2019 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 107
Marluce Torquato Lima Gonçalves ◽  
João Batista Carvalho Nunes ◽  
Amanda Nobre de Aguiar

O estado do conhecimento compreende o levantamento e a análise da produção acadêmica em determinada área, limitada a um tipo de publicação, de modo a oferecer um panorama dos principais aspectos investigados em períodos e lugares distintos. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar a produção científica do Norte e Nordeste na área da Educação a Distância (EaD), com foco nas publicações do Encontro de Pesquisa Educacional do Norte e Nordeste (EPENN). Adotou-se o paradigma construtivista e, como método, a pesquisa documental. Foram analisados 66 de um total de 4.018 trabalhos publicados como “Comunicação Oral” nas edições do EPENN de 2009 a 2014. Os resultados revelaram, entre outros aspectos, o número ainda reduzido de trabalhos sobre EaD nesse evento ao se comparar com a expansão da área no Brasil, assim como a necessidade de maior atenção dos pesquisadores quanto à qualidade dos trabalhos científicos apresentados. STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF EAD IN NORTH AND NORTHEAST BASED ON THE WORKS OF EPENNAbstract: The state of knowledge comprises the survey and analysis of academic production in a given area, limited to one type of publication, to offer an overview of the main aspects investigated in different period and places. This study aims to analyze the scientific production in the North and Northeast on Distance Education (DE), with a focus on publications of the Educational Research Meeting of the North and Northeast (EPENN). The constructivist paradigm was adopted and, as a method, the documentary research. 66 of 4,018 works published as “Oral Communication” in EPENN editions 2009-2014 were analyzed. The results revealed, among other aspect, the still small number of studies on distance education in this event when compared with the expansion of the area in Brazil, as well as the need for greater attention from researchers about the quality of scientific works presented.Keywords: Educational Research. Distance Education. EPENN.ESTADO DEL CONOCIMIENTO DE LA EAD EN EL NORTE Y NORDESTE CON BASE EN LOS TRABAJOS DEL EPENNResumen: El estado del conocimiento comprende el estudio y análisis de la producción académica en un área determinada, limitado a un tipo de publicación, de modo a ofrecer una visión general de los principales aspectos investigados en tiempos y lugares diferentes. Este estudio tiene como objetivo analizar la producción científica en el Norte y Nordeste en el área de Educación a Distancia (EAD), con un enfoque en las publicaciones del Encuentro de Investigación Educativa del Norte y Nordeste (EPENN). Se adoptó el paradigma constructivista y, como método, la investigación documental. Se analizaron 66 de un total de 4.018 obras publicadas como “Comunicación Oral” en las ediciones del EPENN de 2009 hasta 2014. Los resultados mostraron, entre otras cosas, el aún pequeño número de estudios sobre la educación a distancia en ese evento en comparación con la expansión del área en Brasil, así como la necesidad de una mayor atención por parte de los investigadores acerca de la calidad de los trabajos científicos presentados.Palabras clave: Investigación Educativa. Educación a Distancia. EPENN.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-60
Jensy Campos-Céspedes ◽  
Alejandro Sánchez-Araya

El propósito de este artículo  es compartir  los resultados de una experiencia evaluativa realizada en una asignatura  de investigación de la Cátedra de Investigación Educativa de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) de Costa Rica. En el estudio participaron 126 estudiantes de los diferentes centros universitarios de la universidad y se basó en la aplicación de un cuestionario autoadministrado  mediante el cual el estudiantado valoró la calidad de la asignatura desde los diferentes aspectos que lo componen. Los resultados se analizaron mediante estadísticas descriptivas utilizando el software spss. La evaluación concluyó que la valoración general que los estudiantes hacen de la asignatura es satisfactoria. No obstante, se detectan aspecto relacionados especialmente con  los materiales que indican la necesidad realizar modificaciones de la asignatura para lograr un mejoramiento en términos de fortalecer los procesos de aprendizaje de los estudiantes.Palabras clave: Evaluación; calidad; Educación a distancia; opinión de estudiantesAbstratThe purpose of this article is to share the results of an evaluative experience conducted in a subject of investigation by the Educational Research Chair of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) of Costa Rica. The study involved 126 students from different colleges of the university and was based on the application of a selfadministered questionnaire in which the students assessed the quality of the course from different aspects that comprise it. The results were analyzed by descriptive statistics using SPSS. The evaluation concluded that the overall assessment made by students of the subject is satisfactory. However, looks are detected especially related materials indicating the need for modifications of the subject to achieve an improvement in terms of strengthening the processes of student learning.Keywords: Assessment ; Quality; Distance Education; Student’s Opinion

