scholarly journals The regularities of water regime, growth and longevity of artificial forest stands in dry conditions

А.С. Манаенков

Исследования проводились на юге Восточно-Европейской равнины в зональном поясе лесостепь-полупустыня. Изучались водный режим, рост и состояние древостоя Pinus sylvestris L. и Quercus robur L. на математических, лизиметрических моделях насаждений и в натуре. Установлено, что главная причина безлесья степных равнин и недолговечности лесонасаждений – чрезмерная динамичность атмосферного увлажнения по годам, критическое снижение запаса почвенной влаги и влагообеспе- ченности древостоя в засушливые годы. Динамичность увлажнения и периодичность обезвоживания его корнеобитаемого слоя увеличиваются с ростом континентальности климата и потребности насаждений (интенсивности десукции). Наиболее напряженные условия жизнеобеспечения складываются в сомкнувшихся молодняках. С возрастом их засухоустойчивость повышается благодаря развитию корней, ранней кульминации и уменьшению прироста. Плодородные почвогрунты повышают порог устойчивости полнотных древостоев к дефициту почвенной влаги, но провоцируют их чрезмерное развитие, снижают засухоустойчивость. Однако при высокой влагоемкости их зоны аэрации можно накапливать большой старто- вый запас почвенной влаги, который демпфирует опасное снижение влагообеспеченности, ускоряет рост, усиливает дифференциацию и изреживание молодых древостоев. В целом, техника культивирования долговечных лесонасаждений на влагоемких песках и зональных комплексных почвах засушливой зоны должна включать выбор наиболее лесопригодных участков и (или) многолетнюю основ- ную обработку почвы; создание чистых по составу древостоев из относительно теневыносливых (плотнокронных) засухоустойчивых пород средней густоты; агротехнические уходы до смыкания крон; частое низкоинтенсивное изреживание молодняка; содействие появлению отеняющего яруса под пологом редеющих древостоев старшего возраста. The studies were conducted in the South of Eastern European plain in the zone of the zonal forest-steppe semi-desert. The water regime, growth and the forest condition of Pinus sylvestris L. and Quercus robur L. on mathematical models lysimetrics plantations and in natural conditions were studied. The main reason for the treeless steppe of the plains and the disappearance of forest is excessive dynamic of atmospheric moisture over the years, the critical reduction in stored soil moisture and moisture of forest stand in droughty years. The dynamics of hydration and frequency of dehydration of its root layer increases with the continentality of the climate and the needs of plants (intensity of absorption). The most intense of conditions of life support are formed in dense young plantings. Drought resistance of plantings increases thanks to development of roots, the early culmination and decrease of growth with age. Fertile soils raise a threshold of resistance of forest stands to deficit of soil moisture, but provoke their excessive development and reduce drought resistance. But in case of a high moisture capacity of their zone of aeration of deposits there is an opportunity to accumulate a large starting supply of soil moisture which reduce dangerous decrease in moisture security accelerates growth, strengthens differentiation and reduces death of young forest stands. Generally, the technology of cultivation of durable afforestations on moisture capacious sands and zone complex soils of a droughty zone has to include: choice most woodable of sites and (or), long-term main processing of the soil; creation of forest stands, pure on structure, from rather shade-enduring (densely located) drought-resistant breeds of average density; agrotechnical care until a close arrangement of kroner; frequent low-intensive thinning of young growth; assistance to emergence of the shading tier under a rare curtain of forest stands of advanced age.

2021 ◽  
pp. 12-24
N.O. Kryuchenko ◽  
Ya. Zhovinsky ◽  
P.S. Paparyga ◽  
O.A. Zhuk ◽  

