The Correlation between Work Barrier with Employee’s Discipline on Occupational Safety and Health

Rachma Noor Kafila ◽  
Popy Puspitasari ◽  
Ratna Dwi Wulandari

Introduction: Hospital as one of the health services in Indonesia is required to implement the development of human resources or health workers in health services. Conducting hospital coach should be specific to build on certain aspects. The coaching can be done by looking at aspects that are lacking in the assessment of human resources. Wiyung Sejahtera Surabaya Hospital has a decision of discipline that decreased from year to year. Researcher needed see any factor that can lead to low employees’ discipline. One factor that can contribute was the job barrier felt by the employees. This study aimed to determine the relationship of work barriers as one of the employees’ benchmark in the hospital on the employees’ performance level at Wiyung Sejahtera Surabaya Hospital. Method: The type of this research was quantitative research with an analytic observational method. Based on the time, this research used a cross-sectional design. The population in this study was the employees of Wiyung Sejahtera Surabaya hospital with 80 samples taken through proportional sampling technique. The independent and dependent variables of this research were work barriers and work discipline. Data were analyzed using Kendall's tau-b test to determine the correlation between the two variables. Results: The results obtained that the work barrier had a negative significant correlation to the discipline of employees in the Wiyung Sejahtera Surabaya hospital. The higher the obstacle of work owned by employees in the hospital, the lower the discipline of the employees. Conclusion: The barriers can lower the discipline of employees at the hospital.Keywords: discipline, occupational health and safety, work barriee

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 998-1005
Indah Dewi Ridawati ◽  
Bintoro Nugroho

The prevalence of diarrhea diseases is increasing, the total cases of diarrhea diseases listed in the Work Area Air Lais sub-district Community Health centers Padang Jaya in 2014 reached 230 cases. The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship between mothers’ attitudes with prevention of diarrhea disease in toddlers. This research is a quantitative research with cross sectional design. The sample in this study were mothers with children under five by purposive sampling technique. The participants of this research was 95 mothers and statistical analysis using chi square. Results of the analysis found correlation between maternal attitudes with efforts to prevent diarrhea disease in toddlers (ρ value = 0.000). Expected health workers can improve the promotion for better health and increasing efforts to prevent diarrhea diseases that can be carried by mothers as a prevention of diarrhea disease in Toddlers.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
pp. 17-24
Dedi Yanto Adriance Muda ◽  
Noorce C. Berek ◽  
Indriati Andolita Tedju Hinga

A good occupational health safety at hospital can reduce the incidence of work accidents and increase the productivity of each officer. This study was to analyze the factors related to knowledge, perceptions and attitudes of health workers with occupational safety and health behavior. The study design was a cross sectional study. The population was 709 people with a simple random sampling technique of 97 people. The inclusion criteria are all health workers who have been selected by all hospital medical personnel who have contact with patients compared to hospital personnel in the field of management, where their presence has a greater risk of experiencing occupational diseases or occupational accidents (doctors, specialists, nurses, midwives and health analysis) and willing to be research subjects by signing the informed consent. Meanwhile, the exclusion criteria were respondents who were not willing to be the subject of research and medical officers who were on leave/sickness/ permission when collecting data. the instrument used was a questionnaire. The results of statistical tests showed p < 0.05, that is, there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge, attitudes and K3 RS behavior, while the statistical results of the perception level with behavior were p > 0.005. Health and safety behavior of health workers is an action or activity in an effort to prevent occupational diseases and accidents. Therefore, it is hoped that the K3 Hospital can promote health and safety at the hospital regularly with various themes tailored to the needs of the workers.