2012 ◽  
Vol 66 (9) ◽  
pp. 2007-2013 ◽  
M. A. F. M. Ribeiro ◽  
Z. M. C. L. Vieira ◽  
M. M. R. Ribeiro

The Brazilian Water Resources Policy (Law 9433/1997) establishes participatory and decentralized management, involving civil society, water users and governmental bodies, with the basin committees as the basis of this process. Fifteen years after its implementation, it is possible to perceive accomplishments, but, at the same time, there are some difficulties in regards to the operation of the basin committees in the country. Considering the North Paraíba River Basin – which is completely included in the State of Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil, and presents great social and economic importance for the state – this article analyzes the process of formation, installation and functioning of its Basin Committee (CBH-PB), focusing on its composition, the reasons for the mobilization and demobilization of its members, the intra-relations between segments, and the inter-relations between the CBH-PB and other entities of the State Water Management System (the Water Executive Agency and the State Water Resources Council). The level of decentralization and the quality of participatory management (as it is being performed at the CBH-PB) are discussed and guidelines are suggested in order to allow greater effectiveness to the committee.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 214-238
Ana Cristina Umaña-Mata ◽  
Xinia Calvo-Cruz ◽  
Natalia Salas-Quirós ◽  
Laura Jiménez-Aragón ◽  
Suzanne Soto-Soto ◽  

El Programa de Apoyo Curricular y Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (PACE) de la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) es la instancia que asesora a nivel institucional en el ámbito curricular. Como parte de la asesoría, este Programa considera la evaluación de los aprendizajes, tema prioritario en la educación a distancia y sobre el cual se centrará la presente sistematización.A la fecha, el personal de esta instancia hace esfuerzos sustantivos mediante la investigación de la temática, en aras de generar conocimientos para asesorar procesos y emitir criterios curriculares a las diversas solicitudes realizadas, así como elaborar documentos que apoyen la labor pedagógica en el ámbito mencionado, entre otros aspectos de importancia.Palabras claves: asesoría curricular, evaluación de los aprendizajes, diseño curricular, criterio curricular, producción académica.AbstractPrograma de Apoyo Curricular y Evaluación de los Aprendizajes (PACE) of the Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), is the department in charge of the curriculum advisory at institutional level. As part of the advice that performs, it is considered the evaluation of learning a priority in distance education and the intention of this systematization will focus on that.To date this instance staff makes substantive efforts through research on the topic, in order to generate knowledge to advice processes, give curricular criteria to different requests, as well as the elaboration of documents that support the educational work in the area in mention, among other things of importance.Keywords: curriculum advisory, evaluation of learning, curriculum design, curricular criteria, academic production.

2014 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 194-213
Jenny Bogantes-Pesoa ◽  
Karen Palma-Rojas

Este artículo incursiona en la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas para evaluar integralmente los aprendizajes en los procesos de mediación pedagógica en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED), de tal modo que la evaluación facilite el aprendizaje significativo de la persona discente. Se analiza el cambio realizado en la evaluación de tres asignaturas, llevado a cabo mediante la aplicación de técnicas como ensayos, portafolios, mapas conceptuales, etc. En la implementación del cambio se determinó que la evaluación alternativa es una opción viable para mejorar la calidad de la educación a distancia que se integra al proceso de aprendizaje, incorpora la evaluación formativa con la realimentación que ofrece y coincide con el modelo pedagógico de la universidad.Palabras claves: calidad de la educación, educación superior, educación a distancia, evaluar para aprender, evaluación alternativa, aprendizaje significativo.AbstractThis article ventures into the search for new alternatives to fully evaluate the learning processes of pedagogic mediation in National University for Distance Education (acronym in Spanish UNED), so that the evaluation facilitates a significant learning of the student. The change made to the evaluation of three subjects is analyzed, carried out through the application of techniques such as essays, portfolios, conceptual maps, etc. During the implementation of the change, it was determined that an alternative assessment is a viable option to improve the quality of distance education that integrates the learning process, incorporates formative evaluation with feedback offered and matches the University’s Teaching Model.Keywords: quality of education, university education, distance education, evaluate to learn, alternative assessment, significant learning.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 176-191 ◽  
Silvia Alicia Martínez ◽  
Fabrícia Vieira de Araújo ◽  
Suelen Ribeiro de Souza ◽  
Evandro Vargas ◽  
Leandro Garcia Pinho

