scholarly journals EFEKTIVITAS BANK WAKAF MIKRO DALAM MENGURANGI KEMISKINAN (Studi Kasus LKMS Denanyar Sumber Barokah)

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (10) ◽  
pp. 1936
Revita Adelia Safitri ◽  
Raditya Sukmana

This study aims to investigate the effectiveness of Bank Wakaf Mikro (BWM) in reducing poverty. The case study approach on LKMS Denanyar Sumber Barokah. This study uses quantitative methods conducted by questionnaire tools to collect the data. The sampling method used was purposive sampling method and obtained 84 people. This study goes beyond data measurement using paired sample t-test. The findings of this study is BWM financing is effective in reducing poverty. Most of respondents can increase their income after receiving BWM financing. The results of this study indicate that products of BWM have helped the customers in reducing their poverty.Keywords: Sharia Microfinance, Micro Waqf Bank, Poverty

2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Roy Johannes ◽  
Diana S. Purwanto ◽  
Stefana H. M. Kaligis

Abstract: Chloride as the major anion in the extracellular fluid plays a role in maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance. One of the factors that influence the levels of serum chloride is sweating during physical exercise. This study aimed to determine  the differenceof serum chloride levels before and after moderate intensity exercise in the students of Faculty of Medicine year 2010 Sam Ratulangi University. This is a pre-exsperimental research with pretest and posttest design with 30 students as samples. The samples were chosen using purposive sampling method and the results were analyzed using paired-sample t-test. The results showed the average levels of serum chloride before and after moderate intensity exercise are 106,10 mEq/L and 107,37 mEq/L while paired-sample t-test significance value (p) is 0,000. From the results can be concluded that there is a significant differences in serum chloride levels before and after moderate intensity exercise in the students of Faculty of Medicine year 2010 Sam Ratulangi University. Keyword: serum chloride, moderate intensity exercise, student of Faculty of Medicine Sam Ratulangi University   Abstrak: Klorida sebagai anion utama dalam cairan ekstraselular berperan dalammemelihara keseimbangan cairan dan elektrolit. Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kadar klorida serum yaitu keluarnya keringat saat melakukan latihan fisik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbedaan kadar klorida serum sebelum dan sesudah latihan fisik intensitas sedang pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi angkatan 2010. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pre-eksperimental dengan pretest-posttest design, dengan jumlah sampel 30 orang. Sampel penelitian dipilih dengan purposive sampling dan dianalisis dengan uji t berpasangan. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan bahwa rata-rata kadar klorida serum sebelum melakukan latihan fisik intensitas sedang adalah 106,10mEq/L, sedangkan rata-rata kadar klorida serum sesudah melakukan latihan fisik intensitas sedang adalah 107,37 mEq/L. Nilai signifikansi uji t berpasangan pada penelitian ini adalah p=0,000. Dari penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan signifikan kadar klorida serum sebelum dan sesudah latihan fisik intensitas sedang pada mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi Angkatan 2010. Kata kunci: klorida serum, latihan fisik intensitas sedang, mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Humanomics ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 160-182 ◽  
Muhammad Akhyar Adnan ◽  
Shochrul Rohmatul Ajija

Purpose – This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of Baitul Maal wat Tamwil (BMT) in reducing poverty. Design/methodology/approach – The case study approach on BMT MMU Sidogiri (located at East Java Province) is taken. Two important and dominating products of BMT MMU Sidogiri (i.e. ba’i bithaman ‘ajil (BBA) and mudarabah) are examined carefully on how much they have helped the customers in reducing their poverty. The paper goes beyond data measurement using descriptive statistics, paired t-test and some poverty measurement indexes such as headcount index; poverty gap; Sen index; and Foster, Greer and Thorbecke Index to investigate the effectiveness of the BMT in reducing poverty. Findings – This paper reveals that BMT financing is effective in reducing poverty. Most of respondents can increase their income after receiving BMT financing. Products of BMT, especially BBA and mudarabah, to empower the poor in various productive businesses have been able to reduce the extent and severity of poverty. This paper also discloses some interesting and important findings related with how BMT’s work, so that it can contribute more to the knowledge enrichment, as well as the development of BMTs, in general, in realising their mission. Originality/value – The establishment of the so-called BMT in the form of an Islamic microfinance is intended initially to effectively help the poor. At present, there are around 3,874 BMTs operating around the country. Although the BMTs have been existing since more than ten years, no research has been conducted to examine their effectiveness in alleviating the poverty. This study in aimed at fulfilling this important gap.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-71
Ratri Ismiwiranti ◽  
Nursalam Nursalam ◽  
Erna Dwi Wahyuni

