Performance and economics of kenguri ram lambs under different rearing systems

C. Kotresh Prasad ◽  
M. T. Mahanthesh ◽  
Deepandita Barman ◽  
B. S. Pradeep Nag ◽  
Maneesh Ahirwar ◽  

The experiment was conducted to study the performance of Kenguri ram lambs in two different production systems in an organized farm in Koppal district of Karnataka. Sixty weaned Kenguri ram lambs of uniform body weight and morphological characteristics were selected and randomly allocated to two rearing systems (R1 and R2) of thirty each. The lambs of R1 were considered as control group, they were on grazing for 8 hours daily from 9.00 am to 5.00 pm and fed paddy straw during night hours. The lambs of R2 were reared in intensive system and fed commercial concentrated feed (IS. 5569. 1970) (17% DCP and 70% TDN) from three to nine months. The animals were provided concentrate feed based on their age. The green grass like Congo signal, hybrid Napier and paddy straw were also provided ad libitum along with clean, potable drinking water in the stall. The comparative economics of both the groups was worked out by comparing the expenditure incurred and returns obtained from the selling of lambs. The average live weight obtained in R2 was significantly higher (p less than 0.01) than R1. The respective output price, net profit and cost- benefit ratio was higher in R2 compared to R1. Thus the Kenguri lambs can be reared in intensive system with better income in semi-arid conditions of Karnataka.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (12) ◽  
pp. 178
Osman Nabay ◽  
James B. A. Whyte ◽  
Brice J. Gbaguidi ◽  
Vodouhe G. Tonakpon ◽  
Fallah S. Kassoh ◽  

The Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) was used to assess the efficiencies and competitiveness of fresh cassava storage root production systems in Sierra Leone. Proportional random sampling was used to select study samples. Information was collected using structured questionnaire from a total of 1,880 producer households. Out of the 36 potential storage root production systems identified, only 6 systems are mainly used by producers. The PAM was based on one hectare of land for production and Leone (SSL) as money to evaluate costs and revenues. The analysis indicates that, all the 6 fresh cassava storage root production systems present a Domestic Resource Cost Ratio of less than 1 (DRC < 1) and Cost-Benefit Ratio (RCB) also less than 1 (RCB within 0.14 to 0.42). Discounting potential revenue from stems and cassava leaves in storage root production systems that use improved varieties and fertilizer have higher comparative and competitive advantages. The systems are also profitable, even though producers are not protected from tradable and taxed inputs. Production systems also remain profitable with 25% and 50% yield loss. This was also confirmed by Abiodun and Adefemi (2016). It is therefore better to produce cassava locally in Sierra Leone than import for processing or consumption. This study proposes recommendations to improve cassava productivity in Sierra Leone.

2014 ◽  
Vol 39 (1) ◽  
pp. 165-172
Praveen Kumar Verma ◽  
SK Nag ◽  
SK Patil

The paper has studied the economic viability of improved technology (Introduced under NAIP component-3) for extraction of cashew kernel from cashew nut in Bastar region of Chhattisgarh, India. Cost concept has been used to calculate economics of cashew kernel. The technology (Boiling, steaming, cutting, drying, and peeling) has been found viable over conventional practices (Traditional manual separation by stone or hammer) on account of higher recovery of 40 percent and cost reduction by 29.71 percent. Overall net profit per unit (One unit includes one boiler, one steamer, two cutter, one dryer, six peelers and cost of land, depreciation and interest on working capital) in the case of improved technology has been estimated to be Rs 7.32 lakh. Cost of production in machine extraction practices was 202.80 Rupees per kilogram of cashew in spite of traditionally practiced 288.56 Rupees per kilogram. The cost benefit ratio was found higher in machine extraction (1.57) as compare to traditionally practiced (0.169). The mechanical decortications and separation could not only save time and money, also reduced women drudgery (due to manual breaking by stone or hammer to separate kernel). The technology has been found suitable for promotion of entrepreneurship on the processing of cashew kernel from cashew nut in the production catchments which otherwise is not properly utilized. DOI: Bangladesh J. Agril. Res. 39(1): 165-172, March 2014

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (11) ◽  
Parvaneh Mohammadi ◽  
Mohammad Kavoosi-Kalashami ◽  
Morteza Zanganeh

