scholarly journals Sociodemographic Factors to Dengue Hemmorrhagic Fever Case in Indonesia

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 10
Desy Nuryunarsih

Dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) is a leading cause of hospitalization and death among children. Indonesia is one of those countries categorized by World Health Organization (WHO) as hyperendemicity with four serotypes circulating in urban area. Sociodemographic factors are considered as factors affecting DHF in Indonesia. This study used secondary data downloaded from Province Health Database 2010 of Health Ministry Republic of Indonesia to determine correlation between three sociodemographic factors to DHF incidence. This study used quantitative descriptive correlational methods. Results showed the selected two sociodemographic factors had a linear impact on DHF incidence. Multiple regression multivariate analysis showed least correlation between DHF incidence and three selected sociodemographic factors. However, the univariate regression analysis showed that population density and poverty had significant correlation to DHF, respectively the population density r(4) = 0.843, p value < 0.05 and poverty r(4) = 0.897, p value < 0.05. Variable of age under 15 years old did not have any positive correlation to DHF. It is expected this study may have contribution to DHF prevention programs by helping public health practitioners develop more strategies with respect to the sociodemographic factors.Faktor-faktor Sosiodemografi terhadap Kasus Demam Berdarah diIndonesiaDemam berdarah dengue (DBD) adalah penyebab utama rawat inap dan kematian pada anak-anak. Indonesia adalah salah satu negara yang oleh WHO dikategorikan hyperendemicity dengan empat serotipe virus tersebar di daerah perkotaan. Faktor sosiodemografi dianggap sebagai faktor pendukung terjadinya DBD di Indonesia. Studi ini menggunakan data sekunder yang diunduh dari Basis Data Kesehatan Provinsi tahun 2010 Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia untuk menentukan korelasi antara ketiga faktor sosiodemografi dengan insiden DBD. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif deskripsi korelasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dua faktor sosiodemografi terpilih memiliki korelasi linier dengan insiden DBD. Analisa regresi multivariat menunjukkan kecilnya korelasi antara insiden DBD dengan sekaligus tiga faktor sosiodemografi terpilih. Akan tetapi, hasil perhitungan analisa regresi univariat menunjukkan bahwa kepadatan penduduk dan kemiskinan memiliki korelasi yang signifikan terhadap DBD. Kepadatan penduduk r(4) = 0,843, nilai p < 0,05, sedangkan kemiskinan r(4)= 0,897, nilai p < 0,05. Variabel usia di bawah 15 tahun tidak memiliki korelasi positif terhadap insiden DBD. Diharapkan penelitian ini dapat memiliki kontribusi terhadap program pencegahan DBD dengan cara membantu praktisi kesehatan masyarakat mengembangkan strategi pencegahan DBD, terutama yang berhubungan dengan faktor sosiodemografi.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 98
Nafiys Hilmy ◽  
Maitsa' Fatharani

Stunting is one of the remaining health issues in Indonesia and its prevalence was still high in the last decades. There are two types of growth charts that can be used in recording the child's growth: growth standards and growth references. In recent times, the selection of the suitable growth charts has become a subject of discussion in many countries. The objective of this study is to describe the prevalence of stunting according to World Health Organization Child Growth Standards (WHOCGS) and Indonesian National Growth Reference Charts (INGRC) of children under five from the Blega sub-district. The secondary data from 2884 children were collected recapitulation of the 'Bulan Timbang' program in February 2020. Z-score of length/height-for-age was plotted according to WHOCGS and INGRC. The result showed that the prevalence of stunting were lower for the INGRC than WHOCGS (5.83% and 11.17%, with p-value <0.001). There was an advantage and disadvantage when using both two growth charts. Further research is still needed to support the result of this study. Keywords:  Stunting, World Health Organization Child Growth Standards, Indonesian National Growth Reference Charts

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-15
Fidel Corona ◽  
Freggy Spicano Joprang