Nurbaiti Nurbaiti ◽  
Donal Nababan ◽  
Asima Sirait

During pregnancy routine monitoring can be done using K1 and K4 coverage. In 2017 K4 coverage was 96.7%. Whereas in 2018, K4 coverage for pregnant women amounted to 356 (68.5%) of the target pregnant women amounted to 519 (100%). From these data it can be seen that in 2018 the coverage of K4 in pregnant women decreased compared to the K4 coverage in 2017. The aim of the study was to determine the relationship of knowledge, parity, family support, availability of pregnancy check-ups, coverage of health services, support of health workers and other factors. most dominant on K4 visits for pregnant women in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center, Aceh Tamiang Regency. This type of research is analytic with cross-sectional design methods. The population of this study was the third trimester pregnant women who examined their pregnancies in the Work Area of Kualasimpang City Health Center in Aceh Tamiang Regency with a total of 356 samples using a Slovin formula of 78 people. The sampling technique uses accidental sampling technique. From the results of multiple logistic regression tests with a value of value = 0.25, it was found that there was a significant relationship of knowledge (p = 0.000, PR = 0.075), parity (p = 0.001, PR = 15,863), the availability of a pregnancy checkup (p = 0.011, PR = 0.132), range of health services (p = 0.006, PR = 0.112), support (p = 0.007, PR = 0.084), the most dominant variable is parity (p = 0.001; PR = 15,863; 95% CI: 3,221- 78,114) which means that respondents with multigravida parity have a risk of not doing K4 visits 15,863 times greater than primigravida parity. It is expected that pregnant women will be more active and active in conducting K4 visits in order to detect all possibilities that can occur so as to avoid danger during pregnancy or before delivery.ABSTRAKSelama kehamilan dapat dilakukan pemantauan rutin dengan menggunakan cakupan K1 dan K4. Tahun 2017 cakupan K4 berjumlah 96,7%. Sedangkan pada tahun 2018, cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil berjumlah 356 (68,5%) dari sasaran ibu hamil berjumlah 519 (100%). Dari data tersebut dapat diketahui bahwa pada Tahun 2018 cakupan K4 pada ibu hamil menurun dibandingkan dengan cakupan K4 di Tahun 2017.Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui hubungan pengetahuan, paritas, dukungan keluarga, ketersediaan alatpemeriksaan kehamilan, jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan, dukungan petugas kesehatan serta faktor yang paling dominan terhadap kunjungan K4 pada ibu hamil di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang. Jenis penelitian adalah analitik dengan metode rancangan crossectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah ibu hamil trimester III yang memeriksakan kehamilannya di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Kota Kualasimpang Kabupaten Aceh Tamiang berjumlah 356 dengan sampel menggunakan rumus Slovin sebanyak 78 orang. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik accidental sampling. Dari hasil uj iregresi logistic berganda dengan nilaip value = 0.25, diperoleh bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan pengetahuan (p=0.000, PR=0.075), paritas (p=0.001, PR=15.863), ketersediaan alat pemeriksaan kehamilan (p=0.011, PR=0.132), jangkauan ketempat pelayanan kesehatan (p=0.006, PR=0.112), dukungan (p=0.007, PR=0.084), variabel yang paling dominan adalah paritas (p=0.001; PR=15.863; 95%CI:3.221-78.114)yang berarti bahwa responden dengan Paritas multigravida mempunyai risiko tidak melakukan kunjungan K4 15.863 kali lebih besar dibandingkan paritas primigravida. Diharapkan kepada ibu hamil agar lebih aktif dan giat dalam melakukan kunjungan K4 agar terdeksi segala kemungkinan yang dapat terjadi sehingga terhindar dari bahaya selama kehamilan maupun menjelang persalinan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Dian Rosadi ◽  
Fauzie Rahman ◽  
Sasikarani Sasikarani

