2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 40
Nurul Laili ◽  
Ayu Septianingrum ◽  
Surya Pramesti Regita Cahyani ◽  
Yahya Iman Nurcholis ◽  
Anindya Syaza Ni’matul Azizah

Introduction: Covid-19 is a virus that attacks the human immune system. The severity is influenced by endurance, age and pre-existing disease (comorbid). Treatment is given to relieve symptoms and increase endurance. Individual conditions require immunity or immunity to fight the virus. Immunity can be formed through nutritional intake or balanced nutrition during the Covid-19 pandemic. The general objective of this community service activity is that health workers and students are able to increase community and family awareness to prevent Covid-19 transmission through increasing immunity by meeting nutritional needs.Methods: Activities in community service programs by conducting education or counseling as well as demonstrations of correct food processing and selection of food ingredients and samples that are easy to find and obtain in the environment in Buluampal Hamlet, Bendo Village, Pare District.Results: Families who participate in educational or outreach and demonstration activities can understand food that can be consumed during the pandemic, correct food processing, understanding of the content or composition of balanced nutrition and traditional food ingredients that can be used as an immune booster during a pandemic. The post-test results on family and community knowledge show that most of the families 77.78% understand about meeting nutritional needs during a pandemic including food / balanced nutrition for family members.Conclusion: Community service activities can increase understanding and knowledge of balanced nutrition to increase immunity during a pandemic and know how to process food ingredients and use home yards for herbal plants that can increase immunity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 113-122
Ahmad Muchlisin Natas Pasaribu

Abstract   The purpose of this Community Service activity is to provide physical condition training to novice athletes, training programs for physical trainers at Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). This training needs to be done because the training process is still minimal. Trainers have the obligation to provide training and make athletes excel, but there are still limitations in doing so. Training for novice athletes is still very much needed because of the lack of planning and maturity in carrying out training activities both in terms of training material and from the intensity given. Higher education as an institution that produces trainers and educators, as well as an organization that organizes community service activities, has a moral obligation to carry out coaching and training. For this reason, community service programs providing athlete training are the way to be taken to overcome this problem. Activities include physical condition training. The material discussed is the judo training program. The training is planned to be held on October to December 2020.   Keywords: Judo, Physical Condition, Training   Abstrak   Tujuan kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah memberikan pelatihan kondisi fisik kepada para atlet pemula, program latihan kepada para pelatih fisik di Padepokan Judo Ksatria Bhayangkara (PJKB). Pelatihan ini perlu dilakukan karena adanya proses latihan yang masih minim. Pelatih memiliki kewajiban untuk memberikan latihan dan menjadikan atlit berprestasi, namun masih ada keterbatasan dalam melaksanakannya. Pelatihan bagi atlet pemula masih sangat diperlukan karena kurangnya perencanaan dan kematangan dalam melakukan kegiatan latihan baik dari segi materi latihan maupun dari intensitas yang diberikan. Perguruan Tinggi sebagai lembaga penghasil pelatih maupun pendidik, sekaligus lembaga yang secara terorganisisir melaksanakan kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat memiliki kewajiban moril untuk melakukan pembinaan dan pelatihan. Untuk itu program pengabdian kepada masyarakat menghadirkan untuk memberikan pelatihan atlet adalah cara yang ditempuh untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Kegiatan meliputi pelatihan kondisi fisik. Materi yang dibahas adalah program latihan judo. Pelatihan direncanakan akan dilaksanakan pada tanggal Oketober hingga Desember 2020.   Kata kunci: Judo, Kondisi fisik, Pelatihan

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-46
Mulono Apriyanto ◽  
Marlina Marlina ◽  
Muhammad Arpah

The purpose of this community service program is 1) Providing new insights to youth in youth organizations about plant propagation 2) Providing insight to youth in youth organizations about garden development 3) Youth in youth organizations can provide seeds for ornamental plants and fruit plants independent. The stages in the implementation of community service programs are divided into pre-implementation and implementation. The pre-implementation stages include: 1) Field observations. 2) Stages of preparation of tools and materials. Is the preparation phase to prepare all the preparation tools and materials as training material for partners. The implementation stages include 1) Practice of making verticulture 2) Material about Propagation of ornamental plants with vegetative propagation 3) Propagation practices of fruit plants with cuttings and grafts. From the results of field observations, it is known that the problems of youth are 1) Lack of skills in park management and maintenance. The conclusion of this community service activity is that it has been able to solve the problem 1) the youth in the youth cadets are skilled in providing ornamental plant material and fruit for planting in the environment 2) the youth in the youth cadets are skilled in making a vertical garden.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 336-341
Campina Illa Prihantini ◽  
Lutfiyanto Lutfiyanto ◽  
Musoffan Musoffan ◽  
Darwis Darwis

