scholarly journals Insomnia and hypnotic use in Campo Grande general population, Brazil

2002 ◽  
Vol 60 (3B) ◽  
pp. 702-707 ◽  
José Carlos Souza ◽  
Luiz Alberto Magna ◽  
Rubens Reimão

The insomnia prevalence in general population was determined by means of 408 home interviews of adults, in a representative sample of Campo Grande city, Brazil. The random sample was stratified by sex, age and economic social status. Insomnia subtypes evaluated were the disorders of sleep initiation (DSI), sleep maintenance (DSM) and early awakening (DEA). A structured questionnaire was used with the consent from the interviewed subjects. Statistics used chi-square, and Fisher tests; and inferences based on binomial distribution parameters; the significance level was 5% and confidence interval (CI) was 95%.The general prevalence of insomnia was 19.1% (sd=2.0%), mostly women (p=0.0015), and people of less years of schooling (p=0.0317), subtype DSI (14.2%, p=0.0043), and chronic (p=0.7022). Hypnotic drugs were used by 6.9%(sd=1.3%) in the last month. Use in the last 2 years, 70.3% mostly insomniacs (p<0.0001), women (p=0.0372) and people over 30 years of age (p=0.0536).

2002 ◽  
Vol 60 (3A) ◽  
pp. 558-562 ◽  
José Carlos Souza ◽  
Luiz Alberto Magna ◽  
Rubens Reimão

The prevalence of excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) in general population was determined by means of 408 home interviews of adults, in a representative sample of Campo Grande city, Brazil. The random sample was stratified by sex, age and economic social status. EDS was considered in those with indexes 11 or more in the Epworth Sleepiness Scale. Statistics used chi-square, Fisher and Pearson tests; and inferences based on binomial distribution parameters; the significance level was 5% and confidence interval (CI) was 95%. The prevalence of EDS was 18.9% of the general population ( SD=1.9%; CI 15.1% to 22.7%). No significant association was found between EDS and the use of hypnotics, nor with insomnia, body mass index, sex, age, years of schooling, economic social status, marital status, occupation and the use of alternative means to improve sleep. When the sample was separated according to sex, only the male group showed significant association between EDS and actual insomnia (p=0.005).

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-28
Rakhmie Rafie ◽  
Yusmaidi Yusmaidi ◽  
Mira Fitriyani

Berdasarkan Permenkes 585/1989 dikatakan bahwa informed consent adalah persetujuan yang diberikan oleh pasien atau keluarganya atas dasar penjelasan mengenai tindakan medis yang akan dilakukan terhadap pasien tersebut. Peran dan tanggung jawab dokter terhadap pelaksanaan tindakan medis berdasarkan imformed consent sangat penting untuk mencegah kemungkinan yang akan terjadi kepada pasien nantinya. Pemahaman terhadap informasi yang diberikan dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, diantaranya karakteristik orang tersebut. Survey analitik dengan desain cross sectional dengan wawancara terpimpin menggunakan kuesioner terhadap 100 responden, dan diolah menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan uji Chi-Square. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: yang berusia dewasa 84 responden (84%) dan yang berusia muda sebanyak 16 responden (16%), laki- laki 63 responden (63%) dan perempuan 37 responden (37%), yang berpendidikan rendah 41 responden (41%) dan yang berpendidikan tinggi 59 responden, yang tidak bekerja 24 responden (24%) sedangkan yang bekerja 76 responden (76%), yang mempunyai pemahaman baik 58 responden (58%) dan yang tidak baik sebanyak 42 responden (42%). Variabel yang terdapat hubungan bermakna dengan pemahaman terhadap persetujuan tindakan medis pada tindakan bedah di RSPBA pada bulan Maret 2015 adalah umur (nilai p value = 0,037) OR = 3.761 dengan nilai Confidence Interval (1.195-11.835)dan pendidikan (nilai p value = 0,00) OR = 8.551 dengan Confidence Interval (3.436-21.285). Sedangkan variabel yang tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna dengan pemahaman persetujuan tindakan medispada tindakan bedah di RSPBA pada bulan Maret 2015 adalah jenis kelamin (nilai p value = 0,987) dan pekerjaan (p value = 0,251). Terdapat hubungan bermakna antara umur dan pendidikan dengan pemahaman terhadap persetujuan tindakan medis pada tindakan bedah di RS Pertamina Bintang Aamin (RSPBA) pada bulan Maret 2015.  