ABSTRACT: Olive is one of the strategic products of Guilan province, northern Iran. Hence, it is very important to determine the optimal production pattern of olive, given the resources scarcity and the assessment of physical and Comparative Advantage (CA). In this study, three physical advantage indices for olive production in Guilan province during 2008-2016 were investigated. Also, the CA, protection and competitiveness indicators of olive production at Guilan province for 2016-17 cultivation years were calculated using the Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM). Results showed that Guilan province had scale advantage in olive production. The highest degree of olive plantation concentration was on 2008 with scale advantage index of 2.49. Also, results of efficiency advantage showed that, except for 2008, olive production had efficiency advantage over all under study years at Guilan province. Results of Domestic Resource Costs (DRC) and Social Cost Benefit ratio (SCB) indicators for both traditional and commercial olive plantations revealed the CA of olive production in Guilan province. Also, the competitiveness indices values (UCd and UCx) for both traditional and commercial olive plantations were less than 1. So, the olive production systems in Guilan province had the ability to compete with domestic and international competitors.

2011 ◽  
Vol 50 (No. 6) ◽  
pp. 243-248 ◽  
M. Koyuncu ◽  
S. Kara Uzun ◽  
S. Ozis ◽  
S. Duru

Forty-seven Kivircik ram lambs, aged 2 months, raised and managed under an intensive system were used to measure the development of testis diameter and length, and scrotum circumference, length and volume, and their association with the development of body growth. The effects of age and body weight of lambs, type of birth and dam age on the development of the five testicular parameters from weaning at 2&ndash;6 months of age were investigated. In ram lambs, the respective least-squares means of testis measurements: testis diameter, testis length, scrotum circumference, scrotum length and scrotum volume were 2.55 &plusmn; 0.099 cm, 5.83 &plusmn; 0.165 cm, 15.23&nbsp;&plusmn; 0.650&nbsp;cm, 7.24 &plusmn; 0.287 cm and 87.57 &plusmn; 5.921 cm<sup>3 </sup>at 2 months; and 2.99 &plusmn; 0.099 cm, 6.59 &plusmn; 0.164 cm, 14.24&nbsp;&plusmn; 0.657 cm, 10.60 &plusmn; 0.290 cm and 157.49 &plusmn; 5.987 cm<sup>3</sup> at 6 months. The effect of birth type on testis diameter and the effect of dam age on testis length were significant (P &lt; 0.05 and P &lt; 0.01), besides the effects of lamb age and live weight of lambs on the whole testis measurements were significant (P &lt; 0.01). &nbsp;

1960 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
pp. 11-25 ◽  
T. R. Preston ◽  
Isoline Greenhalgh ◽  
N. A. MacLeod

1. Two experiments were made. In Experiment 1, 124 ram, wether and ewe lambs were allocated to four equal groups as they reached a live-weight of 30 lb. Group A received no hexoestrol; group B were implanted with a 15 mg. pellet of hexoestrol and lambs of group C were given a second pellet of 15 mg. 35 days after the first. Group D were implanted with three 5 mg. pellets simultaneously in three different sites. The lambs were creep-fed while running with their dams on pasture and were killed as they reached a live-weight of 95 lb.In Experiment 2, 20 weaned ram lambs were allocated to a hexoestrol-implant group or a control group as they reached a live-weight of 40 lb. They were fed a pelleted ration indoors and were slaughtered at a live-weight of 110 1b.2. Length of teats and weight of the pituitary were significantly increased for all lambs treated with hexoestrol as compared with their controls. Excessive mammary development and one case of rectal prolapse were observed i n treated ewe lambs, while 3 of the treated rams in Experiment 2 had scrotal oedema.3. The rate of live-weight gain was greater for all hexoestrol-implanted lambs in Experiment 1 but less for the implanted lambs on Experiment 2 as compared with their respective controls. The differences just failed to attain significance at the 5% level.4. Dressing percentage was significantly reduced by hexoestrol treatment i n Experiment 1. On the other hand treated ram lambs in Experiment 2 had significantly higher dressing percentages and appeared to be fatter than the controls.5. Weights of testes and seminal vesicles in the ram and of the ovary in the ewe were decreased by hexoestrol treatment. Weights of seminal vesicles in the wether and of oviducts and uterus in the ewe were increased.