The results of a comprehensive analysis of the microelement composition of soils — B, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Zn and plants — Ag, Co, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, Pb, Zn (oak (Quercus robur L.), pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) perennial grasses — Kupena (Polygonatum multiflorum (L.) All.), wheatgrass (Elymus repens (L.) Gould)) of natural reserve belonging to different physical and geographical zones — Polessky reserve (mixed forest zone), Roztochya reserve (broad-leaved forest zone), Kanevsky reserve (forest-steppe zone), the reserve «Askania Nova» (steppe zone), the Chernogorsk massif of the Carpathian Biosphere Reserve (KBR, Ukrainian Carpathians), which are proposed to be considered as background. It was found that in the soils of mixed and broad-leaved forests and the Chernogorsk massif KBR with an increase in the content of gross forms of Co, Cu, Ni, Zn, the content of their mobile forms increases, this dependence is inverse in the soils of the steppe zone, which is associated with a decrease in soil acidity and mobility microelements A positive correlation was revealed between the humus content in soils and Zn, Co (gross and mobile forms) and negative — B, Mo in the soils of all reserve zones. It was found that the greatest biogeochemical activity is characteristic of plants in the zone of deciduous forests — oak leaves (Quercus robur L.) and pine needles (Pinus sylvestris L.).

С.В. Залесов ◽  
В.В. Фомин ◽  
Е.П. Платонов ◽  
Г.А. Годовалов ◽  
К.А. Башегуров ◽  

На основе баз данных лесорастительных материалов проанализированы таксационные показатели насаждений, произрастающих на территории карбонового научно-исследовательского по- лигона, расположенного в Уральском учебно-опытном лесхозе (УУОл) Уральского государственного лесотехнического университета (УГлТУ). Отмечается, что основными лесными формациями на поли- гоне являются сосняки и березняки. Доля насаждений с доминированием в составе древостоев других пород-лесообразователей невелика. Помимо сосны обыкновенной (Pinus sylvestris L.) и березы повислой (Betula pendula Roth.), другие виды произрастают, как правило, в примеси с указанными. Среди дре- востоев преобладают среднеполнотные спелые и перестойные насаждения. большинство древостоев характеризуется относительно высокими классами бонитета. Насаждения, произрастающие на террито- рии полигона, относятся к 13 типам леса, что свидетельствует о разнообразии лесорастительных усло- вий. В целом можно отметить, что видовое разнообразие древесных пород и лесорастительных условий на карбоновом научно-исследовательском полигоне УУОл УГлТУ обеспечивает возможность изучения широкого спектра вопросов депонирования углерода лесными экосистемами в условиях подзоны южной тайги Урала. The taxation indicators of plantations growing on the territory of the carbonic research polygon located in the Ural educational experimental forest enterorize (UEEF) of the Ural State Forest Engineering University were analyzed on the base of the forestry materials database. It is noted that the main forest formations on the polygons are pine and birch forest stands. The share of stands with other species of forest formers dominating in composition of forest stands is small. In addition to scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), other species usually grow in admixtures with the specified. Among the stands mature and over mature stands of average density prevails. Most of the stands are characterized by relatively high bonitet classes. Plantations growing on the territory of the polygon belong to 13 types of forest, which indicates a variety of forest growing conditions. In general, it can be noted that the species diversity of tree species and forest growing conditions at the carboniferous research sity (UEEF) provides an opportunity to study a wide range of problems of carbon deposing forest ecosystems in conditions of the Southern Taiga subzone in the Urals.

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 ◽  
pp. 00012
Olga Klimova ◽  
Andrei Kupriyanov

We study the restoration of coal mining dumps through reforestation in the forest-steppe zone of Kuzbass. 3 main forest-forming species (Betula pendula, Pinus sylvestris and Populus tremula) and 11 accompanying tree species were involved in the formation of forest stands. The main forest-forming species was Betula pendula. The amount of renewal was found to be 10.7, 3.1 and 1.0 thousand pcs/ha in sites with favourable, moderate favourable and unfavourable environmental conditions, respectively. The level of natural reforestation on dumps in the southern forest-steppe zone can be described as weak. The renewal of the Acer negundo invasion species was determined by a continuous drift of seeds on the dumps; however, its seedlings and young undergrowth did not reach a generative age.

