Conciencia ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Rianawati, Wasli

Family roles have a huge influence on child education. The roles of each parent must complement each other, so that harmonization in the family can be realized through religious values in daily life. Family become the first place for education for a child, so the Islamic education in the family is very important because it will shape the child's personality. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method, so the results of this research were narrated in the form of descriptions. The data were gathered through observation and interviews where the major respondents were parents in Pemangkat. The data from the interview were analysed simultaneously, so that the data verification was also done simultaneously. The findings of this study revealed that the first religious education for the child was in the form of teaching things that are easy to understand, e.g. pronouncing asthma Allah, becoming close friends with them, forming good habit, encouraging the children to seek science by studying in the mosques. The widespread religious understanding in the family was later found in Pemangkat that Islamic educational materials were taught to children such as educational beliefs, religious education, moral education, primary teaching of Islamic education and reading the Qur'an. In Pemangkat, it was found that Islamic education in the family must pay attention to the Islamic faith, where faith is the essence of the foundation of faith one must be given to the child from an early age. In educating the children, the parents provided materials about religion to children that is by using the method of storytelling, by giving examples, experiences and punishment.

Ahmat Nuril

Abstract:This study aims to find out and describe children's education in the family in terms of al-Qur'an, letter Luqman verse 12-19 study of al-Azhar interpretation. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques in this study use library research methods. While data analysis techniques are used with the tahlili method and content analysis method. The results of the study show that the main points of children's education in the family are contained in the verses of the Luqman verse 12-19 as follows: 1). Aqidah education is the command to purify monotheism to Allah SWT, 2). The worship education is the command to uphold five times prayer in congregation and sunnah prayer, 3). Muamalah education is doing good and preventing evil, 4). Moral education includes; give thanks to Allah SWT, devote to parents, be gentle, be patient, charity sincerely because of Allah SWT, be polite, be a noble character, prohibition to be arrogant, prohibition of pride, be good when walking, prohibition of hardening when speaking, and prohibition on rebuking. Keywords: Child, family education, Q.S. Luqman Verses 12-19, interpretation meaning of al-Azhar

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 40-47
Ali Imarn Sinaga ◽  
Agus Yusuf Rajagukguk

The study aims to analyse and classify the Islamic learning methods contained in the film I Not Stupid Too 2. The results of this research are expected to give a thought donation about the delivery of Islamic education methods both at home and in the school environment for children and adolescents as well as a reflection material for parents and educators. This research is a research study library, and includes qualitative descriptive research that seeks to reveal a problem or event as it is. Data collection is done using the documentation method. This research uses content anaysis (content analysis) or document analysis, which means giving meaning to the data that is successfully collected and from that meaning is drawn conclusions. The results showed that the film I Not Stupid Too 2 contains many values of Islamic religious education, especially in terms of methods of learning used, so that the film is safe to consume the general public and highly recommended for educators. The result of this research is the Islamic learning methods found in the film I Not Stupid Too 2 include; Method of Mau'idzah (advice), al Targheeb method (gift giving), Tarheeb method (penalty given), amtsal Method (Parable), method of precision, exercise method, and question and answer method.

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 196
Badrudin Badrudin

The Principles of Islam requirehuman to maintain  and improve their moral values BuT in fact, many  Moslems  face problems of moral deteriora tion, crisis of beliefs, and moral decadence that happenin all aspects of life. This moral deterioration is often associated by  the  experts  of  education  with the failure of educat ion. The failure of education relates to the education system that has various components that affect each other. The elements needed in the education system are the goal of education , educators, students, tool s,  and  natural  surroundings. The results of this study indicate that the essence of  spiritual  learning obligations according to Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy is araising the total of  truth towards  Allah SWT's path.  The aims of the learning areto implement knowledge and clean  the heart (tazkiyyah al-nafs) from worldly characters and the lust of dirtiness to ma'rifatullah. Spiritual educators are  those who  practice  the law of Allah, clean the heart and  guide  students to the  safety of life  in the Hereafter . Learners constantly face Allah and obey Him, do not meet the call besides Allah, listen  to  the  call  of  Allah  and implement everything stated in the Qur ·an  and  the  Prophet tradition. Teaching method used is the method of mau'izhah, sima',  ahwal ,   and   muhasabah  fial-nafs (introspection). Educational materials are  based  on  the  basics  of  spiritual education in the Qur'an, the Prothet tradition. and the opinion of Muslim religious leaders who have noble characters and integrate science.  Moral education  is  the core of Islamic education. The implications of the spiritual educational thought of Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy toward the reality of Islamic education in Indonesia is the emphasis of moral education that leads to a balance relationship  between  the  exoteric  and esoteric aspects of the learning process.

