scholarly journals DIALEKTIKA PENDIDIKAN ETIKA DALAM ISLAM (Analisis Pemikiran Ibnu Maskawaih)

Rosif Rosif

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;">Pendidikan akhlak adalah tema sentral bagi pelaksanaan pendidikan, karena pendidikan akhlak ini merupakan asas dasar bagi manusia untuk berinteraksi dengan Sang Pencipta (hablun minallah) maupun dengan sesama manusia (h}ablun min al-nas). Etika seseorang bertumbuh dan terbentuk dalam kelompok, anak sejak kecilnya membutuhkan sekelompok orang yang memperhatikannya. Semakin besar si anak, semakin bertambah kebutuhannya untuk bergabung dengan kelompok yang berada di luar keluarga dan semakin bertambah luas pergaulan itu memunculkan persoalan-persoalan akibat perbedaan pembinaan kelompok itu dan berlainan tingkat budaya, ekonomi dan sosial masing-masing. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan pendidikan etika menurut Ibnu Miskawaih, sekaligus menganalisis dinamika pemikiran pendidikan Ibnu Miskawaih tentang pendidikan etika. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya konsep pendidikan etika dapat dilaksanakan dengan proses ta’dib, secara sederhana adalah sebagai suatu usaha peresapan (instilling) dan penanaman (inculcation) adab pada diri manusia dalam pendidikan. Dengan begitu adab dapat diartikan sebagai content atau kandungan yang harus ditanamkan dalam proses pendidikan Islam. Pendidikan etika menurut Ibnu Maskawaih memiliki peran besar terhadap peradaban manusia. Membangun suatu kebudayaan dan peradaban akan melestarikan atau mengharmonisasikan masyarakat itu sendiri. Namun, individu-individu penyusunnya tidak akan mampu mewujudkan semua kebudayaan itu, tanpa diimbangi dengan pendidikan. Kalau mengambil ikhtiar melalui pendidikan akhlak, maka akan membentuk dan mempertahankan etika yang dinamis.</p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"> </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"><strong>English:</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"> </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;">Moral education is the main point in the implementation of education because it is a fundamental principle of morality for humans to interact with the Creator (hablun minallah) as well as with human beings (h}ablun min al-nas). The ethics of someone grow and develop in a group, thus since the early development children need a group of people who look after them. As children grow up days by days, the need to join a group outside the family increases. While when they associate with others more extensively, some problems may raise due to the different way of educating, and culture, economic and social level. This paper describes ethical education according to Ibn Miskawayh, as well as analyzes the thought of Ibn Miskawayh on ethics education. This study also shows that the concept of ethics education can be implemented with ta’dib process as an attempt to instill and inculcate adab in human beings through education. Thus, adab can be interpreted a content that should be instilled in the process of Islamic education. According to Ibn Maskawaih ethics education has a major role on human civilization. Building a culture and civilization will preserve or harmonize society itself. However, individuals only will not be able to preserve that culture without education. Indeed, taking the initiative through moral education will establish and maintain a dynamic ethics.</p>

