scholarly journals The Ecological Theology of the Indonesian Gayo Tribe: The Integration of Tawhīd Values into their Trade Tradition

Afkaruna ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (2) ◽  
pp. Layouting
Sukiman Sukiman

This study analyzes the process of integration of tawhīd  (believing in one God) values with trade tradition among the Gayo tribe, which helped to improve their economy and create a more prosperous way of life. This tribe is domiciled in the central region of Aceh, whose origins are Old Malays, and they have lived for a long time in the highlands of Gayo. Thus, they were involved in typical economic activities such as farming, gardening, fishing,  rearing of livestock, as well as household businesses and tourism, which were carried out systemically and periodically by the government and jointly supervised by agricultural experts. However, every work carried out had monotheism values with an emphasis on faith and worship because all natural resources were believed to be owned by Allah SWT. This study uses a qualitative approach in which the data collected were in the form of words, images, and not numbers. Results revealed that by capitalizing on faith and piety, the Gayo tribe believes that they can achieve happiness and blessings like the people of Gayo Land who strictly practice Islam in their daily lives and have a blessed, prosperous and dignified life from God.

Dialog ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 230-244
Muhammad War'i

This paper discusses the implementation of MUI’s fatwa on worship during Covid-19 pandemic. Social facts show that the implementation of the fatwa has given rise to various socio-religious conflicts in Lombok island. Through a qualitative approach, the paper concludes: First, the people of Lombok Muslim community disapprove the fatwa. Second, there is a conceptual difference between the government as the beholder of the MUI’s fatwa and the community's religious traditions that have been maintained for a long time. Third, the model of fiqh law reasoning used by the government in general is a textual (normative) model that is contrary to society's use of historical meaning. Therefore, a dialogical process is needed for a solution to social problems that occur as a result of the implementation of the ulama’s fatwa which is used as government policy so that it does not appear to be coercive by involving elements of ulama, goverment, and society. The dialog conectivity of these three elements in negotiating their understandings of fiqh to place the intent and purpose of a legal product (fatwa) will encourage the realization of inclusive fiqh reasoning. Keywords: fiqh reason, MUI’s fatwa, mosque closing   Tulisan ini mengkaji secara fenomenologis implementasi fatwa MUI tentang ibadah di tengah pandemi wabah Covid-19. Fakta sosial menunjukkan bahwa implementasi fatwa tersebut telah melahirkan berbagai konflik sosial keagamaan di Pulau Lombok. Melalui pendekatan kualitatif tulisan berkesimpulan: Pertama, Respon masyarakat muslim Lombok sebagai demografi dengan banyaknya masjid adalah adanya ketidakmenerimaan baik secara psikologis, sosial, dan kultural. Kedua, Terjadi pertentangan konseptual antara pemerintah selaku pemegang fatwa MUI dengan konsep tradisi keagamaan masyarakat yang telah lama ada dan menjadi pedoman mereka. Ketiga, model penalaran hukum fikih yang digunakan pemerintah secara umum adalah model pemaknaan tekstual (normatif) bertentangan dengan masyarakat yang menggunakan pemaknaan historis. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan proses dialogis sebagai langkah solutif atas problem sosial yang terjadi akibat implementasi fatwa ulama yang dijadikan kebijakan pemerintah agar tidak terkesan memaksa dengan melibatkan unsur ulama, umara’, dan mujtama’. Konektivitas dialog tiga unsur ini dalam menegosiasikan pemahaman fikih mereka untuk mendudukkan maksud dan tujuan suatu produk hukum (fatwa) akan mendorong terwujudnya nalar fikih yang inklusif. Kata Kunci: nalar fikih, fatwa MUI, penutupan masjid

