scholarly journals Acting for the Local Community: Hybrid Ethnography in the Careers of Local Culture Animators

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (3) ◽  
pp. 164-183
Rafał Wiśniewski ◽  
Grażyna Pol

This article focuses on the innovative methodology used to collect data. We describe how we have utilized the diary method and what analytical potential it contains. We also flag the limitations we have perceived during the research. At the same time, so as not to refrain entirely from a discussion of the study findings, we recreate selected shared attributes in the careers of culture animators. A hybrid research method was used to report and interpret the reality of our surroundings. This involved the use of a diary in which the animators described facts and events from the previous day while also plotting data concerning their location on the Google map; they enriched their notes with short essays, pictures, and video clips. Then, the animators as subjects in the research took part in one-on-one in-depth interviews to summarize their experience. Deliberations on the utility and innovativeness of these ethnographic methods are accompanied by considerations as to the variety of experience held by culture animators and the factors driving their occupational choices.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Kamaruddin Mustamin ◽  
Muhammad Gazali Rahman ◽  
Arhanuddin Salim

ABSTRACT This article aims to discover and probe deeper into the acculturation process of local culture with the practices and traditions of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad in the Gorontalo community. This study uses a phenomenological qualitative approach. Data collection methods applied are in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. The results of the study found that the presence and expansion of Islam in Gorontalo also influenced the religious perspective held by the people of Gorontalo. The willingness of the local community to adapt to the new teachings of Islam that they believe is a reinforcement of the acculturation of local cultural practices with the implementation of the tradition of the maulid of the Prophet Muhammad. The early Islamic preachers in Gorontalo managed to distinguish between the part of the local culture that still worth preserved and the part that must be preserved. This combination and acculturation effort between Islam and local culture is able to engender a new version and level of culture that is unique and has a local character. The innovative ability of the preachers to communicate Islamic rituals to the local culture of the Gorontalo people, can lead to a critical appreciation of the local values of the community's culture and the characteristics that accompany these values. Keywords: tradition; political; culture.ABSTRAKArtikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menggali lebih dalam proses akulturasi budaya lokal dengan praktik dan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. dalam masyarakat Gorontalo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif fenomenologis. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menemukan bahwa kehadiran dan ekspansi Islam di Gorontalo turut mempengaruhi cara pandang keagamaan yang dianut oleh masyarakat Gorontalo. Kesediaan masyarakat lokal untuk mau beradaptasi dengan ajaran Islam yang baru mereka yakini menjadi penguat dari akulturasi praktik budaya lokal dengan pelaksanaan tradisi maulid Nabi Muhammad saw. Para pendakwah Islam awal di Gorotalo berhasil memilah antara bagian budaya lokal yang masih layak dipertahankan dan bagian yang harus dilestarikan. Upaya kombinasi dan akulturasi antara Islam dan budaya lokal ini mampu melahirkan versi dan level budaya baru yang khas dan bercorak lokal. Kemampuan inovasi para pendakwah mendialogkan ritual Islam dengan budaya lokal masyarakat Gorontalo, dapat mengantarkan diapresiasinya secara kritis nilai-nilai lokalitas dari budaya masyarakat beserta karakteristik yang mengiringi nilai-nilai itu.Kata kunci: tradisi; politik; budaya.

Liantiame Liantiame ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, strategi adaptasi, dan kerentanan nafkah petani penduduk transmigran dan lokal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan didukung oleh data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dua komunitas yang berbeda memiliki ekosistem yang sama dan menghadapi tekanan yang sama tetapi merespon krisis dengan cara yang berbeda. Pendapatan struktur nafkah dari sektor on farm pada rumah tangga petani transmigran lebih banyak daripada masyarakat lokal. Strategi adaptasi rumah tangga petani transmigran lebih tinggi daripada masyarakat lokal sehingga memiliki kerentanan nafkah yang rendah. Rumah tangga petani lokal lebih rentan terpapar oleh pengaruh air pasang karena melakukan strategi adaptasi yang lebih sedikit. Kata kunci: kerentanan nafkah, strategi adaptasi, struktur nafkah=====ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the structure, adaptation strategies, and vulnerability of transmigrants and local residents. The research method used was survey research using a questionnaire and supported by qualitative data through in-depth interviews. The results of this study show that two different communities have the same ecosystem and face the same pressure but respond to the crisis in different ways. The income structure of livelihoods from the on-farm sector in transmigrant farmer households is more than the local community. The adaptation strategy of transmigrant farmer households is higher than that of the local community and thus has a low livelihood vulnerability. The households of local farmers are more susceptible to exposure to the influence of the tide because they carry out fewer adaptation strategies.Keywords: Livelihood vulnerability, adaptation strategy, livelihood structure

Al-Qalam ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 63
Faizal Bachrong ◽  
Fitrah Auliya Ansar