2006 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 50 ◽  
Rodrigo Vásquez ◽  
Hugo Ballesteros ◽  
Yair Ortegón ◽  
Uriel Castro

<p>El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar el incremento en la producción en un cultivo comercial de fresa (<em>Fragaria chiloensis</em>); a tal fin se evaluó: la producción antes y después de la introducción de abejas, clasificación del fruto, producción total y por planta, y relación costo/beneficio. Se trabajó con 360 plantas divididas en tres tratamientos: (T0) o grupo testigo (libre entrada de insectos), (T1) o grupo de exclusión parcial (insectos con acceso limitado) y (T2) o grupo de exclusión total (sin visita de insectos) cada uno con 120 plantas. Se utilizaron cuatro colmenas de <em>Apis mellifera </em>ubicadas a una distancia de 10 m del cultivo; se usó alimentación complementaria a fin de promover la predilección de las abejas hacia las flores de fresa. La polinización dirigida con abejas <em>Apis mellifera </em>produjo incrementos en la producción que pasaron de 74,5 ± 20,2 kg durante el período sin abejas a 151,3 ± 25,5 kg una vez adaptadas las colonias; ello se origina en el aumento del número de frutas por planta (61,1%) que representa además un incremento económico. La curva de producción del cultivo mejoró su comportamiento pasadas tres semanas luego de la introducción de las colmenas, lo cual se reflejó en aumento de la producción, la calidad y el tamaño de los frutos (frutos clase extra y aumento de la producción de fresas de primera).</p><p> </p><p><strong>A commercial strawberry crop (Fragaria chiloensis) being directly pollinated by bees (Apis mellifera)</strong></p><p>This work was aimed at estimating increased in production in a commercial strawberry crop, Fragaria chiloensis, production before and after introducing bees, classifying fruit, total and per plant production and cost/benefit ratio were evaluated. The research was carried out with 360 plants divided in three treatments: (T0) control group (free insect entry), (T1) partial exclusion group (limited access for insects) and (T2) total exclusion group (no visits by insects), each consisting of 120 plants. Four hives containing Apis mellifera were used, located 10 m from the crop. Complementary feeding was employed to promote predilection of bees for strawberry flowers. Directed pollination with Apis mellifera led to increased production, rising from 74.5 ± 20.2 kg during the period with no bees to 151.3 ± 25.5 kg once the colonies had adapted themselves to the crop. This, in turn, led to an increase in the number of fruit per plant (61.1%) which also represented increased economic benefit. The production curve improved three weeks after introducing the hives, this being reflected in increased production, quality and fruit size (fruit classed as extra and increased production of first class strawberries).</p>

Cemil Tölü ◽  
Türker Savaş

In this study, it was aimed to report some traits of Gökçeada goats, which raised under the natural conditions of Gökçeada, with respect to their protection within the scope of genetic resources. In this respect the information obtained from the goats supplied from the Island and reared in a semi-intensive system at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University and also the information obtained from the literature were collected and the biological and zootechnical identifications of the Gökçeada goat were performed. Gökçeada goats, which are predominantly black, have yellow or red blazes on both sides of their heads including their eyes. It was seen that Gökçeada goats had similar body measurements and lower live weights as compared to those of the same species on the mainland. The birth weight and the mature live weight of Gökçeada goats were found as 2.55 kg and 38 kg, respectively, whereas their mean kid yield per goat at birth was determined as 1.6 to 1.8 kids. Individuals with a milk yield of 591 kg were striking in the Gökçeada genotype, in which the mean lactation length and the mean lactation milk yield were determined as 251 to 259 days and 227 to 245 kg, respectively. Its milk fat (4.92-5.75%) and milk protein (3.29%) resembled those of our other native breeds. It is necessary to reveal, with more elaborate studies, the potential for Gökçeada goat cheese that is greatly demanded on the Island. It was determined that the Gökçeada kids, which were considered as dairy kids, had some small but nonfat carcass and that their meat was soft and of a light color and had a slight smell. One should be careful about the adaptation of the Gökçeada genotype, which successfully maintains itself under the island conditions and which is the source of income for producers, to intensive and extensive goat production systems.

