scholarly journals Analisis Nilai Tambah Penggunaan Daun Nilam Kering Dalam Proses Penyulingan Minyak Nilam di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 141-154
Maisarah Maisarah ◽  
Irwan Irwan ◽  
Agustina Arida

Tanaman nilam merupakan salah satu tanaman penghasil minyak atsiri diIndonesia. Penyulingan minyak nilam di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dari daun nilam kering yang dilakukan oleh petani nilam. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persentase rentabilitas dan persentase rasio nilai tambah yang diperoleh dari usaha penyulingan minyak nilam di Kabupaten Aceh Jaya. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Usaha penyulingan minyak nilam menguntungkan bagi petani karena persentase rentabilitas yang diperoleh sebesar 31,7%. Berarti bahwa persentase rentabilitas lebih besar dari tingkat bunga yang berlaku. Adapun tingkat bunga yang berlaku (4,5%). Usaha penyulingan minyak nilam memberikan nilai tambah yang diperoleh adalah bersifat positif yaitu Rp/ Kg dengan rasio nilai tambah 84,75 % yang berarti selisih antara penjualan daun nilam kering dengan penjualan minyak nilam berbeda sebesar 84,75%. Berarti bahwa nilai tambah yang diperoleh petani adalah tinggi, karena rasio nilai tambah lebih besar 40%.Analysis Added Value Of Using The Dried Leaves Patchouli Of Refineries InProcess Patchouli Oil In Aceh JayaPatchouli is one of the essential oil producing plants in Indonesia. Patchouli oil refinery in the district of Aceh Jaya is one way to increase the added value of the dried patchouli leaves collected by the farmers patchouli. This study aims to determine the percentage of earnings, and the percentage ratio of the added value derived from patchouli oil refining business in the district of Aceh Jaya. The data used are primary data and secondary data. The analytical method used is to use quantitative methods. The results showed that the patchouli oil refining businesses profitable for farmers because of the percentage of earnings gained 31.7%. Means that the percentage of profitabilitygt; the prevailing interest rate. The applicable interest rate (4,5%). Patchouli oil refining business adds value obtained is positive, namely Rp6.630 / kg with added value ratio 84.75%, which means the difference between the sale of dried patchouli leaves with different patchouli oilsales amounted to 84.75%. Means that the added value of the farmers is high, because the ratio of added valuegt; 40%.

Sukarno Sukarno ◽  
Imam Sofii ◽  
Uswatun Chasanah

ABSTRAKSemangka  mempunyai nama Latin Citrullus  lanatus, masuk dalam suku Cucurbitaceae yang merupakan tanaman rambat yang cocok ditanam di daerah tropis dan subtropis. Namun untuk kulit semangka sering dibung begitu saja, padahal kulit semangka dapat diolah menjadi beragam jenis makanan atau camilan, misalnya manisan atau selai. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menguraikan estimasi pendapatan usaha pengolahan kulit semangka menjadi produk manisan kulit semangka sebagai upaya peningkatan nilai tambah limbah buah semangka. Penelitian dimulai dari analisis kandungan gizi pada kulit semangka hingga pembuatan produk manisan kulit semangka sampai pada pengumpulan data- data yang mendukung dalam analisa pendapatan usaha manisan kulit semangka. Jenis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan data sekunder. Data primer diperoleh melalui pengamatan dan praktek langsung pengolahan manisan kulit semangka dan wawancara untuk melengkapi informasi tentang objek penelitian. Dan data sekunder diperoleh dari instansi pemerintah, buku, internet dan studi literatur yang terkait dengan penelitian. Analisa pendapatan suatu usaha merupakan hasil selisih antara penjualan dengan total pengeluaran usaha.Kemudian dilakukan analisa tingkat kelayakan inovasi dengan analisis R/C rasio, jika R/C 1 layak untuk diterapkan, jika R/C < 1 inovasi tersebut tidak layak untuk diterapkan sebagai upaya peningkatan nilai tambah limbah kulit semangka. Berdasarkan hasilo uji diperoleh hasil bahwa usaha pembuatan manisan semangka ini layak untuk dilakukan karena analisis rasio R/C menunjukkan 5,7 atau R/C>1.Kata Kunci: Analisa Pendapatan, Kulit Semangka, Manisan ABSTRACT Watermelon has the Latin name Citrullus lanatus, included in the Cucurbitaceae family, a vine suitable for planting in tropical and subtropical areas. However, watermelon skin is often wrapped just like that, even though watermelon skin can be processed into various types of food or snacks, such as sweets or jam. The research objective was to describe the estimated income from the watermelon skin processing business to become candied watermelon skin products to increase watermelon waste's added value. The research started from analyzing the nutritional content of watermelon skin to the manufacture of candied watermelon skin products to the collection of supporting data in analyzing the income of the watermelon skin candied business. The types of data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Preliminary data were obtained through direct observation and practice of processing watermelon skin sweets and interviews to complete information about the research object. And secondary data obtained from government agencies, books, the internet, and literature studies related to research. Analysis of a business's income is the result of the difference between sales and total business expenses. Then an analysis of the feasibility of innovation is carried out with an R / C ratio analysis if R / C 1 is feasible to apply if R / C <1, the invention is not possible to be implemented as an effort an increase in the added value of waste watermelon skin. Based on the test results, it was found that the business of making candied watermelon was feasible because the R / C ratio analysis showed 5.7 or R / C> 1.Keywords: Income Analysis, Watermelon Skin, Sweets

