Cecilia Alves da Silva Antero ◽  
Bruno Tavares ◽  
Luiz Marcelo Antonialli ◽  
Afonso Augusto Teixeira de Freitas de Carvalho Lima ◽  
Rodrigo Gava

ABSTRACT Purpose: It sought to understand the coordination of the local production arrangement (LPA), especifically clothing production in the City of Muriaé, MG-Brazil. Originality/gap/relevance/implications: This study proposes the analytical model for comprehending how coordinating happens, as well as indicate relations between the elements that compose it, and the implications for the way in which these elements are manifested in a LPA context. It consists in an advance for understanding governance in LPA. We suggest means for systematizing the coordination of joint actions and mitigating challenges regarding means of production and means of coordinating. Key methodological aspects: A qualitative/descriptive research was performed, whose data was gathered through documents and partially structured interviews, conducted with twenty agents of said LPAs. The data was processed through NVivo® software and categorized by the content analysis technique. Summary of key results: It was found that the coordination is characterized by low levels of formality, integration and participation of the business representatives, management structure made of some entities and average integration and participation levels of the business representatives' part. Results that support other studies developed about the practice. Key considerations/conclusions: It was identified factors that allow us to grasp the complex reality and dynamics of a LPA, as well as criteria for systematizing and comprehending how coordination happens and pointing out its implication in the development [of local business]. Out of strategies devised, it will be possible to direct the activities of coordinators from others LPAs, fostering local business development.

Fendy Artha Prissando ◽  
Tri Ambulanto

Abstrak Masyarakat Kota Kediri menyadari pentingnya pengelolaan sampah yang aman dan nyaman bagi lingkungannya sehingga mendorong kesadarannya berpartisipasi terhadap pengelolaan sampah terpadu berbasis masyarakat. Meskipun partisipasi masyarakat cukup baik, akan tetapi tidak bisa dipungkiri dimana masih dijumpai sebagian kecil masyarakat melakukan pembuangan sampah bukan pada tempatnya seperti sungai atau kali dan selokan sehingga dapat menimbulkan banjir dikala musim hujan, juga di pinggir-pinggir jalan sehingga menimbulkan kesan kotor dan mengurangi pemandangan keindahan kota. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan partisipasi masyarakat Kota Kediri dalam pengelolaan sampah berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif.  Sedangkan teknik pemilihan informan menggunakan purposive sampling dan snowball sampling. Guna melakukan keabsahan data, peneliti melakukan triangulasi. Teknik analisa data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Adapun langkah-langkahnya menurut Moleong (2010:189-192) meliputi reduksi data penafsiran dengan penyimpulan data dari lapangan dan diaplikasikan dilanjutkan dengan membuat suatu rangkuman data. Rangkuman data tersebut selanjutnya ditafsirkan sesuai dengan metode analisis. Hasil dari penelitian ditemukan bahwa kurangnya kesadaran sebagian masyarakat, dan tidak semua masyarakat mengetahui teknik pemilahan sampah antara organik dan non-organik. Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Masyarakat; Pengelolaan Sampah; Peraturan Daerah Abstract The people of Kediri City realize the importance of safe and comfortable waste management for their environment so that they encourage their awareness to participate in community-based integrated waste management. Even though community participation is quite good, it is undeniable that a small number of people still dispose of garbage in places such as rivers or streams and ditches so that it can cause flooding during the rainy season, also on the sides of the road so that it creates a dirty impression and reduces the view. the beauty of the city. The purpose of this study was to describe the participation of the people of Kediri City in waste management based on Regional Regulation Number 3 of 2015. This study used a qualitative descriptive research method. Meanwhile, the informant selection technique used purposive sampling and snowball sampling. To validate the data, the researcher conducted triangulation. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative analysis. The steps according to Moleong (2010: 189-192) include reduction of interpretive data by summarizing data from the field and applying it followed by making a summary of the data. The data summary is then interpreted according to the method of analysis. The results of the study found that the lack of awareness of some people, and not all people know the technique of sorting waste between organic and non-organic. Keywords: Society participation; Waste management; Local regulation

