The Impact of Variants at Branchpoint Splicing Elements in Cancer Genes

2021 ◽  
Daffodil  Canson ◽  
Troy Dumenil ◽  
Michael  Parsons ◽  
Tracy  O’Mara ◽  
Aimee  Davidson ◽  
2015 ◽  
Martin L Miller ◽  
Ed Reznik ◽  
Nicholas P Gauthier ◽  
Bülent Arman Aksoy ◽  
Anil Korkut ◽  

In cancer genomics, frequent recurrence of mutations in independent tumor samples is a strong indication of functional impact. However, rare functional mutations can escape detection by recurrence analysis for lack of statistical power. We address this problem by extending the notion of recurrence of mutations from single genes to gene families that share homologous protein domains. In addition to lowering the threshold of detection, this sharpens the functional interpretation of the impact of mutations, as protein domains more succinctly embody function than entire genes. Mapping mutations in 22 different tumor types to equivalent positions in multiple sequence alignments of protein domains, we confirm well-known functional mutation hotspots and make two types of discoveries: 1) identification and functional interpretation of uncharacterized rare variants in one gene that are equivalent to well-characterized mutations in canonical cancer genes, such as uncharacterizedERBB4(S303F) mutations that are analogous to canonicalERRB2(S310F) mutations in the furin-like domain, and 2) detection of previously unknown mutation hotspots with novel functional implications. With the rapid expansion of cancer genomics projects, protein domain hotspot analysis is likely to provide many more leads linking mutations in proteins to the cancer phenotype.

2017 ◽  
Vol 35 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. 5511-5511 ◽  
Melinda S. Yates ◽  
Kirsten Timms ◽  
Molly S Daniels ◽  
Holly D. Oakley ◽  
Mark F. Munsell ◽  

5511 Background: Recent studies show that germline or somatic BRCA1/2 mutations and homologous recombination (HR) defects can be used to predict response to PARP inhibitors in recurrent ovarian cancer. However, the impact of defects in BRCA1/2 and HR genes on overall clinical outcomes are not yet defined for patients undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NACT) versus upfront surgical debulking (USD). Methods: Previously untreated ovarian cancer patients were prospectively enrolled under approved IRB protocol. Germline and tumor BRCA1/2 mutation testing and methylation were analyzed when sufficient tumor and blood was available. Mutation in 21 additional hereditary cancer genes (including HR genes) was also evaluated. Tumor HR defects were scored on LOH, telomeric allelic imbalance, and large-scale state transitions (as previously described). Presence of germline or somatic BRCA1/2 mutations, BRCA1 methylation, HR score ≥42, or germline mutation in other HR genes were defined together as HRD positive. Results: Of 299 enrolled patients, 129 (43%) received USD and 170 (57%) received NACT. Patients receiving USD had better outcomes compared to NACT, including overall survival (OS, 65.8 vs 45.2 months, p = 0.0003) and event free survival (EFS, 24.8 vs 15.6 months, p < 0.0001). In the overall cohort, EFS was significantly longer for HRD positive patients vs HRD negative (20.5 vs 16.3 months, p = 0.0268). Patients with somatic and germline BRCA1/2 mutations had longer OS vs BRCA1/2 negative (65.3 vs 46.1 months, p = 0.0403). Overall outcomes were worse in NACT compared to USD, but impact of BRCA1/2 mutations and HR defects was stronger in this group. NACT patients with any HR defect had longer EFS (19.7 vs 14.5 months, p = 0.0247). NACT patients with BRCA1/2 germline mutations had longer OS (65.3 vs 38.3 months, p = 0.0230). NACT patients with BRCA1/2 germline mutation had longer EFS (22.6 vs 14.6 months, p = 0.0047). OS and EFS in USD patients were significantly changed based on only debulking status; mutation or HR status did not have a statistically significant effect. Conclusions: While HR defects and BRCA1/2 mutations influence overall outcomes for ovarian cancer patients, the impact is stronger in NACT compared to USD.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. 9050-9050 ◽  
Stephanie J. Yaung ◽  
Frederike Fuhlbrück ◽  
Johnny Wu ◽  
Fergal Casey ◽  
Maureen Peterson ◽  

