A Happy Choice for the Rest of the Life! In Memory of Aleksandr Petrovich Bychko, an Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Honorary Citizen of Tomsk, Honored Professor of Tomsk State University

Dmitriy M. Khloptsov ◽  

The article is dedicated to the memory of Aleksandr Petrovich Bychkov, an Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Honorary Citizen of Tomsk, Honored Professor of Tomsk State University (TSU). In the first 10 years of service at Tomsk State University, Bychkov made a career from an assistant professor to a university rector, heading TSU in 1967 and leaving this post 16 years later, in 1983. Defending his doctoral dissertation in 1966, Bychkov became the first Doctor of Economics in Tomsk after the Revolution and was elected head of the Department of Political Economy at TSU. Understanding the importance and necessity of developing economic education in Siberia, Bychkov made great efforts to open a new specialty – political economy – at TSU. On Bychkov’s initiative, an economic laboratory was opened at TSU. In 1969, the Academic Council for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations in economic, philosophical, and legal sciences was opened at Tomsk State University, and Bychkov became the chairman of the council. In fact, TSU became a basic university in the formation of scientific, methodological, organizational, and informational work in the field of economic education in entire Western and Eastern Siberia. Bychkov’s main areas of research were property relations, the economic foundations of federalism in Russia. In the economic literature at that time there were lively discussions on the effectiveness of management, material incentives and planning in the socialist economy. There were not only discussions, but also numerous reforms and reorganizations in the economic life of the country, which affected the development of the economy, had an impact on the quality of the social life of society, on the development of science and education. The initiated reform was the development of an initiative to improve economic activity at enterprises through the active involvement of scientific and educational institutions. Along with scientific, educational and methodological work, he organized social and educational work to disseminate knowledge, increase economic literacy among the population of the region. In 1974 Bychkov headed the Socioeconomic Problems of the Development of Siberia and the Far East Problem Council of the Ministry of Higher Education of the RSFS. In the 1970s–1980s he headed the West Siberian sector for organizing students’ research work. The article discusses the main milestones in the life of Aleksandr Bychkov. The significance of his methodological and leadership activities related to the formation and development of economic education in Tomsk and in Siberia in general is investigated; the directions of scientific activity are analyzed; the role in the formation of his own scientific school and the relationship of the investigated problems with the contemporary urgent tasks of economic science and education in Russia are shown. The entire period of Bychkov’s work in Tomsk as an associate professor, professor, head of department and rector of Tomsk State University can be considered a period of the formation, growth and qualitative development of economic education and science not only at TSU, but throughout Siberia. Today, a large number of his students and followers head departments of the economic profile and institutes of almost all Siberian universities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 (2) ◽  
pp. 198-214
Kaysyn Khubiev ◽  
Alla Rassadina

The review presents a discussion at the session of the Scientific Council of Moscow State University on the development of modern economic theory and Russian model of social and economic development. The session, held on November 28, 2019 at the Faculty of Economics in Lomonosov Moscow State University, was dedicated to two dates - the 215th anniversary of the Department of Political Economy and the 115th anniversary of N. A. Tsagolov. The topic of scientific discussion: “Interdisciplinary approach - the key to solving theoretical and practical problems of modern time”. During the discussion, issues related to interdisciplinary method in economic theory, University traditions and modern experience of interdisciplinary method in economic science were discussed. Speakers also concentrated on the problems of national political economy development, inseparably connected with the history of the Department of Political Economy at the Faculty of Economics in Moscow University. Special attention was paid to the period of the development of the Department under the leadership of N. A. Tsagolov and formation of the scientific school connected with his name. The discussion focused on the interdisciplinary approach developed by “Tsagolov School”, the possibility of its development under the conditions of a new scientific and technological revolution, and its role in the effective study of economy and society in the twenty-first century.

2020 ◽  
pp. 55-68
Natalia Aleksandrovna Kazakova

The international strategy for the development of competitive advantages based on digitalization has not only become a powerful driver of socio-economic and technological spheres, including science and education, but also created new, digital risks that require their identification, assessment and countermeasures. The study is aimed at assessing the digitalization trends of the Russian economy in comparison with global trends, identifying digital risks and directions for the development of economic education and science. The analysis showed that the highest level of digitalization is observed in the public and financial sectors, it is also noted in some industries, which is associated with robotization and the introduction of integrated platforms. The digital environment develops methods of accounting, analysis, diagnostics and control, changing the priorities and vector of assessing business efficiency, primarily for companies associated with the creation of databases, information resources, computer software, information processing, the key capital of which is intellectual capital (digital , human, reputational). To date, the methods of business analysis of companies in the IT sector are practically not developed by economic science, and there are no officially recognized ones yet. It is clear that the information base for such analysis should be much wider than the traditionally used one, including big data analytics. At the same time, one should pay attention to the fact that the analysis of the transparency of the activities of the IT sector companies indicates their informational secrecy. Thus, the article examines digital risks caused by the growth of digital transactions in economic transactions, an increase in the share of digital assets and intellectual capital, a change in key indicators for assessing the effectiveness of companies in the digital economy, as well as the transformation of economic professions and the increased requirements of employers for the professional competencies of personnel. In this aspect, points of potential demand for information and analytical competencies and professional values have been identified, which serve as a navigator of the development processes of modern economic education and science.