Agung Nurrahman ◽  
Gatiningsih Gatiningsih ◽  
Muhammad Tri Syaputra

This research focuses on how leadership has a major role in addressing environmental issues, especially through the garbage bank program as a form of case study. Furthermore, the problems that occur in the midst of society are often rely solely on political will or political desire to solve them. The research is to know and learn Lurah's (head of village) leadership in the management of waste banks specifically. This research is qualitative descriptive research. Data collection techniques through structured interviews, documentation and observations. Researchers conducted an analysis using leadership theory from Yukl, where the theory discusses leadership comprehensively. Researchers only focus on five parts of the concept that are considered relevant, namely: visionary, guidance, affiliative, democratic and communicative concepts. The results of this study based on these dimensions are good enough Lurah (head of village) leadership. But there are several things that are considered able to optimize the running of the program through the role of Lurah (Head of village) leadership, namely: first, involving active knots and community leaders such as MUI, academics to support scientific aspects, and professionals in the field of practical management. Keywords: Leadership, Head of Village, Environmental Issues, Waste Management, Waste Bank  

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 ◽  
Geicielle Karine de Paula ◽  
Fernanda Garcia Bezerra Góes ◽  
Aline Cerqueira Santos Santana da Silva ◽  
Juliana Rezende Montenegro Medeiros de Moraes ◽  
Liliane Faria da Silva ◽  

RESUMOObjetivo: analisar o uso de estratégias lúdicas no cuidado à criança hospitalizada na perspectiva da equipe de Enfermagem. Método: trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, no setor da Pediatria de um hospital municipal, por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com 15 profissionais de enfermagem, cujos dados foram submetidos à técnica de Análise de Conteúdo, na modalidade Análise Temática. Resultados: entende-se que as estratégias lúdicas são compreendidas majoritariamente como uma forma de entreter/distrair as crianças hospitalizadas. Utilizam-se materiais hospitalares, brincadeiras, desenhos, conversa/amizade, vestimentas diferenciadas e contação de histórias, especialmente, durante os cuidados procedimentais. Identificam-se, contudo, fatores limitantes do uso dessas estratégias lúdicas no cuidado à criança, como a escassez de recursos/materiais/investimentos, o medo das crianças em relação aos profissionais e aos procedimentos, a falta de tempo e a presença dos familiares. Conclusão: avalia-se que os fatores limitantes precisam ser superados para a garantia do atendimento integral às crianças hospitalizadas, considerando que o brincar é um direito garantido legalmente, além de contribuir para a recuperação mais prazerosa e para o pleno desenvolvimento infantil. Descritores: Saúde da Criança; Criança Hospitalizada; Enfermagem; Enfermagem Pediátrica; Jogos e Brinquedos; Cuidado de Enfermagem. ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze the use of play strategies in hospitalized child care from the perspective of the Nursing team. Method: this is a qualitative, descriptive study in the pediatrics sector of a municipal hospital, through semi-structured interviews with 15 nursing professionals, whose data were submitted to the Content Analysis technique in the Thematic Analysis modality. Results: it is understood that play strategies are understood mainly as a way to entertain/distract hospitalized children. Hospital materials, games, drawings, conversation/friendship, differentiated clothing and storytelling are used, especially during procedural care. However, there are limitations to the use of these play strategies in child care, such as scarce resources/materials/investments, children's fear of professionals and procedures, lack of time and the presence of family members. Conclusion: it is estimated that the limiting factors need to be overcome to guarantee the integral care of hospitalized children, considering that playing is a legally guaranteed right, as well as contributing to a more pleasant recovery and to the full development of children. Descriptors: Child Health; Hospitalized Child; Nursing; Pediatric Nursing; Games and Toys; Nursing Care. RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar el uso de estrategias lúdicas en el cuidado al niño hospitalizado en la perspectiva del equipo de Enfermería. Método: se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, en el sector de la Pediatría de un hospital municipal, por medio de entrevistas semiestructuradas con 15 profesionales de enfermería, cuyos datos fueron sometidos a la técnica de Análisis de Contenido, en la modalidad Análisis Temático. Resultados: se entiende que las estrategias lúdicas son comprendidas mayoritariamente como una forma de entretene/distraer a los niños hospitalizados. Se utilizan materiales hospitalarios, juegos, dibujos, conversación/amistad, vestimentas diferenciadas y cuenta de historias, especialmente, durante los cuidados procedimentales. Se identifican, sin embargo, factores limitantes del uso de esas estrategias lúdicas en el cuidado al niño, como la escasez de recursos / materiales / inversiones, el miedo de los niños hacia los profesionales y los procedimientos, la falta de tiempo y la presencia de los familiares. Conclusión: se evalúa que los factores limitantes necesitan ser superados para la garantía de la atención integral a los niños hospitalizados, considerando que el jugar es un derecho garantizado legalmente, además de contribuir para la recuperación más placentera y para el pleno desarrollo infantil. Descriptores: Salud del Niño; Niño Hospitalizado; Enfermería; Enfermería Pediátrica; Juego e Implementos de Juego; Atención de Enfermería. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Tri Mulato ◽  
Sudirman Sudirman ◽  
Kamaruddin Kamaruddin ◽  
Iryani Iryani