Abstract.Tourism today has become a primary need for some people. The high demand for tourism is a challenge for the management of a tourist place. Even so in the tourist area of Jumiang. The need for a study and at the same time service in the tourist area of Jumiang is a breath of fresh air in the development of the tourist area of Jumiang. This dedication activity was the result of collaboration between the Beginning Lecturer Research Team (PDP) and the Tematic KKN Bakti Bangsa Pamekasan College of Economics program team. The Tematic KKN Program of STIE Bakti Bangsa Pamekasan was able to have a real impact on the changing conditions of the tourist area of Jumiang. Various Community Service Programs have been offered to tour operators and have been successfully carried out. By utilizing the opportunities and available resources, this service activity turned out to be received enthusiastically by various parties, both managers and visitors.Abstrak.Pariwisata saat ini telah menjadi kebutuhan primer bagi sebagian orang. Tingginya permintaan pariwisata menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi pihak pengelola sebuah tempat wisata. Pun demikian di kawasan wisata Jumiang. Perlunya sebuah penelitian dan sekaligus pengabdian di kawasan wisata Jumiang menjadi angin segar dalam pengembangan kawasan wisata Jumiang. Kegiatan pengabdian ini merupakan hasil kolaborasi Tim Peneliti Penelitian Dosen Pemula (PDP) dengan tim program Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Tematik Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi (STIE) Bakti Bangsa Pamekasan. Program KKN Tematik STIE Bakti Bangsa Pamekasan ternyata mampu memberikan dampak yang nyata terhadap perubahan kondisi kawasan wisata Jumiang. Berbagai program KKN telah ditawarkan kepada pihak pengelola wisata dan telah berhasil dilakukan. Dengan memanfaatkan kesempatan dan sumberdaya yang tersedia, kegiatan pengabdian ini ternyata dapat diterima dengan antusias oleh berbagai pihak, baik pengelola, maupun pengunjung.

2022 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1069-1073
Cucu Herawati ◽  
Yusron Adi Utomo ◽  
Iin Kristanti ◽  
Supriatin Supriatin ◽  
Nuniek Tri Wahyuni

The Covid-19 pandemic impacts increasing psychological problems (anxiety disorders, depression, and insomnia) in the community and health workers. People experience clinical anxiety, so they are afraid to check their health to health services when they experience symptoms of illness. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and attitudes of health workers in providing good health education to the community so that people understand health behaviour and can make decisions based on the information that has been obtained. This education was conducted online for 300 health workers (Indonesian Radiographers/PARI), with the media zoom meeting. The implementation of this education begins with a pre-test, implementation of education, questions and answers, then a post-test. The results of the pre-test before the implementation of health education obtained a mean value of 36.50, a median of 30, and a standard deviation of 17,060, while the post-test results after the implementation of health education obtained a mean value of 93.00, a median of 100, and a standard deviation of 10.773. There is an increase in the knowledge of health education participants between before and after the health education is given. Recommendations from this community service activity are expected that health workers can continue to provide good health education to the community. The level of anxiety and stigma against Covid-19 decreases, and people feel calm and safe to check their health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 83-94
Asus Maizar Suryanto Hertika ◽  
Mohamad Fadjar ◽  
Setya Widi Ayuning Permanasari ◽  
Bimo Aji Nugroho

PKK (Family Welfare Empowerment) group in Ampeldento Village is a community group whose role needs to be increased, especially in improving family welfare. The problem they have is that the PKK group does not understand the potential of the narrow land owned by the family is the potential to increase family nutrition through the development of aquaponic cultivation systems. Therefore, carried out the implementation of community service programs through the development of the aquaponics system. Data collection techniques are done through interviews and questionnaires. Evaluation of community understanding of the program was carried out using pre-test and post-test. Based on the results of questionnaires and interviews before the program's implementation, it was found that 70% of respondents did not know aquaponics, 50% were not interested, 35% were hesitant in developing aquaponics independently and 45% doubted aquaponics could improve people's welfare. Results improved significantly after the program's implementation and were inversely proportional, with 95% of the community believing that aquaponics could improve welfare and 70% of respondents wanted to develop it independently. Respondents stated that vegetables produced are faster growing, tasty, green, nutritious and large.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-189
Rachma Purwanti