9050 Background: Somatic mutations derived from the expansion of clonal populations of blood cells (clonal hematopoiesis of indeterminate potential, or CHIP) may be detected in sequencing of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) samples. We evaluated the potential implications of CHIP in targeted sequencing of lung cancer plasma samples using matched peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) to identify CHIP. Methods: Samples were evaluated from OAK, a phase 3 trial of atezolizumab in locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC following failure with platinum-based therapy. 94 samples from Cycle 1 Day 1 (C1D1) plasma and matched PBMC were analyzed with the AVENIO ctDNA Surveillance Kit (For Research Use Only, not for use in diagnostic procedures), a 198-kb next-generation sequencing panel targeting cancer genes. Plasma samples from subsequent cycles of therapy (C2D1, C3D1, and C4D1) were also sequenced with the same panel. Using median input amounts of 22.8 ng cfDNA and 50 ng PBMC DNA, we obtained median deduplicated depths of 5413 and 5070, respectively. Results: In C1D1 cfDNA, a median of 120 single nucleotide variants were detected per sample, with 5.13% of variants not identified in matched PBMC (i.e., putative tumor-derived somatic variants) versus 94.87% of variants identified in matched PBMC (i.e., germline or CHIP variants). While the majority of PBMC-matched variants were SNPs with allele frequency (AF) around 50% or 100% as expected, there was a median of 1 (range 0-8) PBMC-matched cfDNA variants per sample with AF below 10%. Consistent with CHIP, the number of PBMC-matched cfDNA variants per subject below AF 10% were positively associated with age (p-value = 0.0145), and TP53 was the most frequently mutated gene. We found similar results in plasma samples from subsequent cycles. Conclusions: Plasma and PBMC sequencing analysis identified potential mutations derived from CHIP. However, 39% of cfDNA samples had zero potential CHIP mutations identified in the study, possibly due to the specific regions targeted by the AVENIO assay. While this study suggests that only a small percentage of variants detected by the AVENIO Surveillance panel in lung cancer are derived from CHIP, further studies are warranted to assess the impact and removal of these variants.

2020 ◽  
Vol 38 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. 1526-1526
Leigh Boehmer ◽  
Latha Shivakumar ◽  
Christine B. Weldon ◽  
Julia Rachel Trosman ◽  
Stephanie A. Cohen ◽  

1526 Background: Current National Comprehensive Cancer Network guidelines for genetic/familial high-risk assessment state that testing for highly penetrant breast/ovarian cancer genes is clinically indicated for women with early onset (≤ 45 years) or metastatic HER-2 negative breast cancer. A recent Association of Community Cancer Centers (ACCC) survey (N = 95) showed that > 80% of respondents reported ≤ 50% testing rate of patients with breast cancer who met guidelines. Given this disconnect, ACCC partnered with 15 community cancer programs to assess practice gaps and support interventions to improve access to genetic counseling (GC)/testing. Methods: Pre-intervention data from 9/15 partner programs for women diagnosed with stages 0-III breast cancer between 01/01/2017 and 06/30/2019 was collected. De-identified variables included: family history documentation, GC appointment/test results, and timing of results relative to treatment decisions. Results: There were 2691 women with stages 0-III breast cancer. Forty-eight percent (1284/2691) had a documented high-risk family history, 57% (729/1284) of whom had a GC appointment. This was a significantly higher rate of GC compared to the 23% (181/778) of women with no family history and 6% (35/629) of women with no documentation of family history (p < 0.0001). Patients ≤ 45 years old attended a GC appointment 72% (199/278) of the time and 49% (135/278) had genetic test results, with 84% (113/135) receiving results before surgery. For women with test results available before surgery, 37% (119/322) had breast conserving surgery, compared to 60% (144/240) with test results disclosed post-operatively (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Genetic testing is underutilized in a community cohort of women with breast cancer. Further analysis is needed to understand the impact genetic test results have on surgical decisions. Opportunities exist to improve current rates of appropriate GC/testing. ACCC will share results of quality improvement projects to illuminate which strategies hold promise in reducing the hereditary breast cancer GC/testing practice gap.

