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2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Deni Sepna Nurhadi ◽  
Hasbi Assidiqi

Racism is a belief or ideology that all members of each racial groups possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially to distinguish it as being either superior or inferior to another racial group. Continuation of a racism is stereotype. Stereotypes are generalized because one assumes that the stereotype is true for each individual person in the category. Literary works applying this concept in many worked and one of them is film. Therefore, the writer is interested in discussing the mentioned topic with objective of the research: To identify how racism constructed in Get Out movie and to analyze the stereotype of racism appeared in Get Out movie. The method used in this research is sociology of literature, because it is appropriate to analyze literary work which focused on the racism attitude in Get Out movie script. The grand theory for the topic is Racism a Short History by George M. Fredrickson and Stereotype as Explanations by Craig McGarty. While the object of this research is Get Out movie script by Jordan Peele. The result of data analysis show that racism constructed by three elements there are dialog, characterization and plot. And stereotype of racism that appeared in Get Out movie is discrimination, prejudice and violence. From the finding of data analysis, it can be concluded that the result of the research is that Get Out movie have a racism content with suitable features that match with the theory. Therefore, it is clear and not surprising if the work indeed has the impression of “racist”, since most of literary work with racism issue does have that kind of impression to the readers or the spectators.Keywords: racism, sociology of literature, movie script

Hendrick L ◽  
Martono Martono ◽  
Indri Astuti

This study examined the use of film media on Indonesian Language. The problem revealed was how is student learning outcomes, and what is the outcomes difference between learning to analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works using film media and using conventional learning approaches in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi. This type of research is experimental research. The design used was Post-test Only Control Group Design. Data analysis was done by normality test, homogeneity test, and t-test (Paired Simple t-Test). Data collection techniques in the form of tests. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that student learning outcomes analysis the intrinsic elements of literary works after being given conventional learning is 54.38 while student learning outcomes analyze the intrinsic elements of literary works after using film media is 71, 67. Besides, after analyzing the data statistically, the results show that there are significant differences between the learning outcomes of the material analyzing the intrinsic elements of literary work between those who use film media and conventional learning. Indonesian language learning material becomes the intrinsic elements of literature in class XI students of SMA N 1 Tumbang Titi using film media can also improve student learning outcomes and contribute to the scale of effectiveness of 32,64. Thus, learning with film media can be used by teachers in the field of learning Indonesian in analyzing intrinsic elements of literary works.Keywords: Utilization of Film Media, Intrinsic Elements of Literary Work

2020 ◽  
Vol 28 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-266
Wajiran Wajiran ◽  
Dani Fadillah

Literary works have been believed to be media to spread ideas or ideology. This paper seeks to examine the images of women before Indonesia’s Reformation Era as reflected in Ahmad Tohari's Bekisar Merah and after the Reformation Era as reflected in Ayu Utami's Saman. By employing qualitative modes of inquiry and theories in the sociology of literature, this study has shown that images of women before and after Indonesia’s Reformation Era were depicted differently. Before Indonesia’s Reformation Era, the image of women tended to be submissive in dealing with the socio-political dynamics, while after the Reformation Era in 1998, they were depicted as progressive and even rebellious. However, it is also important to notice that this difference indicated the writers' political and ideological preference in describing the women’s position in Indonesian society in their era. The findings of this study support Gramsci's idea about ideological or cultural hegemony presented by literary work.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 170-175
Susi Astiantih

Literary work and movie have their own characteristics even though both have the same storyline. Literary work reveal the story in narrative form while movie, reveal the story through audio and visual.Today many literary works adapted into movie.One of literary works adapted into movie is Twelve Years a Slave. Twelve Years a Slave is a work was written by Solomon Northup which is based on his journey life when he was become slave for twelve years. This work was adapted into movie, in 2013 with the same title. This study aims to find the differences and similarities of both version of literary work and its movie and to identify the process of adapting  of literary work (narrative slave)  into  adaptation work (movie). The method used was document analysis and showcase the screenshot with using the structuralism which focus on the intrinsic elements of the story and comparing it with intrinsic elements on movie adaptation.This data analysis shows that there are many changes that occur in the adaptation work during the adaptation process.That was because the changes of medium and how to deliver the message be adjusted with duration and the existence of other supporting things such as the addition, reduction and improvisation of the scene.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (3) ◽  
pp. 326-342
Isti Haryati