RESUMO: O presente trabalho objetiva abordar, analisar e discutir uma significativa experiência de ensino e aprendizagem adquirida em uma oficina pedagógica, no âmbito do Curso de Pedagogia da Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense (UENF), no bojo do Centro de Educação a Distância do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (CEDERJ). Tal atividade foi concretizada por professores, tutores e alunos das disciplinas História na Educação 1 e História na Educação 2 do curso supracitado. A partir das referências de diferentes pesquisadores do campo do Ensino de História e da Educação, discorremos em um momento inicial acerca da organização e estruturação da Oficina, para posteriormente tratarmos da concretização da atividade em si pelos estudantes. A Oficina muito contribuiu para a reflexão acerca das práticas pedagógicas e para uma maior aproximação entre docentes, tutores e estudantes, bem como oportunizou pensamentos acerca das diferentes tecnologias e outros materiais que podem ser empregadas no ensino de História. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: oficina pedagógica; ensino de História; educação a distância; curso de Pedagogia. ABSTRACT: The present work aims at addressing, analyzing and discussing a significant experience of teaching and learning acquired in a pedagogical workshop, within the course of pedagogy of the State University of the North Fluminense (UENF), in the Centre of Distance Education of the State of Rio de Janeiro (CEDERJ). Such activity was accomplished by teachers, tutors and students of the disciplines History in Education 1 and History in Education 2 of the aforementioned course. From the references of different researchers of the field of History Teaching and Education, we have come at an initial moment about the organization and structuring of the workshop, to subsequently embrace the realization of the activity itself by the students. The workshop contributed greatly to reflect on pedagogical practices and for a closer approximation among teachers, tutors and students, as well as it allowed to think the different technologies and other materials that can be employed in the History teaching. KEYWORDS: Pedagogical workshop; History teaching; distance education; Pedagogy course.

1995 ◽  
Vol 25 (98) ◽  
pp. 111-121
Isaia Sales

The dominating role of the state in the failed economic and social integration of the Mezzogiorno into the modern and developed northern part of the country since the creation of the Italian union is analysed. The mutation of the 'southern' to the'northern question' constitutes one of the most recent phenomena in Italian history which threatens the concept of national unity. Therefore, a new contract between the North and the South is necessary to combat the backwardness of the Mezzogiorno. This also requires a new quality of state and not its withdrawal from social life.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
pp. 10-20
Rosângela Doin de Almeida

A Cartografia para Crianças e Escolares, após vinte anos de produção, consiste em conhecimentos presentes, entre outros meios, em artigos, livros, teses e dissertações. Isto leva à consideração a respeito da validade científica dessa produção com base na metodologia da pesquisa em educação principalmente. O objetivo do artigo é levantar questionamentos com vistas à melhoria da qualidade da produção científica nesse campo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE Cartografia escolar. Pesquisa educacional. Metodologia de pesquisa.CARTOGRAPHY FOR CHILDREN AND SCHOOLS: an area of knowledge?ABSTRACT Cartography for Children and Schools, after twenty years of production, consists of present knowledge, among other means, in articles, books, theses and dissertations. This leads to consideration regarding the scientific validity of this production based on research methodology in education mainly. The objective of the article is to raise questions with a view to improving the quality of scientific production in this field. KEYWORDSSchool cartography. Educational research. Research Methodology.ISSN: 2236-3904REVISTA BRASILEIRA DE EDUCAÇÃO EM GEOGRAFIA - - [email protected]

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (31) ◽  
pp. 226-239
Alvaro Martins Fernandes Júnior ◽  
Jorge Luiz Bernardi

