scholarly journals Life Models in Young People: Ideas of Future Family and Impacts of Parental Models

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 5-18 ◽  
N.L. Moskvicheva ◽  
A.A. Rean ◽  
S.N. Kostromina ◽  
N.V. Grishina ◽  
E.V. Zinovieva

The article substantiates the introduction of the “life model” construct as a fragment of life scenario in a specific area of human life and describes the development of tools for its study. The results of a study on life models of relationships in young people (on a sample of 100 students of St. Petersburg State University, the average age of 21 ± 1.1 years) are presented by the following parameters: the need for creating a family and maintaining close relationships; understanding the nature of relationships in a future family (distribution of responsibility and power); commitment to family life space in comparison with the students' perceptions of their parents’ life models. The paper characterises the impact of parental family on the individual’s life scenarios. It shows that the consistency of life models reveals itself in the young people’s desire to reproduce their parents’ model of emotional intimacy in relationships, provided that they evaluate the relationships in their families as successful; no such consistency was found in the professional sphere. Finally, five types of life models in the young people are described, emphasizing the leading role of closeness/distance with parental family in their content, which confirms the fundamental importance of the respondents' orientation towards close relationships with their parental family.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 110-122
Tat'yana N. Gushchina ◽  

This article analyzes representations of modern youth about social success, the factors of social success and the role of socio-pedagogical support in the development of the social success of young people; on the correlation of age and success, success and support; about the impact of social success on the level of human life; about the readiness of youth to accompany other people. The sample size was one hundred and twenty young people between the ages of fourteen and thirty who are studying in General education organizations, professional educational organizations, and educational organizations of higher education in the Yaroslavl region. To study the social perceptions of modern young people, the author's questionnaire was used, and to control the results, individual conversations and the method of focus groups were used. The survey was conducted in writing on an individual basis, indirectly, using the Internet service "Google forms". The link to the survey was posted on the public pages of educational and public organizations in the social network "in contact". Differences are shown in the content of social representations of success as a socio-psychological phenomenon, and in their interpretation by the study participants. It is established that socially successful young people tend to perceive success not only as a result of their own actions, but also as a result of support by family members or teachers, while their peers who consider themselves unsuccessful tend to exaggerate the role of circumstances, including support, in the development of their own social success. Indicators of the presence of socio-pedagogical support in the life of people who are socially successful are higher in percentage than those who are unsuccessful. Most of the study participants note that the most effective development of social success of young people occurs in the conditions of accompanying this process.

Svetlana Kostromina ◽  
Nataliya Grishina ◽  
Natal'ya Moskvicheva ◽  
Elena Zinov'eva

The paper presents the findings of theoretical and empirical studies devoted to the development of the human “life model” construct, introduced to specify the concept of the life scenario and considered as its fragment in a particular area of life. The authors highlight that the life models are of a dynamic nature, being a process of individual self-fulfillment in different areas of life, determined by the individual’s activity in addressing the challenges of life. The study uses: (1) the authors’ questionnaire “Life Models”, empirically tested for three groups: youth, older generation, high school students; (2) automated semantic analysis of Internet resources and content analysis of online accounts of young people and older generation; (3) a set of techniques for personality assessment, including Big Five (T. Costa, R. McCrae), value orientations survey (Schwartz), self-efficacy questionnaire (J. Maddux, M. Scheer). A series of empirical studies (involving 2,281 respondents aged 19 to 55 from various Russian cities) described the variations of life models in the professional area, close relationships, and the area of self. The study indicates that they are based on traditions that meet the conservative perspective and on the trends of social changes, i.e., increasing demand for flexibility and mobility, increasing opportunities for education, development, and self-fulfillment. The combined effect is evident in the diversity of life models. Social transformation unevenly affects the life plan of young people, leaving some areas of life to be more conservative (the area of close relationships) and adapting other areas to the spirit of time (the professional area). The older generation serves as the source of preservation of traditions in youth’s building of the life scenario, while peers and the digital space contribute to its transformation. The study confirms the promising nature of the concept of life model as a unit of description of the multidimensional space of life of a modern person.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 140-145
Nadezhda G. Grigorieva ◽  
Svetlana M. Drutskaya ◽  

The article examines some aspects of the social and psychological well-being of young people during the coronavirus pandemic, the impact of social deprivation on the emotional, intellectual, and behavioral activity of a person. The role of communica-tion in human life is presented on the basis of the analysis of views, opinions, and ideas of scientists. An analysis of the results of a study on the impact of the coronavirus infection pandemic on the psychological well-being of young people is presented.