ABSTRAK Pendahuluan: Pasien yang menjalani prosedur kolonoskopi seringkali mengalami kecemasan. Perawat perlu mengetahui penyebab dan memberikan intervensi secara khusus untuk meningkatkan keberhasilan tindakan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan karakteristik pasien yang menjalani kolonoskopi terkait kecemasan yang dirasakan. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Lokasi penelitian di Unit Endoskopi RSUD dr Abdoer Rahem Situbondo dan RSD dr. Koesnadi Bondowoso, Jawa Timur. Rekruitmen partisipan dilakukan dengan purposive sampling sampai mencapai saturasi. Responden dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 9 partisipan. Wawancara mendalam dilakukan dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara semi-struktur dan dilakukan perekaman. Analisis data secara deskriptif. Hasil: karakteritik 9 pasien yang menjalani kolonoskopi dapat dilihat dari usia, jenis kelamin, pekerjaan, indikasi, diagnosa awal, frekuensi dan kesiapannya. Hanya 3 orang pasien yang menyatakan siap dan mampu mengontrol kecemasan yang dirasakan. Karakteristik pasien tidak terkait secara langsung dengan kecemasan yang dirasakan. Diskusi: Kecemasan yang dirasakan oleh pasien tidak hanya terkait karakteritik pasien melainkan lebih dipengaruhi faktor psikologis, persepsi, dan harapan pasien terhadap tindakan kolonskopi, oleh karena itu perlu diberikan intervensi khusus untuk mengontrol kecemasan yang dialami sehingga tujuan pemeriksaan dapat tercapai dengan optimal. Kata kunci: Kecemasan, Kolonoskopi, Penelitian Kualitatif ABSTRACT Introduction: Patients undergoing colonoscopy procedures often experience anxiety. Nurses need to know the cause and give intervention specifically to improve the success of the action. The purpose of this research is to describe the characteristics of patients undergoing the perceived anxiety-related colonoscopy. Methods: The design of this research is a qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. Location of research in endoscopy Unit of RSUD Dr Abdoer Rahem Situbondo and RSD Dr. Koesnadi Bondowoso, East Java. Participants' recruitments are carried out purposive sampling until they reach saturation. Respondents in this study amounted to 9 participants. In-depth interviews were conducted using semi-structural interviews and performed recordings. Descriptive data analysis. Result: Characterizing 9 patients undergoing colonoscopy can be seen from age, gender, occupation, indications, preliminary diagnosis, frequency and readiness. Only 3 patients are said to be ready and able to control the perceived anxiety. Characteristics of patients not directly related to the perceived anxiety. Discussion: The anxiety felt by the patient not only related to the charactertic of the patient but rather more influenced by the psychological factors, perception, and patient's expectation of colonscopic action, therefore it is necessary to give special intervention to control The purpose of the examination can be achieved optimally. Keywords: Anxiety, colonoscopy, qualitative research