Anna V. Lozhnikova ◽  
Dmitriy M. Khloptsov ◽  
Aleksandr Yu. Bychkov ◽  
Mikhail E. Сhernyak ◽  

The article continues the series of articles in memory of Aleksandr Petrovich Bychkov, honorary citizen of Tomsk, rector of Tomsk State University (TSU) (1967–1983) and head of the Department of Political Economy of TSU (1966–1991). The article focuses on the fundamental scientific works of Aleksandr Bychkov as the founder of the Property and Economic Relations scientific school at the TSU Department of Political Economy. During his life (1921–2009), Professor Bychkov undoubtedly managed to build a successful model for the organization and development of scientific knowledge, and a system of continuous professional development for political economy instructors. Holding the high post of the TSU rector for a long time, Professor Bychkov managed to gather his associates in the field of economic education around himself and raise a lot of students and followers, numerous candidates and doctors of economic sciences, faculty and heads of political economy departments of universities in Siberia and the Far East. Professor Bychkov formulated and implemented a highly controversial long-term research program in two sectors (collective farms and the state) and two forms of public ownership in agriculture (kolkhoz–cooperative and state), from which his scientific school developed. Professor Bychkov traced the evolution from the emergence of a collective form of ownership to collective farm forms of land management. The fact that this research program deserves the status of a major scientific problem in the USSR is proved by the scientific session of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the history of peasant and collective farm construction in the USSR, held in Moscow in the period between Bychkov’s defenses of his candidate of science (1955) and doctor of science (1966) dissertations. According to Professor Bychkov, property relations in their economic essence should be separated from their legal expression and should include the entire set of production relations of people in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods.

2003 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 253-259
Edmundas Zavadskas ◽  
Artūras Kaklauskas

The scientific school of Academician A. A. Gusakov “Systems engineering in construction” has been approached by a social-communicative model. Scientists belonging to the above school have been identified and the period of the school formation has been determined. The research work carried out by A. A. Gusakov and his followers and their contribution to science and education have been discussed. The investigation is based on three methods: the analysis of the flow of theses, as well as the co-authorship and citation analysis.


In article the origin and human capacity development of economic science in Eastern Siberia is considered. Noted that with emergence in 1918. The Irkutsk state university began to teach economic disciplines there. From now on and in the 1920th the economic education was presented in various educational and scientific divisions: law department, humanitarian faculty, faculty of social sciences, faculty of the right and local economy. In the late twenties economic education was actually curtailed, and since the beginning of the 1930th renewed at the Siberian financial and economic institute created on the basis of the reorganized university. Authors revealed the first professors and teachers-economists of the higher school of Eastern Siberia, their short scientific and pedagogical characteristics are shown. The attention to connection of the taught disciplines with the conducted scientific research is paid. The attention is focused that for rather short period it was succeeded to create the personnel potential which competently provided implementation of training programs on all economic and financial disciplines. The provision that financial and economic education in the region, since 1930th became possible thanks to the basis created in the 1920th is proved. The conclusion is drawn that the scientific heritage of scientists-economists of Eastern Siberia of that period needs a perspective system research.

2020 ◽  
Vol 164 ◽  
pp. 12006 ◽  
Mariya Kivarina ◽  
Anna Makarevich

At present, considerable attention is paid to the problems of understanding the most important trends in the formation and development of a digital economy, as well as the development of adaptive models of the modern education system, which reflects the relevance of the subject matter under study. The purpose of the article is to investigate the features of the transformation of economic science and education in the conditions of digitalization of the economy, to identify the main problems of the modern scientific and educational system and to identify the main ways to solve them. The research is based on an interdisciplinary approach using methods of logical-structural, situational and comparative analysis. Prospective directions of development of an economic science in conditions of digitalization are considered in the article, the problems which face the system of economic education at a stage of formation of a digital society are revealed. The significant influence on the transformation in the sphere of employment of the speed of the formation of educational networks for the training of personnel possessing the skills of teamwork for the effective resolution of technological, demographic and socio-economic problems is proved.