2019 ◽  
Laila Fariha Zein ◽  
Adib Rifqi Setiawan

This qualitative descriptive work briefly examines what it has been and continues to be like for islamic education institutions to be alternative institutions in the Singapore’s education system that has the highest performance in international education and tops in global rankings. In Singapore’s education system, islamic education institutions represented by madrasah that are full-time and offer a pedagogical mix of Islamic religious education and secular education in their curricula. There are currently six madrasahs in Singapore offering primary to tertiary education, namely, Aljunied Al-Islamiah, Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiah, Al-Maarif Al-Islamiah, Alsagoff Al-Arabiah, Al-Arabiah Al-Islamiah, and Wak Tanjong Al-Islamiah. Four of them are co-educational, while the other two offer madrasah education exclusively to girls. It explores the powerful and positive potential of islamic education institutions in developing a truly humane science of the the future.

Jurnal Anifa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-74
Isnaini Isnaini

The pronunciation of inappropriate words to exemplify, thus rendering the child devoid of good manners and word-tours, and often against parenthood, is because her parents are unspoiled when she speaks disrespectful and also against parental sayings becomes a phenomenon often encountered in society particularly in coastal communities. Family is very important in child education. The problem formula in this study is (1) How is the behaviour of children in the family? (2) What kind of factors affects the child's crisis of morality in the family? The purpose of the study is (1) to find out how child behaviour in the family is. (2) to find out what factors affect the child's crisis of morality in the family. To answer the question the researcher used a type of qualitative descriptive research in his research. In data collection techniques, researchers use interview and observation methods. Then, data analysis techniques are data reduction, data presentation and conclusion withdrawal

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Rinaldus Tanduklangi

The Gospel of Matthew is a part of the new covenant the presents the great commission of the Jesus. The great commission is the command of the Lord Jesus to the disciples and to all believers in all ages. The great commission becomes the foundation in carrying out educational actions for the world in which Jesus has provided instructions, methods and ways of implementing them. The great commission becomes the foundation of education especially Christian religious education. This paper aims to analyze theologically the objectives of Christian religious education based on Matthew 28: 19-20. In an effort to trace the intention used qualitative-descriptive research methods. The results obtained that the purpose of PAK based on Matthew 28: 19-20's exposure is to make disciples of all nations, baptize and teach them to do all the commands of the Jesus. Injl Matius merupakan salah satu bagian kitab perjanjian baru yang menyajikan amanat agung Tuhan Yesus. Amanat agung ialah perintah Tuhan Yesus bagi para murid dan kepada semua orang percaya di segala zaman. Amanat agung menjadi landasan dalam melaksanakan tindakan pendidikan bagi dunia yang di dalamnya Yesus telah memberikan petunjuk, metode dan cara pelaksanaannya. Amanat agung menjadi landasan  pendidikan khususnya pendidikan agama Kristen (PAK). Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalasis secara teologis tujuan pendidikan agama kristen (PAK) berdasarkan Matius 28:19-20. Dalam upaya menelusuri maksud tersebut digunakan metode penelitian kualitatif-deskriptif. Hasil yang diperoleh bahwa tujuan PAK berdasarkan paparan Matius 28:19-20 ialah memuridkan segala bangsa, membaptis dan mengajar mereka melakukan segala perintah Tuhan Yesus.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
Palahudin Palahudin ◽  
Muhammad Eri Hadiana ◽  
Hasan Basri

Abstract. Islamic education is tasked with guiding and directing the development of students from one stage to another until it reaches optimal levels. Islamic education aims to create a perfect human (al-insanul kamil) and a good human being (al-insan al-shalih). Other tasks are in accordance with the vision and mission of the Prophet, namely perfecting human morals. A good education is certainly well managed. Therefore it is necessary to manage according to Islamic teachings. By using a qualitative descriptive research method, this study will try to dig deeper into the extent to which the achievement of education management standards in accordance with Islamic teachings and solutions to solve problems faced. The management of education in achieving the goals of Islamic education is education that is capable of making people who are faithful and devout, educating pious individuals by paying attention to spiritual, emotional, social, intellectual, physical development, educating members of pious social groups, both in the Muslim family and community.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 128
Ismail Syakban

