scholarly journals The relationship between the Kazakhs and the peasant-migrants of Western Kazakhstan in the XIX - early XX century

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 117-122
Dmitriy Yakovlevich Frizen

The relationships between Kazakhs and Russian peasants have evolved for a long time. Over the past 20 years, Kazakh historians were unable to find new methods of research on the agrarian colonization of Kazakhstan. Basically, agrarian colonization of Kazakhstan is considered as a negative process, as the Russification of the Kazakh people. The majority of Kazakh historians write in similar spirit, and hence it is quite difficult to give an objective assessment of the events. The article reveals the problem of adaptation of the Russian peasants in the Western Kazakhstan in the 19th and early 20th centuries. During the period of the Stolypin agrarian reform more than 1 million immigrants from various Russian provinces came to Kazakhstan. The tsarist government discussed the issue of agrarian colonization of Kazakhstan for a long time. The settlers began to rent the Kazakhs land. Settlements of Russian peasants appeared in the Kazakh steppes, and the Kazakhs began to settle near these villages. The relationship between the Kazakh population and the immigrants were peaceful. They worked together on the ground, sowed bread. Many Kazakhs began to learn the Russian language and were hired to work for Russian peasants. Labor contacts became more active. Western Kazakhstan was actively involved in the Russian market.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 204-212
Nigora Vokhidova ◽  

The article discusses the effectiveness of innovative approaches in teaching Russian as a foreign language. It is noted that the use of new methods makes it possible to take into account the knowledge already acquired by the student for studying the Russian language and developing creative skills. The role of such a form of training as group work is shown, and some methods of interactive communication between students in practical classes in the Russian language are considered

2018 ◽  
Vol 79 (8) ◽  
pp. 66-71
T. N. Butseva ◽  
Yu. S. Ridetskaya

The article deals with the relationship between the terms «word of the year» and «neologism of the year», and the examples are the words, annually nominating as «word of the year», and neologisms of the last few years. The main research methods are statistical, comparative, and lexicographic description. Usually nomination «Word of the year» presents words, long-existing in the Russian language, borrowings, as well as author’s occasionalisms. The cultural and social aspects prevail in this campaign, while linguistic aspects are not involved. It seems that the verbal image of the year is a more complex and mosaic phenomenon. It can be reconstructed with the help of representative linguistic data scrupulously collected by lexicographers.

З.И. Годизова ◽  
Д.В. Габисова

Актуальность предпринятого исследования обусловлена тем, что причастие в современном осетинском языке не привлекало активного внимания ученых, имеются лишь общие описания причастий, а специальные исследования, посвященные причастиям, практически отсутствуют. Представляется интересным и актуальным сравнение системы причастий и их грамматических особенностей в осетинском и русском языках. Этот интерес обусловлен принадлежностью сопоставляемых языков к общей индоевропейской семье языков, а также тесным их взаимодействием в условиях двуязычия, что, очевидно, может отразиться и на системе причастий. Научная новизна данной статьи заключается в том, что в ней исследуются грамматические особенности всех разрядов причастий в осетинском языке в сопоставлении с русским языком. На основании проведенного анализа установлено, что в современном осетинском языке система причастий включает пять разрядов, разнообразных в своих грамматических проявлениях, в степени регулярности, в склонности переходить в состав других частей речи. Выявлены наиболее значительные отличия осетинских причастий от русских: существование причастий будущего времени в системе осетинского языка, отсутствие у причастий показателей времени и залога, а также именных грамматических категорий (падежа, числа, рода). Установлено также, что в осетинском языке категория вида в большей степени управляет категорией времени, в силу чего несовершенный вид причастий предполагает только настоящее время, а совершенный только прошедшее отсутствует четкая залоговая оппозиция причастий в осетинском языке. Определено также, что осетинские причастия не имеют членных (полных) форм, но функционируют в роли и сказуемого, и определения, хотя в большей степени тяготеют к предикативной роли. В осетинском языке причастия гораздо менее употребительны сравнительно с причастиями в русском языке и чаще вступают в отношения грамматической омонимии с другими частями речи. The relevance of the undertaken study is determined by the fact that participles in the modern Ossetian language are still insufficiently studied. There are only the most general descriptions of grammar features of participles. The comparison of the system of participles and their grammar features seems interesting and actual, especially considering the fact that the Ossetian and Russian languages belong to different groups of the Indo-European language family. Furthermore, in the context of bilingualism the Russian and Ossetian languages interact actively and that can affect the system of participles. The scientific novelty of the article is determined by the fact that it examines the grammatical features of all categories of participles in the Ossetian language in comparison with the Russian language. The conducted research allowed to elicit five categories in the system of participles in the modern Ossetian language. The analysis of the results showed the participles are diverse in their grammatical characteristics, in the degree of regularity, and in the tendency to transition into other parts of speech. The research defined the most significant differences between Ossetian and Russian participles: existence of future participles in the system of the Ossetian language absence of adjectival grammar categories of gender, number and case as well as formal markers of tense and voice in Ossetian participles. The tense category in Ossetian subordinates to the aspect category to a far greater extent therefore the imperfective aspect of participles accepts the present tense forms only, while perfective acts in the past tense forms Ossetian participles lack explicit voice opposition. Ossetian participles do not have full forms, but they can have syntactic functions of both the predicate and the attribute in a sentence, although the predicative function is more typical for them. Participles in the Ossetian language are much less common compared to participles in Russian and are more disposed to conversion (transition to the category of nouns, verbal adverbs, adjectives, words of the state category).