Akil Ibrahim Al-Zuhari

The article defines the features of the process of forming the research tradition of studying the institute of parliamentarism as a mechanism for the formation of democracy. It is established that parliamentarism acts as one of the varieties of the regime of functioning of the state, to which the independence of the representative body from the people is inherent, its actual primacy in the state mechanism, the division of functions between the legislative and executive branches of government, the responsibility and accountability of the government to the parliament. It is justified that, in addition to the regime that fully meets the stated requirements of classical parliamentarism, there are regimes that can be characterized as limited parliamentary regimes. The conclusions point out that parliamentarism does not necessarily lead to a democracy regime. At the first stage of development of statehood, it functions for a long time in the absence of many attributes of democracy, but at the present stage, without parliamentarism, democracy will be substantially limited. Modern researchers of parliamentarism recognize that this institution is undergoing changes with the development of the processes of democracy and democratization. This is what produces different approaches to its definition. However, most scientists under classical parliamentarianism understand such a system, which is based on the balance of power. This approach seeks to justify limiting the rights of parliament and strengthening executive power. Keywords: Parliamentarism, research strategy, theory of parliamentarism, types of parliamentarism

Huong Le ◽  
Hoang Phi ◽  
Luu Dao ◽  
Yen Nguyen ◽  
Lien Le ◽  

Population arrangement to islands for settlement is one of the important policies in many ways of each nation. This study was conducted to provide an understanding of the current situation and impacts of the migration to Tho Chu Island, Phu Quoc District, Kien Giang Province, Vietnam. In-depth interviews and survey questions were used to collect preliminary data on displaced people, insular living conditions, positive and negative impacts of the migration process on the socio-economic development on the island. They are also supplemented by secondary data which were collected from various sources in research process. The study shows that the migration to the island not only helps to supplement the labor force for the island, contributes to economic and labor structure restructuring on the island but also contributes to diversifying island economic activities and expand the space, enrich the cultural life of the island. However, the process of migration to the island also poses a number of problems for the people and the government on the island.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-51
Ramthanpuia Pachuau

The initiatives of Citizen’s Charter are an effort in solving citizen’s problems that they encounter regularly over a long time while dealing with the government or any other organizations. It is a document of an official statement that ensures the accountability of the organization and their commitment towards the citizen in providing the quality of service. The charter aimed to revolutionize public service by empowering the people who were so long regarded as a silent spectator and a mere receiver on the government policies and programmes. In a democratic country, citizens have become more vocals towards the government responsibilities and they expect the administration not only to respond to their demands but also to foresee their needs in the future. In India, the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances in Government (DARPG) is in charge of organizing, directing, formulating, and operationalizing Citizen's Charters at the Central Government as well as States Government. However, the fulfillment of Citizen’s Charter in India faced many difficulties due to its government bureaucratic structure and resistant to change in its working system.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Muhammad Candra Syahputra

Lampung indigenous people have valuable local wisdom that has the values of character education. The purpose of this research is to form a form of support to the government that continues to campaign for character education as an effort to restore the original character of the moral Indonesian nation and this study also aims to discover how the values of character education in the local wisdom of Lampung indigenous people namely Nengah Nyappur. This research uses descriptive-qualitative method to explore various data with library research. Nengah Nyappur as one of the elements of the philosophy of life of the people of Lampung has a character value in the form of tolerance, courtesy, and cooperation. These three character values are rooted in the daily lives of the indigenous people of Lampung. Referring to the presidential regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 87 of 2017 concerning Strengthening Character Education, Education Units and School/Madrasah Committees consider the adequacy of educators and education personnel, availability of facilities and infrastructure, local wisdom and opinions of community leaders and or religious leaders outside the School/Madrasah Committee. The third point about local wisdom feels the need for writers to review as one of the bases of character education, the writer offers local wisdom of Lampung. The findings of this study are that the values contained in Nengah Nyappur are still very relevant until now and can be applied in the family environment, community environment, and school environment.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 40-59
Ayu Kurnia Utami