2014 ◽  
Vol 34 (2) ◽  
pp. 10
Richie A.F. Osak ◽  
V V.J Panelewen ◽  
J. Pandey ◽  
I. D.R Lumenta

ABSTRACT THE EFFECT OF HOUSEHOLD INCOME ON MEAT CONSUMPTION (BEEF, PORK AND CHIKEN) AT THE VILLAGE OF SEA I, PINELENG DISTRICT.This study aims to determine the magnitude of meat consumption (beef, porl and chiken) of household based on income levels in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district and to determine the effect of household income on meat consumption (beef, porl and chiken) in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district. Formulation of research problem is how much they purchased meat (beef, porl and chiken) consumption household in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district. This study was conducted in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district. Study was conducted using a survey method, and data were obtained through primary data and secondary data. Determination of the location (rural sample) in the study was conducted by purposive sampling method. Number of samples used in this study were 30 people. Data of this study were analyzed by descriptive and mathematical analysis methods. Income indicated the amount of income earned in a month household, whether they were from the household head or sourced from other household members who work and earn income. From the money earned, the highest number of respondents had incomes between 1.000.000 to 3.000.000/month with the percentage of 70 %, while the number of respondents with the smallest income was less than 1.000.000/month with the percentage of 16.67 %. The difference of income held by the respondents in the Village of Sea I, would have an impact on the amount of meat purchases each month. This was in accordance with the opinion Sukirno (2002) stating that most of the disposable income is used to buy food and clothing. Most of the meat consumed by people in the Village of Sea I was pork and chicken meat compared to beef, it was because the price of beef was relatively expensive compared to the price of pork and chicken meat. Based on research results, pork was the most meat consumed by family respondents about 21 families with the percentage of 70 % of respondents, followed by chicken meat about 18 families with the percentage of 60 % of respondents, and beef by 8 families with the percentage of 26 respondents, 67 % of domestic poultry and meat about 6 families with the percentage of 20 % of respondents. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded that household income significantly affect the consumption of meat in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district and the average consumption of meat in the Village of Sea I, Pineleng district was about 8,9  kg/capita/year, below the national target of 10,3  kg/capita/year.   Key Words : Household income, meat consumption, Sea I Village.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nanda Alfarina ◽  
Hasdi Aimon

This study aims to determine the effect of monetary policy measured by the central bank’s policy rate (X1) on portfolio investment (Y) in Indonesia and United States in the long run. The data used are secondary data seouced from SEKI BI, FRED The FEd,, and, with the VECM (Vector Error Correction Mechanism) analysis methode. The study show The study shows the differences between the results that occur in Indonesia and the United States. The policy interest rate has a significant positive effect on portfolio investment in the long run in Indonesia, while in the United States the interest rate in the long run has a significant negative effect on portfolio investment. The difference in research results between the two countries shows the need for different treatment for monetary authorities in encouraging portfolio investment 

Vingirayi Ishumael ◽  
Brighton Nyagadza ◽  
Mavhunga Charles ◽  
Nyasha Munjeri

The main objective of the study was to examine customer retention strategies at Cellmed Health, from the period 2012 to 2018. The focused was mainly on impact of customer retention strategies on market share, profit and sales turnover. A descriptive survey design was used with both qualitative and quantitative methods. Sixty participants from Cellmed Health were involved in the research. The study used both primary and secondary data where the primary data was collected using questionnaires and interviews while the secondary data was obtained from annual reports and magazines of the company. Descriptive statistics of mean, frequency and percentages were used to analyse demographic characteristics of the respondents. Regression analysis was used to measure and predict the relationship between the customer retention strategies and market share, profitability and sales turnover. Findings were that Cellmed used monitoring customer relationships strategies, market intelligence, loyalty programs and promotions to maintain its competitiveness. Furthermore, it also concludes that there was a significant relationship between customer retention strategies and profit as well as sales turnover that the company (Cellmed) was posting annually. In this light, the study recommendation was that customer retention strategies should be embrace in the decision making processes of the organisation covering products, price, services, responsiveness, tangibility and reliability of the brand name. The study also recommends that Cellmed Health should strengthen its customer bonds and moreover, in order to increase customer retention rates, Cellmed Health should provide extraordinary customer services.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 100-111
Suryaman Suryaman ◽  