2021 ◽  
pp. 4-9
Е.Л. Бархударова

В основе разработки курсов практической фонетики, адресованных иноязычной аудитории, лежит анализ типологического своеобразия фонетической системы изучаемого языка в контексте лингводидактики. К числу важных направлений типологического исследования звукового строя русского языка следует отнести, во-первых, изучение соотношения консонантизма и вокализма в его фонетической системе на иноязычном фоне, во-вторых, – анализ позиционных закономерностей русской фонетической системы в сопоставлении с функционированием звуковых единиц в типологически разных языках. В позиционных закономерностях звукового строя языка наиболее ярко проявляется его идиоматичность: в каждом языке позиционные закономерности носят специфический характер и определяются соотношением парадигматики и синтагматики звуковых единиц. Большое число фонологически значимых отклонений в иностранном акценте обусловлено интерферирующим воздействием позиционных закономерностей родного языка на русскую речь учащихся. The development of practical phonetics courses addressed to a foreign audience is based on the analysis of the typological features of the phonetic system of the target language in the context of linguodidactics. It is necessary to designate two important areas of typological research of the sound structure of the Russian language: the study of the relationship of consonantism and vocalism in its phonetic system against a foreign language background and the analysis of positional rules of the Russian phonetic system in comparison with the functioning of sound units in typologically different languages. Idiomatic character of the language is most clearly manifested in the positional patterns of its sound structure. In each language, positional patterns are specific and are determined by the dominance of paradigmatic or syntagmatic relations of sound units. A large number of phonologically significant deviations in a foreign accent are due to the interfering influence of the positional laws of the native language on the Russian speech of students.

2021 ◽  
pp. 287-302
T. V. Shvetsova ◽  
V. E. Shakhova

The results of the study of the chronotope in Russian-language compositions based on the novel about Robinson’s adventures are presented. The material for the work was A. E. Razin’s novel “The Real Robinson” (1860) and Lev Tolstoy’s story “Robinson” (1862). The issues of the specifics of the representation of the chronotopic in the works of Russian writers are considered. The relevance of the study is due to the appeal to the universal of the chronotope, which contains an exhaustive toolkit for the artistic embodiment of images of space and time; as well as the search for new methods of literary analysis of the text. It is shown that in the analyzed texts, a kind of fusion of Russianlanguage compositions with a foreigncultural text in the aspect of a chronotope is realized. The similarities and differences in the rethinking of the story of Robinson are shown on the example of the model of textual connexity, the national specifics of the representation of the image of Robinson are indicated. It is noted that the external and internal chronotopes are retransmitted from work to work and create the basis for the emergence of the author’s intentions. It is proved that chronotopic analysis allows one to form an idea of the peculiarities of the Russian-language interpretation of the story of Robinson.