Rosif Rosif

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;">Pendidikan akhlak adalah tema sentral bagi pelaksanaan pendidikan, karena pendidikan akhlak ini merupakan asas dasar bagi manusia untuk berinteraksi dengan Sang Pencipta (hablun minallah) maupun dengan sesama manusia (h}ablun min al-nas). Etika seseorang bertumbuh dan terbentuk dalam kelompok, anak sejak kecilnya membutuhkan sekelompok orang yang memperhatikannya. Semakin besar si anak, semakin bertambah kebutuhannya untuk bergabung dengan kelompok yang berada di luar keluarga dan semakin bertambah luas pergaulan itu memunculkan persoalan-persoalan akibat perbedaan pembinaan kelompok itu dan berlainan tingkat budaya, ekonomi dan sosial masing-masing. Tulisan ini mendeskripsikan pendidikan etika menurut Ibnu Miskawaih, sekaligus menganalisis dinamika pemikiran pendidikan Ibnu Miskawaih tentang pendidikan etika. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pada dasarnya konsep pendidikan etika dapat dilaksanakan dengan proses ta’dib, secara sederhana adalah sebagai suatu usaha peresapan (instilling) dan penanaman (inculcation) adab pada diri manusia dalam pendidikan. Dengan begitu adab dapat diartikan sebagai content atau kandungan yang harus ditanamkan dalam proses pendidikan Islam. Pendidikan etika menurut Ibnu Maskawaih memiliki peran besar terhadap peradaban manusia. Membangun suatu kebudayaan dan peradaban akan melestarikan atau mengharmonisasikan masyarakat itu sendiri. Namun, individu-individu penyusunnya tidak akan mampu mewujudkan semua kebudayaan itu, tanpa diimbangi dengan pendidikan. Kalau mengambil ikhtiar melalui pendidikan akhlak, maka akan membentuk dan mempertahankan etika yang dinamis.</p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"> </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"><strong>English:</strong></p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;"> </p><p style="margin-bottom: 0in; line-height: 100%;">Moral education is the main point in the implementation of education because it is a fundamental principle of morality for humans to interact with the Creator (hablun minallah) as well as with human beings (h}ablun min al-nas). The ethics of someone grow and develop in a group, thus since the early development children need a group of people who look after them. As children grow up days by days, the need to join a group outside the family increases. While when they associate with others more extensively, some problems may raise due to the different way of educating, and culture, economic and social level. This paper describes ethical education according to Ibn Miskawayh, as well as analyzes the thought of Ibn Miskawayh on ethics education. This study also shows that the concept of ethics education can be implemented with ta’dib process as an attempt to instill and inculcate adab in human beings through education. Thus, adab can be interpreted a content that should be instilled in the process of Islamic education. According to Ibn Maskawaih ethics education has a major role on human civilization. Building a culture and civilization will preserve or harmonize society itself. However, individuals only will not be able to preserve that culture without education. Indeed, taking the initiative through moral education will establish and maintain a dynamic ethics.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Angga Yogaswara

Children are an investment in the future, because they are born carrying a pile of hopes. The issue of educating children in Islam is a very important issue. The process of Islamic education does not only begin when the child is born, but since in the womb, Islamic education has begun, even since the marriage was prepared. Thus, Islam which originates from the Qur'an and Hadith strongly upholds the values of Education. Baesd on the importance of the position of children in the family, then Islam also called for educating and managing the child's potential seriously. This call is to prevent children from being abandoned so that they grow into weak human beings in all matters both intellectually and socio-emotionally, but Islam pays attention to the formation of children's character to be better. In Islam there is the term of human being, this is the ultimate goal of Islamic education.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 249 ◽  
Mualimin Mualimin

Human existence begins with a weakness and disability that will then move towards strength. Humans can easily utilize the grace and gift that is bestowed upon him, but man must fulfill a duty to his God. Human dignity with his Lord is not measured by how high his skill and position, his or her wealth, and his wealth. But when God measured it is his taqwa. Human beings in the Islamic perspective will remain born in a state of fithrah, that is pure, clean, free from all sin, and has the tendency to accept religion, faith, and faith. Humans become good or bad are the result of educational and environmental factors, not their original habits. According to Abd al-Rahman al-Bani quoted by an-Nahlawi states the task of Islamic education is to maintain and maintain the students' nature, then develop and prepare for all the potential possessed , by directing the nature and potential of existing and towards goodness and perfection, and realizing a program gradually. (Nahlawi, 1996) The development of human nature can be done with various learning activities. That is through an institution. The development of human nature can be done by learning activities. That is through various institutions. Learning that is not focused is through education only in school, but also can be done outside the school, whether in the family, in the community, or through the existing social science constitution.

Mufatihatut Taubah

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Pendidikan anak yang pertama dan paling utama dalam Islam adalah pendidikan dalam keluarga yang berperspektif Islam. Pendidikan dalam keluarga yang berperspektif Islam adalah pendidikan yang didasarkan pada tuntunan agama Islam yang diterapkan dalam keluarga yang dimaksudkan untuk membentuk anak agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, serta berakhlak mulia yang mencakup etika, moral, budi pekerti, spiritual atau pemahaman dan pengalaman nilai-nilai keagamaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini merupakan salah satu wujud amar makruf nahi munkar dalam kehidupan keluarga, yaitu dengan  memberikan pendidikan kepada putra putrinya berdasarkan ajaran Islam. Anak dalam menuju kedewasaannya memerlukan bermacam-macam proses yang diperankan oleh bapak dan ibu dalam lingkungan keluarga. Pola atau metode pendidikan agama dalam  Islam pada dasarnya mencontoh pada perilaku Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam membina keluarga dan sahabatnya. Karena segala apa yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan manifestasi dari kandungan al-Qur’an. Adapun dalam pelaksanaannya, Nabi memberikan kesempatan pada para pengikutnya untuk mengembangkan cara sendiri selama cara tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip pelaksanaan pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh Nabi SAW.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>The first and the prime education for children in Islam is the Islamic family education. This family education is based upon Islamic guidance in purpose of building children’s faith, piety, highest endeavor –including ethics, morality, and spirituality, and the practice of religious values in daily life. This effort is a kind of amar makruf nahi munkar in family scope. Children needs family model for their future mental and spiritual development. The model and methods of Islamic education in the family scopes are adopted pretty much from the way of our prophet Muhammad taught his family and his companions. Muslim believes that whatever done by the prophet is the manifestation of Quranic essence. In the implementation level, the prophet let his companions and his follower to develop the teaching as long as the development itself in line with educational principles by the prophet.</p>