Cancers ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 2083
Gabriel Matos-Rodrigues ◽  
Emmanuelle Martini ◽  
Bernard S. Lopez

Homologous recombination (HR) is a fundamental evolutionarily conserved process that plays prime role(s) in genome stability maintenance through DNA repair and through the protection and resumption of arrested replication forks. Many HR genes are deregulated in cancer cells. Notably, the breast cancer genes BRCA1 and BRCA2, two important HR players, are the most frequently mutated genes in familial breast and ovarian cancer. Transgenic mice constitute powerful tools to unravel the intricate mechanisms controlling tumorigenesis in vivo. However, the genes central to HR are essential in mammals, and their knockout leads to early embryonic lethality in mice. Elaborated strategies have been developed to overcome this difficulty, enabling one to analyze the consequences of HR disruption in vivo. In this review, we first briefly present the molecular mechanisms of HR in mammalian cells to introduce each factor in the HR process. Then, we present the different mouse models of HR invalidation and the consequences of HR inactivation on tumorigenesis. Finally, we discuss the use of mouse models for the development of targeted cancer therapies as well as perspectives on the future potential for understanding the mechanisms of HR inactivation-driven tumorigenesis in vivo.

2019 ◽  
Vol 37 (7_suppl) ◽  
pp. 226-226
Edwin Lin ◽  
Andrew W Hahn ◽  
Guru Sonpavde ◽  
Michael B. Lilly ◽  
Roberto Nussenzveig ◽  

226 Background: Alterations (alts) of the AR gene are common in aPC and are associated with reduced responses to AR-axis inhibitors; optimal treatment is unknown. Genomic sequencing of ctDNA from aPCs may recapitulate truncal and branching alts across metastatic sites in heavily pretreated progressive aPC and facilitates identification of AR and other alts that contribute to aPC progression. Such data could lead to better understanding of aPC molecular biology and guide development of novel treatments. Methods: Two unsupervised machine learning algorithms, hierarchical clustering and principal components analysis, were used to evaluate mutational profiles of 2,679 plasma samples from 2,309 men with aPC. Samples were assessed by a validated ctDNA NGS panel that sequences 73 clinically relevant cancer genes (Guardant360, Redwood City, CA). Indels, amplifications, and fusions are evaluated in a subset of genes with high sensitivity and specificity. Chi-squared residual analysis and gene ontology enrichment were used to identify significantly co-altered molecular pathways. Results: Distinct, non-overlapping mutational signatures were observed in tumors with only AR amplification (amp) vs. only AR mutation (mut). Tumors with only AR amp, and those with both AR amp and mut, were strongly enriched for amps in the MAPK pathway (P = 3.62E-10, 4.92E-05, resp.). Tumors with only AR mut, and those with no AR alts, were strongly enriched for muts in negative regulators of cell proliferation (P = 1.09E-05, 3.30E-09, resp.). Muts further stratified to oxidative stress response in AR mut (P = 4.37E-05), and cell aging in no AR alts (P = 8.31E-07). Conclusions: In men with aPC, machine learning of ctDNA NGS data revealed recurrent mutational signatures that stratified according to the type of AR alts. These hypothesis-generating data require external validation but suggest that aPC may progress due to distinct mechanisms dependent on AR status. Future efforts to develop novel therapeutic approaches for aPC may need to consider the impact of the type of AR alt present and explore the interplay of AR with other altered pathways identified in this analysis.