ABSTRACT        This study aims to determine discipline, organizational commitment and motivation to work productivity of employees at PT. Putra Gerem Jaya-Merak. This research method uses descriptive and associative quantitative methods. The data sources are primary data and secondary data. The research was conducted from December 2018 to June 2019. The study population was 63 employees of KPDC, the sample was 61 people using saturated sampling. Data were collected using research instrumens and processed using SPSS statistics version 24.00 windows. Discipline process, organizational commitment and motivation have very important roles to realizae optimal company goals requiring quality human resources, but in reality based on preliminary observations at PT. Putra Gerem Jaya-Merak work productivity is currently in a low condition because the average score has only reached 30.3, the standard score of 35, due to the accuracy of employee work with a score of 19. So it can be said that employee productivity is still not good and successful in its implementation. Based on the results of the analysis, the results obtained: discipline has no positive and insignificant effect, Meanwhile, organizational commitment and motivation have a positive and significant effect on employee work productivity either partially or jointly at PT. Putra Gerem Jaya-Merak.   Keywords : Discipline, Organizational, Motivation, Employee Productivity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 528-536
Henry de Jesús Gallardo Pérez ◽  
Mawency Vergel Ortega ◽  
Marling Carolina Cordero Díaz

The added value in education refers to the contribution that the educational institution effectively makes to student learning, expressed as the growth in knowledge, skills and abilities, in a period of time, as a result of their educational experience. The objective of the research is to determine the added value of the academic work of the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander in the development of physical- mathematical thinking in engineering students and the estimation of a mathematical model that allows its valuation. In model allows analyzing the trajectory of the group of engineering students who entered in the first semester of 2018 and involves endogenous and exogenous variables associated with the process. The research is framed in the quantitative paradigm, descriptive, multivariate and correlational. We work with two types of data, the secondary data are constituted by the students’ grades in 2018 and 2019, this information may present biases because they are different courses with different teachers, however, it allows to see the evolution of students in calculus, statistics and physics courses. Primary data were obtained from a test applied in 2018 and a similar test applied in 2019, graded using item response theory. Results were compared and differences were evaluated to estimate the contribution effectively made by the university.   

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-49
Eni Istiyanti ◽  
Francy Risvansuna Fivintari ◽  
Elita Khairunnisaa

Tamarillo has soft characteristics and contains a lot of water so they are easily damaged if stored in fresh form, therefore it is necessary to have post-harvest handling in the form of processing in order to extend the shelf life. The study aims to analyze the costs, income, and profits, as well as the feasibility seen from the R / C, break event point (BEP), and the added value of various tamarillo processed products. The study was conducted in a survey of all tamarillo processed agroindustry in Wonosobo Regency, which amounted to 6 agroindustries. The research method used is descriptive quantitative analysis. The study uses primary data obtained through interviews and secondary data by means of documentation. Tamarillo processed products consist of candied, fruit juice, dodol, wajik, and candied pumpkin. The results showed that the production of candied tamarillo is the most compared to other processed products and can generate the greatest income and profits. All tamarillo processed products are feasible based on R/C, BEP, and value-added criteria. The development of tamarillo agro-industry needs the support of the government and related parties to provide education to consumers about the benefits of tamarillo.

2018 ◽  
Vol 229 ◽  
pp. 02002
Mohammad Ridwan Lessy ◽  
Jefry Bemba ◽  
Nani Nagu

Small Islands face some of the main problems of any coastal area due to climate change and natural disasters. This study aims to analyze the resilience of coastal communities on a small island in terms of disasters and climate change, and to identify the strategies and adaptations that communities have undertaken as anticipatory for disaster and climate change in the future. Qualitative analysis combined with quantitative methods is used in this research to provide a clear estimate of the categories of resilience in each village. The primary data was collected by using interviews and focus discussion group and secondary data acquired through the documentation on related stakeholders. The resilience index provided by the Ministry of Maritime and Fisheries Affairs is used to categorize the resilience scales of villages. The results of this study show that the human aspects and natural resources aspects have high scores in resilience, but disaster and climate change aspects; environmental/infrastructures aspects; and economic aspects should be improved. Furthermore, the community had been taking participation in disaster mitigation.