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-16
Indah Yuliana

Research objectives; (a) Identify the context of program empowerment undertaken, (b) Conduct an analysis of program approaches and interventions, and (c) Conduct an achievement analysis. In this study, the approach used is a case study approach as part of qualitative research. This research took place in several villages in Blitar that received the Poverty Feminization program. Sampling in this study using the snowball sampling method. Data collection techniques used in this study were interviews and observation. Data analysis is done by organizing the data, breaking it down into units, synthesizing it, arranging it into patterns, choosing what is essential and which is not essential and what will be learned, and making conclusions. The results showed (1) The context of the empowerment of this program was the head of the women's household, (2) The stages in the implementation of women's economic empowerment were carried out from the upstream to downstream sectors including the preparation phase, the assessment stage, the realization of aid, the implementation of monitoring, and the intervention of the Jalin Matra program implementation. (3) Achievement, economic empowerment carried out through poverty feminization prevention programs in general, provide positive values for the lives of the target KRTP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Deri Wanto ◽  
Abdullah Idi ◽  
Ahmad Jamin

This article aims to examine and analyze non-corporal punishment in the character development of Madrasah Aliyah students in Jambi province. This research applied case study approach with purposive sampling technique. The data were collected by observing, interviewing, and documentating. The result showed that the application of non-corporal punishment works well in Madrasah Aliyah of Jambi province, student character can also be formed from non-corporal punishment contribution. The indicators could be seen by; (1) there is a change in the process of learning when the teacher implements non-corporal punishment, and the non-corporal punishment implementation in extracurricular activities goes well, (2) student character such as discipline can be developed with non-corporal punishment more obedient to madrasah regulations, and discipline enforcement by non-corporal punishment raises awareness and motivation of students who can improve their academic performance, (3) while the supporting factor of non-corporal punishment implementation in Madrasah Aliyah is cooperation of all elements of madrasah (headmasters, classteachers, teachers, janitor, security, and parents), while those that hinder the application of non-corporal punishment is a team that should always be supervised, full teacher activities, the teachers who do not care about the discipline, the distance of student residence to school, and financing.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Zulfikar Muhammad

Indonesia is a country with high-risk potential for various types of disasters because Indonesia is located between three large tectonic plates of the earth, namely the Eurasian Plate, the Indo-Australian Plate and the Pacific Plate. Malang Regency is one of the districts included in the level of high hazard classification for tectonic earthquakes that can cause Tsunamis at any time. The purpose of this study is whether the Tsunami disaster simulation can affect the level of community resilience. This research method is quantitative pre-experimental design using a one-shot case study approach. The number of samples used amounted to 58 people using purposive sampling techniques. The instrument used was a community resilience questionnaire that would be tested using the One-sample t-test. The results of this study found that the value of community resilience after a tsunami disaster simulation averaged more than 100, which means that community resilience is good. P-value calculated> alpha value (0.05). The conclusion of this research is the Tsunami disaster simulation method can influence the level of community resilience. Keywords: Simulation, Tsunami, Community resilience, pre-experimental design Abstrak: Indonesia merupakan Negara dengan potensi risiko tinggi terjadinya berbagai macam jenis bencana, karena Indonesia terletak di antara tiga lempeng tektonik besar bumi, yaitu Lempeng Eurasia, Lempeng Indo-Australia, dan Lempeng Pasifik. Kabupaten malang merupakan salah satu kabupaten yang masuk dalam tingkat klasifikasi bahaya tinggi terhadap bemcana gempa bumi tektonik yang dapat menimbulkan Tsunami sewaktu-waktu. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah apakah simulasi bencana Tsunami dapat mempengaruhi tingkat ketangguhan masyarakat. Metode penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif pre experimental design dengan menggunakan pendekatan one shote case study. Jumlah sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 58 orang dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah kuesioner ketangguhan masyarakat yang akan diuji menggunakan uji One sample t test. Hasil penelitian ini didapatkan bahwa nila ketangguhan masyarakat setelah dilakukan simulasi bencana Tsunami rata-rata lebih dari 100, yang berarti bahwa ketangguhan masyarakat baik. Nilai P hitung > nilai alpa (0.05). Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah metode simulasi bencana Tsunami dapat mempengaruhi tingkat ketangguhan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Simulasi, Tsunami, Ketangguhan Masyarakat, pre eksperimental design