Sharia banking are interested in getting involved channeling financing to the real sector of SMEs, including Bank BNI Syariah Makassar and Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar. The purpose of this study is to determine the development of SMEs financing provided by sharia banking. Then to find out the role of sharia banking for the distribution financing for SMEs in the city of Makassar. As well as to find out the form of integration of the development of the department of sharia banking UIN Alauddin Makassar, through the distribution of financing for SMEs in sharia banking institution. This type of research is a field research, by taking data directly. The nature of the research is qualitative. The data source uses primary data and secondary data related to the research theme. The data analysis technique used in this research is qualitative descriptive, which describes the objects in the study. The results of this study indicate the development of the distribution of financing in sharia banking reaching 15.93 percent. Then Bank BNI Syariah and Bank Panin Dubai Syariah Makassar channeled financing to SMEs sector, reaching 20 percent. The form of integration in the development of departement sharia banking is by presenting courses on object management of financing sharia banking and courses on SMEs business.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 80-86
Ahmad Yusril Firdaus ◽  
Sulis Setiawati ◽  
Eko Yulianto

The aim the research is to find out and analize satire of the stand up comedy “Mesakke Bangsaku” by Pandji Pragiwaksono. The writer use qualitative descriptive research in observing with content analysis technique. Resources of the research is video tape of stand up comedy “Mesakke Bangsaku” Pandji Pragiwaksono brings transcript into the writing process. Script product of transcription then, identify with use of satire’s theory. Based on analysis result, it find out satire with the highest percentage in the cynicism category which was as many as 39 of data or 38,23%. Another finding is, sarcasm category as many as 37 data (36,27%), ironic 4 data (3,92%), and antiphrase 1 data (0,98%).

Akhmad Mustapa ◽  
Etty Nurbayani ◽  
Siti Nasiah

SMK Negeri 1 Samarinda (State Vocational High school 1 of Samarinda) is a general school that the principal still wants to build the Islamic character values through the 3S culture (Smile, Respect, and Greet), the culture of reading the holy Qur’an, praying together, the culture of discipline and honesty, and ethics in clothing. This research aims to find out the religious culture at SMK Negeri 1 Samarinda. The approach used was qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive research type. The data collection techniques were observation, interviews and documentation. Data validity test used source and method triangulation analyzed with member check. The data analysis technique used data reduction, presentation and concluding. The result of the research is that religious activities developed by the principal are such as the culture of 3S, reading Qur’an, praying before and after learning, praying together at the school mosque, the culture of honesty, discipline and ethics in clothing. The strategies of the principal in creating the religious culture at SMK Negeri 1 Samarinda were through planning, modelling, habituation, participation, evaluation, coordination, and motivation.

