scholarly journals Entrepreneurship Education in Higher Education as an Alternative to Reduce Educated Unemployed in Indonesia

Meyli Khusna Yuliana ◽  
Mararti Mararti ◽  
Nur Ulil Absoriah

<em>This article aims as an effort that can be done to overcome the increasing educated unemployment by preparing college graduates who are not only oriented to job seekers but also as job creation. The research method used is literature study, data collection is carried out using a study of books, literature, notes, reports, and the internet which has to do with the problem being solved. The sources of literature in this study were obtained from books, journals, and research results (thesis, thesis, dissertation) so that this article covers general processes such as systematically identifying theories, library discoveries and analytical documents related to research topics. The expected outcome is in the form of learning methods about entrepreneurship that can be developed in higher education as an alternative to entrepreneurship development for students.</em>

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Cici Afifatul Hasanah ◽  
Ayu Ferliana ◽  
Depict Pristine Adi

The purpose of this study is describe feminism and the resilience of women in the world of work in Indonesia and Iceland. Feminism as a system of ideas, as a framework and study of social life and human experience that evolved from a women-centered perspective. In Indonesia and Iceland, this is a long history as a reflection of the responsibility regarding the reality of gender inequality. In this study researchers used a research method with the type of literature study. Data collection techniques that utilize secondary data obtained through the library and then described and analyzed to extract from the literature such as books, journals, report, documents and other materials that support this research. Based on the results and discussion that has been presented, it can be concluded that feminism is increasingly developing and being recognized by the world. Feminism and the resilience of women in these two countries have shown that women have great opportunities in the development of the world of work, politics and other fields. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan dalam dunia kerja di Indonesia dan Islandia. Feminisme sebagai sistem gagasan,   sebagai kerangka kerja dan studi kehidupan sosial dan pengalaman manusia yang berevolusi dari perpsektif yang berpusat pada perempuan. Di Indonesia dan Islandia, hal ini adalah sejarah panjang sebagai cerminan dari tanggung jawab tentang realitas ketidaksetaraan gender. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan metode penelitian dengan jenis kajian kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik penelitian kepustakaan yang memanfaatkan data sekunder yang diperoleh melalui perpustakaan kemudian di deskripsikan dan dianalisis untuk disarikan dari literatur seperti buku, jurnal, laporan, dokumen dan bahan lain yang mendukung penelitian ini. Berdasarkan hasil dan pembahasan yang telah dipaparkan dapat disimpulkan bahwa feminisme semakin lama semakin berkembang dan diakui oleh dunia. Feminisme dan ketahanan perempuan di dua negara ini sudah menunjukkan bahwa kaum perempuan memiliki peluang besar dalam perkembangan dunia kerja, politik dan bidang lainnya.

Preeti Oza

Higher education in India is always a socio-political way and a powerful engine of social mobility. It adds to the benefits to society as more people earning Higher Education credentials. It is proven that college graduates earn more. They are less likely to be unemployed. They are more likely to vote, more likely to volunteer, and more likely to maintain good health. India as a Globalised and developing nation has been little systematically progressing on the educational front since its independence. The government is making progress in reaching out to all the classes of its society. The improvement in the country’s economic front has resulted in the upscaling of communication technology. The advent of the internet, have vastly leveraged the promotion of education across all verticals. But at the same time, the idea of Equity and Equality needs to be redefined in the present context of the newly established notion of ‘Inclusivity’. This paper deliberates on the various ideas and approaches of Higher Education in India on ‘Inclusivity’ in general and Equity and Equality in particular.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-14
Hilman Fauzan M ◽  
Deddy Effendy

Abstract. The work agreement stipulated in Article 1601 a Civil Code states the qualifications so that an agreement can be called an employment agreement. Qualifications in this case refer to the existence of work, under orders, a certain time and the existence of wages, while Article 1 number 14 of Law No. 13 of 2003, an employment agreement is an agreement between the worker or laborer with the employer or employer containing work conditions the rights and obligations of both parties. This research method uses the juridical-normative approach, which examines secondary data by conducting a literature study. Data collection techniques used are secondary data using primary, secondary, tertiary legal materials. Conclusions from the study The terms of the new work entered beyond those promised by the West Bandung Regency Company were entered by the Employer without the knowledge of the Company the terms of the new work were directly provided to the Workers without any involvement from the workers. Breaking the provisions in force in Act No. 13 of 2003 concerning Manpower. Abstrak. Perjanjian kerja yang di atur dalam Pasal 1601 a KUH Perdata menyebutkan kualifikasi agar suatu prjanjian dapat disebut perjanjian kerja. Kualifikasi yang di maksud adalah adanya pekerjaan, dibawah perintah, waktu tertentu dan adanya upah, sedangkan Pasal 1 angka 14 Undang –Undang Nomor 13 Tahun 2003, Perjanjian kerja adalah suatu perjanjian antara pekerja atau buruh dengan pengusaha atau pemberi kerja yang memuat syarat–syarat kerja hak dan kewajiban kedua belah pihak. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode pendekatan Yuridis-Normatif, yang meneliti data sekunder dengan melakukan studi kepustakaan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dengan menggunakan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, tersier. Simpulan dari kajian Syarat kerja baru masuk diluar yang diperjanjikan oleh Perusahaan Kabupaten Bandung Barat dimasukan oleh pihak Pengusaha tanpa sepengetahuan pihak Perusahaan syarat kerja baru itu langsung diberikan kepada para Pekerja tanpa adanya kepakatan dari pihak pekerja, tentu itu melangaggar ketentuan yang berlaku dalam Undang-Undang No.13 Tahun 2003 Tentang Ketenagakerjaan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Siswoyo Aris Munandar