This study discusses Perdasus 23 Year 2008 about individual and communal rights of customary law society over the land through a case study in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The special local regulation (Perdasus) is a part of the efforts to secure the customary society or the indigenous people of Papua. The aim of this study is to identify how far Perdasus 23 Year 2008 has been implemented in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. The study applies qualitative approach which data is collected through observations, interviews, and content analysis of related documents. The result of this study shows that Perdasus 23 Year 2008 is not implemented thoroughly. Although the regulation is not normatively implemented, it has been practically implemented through the initiatives of Jayapura and Biak Numfor government to carry out conflict resolution program in each region. In doing so, the government of Jayapura has done the communal right mapping of Port Numbay people, while the government of Biak Numfor issues a local regulation (Perbup) about the strategy of land conflict resolution by encouraging of the involvement of customary role and legitimation in the region. Eventhough these activities are not conducted in accordance with Perdasus 23 Year 2008, Jayapura has performed four substances of the “Perdasus”: research, mapping, management and identification, and land conflict resolution. Meanwhile, Biak Numfor regency has performed two substances: communal land management and land conflict resolution though they only fulfill some aspects of these substances when performing research and mapping. There are three aspects affecting the implementation of Perdasus in Jayapura and Biak Numfor. First, ineffective communication both from the policy maker to the policy implementer and from policy implementer to the people that causes confusion to the society regarding the policy. Second, the existing paradigm of local people who still believe that customary law is more powerful than civil law. Last but not the least is Government’s initiative to do an activity to protect the communal right of indigenous people of Papua.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Andi Bustan

Environmental aspects have been some of the most argued about topics in society, including the role of the government as a stakeholder. Deforestation and illegal mining have been destroying the many ecosystems and rainforest habitats, including along the Katingan Watershed. The research objective is to describe public perception and participation in environmental preservation. The research used descriptive qualitative method and applying Spradley Domain Analysis. Primary and secondary data were obtained directly from field informants using interviews, observations and documentation. The research results show that the people’s perception and participation in environmental preservation was categorized into two groups. The first group one stated that they did contributed out of personal and financial interests, whilst the second groups were simply following the instructions of the government and local leaders. In general, locals have different perception on how they utilize the natural resources. The management of natural resources was perceived as being done for economic reasons, with the assumption that it were used sustainably. People’s involvement in preserving nature were affected their own needs either individually or collectively. Participation of the people in the conservation around the watersheds area was done for reasons of individual desire, solidarity, and to follow instructions from the government and Katingan Hilir leader. Environmental effort is carried out in activities aiming to protect and prevent damage to the area of the Katingan River. This lead to argue that diverse people’s perception to preserving environment generates the difference participation in their awareness.

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1
Abdiansyah Linge ◽  
Upi Sopiah Ahmad

Alquran is a guidance of life for the people to get prosperity in<br />the world and beyond, Alquran implement a concept to<br />combine both of them. Economic activities is also studied in<br />holy quran, where holy quran talk about teory and concept in<br />economic system. One of studies that interest in this research<br />that have corelation with enterpreneurship, as an eforts to<br />develope human quality. Many of variable that influence<br />behaviour of person to do economic activities one of them is<br />culture. This research means to interest the people do<br />enterpreneurship and to increase it by using Alquran as<br />guidance.This study used a qualitative approach, with shades<br />of library research (library Risearch). This study also aims to<br />determine the Qur'anic concept of entreprenuership, as well as<br />ethnology relation to the formation of a person's interest to<br />behave entreprenuership. Patterned with qualitative research<br />literature research can be concluded: the Qur'an has economic<br />theories with the concept tijarah including entreprenuership.<br />The concept and value of economic value contained in the<br />Qur'an into the basic motivation of behavior entreprenuers<br />Muslims, the Qur'an which emphasizes benefit of the people,<br />justice that promotes ethical behavior in each business process,<br />became the basic philosophy in conducting economic activities,<br />including the activities entreprenuership. Second, the idea of<br />the results of the concept of human thought and activity in the<br />form of economic behavior contained in a culture that became<br />hereditary behavior in public when adjusted to the economic<br />value contained in the Qur'an will awaken the concept or<br />theory about sharia entreprenuership.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Tarlani Tarlani