2009 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 309-320
M. Gabryszuk ◽  
K. Horbańczuk ◽  
J. Klewiec

Abstract. The experiment was conducted on 80 Polish Merino ewes, their 82 lambs and 40 fattening rams. Merino ewes were divided into two groups: experimental (E) and control (C), each composed of 40 animals. Four weeks before lambing, 1 day, 3 weeks and 6 weeks after lambing 40 ewes of the experimental (E) group received intramuscular injection of 5 ml 0.1 % Na2SeO4 (selenium [Se]: 2.09 mg), 10 ml 10 % ZnSO4 (Zinc [Zn]: 227 mg) and 250 mg vitamin E (α-tocopherol), and control group (C) – no received. From birth all the lambs were maintained with their dams and then weaned at the age of 8 weeks, placed in individual straw-bedded pens and fattened individually with a granulated concentrate mixture until reaching a body weight about 32 kg. During fattening 20 lambs from experimental group (E) was given per os 1 ml 0.1 % Na2SeO4, 3 ml 10 % ZnSO4 and 60 mg vitamin E (α-tocopherol) daily, and control group (C) – no administered. The levels of Se, Zn and vitamin E in the blood plasma of ewes and ram- lambs were within the reference values. The lambs born by the treated ewes (E) experienced much lower body live weight at birth (P≤0.05), body weight on day 28 and 56 (P≤0.01), compared to lambs born from group (C). Also the daily live weight gain from birth to 4 week and from birth to 8 week were significantly lower (P≤0.05) in lambs born by the treated ewes. Se, Zn and vitamin E treated rams contained less fat in leg (P≤0.05), less fat thickness over ribs (P≤0.01) and less fat thickness over loin-eye than non treated rams.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 ◽  
pp. 02041
A.T. Varakin ◽  
D.K. Kulik ◽  
V.S. Zoteev ◽  
G.A. Simonov ◽  
O.V. Golovatyuk

The objective of the research was to study the effectiveness of inclusion of Camelina cake, which belongs to low-glucosinolate varieties, in the diets instead of sunflower cake on the productivity of fattened ram lambs. According to the results of a laboratory study, compared with sunflower cake, Camelina cake had a higher content of dry and organic matter, “crude” fat, “crude” fiber, nitrogen-free extractives, and there were practically no differences in “crude” protein. Scientific and economic experience was organized with the use of ram lambs of the Volgogradskaya breed. Physiological studies were carried out in conjunction with the scientific and economic experience with the use of animals in this experiment. At the end of the experiment, at the age of 8 months, the ram lambs of the experimental group, using Camelina seed cake in the main diet, had a higher average live weight by 1.43 % than in the control, when using sunflower cake in the diet. In physiological studies, it was found that the animals in the experimental group digested and used the nutrients of the diet better than the young animals from the control group. Blood counts of both groups of ram lambs were normal. Control slaughter of sheep, conducted on the basis of research, showed that on average in the experimental group, the weight indicators increased: pre-slaughter, hot carcass, internal fat, slaughter, and slaughter yield, respectively, by 1.52; 1.69; 2.63; 1.74 and 0.10% than in the control. In terms of profitability, fattening animals in the experimental group was 7.8% more efficient than in the control group.

2019 ◽  
Vol 36 ◽  
pp. 148-156
Md. H. Azad ◽  
M. R. Tiwari ◽  
N. R. Poudel ◽  
B. M. Shah ◽  
B. K. J.C ◽  

An experiment was conducted at Regional Agricultural Research Station, Parwanipur, Bara for 38 days to test the effect of Khesari leaves inclusion in broiler feed and its effect on growth performance. Altogether 135 day-olds Cobb-500 broiler birds were procured from Shivam Hatchery, Birgung and divided into 3 treatments with 3 replications (15 birds in each replication) by using completely randomized design. Concentrate feed was purchased from Posak Feed industry, Birgung. Control group (T1) was fed without inclusion of Khesari leaves and whereas T2 and T3 groups were fed 5% and 10 % Khesari leaves added feed respectively. Diet replaced with 5 % and 10 % Khesari leaves were offered from 14th day of trial to T2 and T3 broilers group respectively. Experimental birds were provided adlib amount of grower feed (B1) for 21 days and that after finisher feed (B3) for 21 days and had easily access to drinking water. Feed intake was recorded daily and body weight gain was measured in 7 days interval. Experiment revealed that highest weight gain was observed in T3 (2.55 kg) followed by T1 (2.48) where inclusion of 10 % Khesari leaves and normal feed respectively, which was also significant among diet groups. Similarly, highest cumulative feed intake was also observed for T3 (4.23 kg) followed by T1 (3.90 kg) which was also significant among diet groups. Experiment suggested that further study should be carried out to precise the appropriate level of organic acids inclusion and higher cost benefit ratio.

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