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 453-460
Abdul Rahman ◽  
Yusak Hudiyono ◽  
Bibit Suhatmady

Implementation of online learning with the application of the invention model increases perceptions between teachers and students. This study aims to determine the perceptions of teachers and students about the implementation of the invention model online in writing script learning. The research method used is a qualitative method using a case study approach. The population in this study were Indonesian language subject teachers and ten-grade students. The sample was taken using the purposive sampling technique. Data collection techniques are carried out by filling out a questionnaire through the Google form and interviews with teachers and students.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Arnaldy Arnaldy Arnaldy ◽  
Yarmis Syukur ◽  
Herman Nirwana

The ability in the form of individual toughness to be ready to face bitter realities is known as resilience. Resilience is needed by students, one of which applies as the child of a parent of victims of domestic violence. This research is a qualitative research with a case study approach. The study was conducted at one of the High Schools in the City of Padang. The subjects in this study were one student with criteria as a child whose parents (mother) experienced domestic violence, counseling teachers and parents of students. Taking the subject of this study using purposive sampling method. This study uses data collection techniques with interviews and observations. The technique guarantees the validity of the data carried out by building close relationships with subjects and informants naturally and continually making observations. Data analysis technique is done by data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing and verification. The results revealed that the conditions of resilience of parents (mothers) of domestic violence victims are as follows: (1) IRs have immature emotional control when dealing with domestic violence experienced by their mothers, (2) IRs have poor impulse control when dealing with domestic violence experienced by their mothers , (3) IR has good optimism when facing domestic violence experienced by his mother, (4) IR is still not good at analyzing problems carefully, (5) IR has good empathy, (6) IR has good self-efficacy, and (7) IRs have good reaching out when dealing with their mothers as victims of domestic violence. So, it can be concluded that IR has a fairly good resilience.

Elias Tande ◽  
Sanggar Kanto ◽  
Edi Susilo

Poverty is a social problem faced by Indonesian people until today. This could be seen from high level poverty in Indonesia which was fluctuating from year to year. One of government program to alleviate poverty was Pemuda Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan di Pedesaan (PSP3) program. It was a program from Youth and Sport Agency of East Java Province to improve empowerment among youth. Study concerning this program’s impact, particularly its social impact, was never conducted before, thus this study aimed to identify, analyze and interpret structures which support implementation of PSP3 program, its supporting and impeding factors also impact resulted of its implementation in an effort to alleviate poverty.            This study was a qualitative descriptive with case study approach using Bangsal village in Bangsal sub-district, Mojokerto as its study site. Informant selection in this study was using purposive sampling method, in which people was assumed and does have connection related with the study such as PSP3 participants, relevant government institution, also village apparatus and its local people. This was done to obtain valid and objective information or data. Collected data and information was analyzed using Giddens’s structuration social theory.Keywords: Empowerment, Sarjana Penggerak Pembangunan di Pedesaan (PSP3) Program, Poverty, Giddens Structuration

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 195
Sri Yuniati ◽  
Djoko Susilo

The institution of sugarcane farmers is one of mechanisms supporting economic activity in sugarcane agri-business. It has important role for increasing productivity and promoting bargaining position of sugarcane farmers. In fact, however, it is yet to functionate optimally. The research aimed at identifying institutional forms, analyzing inter-institutional interaction of sugarcane farmers, and formulating a model of capacity strengthening of sugarcane farmer’s institution. This research used case study approach. The institutional sampling method was performed purposively. Data were collected by using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Data analysis was carried out using qualitative descriptive method. The results showed that the institution of sugarcane farmers comprises farmers group, sugarcane farmers cooperative, sugarcane farmers association, sugar processing industry, and supporting service institution. The circumstances of sugarcane farmer’s’ institution is more socio-cultural. It has not been fully directed to promote farmers’ access towards technology, capital, and market required for the development of sugarcane agri-business.

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