Desti Widya Astuti Desti Widya Astuti

ABSTRAK   Berdasarkan data di RSUD Kota Prabumulih bahwa terdapat peningkatan jumlah kejadian perdarahan post partum, tahun 2014 sebanyak 178 orang, tahun 2015 sebanyak 246 orang dan tahun 2016 sebanyak 151 orang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan umur ibu dan jarak kehamilan terhadap kejadian perdarahan post partum di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2016. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Populasi yang digunakan adalah semua ibu bersalin di RSUD Kota Prabumulih, sebanyak 1.296 ibu bersalin dan 306 sampel. Pengambilan sampel dengan mengunakan random sampling, analisa data menggunakan analisa univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji statistik chi-square dengan derajat kemaknaan 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa dari 288 ibu bersalin terdapat 151 yang mengalami perdarahan post partum sebagian besar adalah ibu dengan umur resiko tinggi sebanyak 43 orang  (40,9%) dan ibu dengan jarak kehamilan resiko tinggi sebanyak 21 orang (17,3%). Hasil uju chi-square umur didapatkan p.value 0,000 < α 0,05 dan uji chi-square untuk jarak kehamilan didapatkan p.value 0,000 < α 0,05. Maka ada hubungan umur ibu dan jarak kehamilan terhadap kejadian perdarahan post partum di RSUD Kota Prabumulih Tahun 2016. ABSTRACK   Based on the data at District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih, there was increasing of post-partum bleeding, in 2014, there were 178 people. In 2015, there were 246 people. And in 2016, there were 151 people. The purpose of the study was to know relationship between maternal mother and the distance and old post-partum bleedingat District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih in 2013. The study was analytic researchwith cross sectional design. Population thas was used in the study was all maternal mother ar District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih. It was about 1.296 maternal mother and from 306. Random sampilng was done in the study, data analyses used univariate and bivariate analyses by using chi-square statistic test with significance level 0,05. The study result showed that from 306 maternal mother, there were 151 mother who experienced old post-partum bleeding, the large of that was high maternal mother 43 people  (40,9%) and mother age high distance 21 people (17,3%). The result of chi-square test was p value 0,000 < α 0,05 and chi-square test for age was p value 0,000 < α 0,05. It meant that there was relationship between maternal mother and the distance and of post-partum bleeding at District General Hospital (RSUD) Prabumulih in 2016.

Wulan Citra Sari, Ana Safitri Wulan Citra Sari, Ana Safitri

ABSTRAK   Pneumonia masih merupakan masalah kesehatan yang penting karena menyebabkan kematian bayi dan balita yang cukup tinggi yaitu kira-kira satu dari empat kematian yang terjadi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah diketahuinya hubungan antara umur balita dan pengetahuan ibu dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita di Puskesmas Cambai tahun 2016. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Survey Analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua ibu yang membawa atau memeriksakan balitanya yang umur < 5 tahun di Puskesmas Cambai tahun 2016, pada saat penelitian. Pengambilan sampel tersebut secara Non Random dengan teknik Accidental Sampling. Analisa data dilakukan secara univariat dan bivariat dengan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ada hubungan antara umur balita dan pengetahuan ibu dengan kejadian pneumonia pada balita di Puskesmas Cambai tahun 2016. Dari hasil penelitian ini, peneliti berharap petugas pelayanan kesehatan dapat meningkatkan pelayanan kesehatan bayi dan balita di Puskesmas Cambai , serta lebih sering melaksanakan penyuluhan tentang pneumonia dan penyuluhan mengenai makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna, agar terciptanya balita sehat.     ABSTRACT Pneumonia is an important health problem because it causes the death of infants and toddlers are quite high, roughly one in four deaths. The purpose of this study is known huubungan between toddler age and maternal knowledge with pneumonia incidence in infants in health centers Cambai 2016. This study used a survey method with the Analytical cross-sectional approach. The population in this study were all mothers who carry their babies or check the age < 5 years at Health Center Cambai in 2016, at the time of the study. The sampling is non- random with accidental sampling technique. Data analysis was done using univariate and bivariate statistical test Chi - Square with significance level α = 0.05. The results of this study showed association between maternal age and knowledge toddlers with pneumonia incidence in infants in Health Center Cambai in 2016. From these results, researchers expect health care workers to improve health services in health centers babies and toddlers Cambai, and more frequently to conduct information about pneumonia and counseling about 4 healthy 5 perfect food , in order to create a healthy toddler.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 2072-2079
Ana Maria Alexandra Stanescu ◽  
Constantin Stefani ◽  
Ioana Veronica Grajdeanu ◽  
Bogdan Serban ◽  
Gheorghe Ciobanu ◽  