<div class="page" title="Page 1"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><span>This study aims to find out the religious moderation oriented on local wisdom in the local community, the function of local wisdom in establishing a religious moderation climate, and local wisdom development strategies that contain elements of religious moderation that can be implemented in the policy. This study used descriptive research to explore the local wisdom in the developing community which interrelated with religious moderation. The study was conducted in Tana Toraja Regency, South Sulawesi Province. The data were collected through in-depth interviews with informants, document study, and field observations. The data collected then analyzed in the writing stage and were analyzed when being reduced, then were presented in the form of a description. The results of this study indicated as follows: (1) the religious moderation oriented local wisdom contained in the local community are Aluk Tondolo and the Tongkonan traditional house as parts of the culture and local wisdom of Tana Toraja, (2) The Tongkonan traditional house is a symbol of harmony and kinship which contains some local wisdom, including the Rambu Solo, Rambu Tuka and Karapasan ceremonies, in which the Karapasan Culture is believed by its adherents or the Toraja tribe to be a path towards peace, (3) The moderation of life with ambiance of harmony between religious communities has gone very well since the Toraja people know harmonious life between 2 (two) or more different religions.</span></p></div></div></div>

Tsaqofah ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 185
Nanang Rustandi

Research on religion and socio-economic changes in the community around the Gunung Padang site, Karyamukti Village, Campaka District, Cianjur Regency originated from the emergence of a local community in carrying out its religion and culture in the form of socio-economic changes. The focus of the research reveals how religious the people around the Gunung Padang site are. How is the socio-economic culture of the community around Mount Padang with the Gunung Padang site, as well as how the religious and socio-economic changes of the community after the restoration (excapation) of the Gunung Padang site. This study uses a qualitative research method, to analyze the religious relationship between the community and the socio-economic culture of the community around ancient sites using a phenomenological approach. The results of this study indicate that the religion of the people around the site is greatly influenced by the process of combining religious understanding and local culture that has been hereditary. The form is through religious expressions, namely belief (theology), ritual (rites) and community (community).

Bartoven Vivit Nurdin ◽  
Damayanti Damayanti

This paper examines the tappan and pelepai woven fabric, a kind of woven cloth that shows the social status and position of a person in an ethnic group, as well as the preservation of the woven fabric in the Lampung Sanggi Unggak Museum which is now almost extinct. In fact, tappan woven fabric is an important symbol of identity for indigenous people of Lampung. Its extraordinary beauty is almost unrecognizable.The research method used is ethnography, by conducting in-depth interviews and engaging observations. The results of the study show that the tappan cloth was not known by the people of Lampung in general.However, one of the pioneers of local cultural preservation in the village of Sanggi Unggak Tanggamus, built a museum that collects various kinds of traditional objects, one of which is tappan cloth. The effort to preserve local culture is a form of concern of traditional leaders for extinction of Lampung culture, one of which is tappan cloth. The symbolic meaning becomes shifted or even extinct. This shows that this fabric attribute is a culture that is easy to change as indicated by Linton (1977) that there is a culture that is easy to change because it is no longer considered effective and efficient.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 306-325
Zainal Mukhlis

This article attempts to examine the role of KH Imam Nawawi in conducting a cultural da'wah within local community in Parang District, Magetan Regency, East Java. The research method used in this study was a descriptive qualitative and historical approach. The findings have revealed that cutural Islamic propagation conducted KH Imam Nawawi was able to change Javanese culture to local Islamic traditions in Parang district. Further, he has changed people’s religious faith and behavior to be more based on Islamic teachings. Additionally, kiai Imam Nawawi has emphasized and oriented the cultural da’wah to transform people attitude and behavior based on Islamic cultures and not to eliminate Javanese local culture as he considered it is a local creation that should be preserved.

Liantiame Liantiame ◽  
Arya Hadi Dharmawan

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis struktur, strategi adaptasi, dan kerentanan nafkah petani penduduk transmigran dan lokal. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian survei dengan menggunakan kuesioner dan didukung oleh data kualitatif melalui wawancara mendalam. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dua komunitas yang berbeda memiliki ekosistem yang sama dan menghadapi tekanan yang sama tetapi merespon krisis dengan cara yang berbeda. Pendapatan struktur nafkah dari sektor on farm pada rumah tangga petani transmigran lebih banyak daripada masyarakat lokal. Strategi adaptasi rumah tangga petani transmigran lebih tinggi daripada masyarakat lokal sehingga memiliki kerentanan nafkah yang rendah. Rumah tangga petani lokal lebih rentan terpapar oleh pengaruh air pasang karena melakukan strategi adaptasi yang lebih sedikit. Kata kunci: kerentanan nafkah, strategi adaptasi, struktur nafkah=====ABSTRACTThis study aims to analyze the structure, adaptation strategies, and vulnerability of transmigrants and local residents. The research method used was survey research using a questionnaire and supported by qualitative data through in-depth interviews. The results of this study show that two different communities have the same ecosystem and face the same pressure but respond to the crisis in different ways. The income structure of livelihoods from the on-farm sector in transmigrant farmer households is more than the local community. The adaptation strategy of transmigrant farmer households is higher than that of the local community and thus has a low livelihood vulnerability. The households of local farmers are more susceptible to exposure to the influence of the tide because they carry out fewer adaptation strategies.Keywords: Livelihood vulnerability, adaptation strategy, livelihood structure