Ahmad Buchori Muslim

Character education is ethics education, character education, moral education, and value education which aims to shape each individual into a human with character, namely by planting positive character values so that they can be internalized in oneself and manifest in real action. Character education plays an important role in aspects of human life because being a human being with character will be able to live in a wider community dimension with a firm life principle. The Indonesian government has designed a program aimed at shaping cultured, quality, and character Indonesian people. In Presidential Regulation Number 87 of 2017 concerning strengthening character education, the government requires every educational institution in Indonesia both formal, informal, and non-formal to carry out the “Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter” (PPK) movement. The values that need to be instilled in character education include aspects of religion, humanity, and citizenship. In implementing character education, the principal must also involve all elements of the family, community, and school, and this education must be carried out continuously because character education is an education that will never end.

Mufatihatut Taubah

<p><strong>Bahasa Indonesia:</strong></p><p>Pendidikan anak yang pertama dan paling utama dalam Islam adalah pendidikan dalam keluarga yang berperspektif Islam. Pendidikan dalam keluarga yang berperspektif Islam adalah pendidikan yang didasarkan pada tuntunan agama Islam yang diterapkan dalam keluarga yang dimaksudkan untuk membentuk anak agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, serta berakhlak mulia yang mencakup etika, moral, budi pekerti, spiritual atau pemahaman dan pengalaman nilai-nilai keagamaan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Hal ini merupakan salah satu wujud amar makruf nahi munkar dalam kehidupan keluarga, yaitu dengan  memberikan pendidikan kepada putra putrinya berdasarkan ajaran Islam. Anak dalam menuju kedewasaannya memerlukan bermacam-macam proses yang diperankan oleh bapak dan ibu dalam lingkungan keluarga. Pola atau metode pendidikan agama dalam  Islam pada dasarnya mencontoh pada perilaku Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam membina keluarga dan sahabatnya. Karena segala apa yang dilakukan oleh Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan manifestasi dari kandungan al-Qur’an. Adapun dalam pelaksanaannya, Nabi memberikan kesempatan pada para pengikutnya untuk mengembangkan cara sendiri selama cara tersebut tidak bertentangan dengan prinsip-prinsip pelaksanaan pendidikan yang dilakukan oleh Nabi SAW.</p><p> </p><p><strong>English:</strong></p><p>The first and the prime education for children in Islam is the Islamic family education. This family education is based upon Islamic guidance in purpose of building children’s faith, piety, highest endeavor –including ethics, morality, and spirituality, and the practice of religious values in daily life. This effort is a kind of amar makruf nahi munkar in family scope. Children needs family model for their future mental and spiritual development. The model and methods of Islamic education in the family scopes are adopted pretty much from the way of our prophet Muhammad taught his family and his companions. Muslim believes that whatever done by the prophet is the manifestation of Quranic essence. In the implementation level, the prophet let his companions and his follower to develop the teaching as long as the development itself in line with educational principles by the prophet.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 203
Abdul Khakim ◽  
Miftahul Munir

This article discusses the actualization of Islamic education in Islamicparenting in the Luqman family story with the aim of providingexplanations and real solutions to parents about how parents educatechildren by taking the example of family education conducted by Luqman.First, Luqman began his advice to his son by calling for avoiding shirkwhile at the same time containing teachings about the form of the OneGod, because the act of shirk is a great tyranny. Second, worshipeducation, teaches children to worship God by performing prayer as apillar of religion that will help someone from vile and evil deeds. Inaddition to prayer services, parents should also provide their children withinsight into other worship, such as fasting, zakat and pilgrimage. Third,muamalah education, Luqman gave advice to his children to always dogood even though as heavy as mustard seeds, Allah SWT will reciprocate.So also with bad deeds. Fourth, moral education, Luqman teaches childrento be patient and to behave well with fellow human beings, not to lookaway and walk arrogantly (arrogant), to be simple in walking, and tosoften sounds when speaking.