A literary work is not an object that stands by itself and offers the same view to each reader in each period, therefore literary works are always actualized and finally achieve a new existence. This study is aimed at describing (1) the actualization of women’s roles in Bertolt Brecht’s and Nano Riantiarno’s plays and (2) Nano Riantiarno’s horizons of expectation. The data sources were Brecht’s play Die Dreigroschenoperand Riantiarno’s play Opera Ikan Asin. The study was reception approach. Data analysis was performed by conducting a comparative analysis of the actualization of the women’s roles in the two plays and historical analysis to find Riantiarno’s horizons of expectation. The results show that the actualization of women’s roles appear in self-independence at work, sternness, and calmness in dealing with problems. Riantiarno’s horizons of expectation appear in his pre-experiences concerning women’s roles, implicit relationships with previous literary works on women’s roles, and opposition between fiction and reality, poetic and practical fuktion of language in the two plays. Riantiarno’s actualization of the women’s roles in Opera Ikan Asin is influenced by horizons of expectation and Zeitgeist (the soul of a different era).Keywords:women’s role, play, feminism, horizon of expectation, Zeitgeist

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Darma Prasetyo ◽  
Relin, D.E. ◽  
Poniman Poniman

<p><em>It is a pride for the Javanese people in particular as well as the Indonesian people in general, because the previous ancestors inherited many priceless literary works. One of the literary works that is still studied and infused by the Javanese community is Serat Wedatama. Wedatama fiber is a literary work in the form of songs that are classified as didactic moralistic, as stated in Pangkur Pupuh which reads: sinawung resmining kidung, which means: decorated with the beautiful song (tembang). Didactic literary work in Javanese society is a piwulang literature that gives moral guidance which should be carried out by humans. Serat Wedatama is the work of Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipati Arya (K.G.P.A.A) Mangkunegaran IV.</em></p><p><em>The author is interested in examining Hindu Theology in Serat Wedatama K.G.A.A Mangkunegara IV, with problems namely: 1) How is the structure in Serat Wedatama K.G.P.A.A Mangkunegara IV ?. 2) What is the function of Serat Wedatama K.G.A.A Mangkunegara IV ?. 3) What is the meaning of Hindu theology contained in the Fiber Wedatama K.G.A.A Mangkunegara IV ?. This study aims to describe the structure, functions and theology of Hinduism contained in Serat Wedatama K.G.A.A Mangkunegara IV. Accurate data is obtained by using several literature studies, the basis of concepts and theories, namely Talcott Parsons Functional Structural theory and Habermas Hermeneutics theory, and research models. This research method, which starts from the type and approach of research, methods of data collection, literature study, documentation studies, data analysis techniques, and methods of presenting results. Data analysis</em><em> </em><em>was performed using descriptive-qualitative analysis techniques. The results of this study indicate that the Serat Wedatama structure consists of five pupuh, namely: Pangkur, Sinom, Pucung, Gambuh and Kinanthi. The number of Serat Wedatama temple is 100 stanzas. The functions obtained in Serat Wedatama are: Art Functions, Social Functions, Cultural Preservation Functions, Religious Functions, and Spiritual Functions. Can be explained that the meaning of Hindu Theology contained in the Fiber Wedatama KGPAA Mangkunegara IV, namely God Almighty (Hyang Tunggal), God All Sources (Hyang Widhi), God Is Everywhere (Hyang Most Holy) and God Who Is Acintya (Hyang Sukma ) which is parallel to the divinity in Siva Tattva. In essence God is the source of everything that exists in the universe and becomes the place for the return of everything. The One God, though still in place, does not move, but His speed exceeds the mind, precedes the speed of movement of the Gods, God is unthinkable, very magical, everywhere, and permeates everything.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-229
Yeni Monalisa Gultom ◽  
Dwi Astarini

Psychology takes the important role in literature, because the composition of literary work in its story could not beapart from the psychological aspect. Psyche structure is one of the way to analyze the character. The writers applied personality theory from Sigmund Freud that consists of three structures namely the Id, Ego and Superego, These three parts work together to create a complete personality to analyze the main character in “something the lord made” movie that was released in 2004. This movie tells about first doctor who handle “baby syndrome” case. The aim of the research is to find out the psyche structure of Vivian by using theory of Sigmund Freud. The data was obtained from two sources that are primary data which is taken from the movie script directly and secondary dara which is taken from books and journals that supported this research. It was conduct by using qualitative research. Based on the data analysis, the writers found that there was 11 data which related to psyche structure of Vivian Thomas. The analysis of research result shows that psyche structure is used in Something the Lord Made movie.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (7) ◽  
pp. 38-57
Arba’ie Sujud ◽  
Morni Hussin ◽  
Nadiatul Shakinah Abdul Rahman