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-45
Erlan Muliadi

Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan tentang nilai budaya lokal yang masih eksis dijadikan sebagai proses edukasi dalam melestarikan budaya lokal desa tumpak. Kedua, cara atau model yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat lokal dalam mempertahankan dan melestarikan budaya lokal desa tumpak. Metode penelitian ini merupakan metode penelitian kualitatif dan pendeketaan antropologi budaya. Dengan metode dan pendekatan yang penulis gunakan beberapa temuan masih eksis di dusun bongak desa tumpak diantaranya: Budaya Perkawinan  (Midang, mereweh, Melaiq-merariq, sejati-selabar, embait wali dan nagih),  Budaya Merayakan Hari Besar Islam, Budaya Lokal Acara Selametan kematian (betangi), Budaya Begarap, Budaya Persik Gubuk,  Budaya larangan Menonton Televisi Pada Anak dan  Budaya dalam Pribahasa Agama betakaq adat. Dari budaya-budaya yang ekssis tersebut sarat akan nilai-nilai kekeluargaan,  kebersamaan persaudaraan, nilai saling menghargai, nilai menghormati, nilai tanggung jawab, nilai moral atau akhlak, nilai toleransi, nilai Acceptance (penerimaan), nilai kemandirian dan sikap ketidak tergantungan, Nonviolence (sikap tidak melakukan kekerasan). Nilai Courteos sikap empati terhadap orang lain dan ditunjukkan dengan spontan. Title: Investment of Education Values In Bunak Mountain Culture The purpose of this study is to describe the local cultural values that still exist as a process of education in preserving the local culture of the village of tumpak. Second, the method or type accepted by the local community in maintaining and preserving the local culture of the village of tumpak. This research method is a qualitative research method and cultural anthropology approach. With the method and approach that the author uses, some findings still exist in the village of Bongak, which includes: Marriage Culture (Midang, Mereweh, Melaiq-merariq, sejati-selabar, embait wali, and nagih), Culture Celebrating Islamic Holidays, Local Culture Selametan (celebrate) death event (Betangi), Begarap Culture, persik Huts Culture, Culture prohibition of Watching Television on Children and Culture in Religious Proverbs betakaq adat. From the existing cultures are full of family preferences, society affection, the importance of mutual respect, conditions of respect, values of responsibility, ethical or moral values, values of tolerance, values of acceptance, values of independence and attitude of independence, nonviolence (attitude of non-violence). Courteous values empathy towards others and is shown spontaneously.

Fandy J. Latuni ◽  
Glenie Latuni

Siladen is an island east of Bunaken Island with a population of approximately 300 family heads. Since the first Community as Fishermen to change since the entry of foreign and local investors invest their capital in the tourism sector by establishing resorts and international diving spot. Residents who were formerly fishermen, are now beginning to be recruited into company employees. The community of Siladen Island is derived from sangihe island and still maintains its cultural tradition, one of which is Masamper music. This art, often featured in social activities, local culture until now. To improve the welfare of the local community, the Community Service is implemented which is focused on the children. Train the creativity of children, in order to improve the welfare of the family later became the goal Keywords: Music Masamper Group of Children, Siladen Island, Creative Industry

Jurnal IPTA ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 76
Martina Minnie Anggela ◽  
Ni Made Oka Karini ◽  
Ni Made Sofia Wijaya

The aim of this research is to determine the tourist perceptions and motivation that visit to Jembong tourist destination. This research was conducted at the Jembong tourist destination, Jembong District, Ambengan Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency. The research method used is descriptive quantitative by distributed questionnaires to two hundred and twenty fivetourist that visiting Jembong tourist destination in Jembong district, Ambengan Village. A questionnaire consisted of twenty threestatements that refer to the theory of tourism development, which are tourist attraction, amenities, access and ancillary services and eighteen statements of tourist motivation that refer to the push and pull theory motivation. The potential tourist attraction in Jembong tourist destination are waterfall, trekking, and nature. The facilities are bathroom and change room, trash bin, restaurant, parking area, and gazebo. Local community who has an authority to make signboard and provided stairs and trail to facilitate tourists toward waterfall and trekking. Tourist information center made simultaneously with entrance ticket counter Jembong tourist destination. Promotion media at Jembong tourist destination are brochure, email and instagram. Maps of Jembong tourist destination is available in google maps therefore tourist easier toward Jembong tourist destination. The results of this research finding the higher of push motivation and pull motivation is related with beauty nature that suitable with the higher tourist perception to attraction are freshness air and beauty nature in Jembong tourist destination.

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