Introduction: Aedes aegypti is the major vector of dengue virus. Dengue virus can cause dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF). DHF is dangerous because it can cause death. World Health Organization (WHO) noted Indonesia as state with the highest dengue cases in Southeast Asia. Effort to control A. aegypti vector that can be done is by using natural substances that have the effect of biolarvicides. This study aims to determine natural biolarvicides potencial of fruit seeds and leaf papaya (Carica papaya) extracts against A. aegypti larvae. Methods: This study was an experimental study and conducted in 2016 using two groups of samples with the design before and after intervention. Samples were A. aegypti larval instar III and IV with the number of 10 larvaeper concentration and 10 larvae of control for each types of extracts. The concentration used was 0 mg / L (control), 50 mg / L, 100 mg / L, and 150 mg / L for both types of extracts, then observed at 6 hours, 12 hours, 18 hours, and 24 hours after exposure. Results: This study using Kruskal Wallis test, p value = 0.352. (P> 0.05) means there is no significant difference in the effect of biolarvicides concentration between the two types of extracts that used to the number of dead larvae of A. aegypti. Conclusion: Fruit seeds and leaf papaya extracts (C. Papaya L.) with concentrations of 50 mg / L, 100 mg/ L, and 150 mg / L are not effective to kill the larvae of A. aegypti. Other studies show concentrations above 21.9 ppm of leaf extract and 442 ppm of fruit seed extract can effectively kill larvae, therefore future studies are needed to determine effective extract concentrations to kill the larvae of A. aegypti.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Fera Riswidautami Herwandar ◽  
Russiska Russiska ◽  
Intan Maharani Fakhrudin

Permasalahan kesehatan pada remaja yang menduduki persentasi terbesar dibanding yang lainnya adalah gangguan menstruasi. Gangguan pada siklus menstruasi (durasi perdarahan yang lebih lama dan ketidakteraturan siklus) disebabkan oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya ialah stres. Stres diketahui sebagai faktor-faktor penyebab (etiologi) terjadinya gangguan siklus menstruasi. Stres akan memicu pelepasan hormon kortisol dimana hormon kortisol ini dijadikan tolak ukur untuk melihat derajat stres seseorang. Hormon kortisol diatur oleh hipotalamus otak dan kelenjar pituitari, dengan dimulainya aktivitas hipotalamus, hipofisis mengeluarkan FSH dan proses stimulus ovarium akan menghasilkan estrogen. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Pelayanan Kesehatan Peduli Remaja (PKPR) dibawah naungan World Health Organization (WHO) menyebutkan bahwa permasalahan remaja di Indonesia adalah seputar permasalahan yang mengenai gangguan menstruasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019 sebanyak 41 responden. Analisis yang digunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat dengan menggunakan uji Rank Spearman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya hubungan tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan, dari 41 responden terdapat 18 (44%) responden yang mengalami stres sedang, pada siklus menstruasi yang tidak teratur terdapat 25 (61%) responden. Hasil uji rank spearman,  yakni p value = 0,01 (<0,05) yang ada hubungan antara tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara tingkat stres dengan siklus menstruasi pada mahasiswa kebidanan tingkat I di STIKES Kuningan tahun 2019. Bagi institusi Pendidikan khususnya Program Studi Diploma III Kebidanan diharapkan dapat membuat sebuah program edukasi mengenai manajemen stres pada remaja yang bisa dilakukan secara rutin di luar jadwal perkuliahan.  