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The achievement of Pulmonary TB CDR in the working area of Banjarmasin City Health Office is still 49% in 2015 and increased by 52% in 2016. The low achievement of pulmonary TB CDR in Banjarmasin became a health problem related to the performance of P2TB officers in the Health Service Working Area City of Banjarmasin. This study aims to explain factors related to the performance of Proram Control Officers Tuberculosis in the Work Area of Banjarmasin City Health Office. This research is a quantitative research using cross sectional design. The population is all officers of P2TB in the working area of Banjarmasin City Health Office. The sample taken is a population of 57 people using total sampling technique. The results showed that the availability factor of the facility was related to the performance of the Proram Control Officer Tuberculosis (ρ-value = 0.049). While factors unrelated to officer performance are psychological factor (ρ-value = 1.000) and incentive (ρ-value = 0.260). The Conclusion of this study is the relationship between the availability of facilities with the performance of Proram Control Officers Tuberculosis, but there is no relationship between the psychological and incentives with the Proram Control Officer Tuberculosis in the Work Area of Banjarmasin City Health Office.

2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 328
Nel Efni

The causes of drug abuse are complex due to the interaction of various factors, including individual factors such great curiosity to try and unknowingly or think long about the consequences later in life, environmental factors such as family problems or a broken home or social environment / community one even all members become abusers drug. This research is a quantitative research using Cross sectional design. The population in this study is the victim of drug abuse which amounted to 545 people and a total sample of 40 respondents using simple random sampling technique and the data were analyzed using univariate and bivariate by using the chi-square test. There is The relationship of knowledge and family support to the behavior of drug abuse in class IIA prison  Jambi. Expected to be used as inputs in the preparation of the program increased knowledge about the dangers of drugs.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 99-105
Daphne . ◽  
Ida Yustina ◽  
Deli Theo

As people's standard of living increases, the demand for quality health also increases. Patient satisfaction is correlated with the quality of service in the hospital. By understanding the level of patient satisfaction, hospital management can learn and improve service quality. The study aims to determine the relationship between reliability, responsiveness, and empathy aspects with patient satisfaction in Pharmacy Installations at Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital. This research was an explanatory quantitative research with cross sectional design. The sample of this study amounted to 60 people and taken by accidental sampling technique. The data obtained through interviews using a questionnaire. The results showed that the level of patient satisfaction in Pharmacy Installations at Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital on reliability aspect was 63.3%, responsiveness aspect was 56.7% and empathy aspect was 81.7%. Based on the result of the research, the suggestion given to the service provider in this case Mitra Medika Amplas Hospital is to improve the performance of health service especially in Pharmacy Installation service by way of monitoring and evaluating periodically with the implementation of the service, evaluating and developing human resources, and infrastructure. Keywords: Reliability, Responsiveness, Empathy, Patient Satisfaction.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Danang Sasongko ◽  
Sentot Imam Suprapto ◽  
Indasah Indasah

Services provided by hospitals sometimes cause dissatisfaction, dissatisfaction can be conveyed through patient complaints, patient complaints can be caused by factors of human resources, health services or available facilities. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that influence patient complaints in the Inpatient Room of the Caruban Hospital Pavilion in Madiun Regency. In this study, researchers used an observational research design with a Cross Sectional approach. The sample in this study amounted to 80 respondents. Purposive sampling technique. The research instrument uses a questionnaire with ordinal regression statistical test with α = 0.05. Most respondents 57.9% (113 people) stated that Human Resources in the Inpatient Room were good. Most respondents 53.8% (105 people) stated that health services in the Inpatient Room were good. Almost half of the respondents 46.2% (90 people) stated that the factors of facilities and infrastructure in the Inpatient Room were good. The majority of respondents 53.8% (103 people) showed patient complaints in the low inpatient room. There was an influence of Human Resources with complaints from patients in the Inpatient Hospital of Caruban Hospital in Madiun Regency, p = 0040. there was no influence of health services with complaints of patients in the Inpatient Room of the Caruban Hospital of Madiun District, p = 0.193. There is an influence of facilities and infrastructure with patient complaints in the Inpatient Care Unit of Caruban Hospital in Madiun Regency, p = 0.048. The most influential factor on patient complaints in the Inpatient Pavilion is a factor of human resources and facilities and infrastructure factors because with good resources the service will be excellent supported by the existing facilities and infrastructure.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 123
Miko Eka Putri