Marek A. Motyka ◽  
Ahmed Al-Imam

Drug use has been increasing worldwide over recent decades. Apart from the determinants of drug initiation established in numerous studies, the authors wish to draw attention to other equally important factors, which may contribute to augmenting this phenomenon. The article aims to draw attention to the content of mass culture, especially representations of drug use in mass media, which may influence the liberalization of attitudes towards drugs and their use. The role of mass culture and its impact on the audience is discussed. It presents an overview of drug representations in the content of mass culture, e.g., in film, music, literature, and the occurrence of drug references in everyday products, e.g., food, clothes, and cosmetics. Attention was drawn to liberal attitudes of celebrities and their admissions to drug use, particularly to the impact of the presented positions on the attitudes of the audience, especially young people for whom musicians, actors, and celebrities are regarded as authorities. Indications for further preventive actions were also presented. Attention was drawn to the need to take appropriate action due to the time of the COVID-19 pandemic when many people staying at home (due to lockdown or quarantine) have the possibility of much more frequent contact with mass culture content, which may distort the image of drugs.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. 70-84
A. V. Topilin ◽  
O. D. Vorob’eva ◽  
A. S. Maksimova

Purpose of the research. To examine the dynamics of reproduction of labor potential and labor supply in Russia for the period up to 2035, depending on the impact factors of its reproduction: generation change (changes in the proportion of cohort, entering and leaving at the age composition of the labor potential), fertility and mortality rates, migration balance in the individual age cohorts.  Materials and methods. The concept of “replacement of generations” is introduced. The coefficient of replacement of generations is developed and its value for labor potential of Russia for the period up to 2035 is calculated. The influence of factors of natural population movement on the dynamics of labor potential is analyzed. The compensating role of the migration factor in the conditions of labor potential reduction is calculated. Russian regions were grouped according to the following criteria: the direction and intensity of changes in the working-age population in 2020–2035 and the proportion of young people aged 0–15 years.  Results.  – There will be the reduction and aging of labor potential during the second stage of depopulation due to demographic factors.  – The decline in the working-age population in the second wave of depopulation is expected to be smaller than in the first wave.  – In Russia there will be a decrease in the replacement of generations in the contingent of people of the working age.  – The growth of Total Fertility Rate (TFR) in the forecast period should not be expected, because until 2030 a gradual decrease in the number of women of reproductive age is expected.  – The deepest failure in the population of the working age will be in 2020–2025 accounting for 1.7 million people according to the average variant of the forecast.  – In the forecast period, the labor force in the most productive age of 25–39 years will decrease by 10.5 million people, and the employment rate will decrease from 65.5% to 63.5%.  – Regional features of the formation of demand and supply of labor force in Russia cause the allocation of six homogeneous groups of regions.  – In order to compensate for the losses, it is necessary to increase the migration gain in the average version of ROSSTAT forecast by 2–2.5 times.  Conclusion. To meet the needs of the economy in the labor force in the forecast period, it is necessary to solve two interrelated tasks: compensation for the reduction of labor potential and ensuring the quality of labor potential necessary for the introduction of new technologies and digitalization of the economy. The unfavorable situation with the formation of labor resources is exacerbated by regional imbalances in the distribution of labor potential and differences in its quality across the country. In the future, migration is once again the only source of replenishment of labor potential and replacement of generations, despite the risks of quality losses due to the emigration of highly qualified persons and young people. It is necessary to take measures to increase the compensatory role of migration in the next five – six years. At the same time, migration policy measures should be considered in close conjunction with other measures to stimulate fertility and reduce mortality, ensuring a positive impact on the components of the population growth.  

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 ◽  
pp. 93-97
Alexey Osipov ◽  
Vyacheslav Savinykh ◽  
Natalya Makarenko

We consider the socio-humanitarian problems of the formation of innopolises and science cities in Russia in the XXI century, including the impact of socio-cultural preferences on the formation of these types of localizations. The key role of young scientists in achieving the success of science and education centers is stated. It is pointed out that the inhibiting factor here is the decline of work ethic and the realities of the labor market in the form of the insufficient prestige of a researcher in the professional preferences of young people.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-41
R. V. Len’kov ◽  
O. A. Kolosova ◽  
S. V. Kovalyova

The article provides the results of a search empirical study of the impact of digital communications on the protest behavior of young people in the digital environment. The authors conducted the study on the basis of the State University of Management from November 2019 to April 2020. In the course of its implementation, the civil and political practices of student youth during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and mass self-isolation were studied and updated. The paper determines the most common forms of protest activity of university students, names the main reasons for their participation or non-participation in mass protest actions. It has been empirically proven that the increase in protest behavior of young people is determined by an increase in the amount of political information with a high number of likes and reposts. In order to deactivate protest moods among young people, reduce the threats of their protest behavior and improve attitudes towards the authorities, the authors developed practical recommendations that involve social monitoring of sites, forums, pages and communities on the Internet, where young people can freely express their opinions, express dissatisfaction, and receive explanations about the actions of the authorities. The study also recommends to stimulate “feedback” with the authorities, improve public opinion on the actions or inaction of the authorities, increase the influence of citizens’ assessments on the work of state and municipal authorities. The paper states the importance of tracking youth groups prone to extremism, carrying out preventive measures with students in schools, students in colleges and universities, teaching them legal literacy. To get answers to questions about the political and economic consequences awaiting our country after the end of the coronavirus pandemic, as well as about the essence of the predicted threats, the authors plan the study on a more representative sample.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
Maria-Luiza Oswald