<p class="15cKeywordsBInggris">This study focus on the problem of the pluralism concept based education by Maarif Institute in the Islamic perspective. The critical study will focus on three terms, namely: Foundations of Islamic Education, the Objectives of Islamic Education and its curriculum. The approach used in this study is the Descriptive Qualitative approach (Qualitative-Descriptive Research and Content Analitic-Kritic), which is include in a critical study by describing and analyzing the Maarif Institute’s thought related to the concept of pluralism based education. Materials and data obtained by studying books and journals published by the Maarif Institute, literatures related, so we get a picture of ( description ), thoughts, ideas, and insight to the object under study as well as a critical study of the research object. The results of this study indicates that the concept of pluralism based education by the Maarif Institute realized with three terms, which teaches the values of tolerance, non-violence values and values of inclusiveness. The concept of pluralism based education by the Maarif Institute has weaknesses and hidden dangers that can affect destroying religion and its teachings. Through the concept of pluralism based education will also let the doctrine from liberal secular to scrape out the power of Aqeedah of the Muslims.</p><p class="16aJudulAbstrak"><strong>Abstrak</strong></p><p class="16cKataKunci">Fokus masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah studi kritis terhadap konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute dalam perspektif Islam. Studi kritis tersebut akan difokuskan pada tiga terma, yaitu: Landasan Pendidikan Islam, Tujuan Pendidikan Islam dan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan Qualitative-Descriptive Research and Content Analitic-Kritic (Penelitian Kualitatif-Deskriptif dan Analisis Konteks-Kritis), yaitu studi kritis dengan mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis pemikiran Maarif Institute terkait konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme. Bahan dan data didapatkan dengan menelaah buku dan jurnal terbitan Maarif Institute, literatul-literatul yang terkait, sehingga didapatkan gambaran (deskripsi), pemikiran, ide, dan penjelasan terhadap objek yang diteliti serta melakukan studi kritis terhadap objek penelitian tersebut. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute direalisasikan dengan tiga terma, yaitu mengajarkan nilai-nilai toleransi, nilai-nilai anti kekerasan dan nilai-nilai inklusifitas. Konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme oleh Maarif Institute memiliki kelemahan dan berdampak bahaya tersembunyi yang dapat menghancurkan agama dan ajarannya. Melalui konsep pendidikan berbasis pluralisme ini juga akan membukan pintu yang lebar bagi sekularisasi-liberal untuk mengikis habis kekuatan aqidah kaum Muslimin.</p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 167
Nadia Fauzia ◽  
Asmaran Asmaran ◽  
Shanty Komalasari

The purpose of this study is to discuss the dynamics of the independence of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin students and what factors are behind the independence of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin students. The reason is because overseas there are changes in conditions and situations, so that students who leave will experience dynamics of independence. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive research approach. Selection of subjects using purposive sampling technique, which is based on the characteristics of the subject in accordance with the research objectives to be carried out. The object of this research is the dynamics of independence, the subject is 5 overseas students. Data collection techniques using interviews and observations. Based on the results of research that overseas students of UIN Antasari Banjarmasin need a process to be independent in living their lives overseas. That is because overseas there has been a change. Factors that influence the dynamics of independence of overseas students at UIN Antasari Banjarmasin are factors of parenting style, the order of children in the family, age and the education system in schools.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-181
Nurhadi Nurhadi ◽  
Muhammad Irhamuddin Harahap

Duties and responsibilities of teachers are not limited in society, even teachers included in this case are essentially strategic components that have an important role and responsibility in determining the progress of the nation's life and become the foundation of expectations of children's parents to make their children good children (anaks haleh) who know how to carry out their religious obligations and have a noble character (akhlak al-karimah). This study aims to determine; What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought ?. What are the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's Thought ?. What is the relevance of Hasan Langgulung and Buya Hamka's thoughts on the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education ?. This research is a library research that uses various sources of literature as a source of research data. Primary data sources are the book Hamka Institution of Life and Budi and Hasan Langgulung Man and Education, An Analysis of Psychology, Philosophy and Education. While secondary data sources in research are books, articles, magazines, newspapers, or other sources, which are then drawn from these data. Based on the results of the processed data, it can be seen that the responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Buya Hamka's thinking based on the explanation above, then the responsibility of educators namely educating: a). Faith Education; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education (physical and spiritual); d). Community social education; e). Intellectual education. While the Responsibility of Teachers in Islamic Education according to Hasan Langgulung's Thought covers at least 7 things, namely: a). Religious education which includes religious education, aqeedah and worship; b). Moral education (morals); c). Physical education which includes physical education and health; d). Psychological education consisting of psychiatric education and feelings; e). Community social education; f). Intellectual education. The relevance of the thoughts of Buya Hamka and Hasan Langgulung about the Responsibilities of Teachers in Islamic Education can be seen that Education basically revolves around science, charity, morals, and justice. All three are concepts that must be interconnected in the education process. Education for humans is not only to fulfill internal interests as dynamic creatures, but also external interests, namely the orderly and harmonious organization of human civilization.

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