Conciencia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Rianawati, Wasli

Family roles have a huge influence on child education. The roles of each parent must complement each other, so that harmonization in the family can be realized through religious values in daily life. Family become the first place for education for a child, so the Islamic education in the family is very important because it will shape the child's personality. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method, so the results of this research were narrated in the form of descriptions. The data were gathered through observation and interviews where the major respondents were parents in Pemangkat. The data from the interview were analysed simultaneously, so that the data verification was also done simultaneously. The findings of this study revealed that the first religious education for the child was in the form of teaching things that are easy to understand, e.g. pronouncing asthma Allah, becoming close friends with them, forming good habit, encouraging the children to seek science by studying in the mosques. The widespread religious understanding in the family was later found in Pemangkat that Islamic educational materials were taught to children such as educational beliefs, religious education, moral education, primary teaching of Islamic education and reading the Qur'an. In Pemangkat, it was found that Islamic education in the family must pay attention to the Islamic faith, where faith is the essence of the foundation of faith one must be given to the child from an early age. In educating the children, the parents provided materials about religion to children that is by using the method of storytelling, by giving examples, experiences and punishment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 184
I Kadek Ruminten ◽  
Gusti Nyoman Mastini

<pre><em>Human are creatures that struggle intensely with education. That is why humans are called the animal educandum and animal educandus at the same time as educated creatures and educational creatures. In other words, humans are creatures who are always involved in the process of education, both those done to others and to themselves. Weak character in the Indonesian people by fighting bad characters. The mental revolution in the nation consists of 18 characters that must be resisted, namely negative thinking, delaying work, not focusing, lacking in confidence, always pessimistic, lazy, ignorant, easy to give up, greedy, selfish, wasteful, dishonest, anti-change, avoid responsibility, lack commitment, underestimate quality, feudal and hypocritical. Because this condition is background of the birth in  character education consisting of 18 characters contained in the Indonesian nation's education, namely: religious, honest, tolerant, discipline, hard work, creative, independent, democratic, curiosity, national spirit, love for the country, respect for achievement<span style="text-decoration: underline;">,</span> friendly / communicative, peace-loving, fond of reading, caring for the environment, social care, and responsibility </em>(Jurnal kalangwan, Vol. 6, No. 1, Maret 2016:82).<em> Character education has the same essence and meaning as moral education and noble moral education. The aim is to shape the child's personality so that they become better</em><em> </em><em>human beings, good citizens and citizens. Entering the millennial era, various changes occurred very rapidly. The main characteristic of the change that is happening in this millennial era is the rapid cultural change, so that the impact of educational institutions is </em><em>doubtful, so</em><em> that character education is not sufficiently taught within the school </em><em>environment, but</em><em> </em><em>more importantly</em><em> to be taught in the family environment because the family environment is the first and foremost child learning place. </em><em>As well as character education can be made through a good community environment. Because of character development, it is influenced by the community environment where they live and play. The influence of society is very influential in association in the current millennial era. Because of new trends and new understandings adopted from westernization and globalization. So the way to grow character education through the family environment is the first and foremost place, supported by education in the school and community environment.</em></pre>

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 313-323
Muhammad Rusdi Rasyid

This paper will examine the thoughts of Abdurrahman Mas'ud on Nondikotomik Educational Format (Humanism Religious as Paradigm of Islamic Education). Mas'ud argues, there is no separation between religious science and general science. Mas'udseems to want to compromise the general assumption between Western education which is more concerned with the knowledge aspect with Eastern education emphasizing more on the Religious aspect. The educational goal according to Abdurrahman Mas'ud is the connection between man and his God (Hablum Minallah) and between man and man (Hablum Minannas). Ultimately, education aims to enable students to become human beings, which is perfect in the eyes of human civilization and perfect in the standard of religion. Furthermore, Mas'ud is in line with the concept of religious humanism that is applied in Islamic education by emphasizing on the aspects of teachers, aspects of methods, aspects of pupils, material aspects, and evaluation aspects.

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