This paper intends to show, based on the contributions of Latin American Cultural Studies, that the difficulty children and young people have with the organization of written texts, such as that found in books, is determined by the impact that the technology of images exercises over the ways in which they learn to read the world. An analysis of the first interviews with young people, conducted as part of an institutional project in progress, point to the role played by the language of television cartoons in their development as readers. El presente trabajo trae el análisis de las primeras entrevistas realizadas en el ámbito de una investigación institucional en curso interesada en investigar los sentidos/lecturas que niños y jóvenes realizan acerca de los productos de la cultura pop japonesa –mangás (historias en cuadritos), animes (dibujos animados) e videojuegos– basada en la orientación de los Estudios Culturales latinoamericanos (Jesús Martín-Barbero, Néstor García Canclini, Guillermo Orozco Gomes, entre otros autores). Ellos proponen que la recepción de los productos mediáticos sea analizada a partir de un desplazamiento teórico-metodológico que, reorientando el foco de los medios/mensaje para las mediaciones, permite identificar los receptores no como «dóciles audiencias», sino como productores activos de sentidos. Se pretende, con eso, intentar contribuir para la superación de la tensión entre la escuela y las culturas infantil y juvenil, tensión que tiene como uno de sus pilares el conflicto entre la cultura letrada y la cultura de la imagen. El estudio, que supone la opción por un abordaje cualitativo de carácter etnográfico, viene siendo realizado a través de entrevistas semi-estructuradas individuales con consumidores del trípode de la poderosa industria de entretenimiento nipónica, que se viene constituyendo como fenómeno mundial de comunicación de masa. Los discursos de los primeros entrevistados –cuatro jóvenes fanáticos de animes y mangas, cuya edad oscila entre 17 y 22 años– destacaron la influencia que el lenguaje de la TV ejerce sobre el extrañamiento que mantiene con el texto impreso tal como él se organiza en el libro. No obstante, la presencia en lo cotidiano de esos sujetos de un cúmulo de estímulos sonoros y visuales, no es raro depararnos con la existencia de una crisis de lectura que afecta niños y jóvenes, influenciando su desempeño en la escuela. Delante de los relatos, el grupo de investigación se formula algunas cuestiones: ¿la alusión a la crisis no sería, en el fondo, una incapacidad de las generaciones que fueron educadas y escolarizadas en los moldes de la cultura letrada?; entender que «el pretencioso gesto universal del libro» (W. Benjamin) ya no resuena entre las nuevas generaciones que ya nacieron bajo el impacto que la tecnología del sonido y de la imagen ejercen sobre la escritura? No sería, entonces, posible suponer que, si hay una crisis de la lectura, ¿es por las generaciones pasadas que está sendo vivenciada? Frente a esto, ¿no sería más adecuado, en vez de quedarnos repitiendo que existe una crisis de lectura que afecta la escolarización de niños y jóvenes y de permanecer buscando soluciones milagrosas para ese conflicto, asumir que estamos delante no de una crisis, sino de un contexto histórico del cual precisamos aproximarnos para no perder el tren de la historia? Esas fueron algunas de las preguntas que el examen de las cuatro primeras entrevistas con los jóvenes permitió sacar a luz de los fundamentos de los Estudios Culturales latinoamericanos, y es sobre ellas que ese texto se vuelca, no con la intención de responderlas, sino con el objetivo de constituirlas como un mapa que puede revelarnos caminos «para pasar de las respuestas que fracasaron a las preguntas que renuevan las ciencias sociales y las políticas libertadoras» (Néstor Canclini).

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Salma S. Abed

Purpose The Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of human life. Even though the pandemic length was not too long, a huge volume of research relating to Covid-19 has been published in different contexts. This paper aims to review the literature investigating the impact of Covid −19 on businesses generally and explore studies examining the technology role of business survival during the Covid-19 lockdowns specifically. Design/methodology/approach This study implemented the concept of a systematic review approach to review the literature that has been conducted in the business field during the Covid-19 crisis in general. Additionally, it looks into the research examining the role of technology in business survival in the Covid-19 crisis specifically. All studies were conducted in 2020. A total of 53 studies were identified and categorised into different themes. The research methods, theories and locations have also been analysed. Findings It was found that Covid-19 pandemic has affected all business sectors in several ways. Technology adoption has a critical role for business survival during the Covid-19 crises especially with small businesses. Very limited research has been conducted on the adoption of different technologies during the Covid-19 lockdowns. Originality/value This study presents the most frequent themes and topics that have been explored in the literature during the Covid-19 crisis in the business field. It highlights the methods used in addition to the theories and research locations present in this literature. Finally, it proposes the possible implications of this literature review.

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