Abstract. Stunting reported that it would be irreversible if happen after children 2 years old. This community service programs were be held on July – August, 2018 with community relation methods. Participants were 25 posyandu cadre on Ngarap-arap village, Ngaringan District, Grobogan Regency (22 person follows out). Program included : advocacy and atmosphere developing, education about stunting and 1000 days of life to stunting prevention, nutritional status measurement training, and also monitoring  and evaluation. The result includes: 1) about 88% of target participant follows out the program, 2) there was increasing of cadre knowledge about stunting and 1000 days of life, 3) there was 60% cadre could practise measurement of body length and body heigh, 4) there was 40% of cadre had willingness to transfer knowledge about stunting and 1000 days of life to the society by integrated service pos (Posyandu). Our suggestion: there were sustainable development from the public health service or public health officce, support from midwife and other health professional to actuated stunting screening based on the result of Posyandu measurement, and accompaniment of pregnant women and nursing mothers.Abstrak Stunting dilaporkan dapat bersifat irreversible jika terjadi setelah anak berumur 2 tahun. Program pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli-Agustus Tahun 2018 dengan metode community relation. Peserta program adalah kader posyandu di Desa Ngarap-arap, Kecamatan Ngaringan, Kabupaten Grobogan berjumlah 25 orang (22 orang mengikuti program sampai akhir). Program meliputi kegiatan advokasi dan bina swasana, edukasi kader posyandu mengenai stunting, edukasi kader posyandu mengenai 1000 HPK dalam pencegahan stunting, training pengukuran Panjang Badan (PB) dan Tinggi Badan (TB) balita, dan monitoring evaluasi. Hasil dari program meliputi: 1) Sebesar 88% sasaran mengikuti Program sampai akhir, 2) Ada peningkatan pengetahuan kader mengenai stunting dan gizi 1000 HPK setelah mengikuti program yang diukur dengan kuesioner pre-post test, 3) Sebanyak 60% kader yang hadir mampu mempraktikkan cara pengukuran panjang badan (PB) dan tinggi badan (TB) balita diukur dengan cara observasi, dan 4) Sebesar 40% kader posyandu bersedia melakukan transfer knowledge kepada masyarakat sekitar lewat posyandu. Diharapkan adanya pembinaan oleh Puskesmas/Dinas Kesehatan secara berkala bagi kader posyandu, dukungan bidan desa/tenaga kesehatan Puskesmas setempat dalam pelaksanaaan skrining stunting pada balita berdasarkan hasil pengukuran di posyandu, dan pendampingan ibu hamil dan menyusui.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 334
Mila Triana Sari ◽  
Daryanto Daryanto

Mental health is still a significant health problem in the world, including in Indonesia. The results of the 2018 Basic Health Research show the prevalence of severe mental disorders, such as schizophrenia, is 1.7 per 1000 population or around 400,000 people. This condition needs serious attention from all levels of cross-sectoral government both at the Central and Regional levels, as well as attention from the entire community, especially families. The lack of understanding of the community and families about how to treat People with Mental Ilness (PwMI) will have a non-optimal impact on the recovery of family members who suffer from mental disorders. The purpose of this community service is to increase the knowledge and ability of the community and family as an effort to achieve community and family independence in caring for (PWMI). The activities carried out were in the form of socialization, pre-test, health education using power points and leaflets, demonstration of how to care for (PWMI), post test and assistance to families of (PWMI). The activity was attended by village officials, health workers, community leaders, cadres and families with (PWMI). The result of this activity was an increase in the knowledge and ability of the community and family in caring for (PWMI) with a difference of 27.5% in the pre and post test scores. The conclusion is that providing health education to families and communities is effective in increasing knowledge and ability in caring for (PWMI), it is hoped that this service activity can provide information, knowledge and motivation to the community and families about how to care for (PWMI), so that it will encourage (PWMI) to live independently, productively, and confidently. in the community, free from stigma, discrimination or fear, shame and doubt also reduce the risk of recurrence in (PWMI).

2020 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-34
Amna Suresti ◽  
Ida Indrayani ◽  
Uyung G.S. Dinata

This activity was carried out in Java Gadut, Limau Manis Village, Pauh District, Padang. West Sumatra Province. This area has the potential for culinary business because it is located around the Andalas University campus, but this business has not been explored either due to lack of knowledge on how to improve and manage the business. This activity aimed to improve and develop human resources and community empowerment efforts through various community service programs and it is hoped that this potential can be developed. This activity was carried out with counseling methods, lectures, training and provision of equipment. The results of this activity can increase entrepreneurial motivation for partners. This can be seen from the results of their response to the activities carried out, most (85%) they are satisfied with the existence of this service activity. Increasing the entrepreneurial spirit of the members of the food business is expected to increase partner income.

2020 ◽  
mulono apriyanto bin sugeng rijanto

The purpose of this community service program is 1)Providing new insights to youth in youth organizations about plantpropagation 2) Providing insight to youth in youth organizationsabout garden development 3) Youth in youth organizations canprovide seeds for ornamental plants and fruit plants independent. Thestages in the implementation of community service programs aredivided into pre-implementation and implementation. The preimplementationstages include: 1) Field observations. 2) Stages ofpreparation of tools and materials. Is the preparation phase to prepareall the preparation tools and materials as training material for partners.The implementation stages include 1) Practice of making verticulture 2) Material about Propagation of ornamental plants with vegetative propagation 3) Propagation practices of fruit plants with cuttings and grafts. From the results of field observations, it is known that the problems of youth are 1) Lack of skills in park management and maintenance. The conclusion of this community service activity is that it has been able to solve the problem 1) the youth in the youth cadets are skilled in providing ornamental plant material and fruit for planting in the environment 2) the youth in the youth cadets areskilled in making a vertical garden.

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