RESUMO Considerando o cenário da Educação a Distância no Brasil e sua importância enquanto possibilidade de democratização da educação superior, este texto tece reflexões a respeito do papel do tutor nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, usuais em cursos oferecidos nesta modalidade. O texto inicia com algumas ponderações filosóficas que revelam a influência que o conhecimento (ou sua falta), exerce sobre a humanidade, considerando-se que é pela construção de conhecimento que se favorece a superação de desigualdades e melhor qualidade de vida. Nesse sentido, apresenta-se a modalidade a distância como possibilidade de autonomia e emancipação social, sendo necessário pensar a respeito do papel do tutor neste horizonte. Finalmente o texto conceitua ambiente virtual de aprendizagem, preconizando alguns princípios relevantes na aprendizagem de adultos.   Palavras-chave: Educação a distância e tutoria. Tecnologia e educação. Ambiente Virtual de aprendizagem.   ABSTRACT Considering the scenario of Distance Education in Brazil and its importance as a possibility for the democratization of higher education, this text reflects on the role of the tutor in the virtual learning environments, usual in courses offered in this modality. The text begins with some philosophical considerations that reveal the influence that knowledge (or its lack), exerts on humanity, considering that it is by the construction of knowledge that favors the overcoming of inequalities and better quality of life. In this sense, the distance modality is presented as a possibility of autonomy and social emancipation, being necessary to think about the role of the tutor in this horizon. Finally, the text conceptualizes virtual learning environment, advocating some relevant principles in adult learning.   Key words: Distance education and tutoring. Technology and education. Virtual learning environment.   RESUMEN Considerando el escenario de la Educación a Distancia en Brasil y su importancia como posibilidad de democratización de la educación superior, este texto teje reflexiones acerca del papel del tutor en los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje, usuales en cursos ofrecidos en esta modalidad. El texto comienza con algunas ponderaciones filosóficas que revelan la influencia que el conocimiento (o su falta), ejerce sobre la humanidad, considerando que es por la construcción de conocimiento que se favorece la superación de desigualdades y mejor calidad de vida. En ese sentido, se presenta la modalidad a distancia como posibilidad de autonomía y emancipación social, siendo necesario pensar acerca del papel del tutor en este horizonte. Finalmente el texto conceptualiza ambiente virtual de aprendizaje, preconizando algunos principios relevantes en el aprendizaje de adultos.   Palabras clave: Educación a distancia y tutoría. Tecnología y educación. Entorno virtual de aprendizaje. DOI:

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Gennadiy Tolstykh

The Object of the Study is a northern territory (the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya).The Subject of the Study the living standards of the population of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya).The Purpose of the Study is to identify the most important problems of the standards of living of a northern region (by the example of the Republic in Sakha (Yakutiya)) and finding ways of their improvement.Methods of Investigation: analysis of the statistics and the data of the public bodies of the State administration on the issues of demographic development, changes in the dynamics of incomes of the population, subsistence minimum, life expectancy, etc. It is found that sustainable development of northern regions can be achieved by raising the standards of living of the population and this is one of the conditions for ensuring national security of Russia. More than half of the total area of the country belongs to the northern territories. The regions of the North give 60% of all foreign exchange earnings of the Russian Federation. The transition to market relations significantly affected the deterioration of the quality of the social infrastructure of the North. Over the past 15 years, all subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District, except for the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya), have lost their population. The reasons for the migration outflow are the reduction of material incentives for work in the Far North. There is a limited access to quality medical, educational and cultural services.Thanks to the measures taken, in the period of 2002-2016 life expectancy increased by 7 years in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya), Khabarovskiy Kray, Amur and Magadan Oblast’s. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutiya) has a number of unresolved problems that are deterrent factors in raising the living standards of the population of the northern region which are a high cost of travel on vacation during summer season, a significant proportion of old and dilapidated housing in the general housing stock and poor quality of drinking water. To solve these problems it is necessary a support of the federal bodies of the state power

D. M. Spalenza ◽  
S. S. Berilli ◽  
N. P. Felberg ◽  
J. J. O. Gomes ◽  
R. F. Almeida ◽  

Schinus terebinthifolia Raddi, popularly known in Brazil as pink pepper or aroeira, has become a new source of agricultural exploitation for some farmers, notably located in the north of the state of Espírito Santo, the largest producing region in the world. Once it was a species that has been historically exploited in an extractive manner, where only what nature offers is explored, the need for the generation of scientific knowledge to understand its genetic potential in all agronomic areas is evident, starting with the large spread in scale of this species. Therefore, the objective of the work was to study the effects of indolebutyric acid (IBA) on the physiology and quality of seedlings produced by cuttings of the species Schinus terebentifolia Raddi under different concentrations of this hormone and different ways of application. The experiment design was a factorial in randomized blocks, in the 2x7 arrangement, the first being composed of two forms of preparation of the hormone (dilution in acetone or in water) and the second composed by 7 concentrations of IBA (0 mg/L; 625 mg/L; 1250 mg/L; 2500 mg/L; 3000 mg/L; 3750 mg/L and 5000 mg/L) with 5 blocks and 5 plants in each treatment. The addition of IBA favored the development and physiological aspects of the seedlings, produced from the hormone prepared with both, water and acetone. The quality of seedlings induced with IBA diluted in water was compromised with the addition of the hormone, whereas in seedlings treated with IBA diluted in acetone, the estimated dose of 1750 mg/L of IBA, promoted the better quality index (IQD) of the seedlings.

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