Each literary work produced contains the message and thoughts of the author that the audience should consider and ponder especially the literary work produced by the National Laureate. National Laureate made a huge contribution to the production of their literary works. This is because the work of the National Artist has high values, beautiful and unique languages and is difficult to interpret because of the use of language that challenges the human mind. Each literary work produced is based on experience and this can bring the audience closer to the author. The experience is treated as poured into his literary work which contains certain messages to convey to the audience. The literary work of the National Laureate, especially Islamic literary works, highlights the Islamic values that contained in literary work. The concept of divinity and humanity are presented in the literary work aims to spread the message and encourage the audience to think and reflect and to rethink human relationships with God (divinity) and human relationships with each other (humanity) as important guidelines in understanding true life. Therefore, this study will examine the concept of divinity and humanity by using Abdullah Hussin novel Dan Malam Apabila Ia Berlalu as research data. This studies. a uses the library method and data analysis. The findings of the study found that the concepts of divinity and humanity are the heart institution as a missionary center, the mosque institution as a missionary center, human rights equality, social justice, brotherhood in Islam, problem-solving as well as ethics and decency in Islam. Therefore, through this study, we can raise awareness and improve our relationship with God and our fellow man.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-43
Dindin M. Z. M

Abstract - The string of words in poetry is a literary work that has a hermeneutic meaning with a broad interpretation or interpretation. Even as the process changes from something ignorance to understanding. This research aims to explain the learning process of students' ability to write literary works of poetry with inkuiri techniques. The methods used by class actions in cycles 1 and 2 are through planning, action, observation, and reflection, while the instruments required are test and nontest, data analysis techniques using quantitative and qualitative. The results showed that the ability of students to write poetry literary works using inkuiri techniques, training and guidance in grade VIII-A students of SMPN 1 Rancabali, Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Bandung Regency, in cycles 1 and 2 experienced improved learning and changed students' behavior towards significant writing interests. Abstrak - Untaian kata dalam puisi merupakan karya sastra yang mempunyai makna hermeneutik dengan penafsiran atau interpretasi yang luas. Bahkan sebagai proses perubahan dari sesuatu ketidaktahuan menjadi mengerti. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan proses pembelajaran kemampuan siswa dalam menulis karya sastra puisi dengan teknik inkuiri. Metode yang digunakan tindakan kelas pada siklus 1 dan 2 melalui perencanaan, tindakan, observasi, dan refleksi, sedangkan instrumen yang dibutuhkan yakni test dan nontest, model analisis data adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa kemampuan siswa menulis puisi karya sastra menggunakan teknik inkuiri, latihan dan bimbingan untuk siswa kelas VIII-A SMPN 1 Rancabali, Alamendah, Kecamatan Rancabali, Kabupaten Bandung, pada siklus 1 dan 2 mengalami peningkatan belajar dan mengubah perilaku siswa terhadap minat menulis yang cukup signifikan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
M. Adil Fadhli ◽  
Tati Sri Uswati ◽  
Indrya Mulyaningsih

Poetry is a literary work that uses language and is used to express themselves. Not only adults but also children also create literary works, including poetry. Children's poetry is poetry created by children, or by adults, but intended for children. This research was conducted to determine the form of diction and sentence patterns used in children's poetry on the Sahabat Magazine page. This research is expected to add to the scientific treasures in the field of children's literature learning. The method used in this study is referring to the method of copy, note, and documentation through screenshots, while the method in data analysis uses the equivalent method. The diction form used by children's poetry in Sahabat Magazine is classified as very varied. The number of diction forms used is 11 forms, including synonym, connotative, denotative, concrete, abstract, scientific, popular, general, special, foreign terms, and conversation. However, the use of denotative and concrete diction forms is more dominant than other diction, because all poetry uses the dictions forms. The sentence patterns used are very diverse. In this study found 38 different patterns. Sentence patterns are obtained from sentences that have one clause, two clauses, and no clauses.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-95
Morgan E. Palmer

Abstract The term monumentum is used in Latin literature to describe a range of monuments across media, including temples, literary works, statues, and inscriptions. This article surveys the variety of monumenta in Livy’s Ab urbe condita, which range from the text itself to victory inscriptions and bronze sculptures meant to commemorate military as well as political achievements. The borders between historiography and physical artefacts are often blurred by Livy through inscriptional intermediality, a phenomenon defined as the mixing of visual and textual media. By outlining how Livy achieves this combination, and demonstrating how the specific ratio of literary, linguistic, and topographical features in his ekphrases generate unique impressions of real-world monuments, this chapter re-reads Livy’s history from the perspective of intermedial theory. This process not only advances our understanding of the Ab urbe condita as a literary work, but also thrusts individual aspects of Livy’s narrative technique – including visuality and unique formulae such as the introductory formula tabula … cum indice hoc posita est (Livy 41.28.8) – into the spotlight.

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