Abstract. After Village Law was published in 2014,  formation of BUMDes enforcement in each village became one of the strategic solutions for welfare of the village community. The issue of poverty and underdevelopment of villages is a priority that needs to be addressed by the government. However, not all problems can be solved in one village, but they need village collaboration to make institutions so that their role is more massive, effective, and efficient in encouraging the growth of the village economy. BUMDES Danar Garut is a form of cooperation between villages so that the resolution of a problem can be done at the village government level. since 2014,  BUMDes has been established many business activities. This paper aims to assess the level of contribution of the Danar BUMDes to the economic activities of rural communities. This research was conducted by means of semi-structured in-depth interviews with key stakeholders from both the village government, the director of the Joint BUMDes and the community as beneficiaries of the BUMDes by selecting purposive sampling. The results of the analysis show that BUMDes Danar has made a positive contribution to the village government, socio-economic village communities and the ability and expertise of the people in Leles District both the direct impact of reducing unemployment, increasing the welfare of the village apparatus and indirectly for the Villages or the scope of Leles District.Keywords: Joint-BUMDes, Social-economy, Village SocietyAbstrak. Setelah terbitnya Undang-Undang Desa tahun 2014,dorongan terbentuknya BUMDes di setiap desa menjadi salah satu solusi strategis dalam menyejahterakan masyarakat desa. Isu kemiskinan dan ketertinggalan desa menjadi prioritas yang perlu ditangani oleh pemerintah. Namun tidak semua masalah  dapat diselesaikan dalam satu desa, melainkan perlu adanya kolaborasi antar lembaga desa sehingga perannya lebih masif , efektif dan efisien dalam mendorong bertumbuhnya ekonomi desa. BUMDES Danar Garut merupakan perwujudan kerjasama antar desa agar penyelesaiaan suatu masalah bisa dilakukan pada tingkat pemerintahan desa. sejak 2014 BUMDes ini berdiri sudah banyak kegiatan usaha yang dilakukan. Paper ini bertujuan menilai tingkat kontribusi BUMDes Danar terhadap kegiatan ekonomi masyarakat desa. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara wawancara mendalam semi terstruktur kepada para stakeholder kunci   baik dari kalangan pemerintah desa, direktur BUMDes Bersama maupun dari masyarakat sebagai penerima manfaat  dari adanya BUMDes dengan pemilihan purposive sampling. Dari hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa  BUMDes Danar telah memberikan kontribusi positif  bagi pemerintah desa,  sosial-ekonomi masyarakat desa dan kemampuan serta keahlian masyarakat yang ada di Kecamatan Leles baik dampak secara langsung yaitu berkurangnya pengangguran, meningkatkan kesejahteraan aparatur desa maupun secara tidak langsung bagi Desa-Desa ataupun lingkup Kecamatan Leles.Kata Kunci: BUMDes Bersama, Sosial-ekonomi, Masyarakat Desa

Tengku Irmayani ◽  
Muryanto Amin ◽  
Evi Novida Ginting

The study describes how to analyze and create a policy model in the preservation of Lake Toba based on the values of local wisdom by the Parmalim community. Parmalim religion is the religion of Batak people since a long time ago that teaches the concept of ‘Ugasan’ which means the balance life between man and nature, where a man can cultivate the nature and protect it from the damage. The study used a qualitative approach and data collection techniques through in-depth interviews and observation. The study site in Desa Hutatinggi, Kecamatan Laguboti, Kabupaten Toba Samosir where the majority of Parmalim Community lived there and also in the villages of Parmalim communities around the Lake Toba. Results from this study are that there are some living habits by Parmalim Community in preserving the nature as selective logging, replant the trees and preserve the purity of the water, especially Lake Toba (Marpangir) as part of the rituals of their faith. The results also explain that the habit of conserving nature is still run by the community Parmalim although generally do not have the support of the people around them, especially from governments. Based on the research results, it is suggested to create a policy model for local authorities to preserve Lake Toba based on Parmalim’s local wisdom so local wisdom and Lake Toba can be maintained.

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