HortScience ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 221-229 ◽  
Mohamed A. Shahba ◽  
Mohamed S. Abbas ◽  
Saad F. Alshammary

Understanding how mowing height and soil moisture influence drought resistance mechanisms may lead to better management of seashore paspalum. This research was conducted to evaluate the effect of mowing height and soil moisture replacement on drought tolerance strategies in three seashore paspalum cultivars. In a greenhouse, clear polyvinyl chloride (PVC) root tubes were placed in a black PVC sleeve with a bottom cap drilled with holes for drainage. Sod pieces (10 cm in diameter) of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum Swartz) cultivars Salam, Excalibur, and Adalayd were planted into these tubes after roots were trimmed. In a split-split experimental design, water regimes applied included control [100% of the total evapotranspiration (ET)] as well as 75%, 50%, and 25% of the total ET. Mowing heights were 45.0, 35, and 25 mm. Visual turf quality, maximum root extension (MRE), root length densities (RLD), total nonstructural carbohydrate content (TNC), shoot reducing sugar content (RSC), and proline content were determined. Turf quality decreased linearly with the decrease in irrigation water applied under the three mowing heights with higher slope at 25.0 mm than at either 35.0 or 45.0 mm. ‘Salam’ turf quality declined only to the unacceptable rating of 5.5 and 4.5 when mowed to 35 and 25 mm, respectively, whereas quality was 6.5 at the mowing height of 45 mm under the water regime of 25% of total ET. ‘Excalibur’ did not show acceptable turf quality at the 25% treatment, whereas ‘Adalayd’ did not show such quality at both 50% and 25% water regimes under all mowing heights. Regression analysis indicated a significant negative association between RLD and drought levels at all mowing heights and soil depths. In ‘Salam’, as drought levels increased from control to 25%, average RLD decreased by 76%, 75%, and 76% at 25-, 35-, and 45-mm mowing heights, respectively, at the top 30 cm of soil in the column. The change was 93%, 85%, and 83% at 25-, 35-, and 45-mm mowing heights, respectively, at the deeper soil (90 to 120 cm). In ‘Salam’, on average overall water regimes, MRE at 45 mm was ≈10% to 17% greater than that of 35-mm mowing height and 28% to 36% greater than that of 25-mm mowing height. The highest root mass (810 mg) was obtained when ‘Salam’ was mowed to 45 mm and subjected to the drought level of 50% of the total ET. The lowest root mass (320 mg) was obtained when ‘Salam’ was mowed to 25 mm and the water regime was not limiting. In ‘Salam’, as drought increased from control to 25% of the total ET, average TNC decreased by 43.5%, 26.0%, and 29.0% and the average TNC decrease in ‘Excalibur’ shoots was 48.0%, 30.0%, and 32.0%, whereas the decrease in ‘Adalayd’ was 51.3%, 42.3%, and 35.4% at 25-, 35-, and 45-mm mowing heights, respectively. As drought levels increased from control to 25% of the total ET, average RSC increased by 57.3%, 57.1%, and 53.0% in ‘Salam’ and by 59.4%, 57.0%, and 51.5% in ‘Excalibur’ and 61.2%, 58.1%, and 61.0% in ‘Adalayd’ at 25-, 35-, and 45-mm mowing height, respectively. When drought increased to 25%, average proline content in shoots increased by 435%, 432%, and 431% in ‘Salam’; 404%, 376%, and 324% in ‘Excalibur’; and 257%, 278%, and 302% in ‘Adalayd’, at 25-, 35-, and 45-mm mowing heights. The resistance of paspalum cultivars to moderate to high drought stress can be enhanced by increasing the mowing height that may be related to increased carbon fixation, which favors increased root production. Proline accumulation could add to the drought tolerance through osmoregulation or by acting as a carbon and nitrogen sink for stress recovery.

N. V. Tsybrovska ◽  
Y. N. Mazur

Introduction of an important importance acquires issues of drought resistance of plants that are closely linked to the problems of studying the water regime. The main negative consequence of modern warming is drought. Therefore, we have been conducted by drought resistance to G. biloba and its varieties of G. biloba 'Mariken' and 'Troll', which were compared with the indicators of the water mode of the aboriginal leaves for the Right-Bank of Forest-Steppe of Ukraine species Carpinuз betuluз L. and Acer platanoideз L. Determination of the actual and potential drought resistance of the plant studied was carried out with the help of field and laboratory techniques. It is found that all G. biloba plants are characterized by high actual drought resistance. G. biloba plants by most of the water regime exceeds the value of aboriginal species C. betuluз and A. platanoideз. This indicates a high degree of acclimatization and wide plasticity G. biloba to the conditions of introduction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-120
Fanuza Kavievna Murzabulatova ◽  
Natalia Viktorovna Polyakova