2021 ◽  
Vol 82 (3) ◽  
pp. 92-98
I. I. Krivonosov

The article is devoted to the history of the appearance and functioning of the word supertask (sverhzadacha) in the Russian language. Two lines of the lexeme functioning were distinguished: the first is associated with the etymology of the word, the second – with its use by K. S. Stanislavsky in the terminology system and the further entry of the unit into general use on the basis of determinologization. It is interesting that the second meaning has acquired the most widespread use. Only in the past two decades, the word has begun to lose its connection with the process of artistic creation. The purpose of the study was to briefly review the history of the word: from its first fixation in the Russian language and application by K. S. Stanislavsky (to designate one of the key concepts of Method Acting) up to modern contexts of use. The entry of the lexeme into the language was investigated using structural methods. The methods of contextual and distributive analysis were used to analyse both the contexts in which Stanislavsky used this word and the process of its fixation in the National Corpus of the Russian language. Statistical analysis was used to trace the dynamics of integration of the lexeme into the Russian language and its fixation in various spheres. The methods of component and comparative analysis were used to describe the formation mechanism of the initial term in the historical context. Borrowings of the term supertask (sverhzadacha) were found in other languages, indicating the spread of Stanislavsky’s system. The conclusion is drawn that the word supertask (sverhzadacha) functions in the Russian language mainly as a term from Stanislavsky’s system, gradually becoming determinologized and returning to the meaning conveying the logical sum of its constituent components.

2019 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 00086
Lydia Ogorodnikova ◽  
Yulia Ryndina

The article presents a further study of the genitive case variant inflection distribution in inanimate masculine nouns, found in fiction and journalistic texts of the second half of the 18th century. The focus is on the double negation in impersonal-predicative constructions with the word “no”. The relevance of the study is due to the persistent ambiguity of the choice of the genitive case form of words. The novelty is due to the literary sources created during the norm-establishing phase of the Russian literary language development. The article describes forms of the genitive case that have existed in the Russian language for a long time. The authors interpret the mechanism for choosing the genitive case by the authors of fiction and journalistic texts. The authors argue that a negative construct as a syntactic factor has little effect on the choice of the genitive case. The article discusses results of the comparative analysis of noun forms with A- and y-endings. In all types of negative constructions, the A-ending predominates, whereas the y-ending is observed in adverbial constructions and emphatic negations. A classification of structural types of negative sentences with genitive forms was developed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 267-288
V. M. Kotlyakov ◽  
L. P. Chernova

The proposed annual bibliography continues annotated lists of the Russian-language literature on glaciology that were regularly published in the past. It includes 277 references grouped into the atmospheric ice; 4) snow cover; 5) avalanches and glacial mudflows; 6) sea ice; 7) river and lake ice; 8) icings and ground ice; 9) the glaciers and ice caps; 10) palaeoglaciology. In addition to the works of the current year, some works of earlier years are added, that, for various reasons, were not included in previous bibliographies.  

E.N. Guts ◽  
D.V. Plotnikova ◽  

The article presents the results of a directed associative experiment carried out with high school students of secondary schools. The purpose of the article is to reveal the relationship between the structural and semantic features of the utterance and the strategies of the respondents’ choice of a linguistic sign (word/abbreviation) in the context of a directed associative experiment. The analysis of the experimental material made it possible to draw conclusions about the peculiarities of using the initial abbreviation as an associate; about the possibility of the abbreviation of stable and individual, situational associative links; about the strategies for choosing a linguistic sign (words, abbreviations, phrases) depending on the semantics of the reference word and the type of grammatical structure of the experimental sentence; on the consolidation of initial abbreviations in the linguistic consciousness of native speakers of the Russian language, which is associated with the strengthening of the law of economy of linguistic means in modern speech communication.

Olga Valentinova ◽  
Michail Rybakov ◽  
Alicja Pstyga

Phenomena characteristic for speech works of all functional styles of the modern Russian literary language, which are traditionally considered from the normative-didactic point of view: violation of case coordination, the appearance of the plural in abstract nouns, the non-identification of voice, the lack of correlation between the subject of the participial construction and the subject of the sentence etc. - are discussed by the authors of the article from the standpoint of modern systemic linguistics. The method of the systemic typology of languages used by researchers makes it possible to reveal a tendency to isolation that is firmly established in modern Russian speech. The deformation of the flectionality of the Russian language, caused by the growth of the cultural heterogeneity of the language collective, while preserving such parameters of the external determinant, which determines the inflectional grammatical type, as the size of the language collective and the communication mode, not only hampers the expression of complex meanings, but also makes them ultimately unclaimed in society, reducing the continuity in the transfer of socially significant experience. If the structures of relations between signs cease to be socially unified, the language collective loses the ability to reproduce and recognize the signs of the speech flow and associate them with certain components of the extra-linguistic thinking content. The external preservation of flexion and grammatical coordination in the event of a violation of the forecast function in the designation of cause-effect relationships of the developing event, does not indicate flexiveness, and therefore statistical methods for determining the degree of flexiveness will give a false result. An objective assessment of the language and socio-cultural situation in society and scientifically grounded adjustment of the language policy could be possible only on the base of research of the measure and nature of the discrepancy between the external determinant and the grammatical type of language.

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