2019 ◽  
Vol 70 (3) ◽  
pp. 207-218
Burcu Sen-Utsukarci ◽  
Turgut Taskin ◽  
Fatih Goger ◽  
Nurhayat Tabanca ◽  
Alden S. Estep ◽  

AbstractValeriana is a common plant species used for various healing purposes in folk medicine since antiquity. This study investigates the phytochemical profile, antioxidant, cytotoxic, and insecticidal activity of Valeriana alliariifolia Adams, a species that has traditionally been used in Turkey. For the analyses we prepared four root extracts of V. alliariifolia Adams using hexane (HM1), chloroform (CM1), ethanol (EM1), and water (WM1) for maceration. Additionally, two extracts were also prepared from its roots by maceration separately with ethanol (EM2) and water (WM2). One sample was prepared as a water infusion (WI), according to the procedure used in Turkish traditional medicine. The 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) scavenging and 2,2’-azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid (ABTS) radical cation scavenging activity tests showed that ethanol extracts had the strongest antioxidant activity: EM1 (IC50 – DPPH: 17.694 µg/mL; ABTS: 23.8 µg/mL) and EM2 (IC50 – DPPH: 20 µg/mL; ABTS: 21.5 µg/mL). The hexane extract, HM1, was the most cytotoxic (IC50<10 µg/mL against HepG2 and HUVEC) and EM2 strongly cytotoxic (IC50<10 µg/mL against HepG2 and IC50: 11.96 µg/mL against HUVEC). The extracts with demonstrated cytotoxic activities were further examined to check their insecticidal activity against adult female mosquito Aedes aegypti and first instar Ae. aegypti larvae. HM1 was the most effective (90±10 %), which was consistent with its cytotoxic activity. Because of the high antioxidant, cytotoxic, and insecticidal activities, we ran phytochemical analyses of the HM1, EM1, and EM2 extracts with GC-MS (for HM1) and LC-MS/MS (for EM1 and EM2). We also analysed the composition of the essential oil obtained from V. alliariifolia roots by micro-distillation in order to compare its content with HM1, which contains volatile compounds. Phytochemical analyses revealed that the major compound in HM1 was isovaleric acid (16 %) and in the essential oil 1,8-cineole (2.9 %). EM1 and EM2 contained 5-O-caffeoylquinic acid (chlorogenic acid), verbascoside (acteoside), and 3,5-dicaffeoylquinic acid as major components. In the light of our findings and available literature, we can conclude that V. alliariifolia has a good bioactive potential that could be used for different purposes, including the development of new agents for the treatment of various diseases. The difference in the content between the essential oil and HM1 was remarkable. It suggests that the variability observed in the activity of the samples was a result of composition and that, therefore, the aim of treatment should dictate which type of preparation is to be selected. An added value of our study is that it determined verbascoside and methylquercetin rutinoside for the first time in the Valeriana extracts.

2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 349-364 ◽  
Peter Yeoh

Purpose – This paper aims to examine the implications of exemptions to facilitate small businesses’ access to crowdfunding (CF) schemes. The aftermath of the 2008 global financial crisis and even now witnessed many small profits and non-profits encountering significant difficulties in accessing funding from the conventional sources and on many occasions have to turn to the newly emerging Internet-enabled donation or product compensation CF schemes. Access to securities-based CF schemes has, however, been seriously difficult due to securities laws obstacles. Regulatory authorities in the USA and the UK have responded with exemptions to facilitate small businesses’ access to CF. Design/methodology/approach – The paper driven by the qualitative doctrinal approach would rely extensively on primary data from the applicable regulations and secondary data from industry sources and other publicly available commentaries. Findings – Securities-based CF schemes hitherto heavily restricted in the USA and the UK are under current regulatory interventions-accorded exemption status, thereby enabling enhanced access for those small businesses seeking alternatives to conventional financing and enhanced investment opportunities for small investors. The paper’s preliminary analysis suggests that the proposed new regulatory rules in the USA and the UK are generally well-balanced with adequate small investors’ protection, while simultaneously not hampering the innovative growth of small businesses with excessive restrictions. Further, the preparedness of the regulators to fine-tune the proposed rules as the CF industry evolves would likely ensure its orderly growth, thereby helping to address various humanitarian and social challenges in these jurisdictions. Originality/value – The added value of the analysis lies in its substantive evaluation of the proposed rules in both jurisdictions to ascertain the feasibility of securities-based CF schemes as alternatives for small businesses in relation to traditional financing and enhanced investment opportunities for small unsophisticated investors.

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