Cigarettes are very dangerous for health. The Global Adults Tobacco Survey (GATS) survey estimated that as many as 7.9 billion adults became active smokers and about 3.5 billion people were exposed to cigarette smoke at work. Indonesia ranks 4th out of 10 countries with a population of smokers (4%) after China (38%), Russia (7%) and the United States (5%) (Ministry of Health, 2012). Every cigarette smoked contains a lot of toxic substances, especially carbon monoxide (CO) which can damage the sympathetic nervous system and hemoglobin desaturation.This study aims to see the effect of the number of cigarettes with CO levels in adolescent smokers in vocational schools. This research is a quantitative research with cross-sectional design. The sample in this study amounted to 20 people in which the sampling technique used was purposive sampling. This study was conducted on July  2018 in SMK in the city of Jambi. Analysis using the Wilcoxon test.The results showed that the average number of cigarettes smoked by teenagers per day was 3.2 cigarettes, and the average CO level was 10.1ppm. The results of the analysis with Wilcoxon test showed that there was an effect of the number of cigarettes on CO levels with a p value of 0,000, meaning that there was a relationship between the number of cigarettes and CO levels in adolescent smokers in SMKs.The results of this study are expected to be a reference for teenagers to know the content of cigarettes and their dangers so that they can stop smoking behavior.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-50
Catur Wulan ◽  
Wulan Ayu Fitria

Consumption of iron tablet 1 tablet per day during pregnancy can cause constipation. Based on the results of preliminary study in the Bandar Village, Pacitan through interviews with 14 pregnant women there were 12 pregnant women who consumed iron tablet regularly and 8 pregnant women complain of difficulty to defecate while not experiencing constipation 4 pregnant women. From two pregnant women who did not consume fe tablets they didn’t get constipation. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship consuming Fe tablet with constipation in pregnant women. This type of research is quantitative with cross sectional design conducted in March 2016. The population of all pregnant women in Bandar Village Bandar Subdistrict District of Pacitan as many as 33 pregnant women. The respondents ware all pregnant women in the Bandar Village Bandar district Pacitan. Using total sampling technique, the research was conducted on March 1 until March 30, 2016. The variable in this study is the fe tablet intake and incidence of constipation. The research instrument used was observation about fe tablet consumption and interviewing about incidence of constipation. The data were tabulated and analyzed using a statistical test Chi Square test determined significant with p> 0.05. From the results showed that majority of 19 pregnant women (57.5%) consume iron tablet regularly, and majority of 18 pregnant women (54.5%) got constipation. There was a relationship consuming Fe tablet constipation with in pregnant women in the Bandar Village district ofPacitan. Evidenced by the significant level of 0.000> 0.05 so that Ho refused. Based on the results of the study, the researcher suggested to health workers to provide counseling to pregnant women about how to consume tablets fe correetly and balanced with foods contaiming high in fiber.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 22
Hasnah Hasnah ◽  
Desy Ana Hendra ◽  
Hapsah Hapsah

Background: High demands in all conditions require proffesional health workers. In dealing with patients, health workers need high emotional intelligence and problem solving skills that are qualified to deal with various problems. Objective: To analyze correlation between emotional intelligence with problem solving skill of health student of Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hasanuddin. Method: This quantitative research was conducted in August-September 2017, using observational study design with cross sectional analytic approach. Population in this research is health students Faculty of Medicine Universitas Hasanuddin who forced in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016 (N=1995). Sampling technique using cluster random sampling (n=333). The data were analyzed with Spearman’s Rho test. Results: More than half of respondents had a low emotional intelligence (58.3%) and  medium level of problem solving skill (51,4%). Correlation coefficient both of them is weak (r=0,222; p value = 0.000 <0,05). Conclusion: There is a weak correlation between emotional intelligence with problem solving skill of health student of Faculty of Medicine Hasanuddin University. The higher the emotional intelligence of the student, the higher the level of problem solving skill.

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