It is wellknown that A. Montchretien initiated the beginning of the science of political economy. In the past, 2015, therefore, mankind celebrated the 400th anniversary of the release of his "Treatise on political economy". Accounting the historical and practical significance expressed at that difficult time, ideas, Deputy editor of the recently converted and in a paper version for a long time published in the electronic version of journal "Questions of political economy", Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, head of chair of political economy of the National metallurgical Academy (Dnepropetrovsk), V. N. Tarasevich asked a few questions in accordance event, the graduate of the Department of political economy, Belarusian State University, now Professor, head of the Department of theoretical and institutional Economics P. S. Lemeshenko. The replies to a fundamentally new events and changes are given both in reality and in theoretical economic doctrines.

2005 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-120
Egidija Laumenskaitė

Economic thought in Lithuania has comparatively deep historical roots and some special achievements to its credit. The establishment of the Department of Political Economy at the University of Vilnius in 1803 was the first such high recognition of the physiocrats’ concept in the history of economic science. The reasons for physiocracy to appear as a syllabus subject at Vilnius University were rooted not only in the specific character of the country’s economy and educational system, but also in the ideological prehistory of the discipline. The turn of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries marked the first period of vigorous development in economic thought in Lithuania and coincided with the development of economic ideas at Vilnius University, established in 1579. Rapid changes in economic life and the widespread Reformation movement in the mid-sixteenth century gave birth to active debates on social and economic issues. At that time the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was not merely following the development of economic ideas of the West (which was the fact later, especially with the upsurge in the economic thought in the twentieth century), but also disputing them (although the scope of this polemic was noticeably slender) and looking for solutions to the country’s keenest economic problems. The economic ideas of Jan Abramowicz, Marcin Smiglecki and others are worth consideration in the context of the development of European economic thought as a whole. The educational reforms at Vilnius University at the end of the eighteenth century (from Vilnius Academy, managed by Jesuits, to a more open educational institution) gave a birth to a new upsurge of economic thought in Lithuania. Vilnius University adopted the new discipline of Political Economy. Professors Hieronim Stroynowski, Jan Waszkewicz, and Michał Oczapowski started developing various courses in economics. However, after the Uprising of 1831 the University of Vilnius was closed down and further development of economic thought was restricted for almost a century. The unsteady evolution of economic thought in Lithuania in the period under review is connected with the country’s general economic and political development.

Valentyna Feshchenko

The article analyzes the features of the development of marginalism and the emergence of a modern methodology for the analysis of economic processes in Ukrainian economic thought, starting with the development of the Kyiv scientific school headed by M. Bunge and ending with the works of prominent Ukrainian scientists E. Slutsky and M. Tugan-Baranovsky. These problems, considering their relevance for the present, are the subjects of modern scholars’ researches, such as T. Hayday, I. Golovata, V. Kudlak, O. Kurbet, V. Nebrat, N. Suprun, Y. Ushchapovsky, V. Feshchenko and others. The purpose of the article is to highlight the scientific contribution of Ukrainian economists of the last third of the 19th – beginning of the 20th centuries to the development of marginalism and Western European liberalism, to reveal the emergence of a new methodology of economic analysis based on the combination of ideas of classical political economy and marginal analysis, the historical school’ principles with the European socio-reformism, and the use of functional analysis with economic and mathematical research tools. Significant progress of the Ukrainian economic science in this period are the theoretical achievements of representatives of the Kyiv School of Political Economy. In the works of M. Bunge, D. Pikhno, R. Orzhentsky, and O. Bilimovych, the attention was focused on the development of the theory of value with the use of marginal analysis, the psychological foundations of the theory of value were supported, and the emphasis was placed on the social orientation of research. E. Slutsky's works «The Theory of Marginal Utility», and «On the Theory of Consumer Budget» reflected new approaches to understanding utility as an economic category, determined the value of market goods in terms of their usefulness and rarity, and initiated the study of market behavior and mechanisms of formation and stability of the consumer budget. In the context of the formation of the new methodology for economic analysis, the author reveals the priority and significance of the creation of the synthetic theory of value by M. Tugan-Baranovsky. The article highlights the significant influence of Ukrainian scientists of the studied period on the development of world economic science and substantiates the necessity of further study of their scientific work.

2018 ◽  
pp. 118-127 ◽  
G. B. Kleiner

The development of the system paradigm in economic science leads to the formulation of a number of important questions to the political economy as one of the basic directions of economic theory. In this article, on the basis of system introspection, three questions are considered. The first is the relevance of the class approach to the structuring of the socio-economic space; the second is the feasibility of revising the notion of property in the modern world; the third is the validity of the notion of changing formations as the sequence of “slave-owning system — feudal system — capitalist system”. It is shown that in modern society the system approach to the structuring of socio-economic space is more relevant than the class one. Today the classical notion of “property” does not reflect the diversity of production and economic relations in society and should be replaced by the notion of “system property”, which provides a significant expansion of the concepts of “subject of property” and “object of property”. The change of social formations along with the linear component has a more influential cyclic constituent and obeys the system-wide cyclic regularity that reflects the four-cycle sequence of the dominance of one of the subsystems of the macrosystem: project, object, environment and process.

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