Although extensively studied, psoriasis still has negative consequences and is associated with multiple comorbidities, including metabolic syndrome. The severity of psoriasis seems to influence the occurrence of diagnostic criteria for metabolic syndrome. 208 patients diagnosed with psoriasis were identified, who were divided into lots depending on the severity of psoriasis, but also to the presence or absence of metabolic syndrome. Interpretation of statistical data was done with SPSS V21 (Statistical Package for Social Science) and MEDCALC (Statistical Software). The coexistence of severe psoriasis with metabolic syndrome increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases by 2.97 or greater, with a confidence interval of [1.60, 5.51], than that of patients with severe psoriasis who have no metabolic syndrome. The hypothesis was statistically confirmed by p = 0.003. Analyzing the total group with psoriasis by severity, we found the following distribution: from the total number of 208 patients, 39 (18.8%) had severe psoriasis, 83 (39.9%) moderate psoriasis and 86 (41.3%) mild psoriasis. The higher incidence of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis is evidenced by the Pearson Chi-Square test, where p [0.001. The association of metabolic syndrome in patients with psoriasis is evident. The more severe the psoriasis, the more likely it is to develop metabolic syndrome.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-59
Josimara A. de Araújo Varela ◽  
Tatiana F.T. Palitot ◽  
Smyrna L.X. de Souza ◽  
Alidianne F.C. Cavalcanti ◽  
Alessandro L. Cavalcanti

Objective: This study aimed to analyze the presence of lesions in the skull and face and the associated factors in pedestrian victims of traffic accidents. Methods: A cross-sectional, descriptive-analytical study carried out through the analysis of medical records of pedestrian victims of traffic accidents in an emergency service in the city of Campina Grande, Brazil, during the year of 2016. Information was collected regarding gender, age group, day of the week, time of the accident, type of vehicle involved, presence of trauma to the skull and face, and outcomes. The Chi-square and Fisher's Exact tests were used, with a significance level of 5%. Results: A total of 1,884 medical records were evaluated, out of which 7.1% (n = 133) involved pedestrians. Men were the most frequent victims (68.4%), and victims of age 60 years old or over (30.5%) predominated. Almost one-third of the cases were recorded during the weekends (30.5%), and the most prevalent time was at night (52.7%). Regarding the type of vehicle involved, motorcycles predominated (47.4%). Head trauma was present in 37.6% of victims, while facial injuries corresponded to 8.2%. In 12% of cases, the victims died. The variables of gender, age group, occurrence on weekends, and trauma to the face showed a statistically significant association with the occurrence of traffic accidents (Chi-square test; p<0.05). Conclusion: Among pedestrian victims of traffic accidents, there is a predominance of men aged 65 years or over. Accidents are frequent at night, and motorcycles are the main vehicles involved. The presence of trauma to the skull and face regions is high.

2020 ◽  
Gobi Hariyanayagam ◽  
Sera Selvanthan Sundram Gunasekaran ◽  
Shargunan Selvanthan Gunasekaran ◽  
Nur Syafina Insyirah Zaimi ◽  
Nor Amirah Abdul Halim

BACKGROUND In late December 2019, an outbreak of a novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19; previously known as 2019-nCoV) was epidemiologically linked to seafood and wet animal market in Wuhan, Hubei, China. This event has instigated negative stigma among the general population to view the wet market as a high-risk location for potential transmission of coronavirus. OBJECTIVE This study investigated the prevalence of facemask use among general population visiting the wet market as well as factors contributing to unacceptable facemask practice. Setting The visitors to a district wet market selling range of live or freshly slaughtered animals during COVID-19 pandemic outbreak was observed for facemask practice. METHODS All Individuals visiting the market were observed for the type, category and practice of wearing facemas. Subjects were categorized into two groups of acceptable and unacceptable facemask practice. The Pearson chi-square was used to test for differences in investigated variables in the univariate setting and Binary Logistic regression model was used in the multivariate setting. Main outcome measure Prevalence, acceptance practice and odds ratio of unacceptance of facemask use. RESULTS Among 1697 individuals included in the final analysis, 1687 (99.7%) was observed wearing facemask with 1338 (78.8%) using medical-grade facemask. Among them, 1615 (95.7%) individuals facemask practice was acceptable while the reaming 72 (4.3%) individuals were observed with unacceptable facemask practice. Individuals using medical-grade facemask and high-risk age group are 6.4 times (OR=6.40; 95% CI, 2.00-20.43; p=.002) and 2.06 times practice (OR=2.06; 95% CI, 1.08-3.94; p=.028) more likely to have unacceptable facemask practice respectively. CONCLUSIONS High saturation of facemask among the general population is an adequate indicator of public hygiene measures strategy which can help to mitigate the COVID-19 epidemic impact. Alarmingly, the unacceptable facemask practice among high-risk population raises the need for a targeted approach by healthcare authorities to ensure satisfactory facemask use.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-119
Swaidatul Masluhiya AF ◽  
Irma Irma

Masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang cukup seriuspada kelompok usia balita sampai saat ini adalah kejadian malnutrisi, hal iniberdampak pada gangguan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan fisik balita. Malnutrisi juga dapat menyebabkan balita menjadi rentan terhadap penyakit infeksi. Beberapa faktor penyebab malnutrisi diantaranya faktor makanan dan penyakit infeksi yang mungkin diderita anak, faktor ketahanan pangan dikeluarga, pola pengasuhan anak, pelayanan kesehatan dan kesehatan lingkungan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah sindrom penyakit tropis merupakan prediktor terjadinya gizi kurang pada balita. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian observasional analitik dengan rancangan Case Control Study. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasangan ibu dan balita yang ada di daerah pesisir kecamatan Nambo Kota Kendari denganteknik simple randam sampling di dapatkan jumlah sampel  sebanyak 164 orang yang terdiri dari dua kelompok yaitu kelompok kasus dan kelompok kontrol dengan perbandingan 1:1. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Chi square pada tingkat kepercayaan 95% (α=0,05) dengan mempertimbangkan nilai Odd Ratio dan nilai Confidence Interval. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa sindrom penyakit tropis (diare dengan р-value = 0,001 dan OR = 4,162, batuk – batuk dengan р-value = 0,001 dan OR = 3,552,ISPAnon pneumoni dengan р-value = 0,004 dan OR = 3,003) merupakan faktor prediktor terjadinya malnutrisi pada balita sedangkan infeksi cacing dengan р-value = 0,056 dan OR= 1,773 bukan merupakan faktor prediktor terjadinya malnutrisi pada balita di daerah pesisir Kecamatan Nambo Kota Kendari

2021 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
pp. 153473542098834
Abdolazim Sedighi Pashaki ◽  
Kamal Mohammadian ◽  
Saeid Afshar ◽  
Mohammad Hadi Gholami ◽  
Abbas Moradi ◽  

Objective: Fatigue associated with malignant conditions and their treatments is a disabling condition. This trial assessed the anti-fatigue effects of melatonin coadministration during adjuvant treatment of patients with the breast cancer. Material and Methods: Patients with breast cancer were randomly assigned to receive melatonin or placebo during adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Thirty-seven patients were randomly enrolled in each group. The mean ages of patients in the intervention and control groups were 50.47 ± 10.79 and 46.05 ± 10.55 years, respectively ( P = .223). The intervention group received oral melatonin (18 mg/day) from 1 week before until 1 month after the adjuvant radiotherapy. The level of fatigue was assessed before and after intervention using Brief Fatigue Inventory (BFI) in both groups. To analyze data, the Student’s t-test and the Chi-square test were used at a significance level of P ≤ .05. Results: The BFI score was similar before the intervention in both groups, however, after the intervention, it was significantly lower in the melatonin group ( P < .001). Moreover, the frequency of severe fatigue in the melatonin group was significantly lower than in the placebo group after intervention (42.1% vs 83.3%, P < .001). Conclusion: Coadministration of melatonin during adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy of women with breast cancer decreased the levels of fatigue associated with the malignant condition and its treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 61 (1) ◽  
Isadora Carvalho Medeiros Francescantonio ◽  
Leandro Augusto Rodrigues dos Santos ◽  
Paulo Luiz Carvalho Francescantonio ◽  
Luiz Eduardo Coelho Andrade ◽  
Wilson de Melo Cruvinel

Abstract Objective To evaluate the perception of rheumatologists regarding the recommendations of the Brazilian Consensus for detection of Autoantibodies (BCA) on HEp-2 Cells by Indirect Immunofluorescence assay (IFA) and how BCA recommendations help in clinical practice. Methodology A structured questionnaire regarding the BCA recommendations for detection and interpretations of autoantibodies in HEp-2 cells was applied to randomly selected rheumatologists. The results were tabulated using the Microsoft® Excel program, expressed as a simple percentage and the dichotomous data were analyzed using the Chi-square test and the Epi Info® program. Results Four hundred fuorteen rheumatologists participated in the study: 70% of them considered their knowledge of the HEp-2 IFA test satisfactory or excellent, and 43% said they knew the BCA recommendations in general, without distinguishing the edition of the BCA to which they refer. The Revista Brasileira de Rheumatologia/Advances in Rheumatology was the means of dissemination most consulted by specialists (50%). According to the rheumatologists’ opinion, the most relevant pattern was the homogeneous nuclear (78%) and 65% stated they were satisfied with the BCA recommendations at a level of satisfaction greater than or equal to 80%. There was no significant difference in the perception of rheumatologists from the several Brazilian geographic regions. Conclusion Brazilian rheumatologists are aware of the BCA guidelines and most are satisfied with the content published, considering that the BCA recommendations assist positively in the clinical practice. Most rheumatologists recognize the patterns associated with rheumatic autoimmune diseases and have used BCA recommendations to interpret the results of the HEp-2 IFA test.

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