<p>This study explore the concept of Kyai Sholeh Darat's makrifat in <em>Syar al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>ikam</em> to bridge the general public so that they can know makrifat, and can be reached by today's society. This research method is qualitative research. While the data extracted comes from library information or commonly referred to as a literature study to obtain some data and information. The source of the data was taken from the book, namely the book <em>Syar</em><em>h</em><em> al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>ikam</em> by Kyai Sholeh Darat, while the supporting data were taken from other sources such as analyzing books, the internet, and other information related to the title of this study. The results of this study indicate that the concept of makrifat put forward by Kyai Sholeh Darat can cross now between groups so that it can be reached in this condition. A person who is wise today is someone who remembers Allah and needs Him so that he can help in everything that is faced, be it with technology, or other activities related to the day, both in social, cultural, economic, and political relations.</p><p><em>Studi ini membahas tentang  konsep makrifat Kyai Sholeh Darat dalam Syar</em><em>ḥ</em><em> al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>ikam </em><em>untuk menjembatani masyarakat awam agar mampu mengetahui makrifat, dan dapat dipahami oleh masyarakat sekarang ini. </em><em>Metode </em><em>p</em><em>enelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif. </em><em>Sedangkan data yang digali berasal dari informasi pustaka atau biasa disebut dengan studi pustaka (library research) untuk mendapatkan beberapa data dan informasi. Sumber data diambil dari buku utama yaitu kitab Syarh al-</em><em>Ḥ</em><em>ikam karya Kyai Sholeh Darat, sedangkan data</em><em> pendukungnya</em><em> diambil dari sumber-sumber yang lain </em><em>seperti </em><em>menganalisa buku-buku, internet dan informasi lainya yang berhubungan dengan judul penelitian ini.</em><em> </em><em>Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa konsep makrifat yang dikemukakan oleh Kyai Sholeh Darat </em><em>yakni </em><em>ini mampu melintasi antar kalangan, sehingga dipahami dalam kondisi sekarang ini. Seorang yang makrifat pada zaman sekarang ini adalah sesorang yang senantiasa mengingat Allah dan butuh kepada-Nya, sehingga mampu mengambil kebaikan dalam setiap apa yang dihadapi, baik itu dengan teknologi, maupun aktifitas lain yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari, baik dalam hubungan sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan politik.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 00119
Arleiny ◽  
Damoyanto Purba ◽  
IIe Suwondo ◽  
Manungku Trinata P

The objectives og this research is to describe the factors causing ship accident in Indonesia and know the effectiveness of SAR emergency in ship accident in Indonesia. The research method used in this research is qualitative research. Techniques Collection of literature study data and documents. Data validity method using triangulation. Data analysis uses interactive data analysis. The conclusions of this study are Factors that cause the occurrence of ship accidents in Indonesia, among others, the resources of the crew, the eligibility of ships, supporting facilities for shipping, operators, lack of supervision of apparatus, service users and other factors. The high number of ship accidents in Indonesia shows the ineffective implementation of SAR in ship accident in Indonesia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 191
Wahyudin Darmalaksana

<p>Penelitian hadis mengalami perkembangan pesat di Indonesia, namun belum ditemukan pemetaan penelitian hadis secara memadai bagi keberlanjutan pengembangan penelitian hadis pada Jurusan Ilmu Hadis di lingkungan Pendidikan Tinggi Islam. Penelitian ini bertujuan memetakan penelitian hadis yang menjadi petunjuk jalan bagi pengembangan penelitian hadis. Metode penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif melalui studi pustaka dengan analisis isi pada kasus penelitian skripsi. Hasil dan pembahasan penelitian ini meliputi pemetaan penelitian hadis pada wilayah penelitian ilmu hadis dan wilayah penelitian konten hadis beserta implikasinya. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa sejarah perkembangan hadis memberikan kontribusi signifikan hingga terpetakannya wilayah penelitian hadis bagi petunjuk jalan pengembangan penelitian hadis, khususnya pada Jurusan Ilmu Hadis di lingkungan Pendidikan Tinggi Islam di Indonesia.</p><p> </p><p>[<strong>Hadis Research Mapping: Thesis Analysis of UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung</strong>.<strong> </strong>Hadith research has experienced rapid development in Indonesia, but there has not been an adequate mapping of hadith research to sustain the development of hadith research in the Department of Hadith in Islamic Higher Education. This study aims to map the hadith research which guides the way for the development of hadith research. This research method is qualitative through a literature study with content analysis in thesis research cases. The results and discussion of this research include mapping the hadith research in the hadith science research area and the hadith content research area and its implications. This study concludes that the history of the development of hadith has contributed significantly to the mapping of the areas of hadith research to guide the development of hadith research, particularly in the Department of Hadith in the Islamic Higher Education in Indonesia.]</p>