Dini Kesumah Dini Kesumah

ABSTRACT According to World Health Organization Health Organization (WHO) in 2005 showed 49% of deaths occur in children under five in developing countries. Nutritional problems can not be done with the medical and health care approach alone. Causes related to malnutrition that maternal education, socioeconomic families, poor environmental sanitation, and lack of food supplies. This study aims to determine the relationship between education and socioeconomic status of families with nutrition survey using a cross sectional analytic approach, with a population of all mothers of children under five who visited the health center in Palembang Keramasan Accidental sampling Sampling the number of samples obtained 35 respondents. Variables include the study independent and dependent variables and univariate analysis using Chi-Square test statistic with a significance level α = 0.05. The results from 35 respondents indicate that highly educated mothers earned as many as 16 people (45.7%), and middle and upper income families as many as 12 people (34.3%) and bivariate test results show that highly educated respondents toddler nutritional status good for 81.3% (13 people) is larger than the less educated respondents balitanya good nutritional status 26.3% (5 persons) as well as respondents who have middle and upper socioeconomic families with good nutritional status of children at 91.7% ( 11 people) is larger when compared to respondents who have family socioeconomic medium with good nutritional status of children at 30.4% (7 people). Statistical tests show that education has a significant relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.004 and socioeconomic families have a meaningful relationship with nutritional status of children P value = 0.002. Based on the results of the study suggested the health professionals in the health center should further improve the education, information about the importance of nutrition to the development of the child in the mothers through the selection and processing of good food and a good diet through health centers and integrated health.   ABSTRAK  Menurut badan kesehatan World Health Organization (WHO) tahun 2005 menunjukkan 49% kematian yang terjadi pada anak dibawah umur lima tahun di negara berkembang. Masalah gizi ini tidak dapat dilakukan dengan pendekatan medis dan pelayanan kesehatan saja. Penyebab yang berhubungan dengan kurang gizi yaitu pendidikan ibu, sosial ekonomi keluarga, sanitasi lingkungan yang kurang baik,dan kurangnya persediaan pangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan sosial ekonomi keluarga dengan status gizi balita dengan menggunakan metode survei analitik pendekatan secara Cross Sectional, dengan populasi semua ibu yang memiliki anak balita yang berkunjung ke Puskesmas Keramasan Palembang dengan pengambilan sampel secara Accidental Sampling diperoleh jumlah sampel 35 responden. Variabel penelitian meliputi variabel independen dan dependen serta analisis univariat menggunakan uji statistik Chi-Square dengan tingkat kemaknaan α = 0,05. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan dari 35 responden didapatkan ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi sebanyak 16 orang  (45,7%), dan keluarga yang berpenghasilan menengah keatas sebanyak 12 orang (34,3%) dan hasil uji bivariat menunjukkan bahwa responden yang berpendidikan tinggi status gizi balitanya baik sebesar 81,3% (13 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang berpendidikan rendah status gizi balitanya baik 26,3% (5 orang) serta responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah keatas dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 91,7% (11 orang) lebih besar bila dibanding responden yang mempunyai sosial ekonomi keluarga menengah kebawah dengan status gizi balita baik sebesar 30,4% (7 orang). Uji statistik menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,004 dan sosial ekonomi keluarga mempunyai hubungan yang bermakna dengan status gizi balita P value = 0,002. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disarankan pada petugas kesehatan di Puskesmas hendaknya lebih meningkatkan penyuluhan-penyuluhan tentang pentingnya gizi terhadap tumbuh kembang anak pada ibu-ibu melalui cara pemilihan dan pengolahan bahan makanan yang baik serta pola makanan yang baik melalui kegiatan Puskesmas dan Posyandu.

Leny Leny

ABSTRACT Prenatal care is health care by health personnel to care the pregnant according to standards. Worlrd Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than 500.000 women die during pregnancy or childbirth. Maternal mortality in Indonesia is 307 per 100,000 live births. The quantity of pregnant women’s visit in Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2009 of 89.1%. The purpose of this study to determine the relationship between education and occupation with prenatal care at Puskesmas Mariana  Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin in 2011. This study uses analytic approach survey by Cross Sectional methods, the population are 1.946 pregnant women and the samples as many as 332 people. The results of univariate analysis study of pregnant women who are higher education as much as 45.2%, and  low maternal education as much as 54.8%. In pregnant women who work of 43.4%, and pregnant women who do not work for 56.6%. From the results of bivariate analysis and Chi-Square statistical tests found a significant association between education of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000, and there was a significant association between occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care with P Value = 0.000. Can be concluded that there is a relationship between education and occupation of pregnant women with prenatal care. Expected to health workers to provide counseling on the importance of prenatal care in pregnant women and expected future studies may explore again the factors associated with prenatal care with the different variables.   ABSTRAK Pemeriksaan kehamilan adalah pelayanan kesehatan oleh tenaga kesehatan untuk memeriksakan ibu hamil sesuai standar. World Health Organization (WHO) memperkirakan lebih dari 500.000 ibu pertahunnya meninggal saat hamil atau bersalin. AKI di Indonesia 307 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Jumlah kunjungan ibu hamil di Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun 2009 sebesar 89,1%. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan di Puskesmas Mariana Kecamatan Banyuasin I Kabupaten Banyuasin tahun  2011. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survey analitik dengan pendekatan Cross Sectional, populasi ibu hamil dengan jumlah 1.946 orang dan jumlah sampel sebanyak 332 orang. Hasil penelitian Analisa Univariat adalah ibu hamil yang pendidikan tinggi sebanyak 45,2%, dan pendidikan rendah ibu hamil sebanyak 54,8%. Pada variabel pekerjaan ibu hamil yang bekerja sebesar 43,4%, dan ibu hamil yang tidak bekerja sebesar 56,6%. Dari hasil analisa bivariat dan uji statistik Chi-Square  didapatkan hubungan yang bermakna antara pendidikan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan  P Value = 0,000, dan ada hubungan yang bermakna antara pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan P Value = 0,000. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan antara pendidikan dan pekerjaan ibu hamil dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan. Diharapkan kepada petugas kesehatan agar dapat memberikan penyuluhan tentang pentingnya pemeriksaan pada ibu hamil dan diharapkan penelitian yang akan datang dapat menggali lagi faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan pemeriksaan kehamilan dengan variabel yang berbeda.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Dina Ardyana ◽  
Erma Puspita Sari

