skill through Mood, Understanding, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review LearningAbstractThe ability to think creatively is an important cognitive aspect in learning mathematics. This increase in ability needs to be supported by the right learning model, one of which is a learning model of Mood, Understanding, Recall, Detect, Elaborate, and Review (MURDER). The purpose of this study is to analyze the achievement and improvement of creative thinking skills of students who get MURDER learning conventionally, as well as knowing the interpretation of improving the creative thinking skills of students from both classes. The research method used is quasi-experimental. The sampling technique was carried out by purposive sampling technique by taking a sample of two classes at the Institut Pendidikan Indonesia. Data analysis was carried out quantitatively using normalized gain test and Mann Whitney test. The results of the study are the achievement and improvement of the creative thinking ability of students who get the MURDER learning model better than the conventional one with the interpretation of the increase in the medium category.

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