The paper studies the water regime of panicle hydrangea and 16 varieties of this species introduced into South-Ural Botanical Garden-Institute of the Ufa Federal Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences. The purpose of the work is a comparative assessment of hydrangea varieties resistance to drought and the identification of the most promising taxa suitable for cultivation in the Bashkir Cis-Urals. The study assesses the total moisture content, water retention capacity and the content of mobile moisture in hydrangea leaves for the growing season. It has been found that the total moisture content (water content in the tissues) of panicle hydrangea leaves and its varieties is quite high and ranges from 72 to 82%. Certain varieties (Bobo, Levana, Phantom, PrimWhite, Silver Dollar, Sandy Fraise, Unique) have an ability to increase water retention during flowering. The following varieties are most adapted to dry periods under growing conditions in the forest-steppe zone of the Bashkir Urals: Kyushu, Prim White and Wims Red, the least drought-resistant ones are Tardiva, Sandy Fraise and Praecox; the other 10 varieties are classified as hydrangeas with medium drought resistance. H. paniculata has average values for all parameters of the water regime and their value does not depend on the phenophase.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (92) ◽  
pp. 62-68
R. Holod ◽  
О. Bilinska ◽  
H. Shubala

There were analyzed and disclosed the basic components of arable farming systems and their Meaning, the current state and scientific principles in the context of the further development of field crop cultivation in the conditions of Western Forest-Steppe. The purpose of research. To study an effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency. Methods. Field, laboratory, comparative and analytical. Results. The results of researches on study of productivity of four-field crop rotations with short rotation depending on their saturation by the grain and tilled cultures, of various use of mineral fertilizers, green manure crops and collateral products which were conducted during 2014-2015 in the stationary experiment of the scientific and technological department of plant growing and arable farming, of the TDSGDS of the IKSGP of NAAN are resulted In the article. The elements of the biologization of farming are the basis of our development of crop rotations with short rotation. The study of the effect of green manure crops and collateral products in four-field crop rotations with a different set of crops on the change of soil fertility and productivity of crop rotations as a whole was carried out to this purpose. According to the results of the research, is provided the information on the effectiveness of improving the field crop rotations with short rotation with varying degrees of saturation by grain and tilled crops, that ensure the production of environmentally friendly products, reducing the cost of grain, improving the quality of marketable products. The study of the effect of alternation of crop in crop rotation in conditions of brief rotation on the soil water regime, productivity and economic efficiency showed that an increase in crop rotation productivity is observed in short-rotation crop rotations, if they are saturated by grain crops up to 100%, cereals crops reduction to 50% in crop rotations contributes to a decrease in crop productivity. Conclusion. Thus, the results of the research showed that with the correct construction of short rotational crop rotations, such problems as rational use of nutrients and soil moisture, control of weeds and pests of agricultural crops, improvement of the physical and chemical properties of the soil, increased efficiency in the use of fertilizers and equipment, Cheapening of the received agricultural product may be solved.

1993 ◽  
Vol 58 ◽  
D. Maddelein ◽  
J. Neirynck ◽  
G. Sioen

Mature  Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris  L.) stands are dominating large parts of the Flemish forest area. Broadleaved  species regenerate spontaneously under this pine canopy. This study studied  the growth and development of two planted pine stands with an older natural  regeneration, dominated by pedunculate oak (Quercus  robur L.), and discussed management options for  similar stands.     The results indicated a rather good growth of the stands, with current  annual increments of 5 m3.ha-1.yr-1. The pine overstorey is growing into valuable sawwood  dimensions, while the broadleaved understorey slowly grows into the  upperstorey. The quality of the regeneration is moderate but can be improved  by silvicultural measurements (pruning, early selection).     In both stands, an interesting (timber production, nature conservation)  admixture of secondary tree species is present in the regeneration. Stand  management is evolving from the classical clearcut system towards a  combination of a type of selection and group selection system.

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