Latar belakang: Berdasarkan data World Health Organization (WHO) setiap tahunnya kira-kira 3%(3,6 juta) dari 120 juta bayi baru lahir mengalami asfiksia,hampir 1 juta bayi ini meninggal. Di Amerika diperkirakan 12.000 bayi meninggal atau menderita kelainan akibat asfiksia perinatal.Sebagian kasus Asfiksia Neonatorum pada bayi baru lahir merupakan kelanjutan dari asfiksia intrauterin. Maka dari itu,diagnosa dini pada penderita Asfiksia merupakan arti penting dalam merencanakan resusitasi yang akan dilakukan.Setelah bayi lahir, diagnosa asfiksia dapat dilakukan dengan menetapkan nilai APGAR. Tujuan: diketahuinya hubungan lilitan tali pusat,partus lama dan plasenta previa dengan kejadian Asfiksia neonatorum di Rumah Sakit “P” Palembang Tahun 2018. Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian seluruh ibu bersalin di zal kebidanan di Rumah Sakit “P” Palembang pada tahun 2018 yang berjumlah 820 orang. Hasil: Hasil analisis univariat diketahui yang mengalami asfiksia neonatorum sebanyak 20 responden (22,5%),yang mengalami plasenta previa sebanyak 15 responden(16,9%),yang mengalami partus lama sebanyak 20 responden (22,5%) dan yang mengalami lilitan tali pusat sebanyak 27 responden (30,3%).Sedangkan hasil uji chi square menunjukan ada hubungan plasenta previa dengan kejadian asfiksia neonatorum dengan p value = 0,000,ada hubungan partus lama dengan kejadian asfiksia neonatorum dengan p value = 0,000,dan ada hubungan lilitan tali pusat dengan kejadian asfiksia neonatorum dengan p value = 0,000. Saran: kepada Pimpinan Rumah Sakit untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kesehatan khususnya mengenai bahaya asfiksia neonatorum. Kata kunci : Lilitan Tali Pusat,Partus Lama,Plasenta Previa,Asfiksia Neonatorum

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
pp. 215013272110133
Samar Fares ◽  
Merihan M. Elmnyer ◽  
Shimaa Sabry Mohamed ◽  
Radwa Elsayed

Introduction COVID-19 pandemic has affected the whole world, especially the frontline worriers. To get shielded through this war, the world is racing to reach and manufacture COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccination hesitancy is one of the significant obstacles to global health. Objectives This study aimed to assess the perception and attitude of healthcare workers in Egypt toward COVID-19 vaccines, acknowledge the determinants of their attitude, and the factors that could increase the acceptance of the vaccine. Methods an observational web-based anonymous survey was conducted on 385 Egyptian healthcare workers in different governorates. The questionnaire-based on Vaccine Hesitancy Survey Questions of the World Health Organization was available in Arabic and English languages and was tested for reliability. Results Regarding vaccination decision, 51% of the participants were undecided, 28% refused, and 21% accepted vaccination. Reasons for vaccine acceptance mainly were risks of COVID-19 (93%), safety (57.5%), and effectiveness (56.25%) of the vaccine. Simultaneously, the reasons for vaccine hesitancy were the absence of enough clinical trials (92.4%) and fear of side effects of the vaccine (91.4%). The leading factor that could increase vaccination acceptance among the participants was to get sufficient and accurate information about the available vaccines. The participants revealed a high mean level of concern for COVID-19 vaccines’ safety (3.8 of 5) that differs significantly among the different study groups ( P-value .002). Conclusion Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, only approximately 21% of Egyptian healthcare workers in our study accepted the COVID-19 vaccination. Vaccine hesitancy represents a major barrier to implementing vaccination programs.