Oncogenesis ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
Jenan Al-Matouq ◽  
Latifa Al-Haj ◽  
Maher Al-Saif ◽  
Khalid S. A. Khabar

AbstractAmplification of specific cancer genes leads to their over-expression contributing to tumor growth, spread, and drug resistance. Little is known about the ability of these amplified oncogenes to augment the expression of cancer genes through post-transcriptional control. The AU-rich elements (ARE)-mediated mRNA decay is compromised for many key cancer genes leading to their increased abundance and effects. Here, we performed a post-transcriptional screen for frequently amplified cancer genes demonstrating that ERBB2/Her2 overexpression was able to augment the post-transcriptional effects. The ERBB1/2 inhibitor, lapatinib, led to the reversal of the aberrant ARE-mediated process in ERBB2-amplified breast cancer cells. The intersection of overexpressed genes associated with ERBB2 amplification in TCGA datasets with ARE database (ARED) identified ERBB2-associated gene cluster. Many of these genes were over-expressed in the ERBB2-positive SKBR3 cells compared to MCF10A normal-like cells, and were under-expressed due to ERBB2 siRNA treatment. Lapatinib accelerated the ARE-mRNA decay for several ERBB2-regulated genes. The ERBB2 inhibitor decreased both the abundance and stability of the phosphorylated inactive form of the mRNA decay-promoting protein, tristetraprolin (ZFP36/TTP). The ERBB2 siRNA was also able to reduce the phosphorylated ZFP36/TTP form. In contrast, ectopic expression of ERBB2 in MCF10A or HEK293 cells led to increased abundance of the phosphorylated ZFP36/TTP. The effect of ERBB2 on TTP phosphorylation appeared to be mediated via the MAPK-MK2 pathway. Screening for the impact of other amplified cancer genes in HEK293 cells also demonstrated that EGFR, AKT2, CCND1, CCNE1, SKP2, and FGFR3 caused both increased abundance of phosphorylated ZFP36/TTP and ARE-post-transcriptional reporter activity. Thus, specific amplified oncogenes dysregulate post-transcriptional ARE-mediated effects, and targeting the ARE-mediated pathway itself may provide alternative therapeutic approaches.

Blood ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 118 (21) ◽  
pp. 463-463
Youzhong Wan ◽  
Michael S Lawrence ◽  
Lili Wang ◽  
Petar Stojanov ◽  
Carrie Sougnez ◽  