Humaniora ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 147
Danu Widhyatmoko

Nationalism and nationality of a country life are moving into the new phase. Internet has become a new medium that opens up so many opportunities to create a sense of nationalism for the country. This paper contains a review of nationalism in the age of the Internet. This paper begins with understanding nationalism, the character of the Internet, social media and nationalism in the era of the Internet. Research method used in this paper is literature study, continued with reflective data analysis. With reflective analysis method, the authors analyzed data from the data collection has been carried out for comparison between the existing literature by circumstances or phenomena that occur, so that the conclusions of rational and scientific data can be obtained. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Try Gunawan Zebua

This study aims to describe whether the Problem Based Learning Model can be used for students' motivation problems in learning mathematics, what kind of motivation is successfully provided by the Problem Based Learning Model, and how the Problem Based Learning Model can make students have motivation in learning mathematics. The research method used is the Literature Research Method, by conducting a literature review through books in Indonesian. To maintain the quality of the material being studied, Indonesian language books are often used as references and written by experts (for example professors) which are proven based on tracking activities carried out in various journals, books, and from the Higher Education Database (pddikti). Data analysis techniques were carried out in 3 stages, namely: organize, synthesize, and identify. The results showed that the  Problem Based Learning Model can be used for students' motivation problems in learning mathematics, intrinsic motivation is the type of motivation provided by the Problem Based Learning Model and the Problem Based Learning Model can make students have motivation in learning Mathematics because it is directly associated with the real world, so students feel mathematics is very useful and motivation will emerge.

2018 ◽  
pp. 66
Ni Kadek Ayu Narisma ◽  
Industri Ginting Suka ◽  
Nyoman Sama

Bunutin village is one of the Bali Aga villages located in Kintamani Subdistrict, Bangli District, which has art in the form of sacred dance and still maintained or preserved by society. The art is known by the people of Bunutin Village with the name of Mongah Dance. Mongah Dance staged every two years at the time of the Pangwangan Ceremony, precisely on sasih kasa according to Balinese calendar calculations. Pangwangan ceremony is a ritual performed during the post-harvest period, aims to neutralize the negative influences or outbreaks of diseases, disasters and pests that attack the environment. This is done by performing a dance-shaped art called Mongah Dance. The formulation of the problem in this research include (1) How to perform Mongah Dance in Pangwangan Ceremony in Bunutin Village (2) How the function and meaning of Mongah Dance in Pangwangan Ceremony. This research is intended to describe the Dance of Mongah Dance in the procession of Pangwangan Ceremony, and to know the function and meaning of the Dance of Mongah Dance in Pangwangan Ceremony in Bunutin Village related to the pattern of agriculture. The theory used in this research is the theory of Robert K. Merton about the real function (manifest) and the hidden function (latent) and interpretive theory of Clifford Geertz. The method used is qualitative research method. Data collection techniques include observation, interview and literature study. Data analysis used qualitative descriptive analysis. The results revealed that Mongah Dance staged at the procession of Pangwangan Ceremony at Pura Bale Agung. At the time of dance performances Mongah dancers are sekaa teruna influenced by the element of trance. Mongah Dance costumes utilize many plants that exist in nature. In the execution of the Dance of Mongah Dance in Pangwangan Ceremony there are manifest and latent functions. The first function is Mongah Dance is the most important element in the implementation of Pangwangan Ceremony, Mongah Dance functioned to keep people away from negative elements, and Mongah Dance can strengthen solidarity among the citizens. In addition to the function as for the meaning contained in the staging of Mongah Dance in Pangwangan Ceremony is the meaning to ask for salvation, meaning as a symbol of harmonization, and the meaning of kinship.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 351
Fajrul Falah

Research on the novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta (AAC) by Habiburrahman el Shirazy with ideological hegemony approach, the author's knowledge based on search on the internet, reference to the latest online journal (last 5 years), not found yet. Various related studies AAC most of them reviewed from the aspect of religiosity, da'wah and religious messages. This study aims to reveal ideological hegemony contained in the novel AAC. This literature study research, using the Gramsci hegemony approach. The research method used is descriptive analytic. The results showed Fahri's main character was constructed by the author with many positive attributes attached; handsome, smart, simple, obedient, and kind. These positive attributes and images make most female figures (Aisha, Maria, Nurul, Noura, Alicea) interested and admired Fahri, so Fahri also benefited and became a dominant class (hegemonic). Hegemony process these figures pan out, because one of them supported by religious ideology.

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