Hasan Ghodsi ◽  
Sanaz Sohrabizadeh ◽  
Reaza Khani Jazani ◽  
Amir Kavousi

ABSTRACT Objective: Volunteers need considerable resiliency to cope with formidable challenges during their operations in disaster scenes. The present study was conducted to identify factors affecting the different aspects of resiliency among volunteers in disasters. Material and Methods: The databases of Web of Science, Scopus, PubMed, ProQuest, Google Scholar, World Health Organization Library, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Library, PsycArticles, and SafetyLit were searched until September 29, 2018. The main search terms were resiliency, disaster, humanitarian aid worker, and volunteer. Results: A total of 548 documents were obtained and screened based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. A number of 8 documents was selected for the final analysis. The main factors contributing to the resilience of volunteers at the 3 stages of pre-, during, and post-disasters were classified into 3 groups of individual, environmental, and organizational. Important factors affecting resilience of volunteers in disasters included previous disaster response experience and disaster-related training. Conclusion: Resiliency should be deemed integral to relief operations. Considering the main factors affecting volunteers’ resiliency, it is highly suggested that organizations active in humanitarian endeavors explore the factors impacting on resilience among their volunteers via various research methods and seek to select those with higher degrees of resilience in order to avert untoward consequences in their missions.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 23-28
Krishna Bahadur Thapa ◽  
Namrata KC ◽  
T Koirala ◽  
A Bhatttarai

Background: Dengue virus is now classified as a major global health threat by the World Health Organization. Bleeding is a common complication and is one of the most feared. There is an increase incidence in the adult population, hence, the focus of this study.Objectives: To determine the incidence of bleeding and the factors that influence its development among patients admitted with dengue fever at Fatima Medical Center, Phillipines from January 2009 to December 2011.Methods: This is a case control study using chart review. The incidence of bleeding is calculated using risk ratio. Factors affecting bleeding are determined using chi square for qualitative variables and T-test or ANOVA for quantitative variables. Simultaneous determination of factors association with bleeding will be analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Level of significance will be set at alpha = 0.05.Results: The female sex is significantly more prone to develop bleeding (p=0.044). There is no significant increase in bleeding in patients who have co-morbidities (p=0.447). In every one unit increase in WBC (1 x 109) the odds of bleeding decrease by 15%. For every one unit increase in hematocrit the odds of bleeding decreases by 6.8%. For every one unit increase in platelet count the odds of bleeding decreases by 3% that is every 10 unit increase in platelet count the odds of bleeding decrease by 22.9%.Conclusions: Female sex, a low initial WBC and platelet count will increase a patient’s propensity to develop bleeding.Journal of Gandaki Medical College Volume, 09, Number 2, July December  2016, page: 23-28

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 101
Annisa Dwinda Shafira

The combination of panel data regression consist of time series data, it was collected based on a characteristic at a certain time (cross section). This research aimed to analyze the affecting factors and dominant factors of Dengue Hemoragic Fever (DHF) cases in East Java using panel data regression. This research uses secondary data published by the East Java Provincial Health Office, namely the Health Profile and the East Java Provincial Statistics Agency such as documents of each Districts/City in Numbers of East Java on 2014––2017 using total research population that were collected in all districts/cities in East Java Province. The data of new cases of DHF and factors affecting the incidence of DHF including clean and healthy living behavior in the household, poverty, population density, rainfall in East Java on 2014––2017. Panel regression analysis is used to determine the best model of the CEM, FEM and REM using Chow test, Hausman test and Langrange Multiplier test. Based on the results, the best model of panel regression is FEM with affecting variables such as poverty, population density, and rainfall.

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