Anabela Pereira ◽  
Joaquim Escola ◽  
Vitor Rodrigues ◽  
Carlos Almeida

This study aimed to analyze parents’ perspectives of the health education practice provided by health professionals to children and parents. This is a descriptive research with a qualitative approach, based on the conceptual framework of health education provided by health professionals to children/young people and families. The selection took place by non-probabilistic sampling of convenience, and was developed with parents/users of health units for pediatric hospitalization and primary health care in northern Portugal. Data were collected using semi-structured interviews with 20 parents from March to April 2019, and were analyzed using the content analysis technique. Health education was understood to enhance health, and the evaluation was carried out according to planning and partnership. The most frequent topics were food, the national vaccination plan, and accident prevention. The evaluation shown is very positive, pointing to the nurse as the professional of choice for this practice and thus contributing to the visibility of nursing. We can state that the perspectives of parents about the health education carried out by health professionals show a practice that values health; is adaptable to the complexity of the binomial child and parents; is capable of influencing health determinants with sustainability, efficacy, and effectiveness; and gives visibility to nurses’ positions as health educators.

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (2) ◽  
pp. 79-85 ◽  
Simone Coelho Amestoy ◽  
Vânia Marli Schubert Backes ◽  
Maira Buss Thofehrn ◽  
Jussara Gue Martini ◽  
Betina Hörner Schlindwein Meirelles ◽  

This study aimed to understand the main conflicts experienced by nurses-leaders in the hospital environment, as well as the strategies adopted to face them. The study reflects a qualitative descriptive type approach, which was used in the case study as research strategy. The study included 25 nurses who worked in three hospitals in the city of Florianopolis, Santa Catarina. Information where obtained in the months of May to December of 2010 through semi-structured interviews, non-participant observation and dialogical workshops. Data were analyzed using the Thematic Analysis. The results demonstrated the predominant of interpersonal conflicts involving the multidisciplinary team, nurses and the nursing staff. Adopting a participatory leadership, based on dialogue emerges as a strategy for coping with conflicts in the hospital environment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 167
Ivalaina Astarina ◽  
Syahmardi Yacob ◽  
Febblina Daryanes ◽  
Khusnul Fikri ◽  
Ahmad Ramadhan

The purpose of the research in IIS to know and analyze the impact of the haze on the performance of business traders market. This research belongs to the type of descriptive research. Descriptive research that aims to describe, describe and analyse existing events and aims to obtain information about the impact of haze in accordance with existing theories. Data collection method through dissemination of questionnaires and questions answered. The population in this study is the market merchant of Rengat City. Determination of sample count of 100 respondents/market trader. The data analysis technique used to analyze this research data is to be descriptively used statistical analysis in the form of a percentage formula because its purpose is to see the trend of the indicators of each variable and the research is only aimed to describe the reality in the field is not to be seen relations or comparisons. In this study, researchers used Likert measurement scales. The Likert scale relates to a statement about a person's attitude toward something.  The results of this study can be concluded that: (1) The health of the market traders of the city of Rengat is interrupted because of the thick haze that affects the trading activity itself. (2) The income of market traders in the city of Rengat is decreasing due to declining people's desire to shop in the market due to the worry of being exposed to haze which can cause ISPA disease and other health disorders. (3) The market environment of the Rengat is affected by the smoke of the daily Trader's life. Usually traders have already held their trades starting from the beginning of the morning, because the haze of most traders often come late to the market (overdo). (3) The education of students from the family of market traders in the city of Rengat is also affected by the haze so that it must be dissolved until normal weather conditions are back. Because of this, students have a lot of missed material and have to force themselves to pursue the lag by adding hours and learning tasks that are much beyond the student's thinking capacity.

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 51-60 ◽  
Haryani Haryani ◽  
Nurul Huda

Spatial potentials and problems in coastal areas are complex, ranging from potential and economic problems, geographical vulnerability, social vulnerability to human resources and resources being managed less than optimal. This study aims to develop a fishing village based on the concept of “Anak Nagari” as a new tourist destination in the city of Padang with community empowerment. This research uses qualitative descriptive research method with scoring/weighting analysis and SWOT analysis (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Threat). The result obtained is the high potential of fishing village of Pasie Nan Tigo with its many attractions of fishing communities’ activities and original environment that can be developed as tourist destinations. Having high access of location close to the center of Padang City and Minangkabau International Airport as its strength and opportunity, Pasie Nan Tigo Fisherman Village is a fishing village which still holds a strong social and cultural life of “Anak Nagari”. It exists as cultural treasure in the middle of modern life, but at the same time can also be a threat for the development of fishing village. 

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