Abstract Abstract 463 The somatic genetic basis of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), a common and clinically heterogenous adult leukemia, remains poorly understood. Massively parallel sequencing technology provides a method for systematic discovery of genetic alterations that underlie disease, and for uncovering new therapeutic targets and biomarkers. We therefore performed DNA sequencing of 91 CLL samples with matched germline, consisting of 88 exomes and 3 genomes. Samples were collected from patients displaying a range of characteristics representing the broad clinical spectrum of CLL. Libraries were constructed and sequenced on an Illumina GA-II sequencer to deep coverage. Point mutations and indels were detected by comparing sequences of each tumor to its corresponding normal. We detected 1828 non-silent mutations in protein-coding sequences, corresponding to an average somatic mutation rate of 0.72/Mb (range 0.075–2.14). Nine cancer genes were identified, as they were mutated significantly more often than the background rate given their sequence composition across all 91 CLL/normal pairs. Four have been previously described in CLL (TP53, ATM, MYD88 and NOTCH1); the others were novel (SF3B1, ZMYM3, MAPK1, FBXW7 and DDX3X). Strikingly, SF3B1, which functions at the catalytic core of the spliceosome, was mutated the second most frequently (15%). All 14 identified mutations localized to a discrete region (exons 12–18), and 7 were recurrent (K700E). We additionally validated the SF3B1-K700E mutation through genotyping of 101 independent CLL samples. The 9 significantly mutated genes fell into 5 core signaling pathways, in which the genes play established roles: DNA damage repair and cell-cycle control (TP53, ATM), Notch signaling (FBXW7, NOTCH1), inflammatory pathways (MYD88, DDX3X, MAPK1) and RNA splicing/processing (SF3B1, DDX3X). The common cytogenetic aberrations in CLL carry strong prognostic significance, implying that they reflect distinct pathogenesis. Supporting this hypothesis, we discovered strong associations between different driver mutations and key FISH abnormalities. Most TP53 mutations were in samples with del(17p) (p<0.001), resulting in homozygous p53 inactivation. Del(11q) was marginally associated with mutation in ATM which lies in the minimally deleted region of chr. 11q (p=0.09); but clearly associated with SF3B1 mutation (p=0.004), suggesting interaction within this clinical subgroup of CLL. NOTCH1 and FBXW7 mutations (present in independent samples) were associated with trisomy 12 (p=0.009 and 0.05), suggesting that aberrant Notch signaling plays an important role in this clinical subgroup. Finally, all detected mutations in MYD88 (known to be activating for the NFkB pathway) were present in samples harboring heterozygous del(13q) (p=0.009) with mutated IGHV status (p=0.002). These findings suggest that NFkB activation plays a driving role in this low risk clinical subgroup. To define the impact of the mutated cancer genes on disease outcome, we constructed a Cox multivariable regression model for factors contributing to earlier time to first therapy (TTFT) in the 91 CLLs. SF3B1 mutation was predictive of poor prognosis (HR 3.17, p=0.004), independent of other established markers (i.e. IGVH mutation; del(17p); ATM mutation). Consistent with this analysis, patients harboring the SF3B1 mutation alone had short TTFT, as did patients with del(11q) or del(11q)+SF3B1 mutation. All 3 groups demonstrated significantly shorter TTFT than patients without either SF3B1 mutation or del(11q). Because SF3B1 encodes a splicing factor, we looked for functional evidence of splicing alterations associated with SF3B1 mutation. Indeed, mRNA targets of the spliceosome exhibited greater intron retention in CLLs with mutated vs nonmutated SF3B1, confirming alteration in normal SF3B1 function. Understanding the mutational landscape of CLL provides a starting point for systematic analyses to address fundamental questions in CLL, including how mutated genes alter cellular networks and phenotypes, and thereby contribute to disease heterogeneity. Our discovery of striking associations between driver mutations and standard CLL prognostic markers (cytogenetic aberrations, IGVH mutational status) suggest synergistic interactions. In particular, our studies highlight pre-mRNA splicing as a critical but thus far unexplored cellular process contributing to CLL. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

2020 ◽  
Martin L. Read ◽  
Katie Brookes ◽  
Caitlin E.M. Thornton ◽  
Alice Fletcher ◽  
Mohammed Alshahrani ◽  

ABSTRACTNew combinatorial drug strategies are urgently needed to improve radioiodide (RAI) uptake and efficiently ablate thyroid cancer cells, thereby addressing recurrent and metastatic disease. Cellular iodide uptake is accomplished solely by the sodium iodide symporter (NIS), but the complexity of NIS functional regulation and a lack of amenable high-throughput screening assays has impeded progress. We utilised mutated yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) as a surrogate biosensor of intracellular iodide for ∼1200 FDA-approved drugs, allowing us to appraise the impact of 73 leading compounds at 10 doses on 125I uptake in thyroid cancer cell lines. Subsequent mechanistic analysis suggests three predominant modes of drug action: Firstly, a number of drugs inhibited specific regulation of NIS function by the protein VCP. Secondly, some drugs enhanced transcriptional or post-transcriptional regulation of NIS expression. Thirdly, several drugs strongly implicated proteasomal degradation and the unfolded protein response in the cellular processing of NIS. Exploiting these mechanistic insights, multiple compounds gave striking increases in radioiodide uptake when combined with the drug SAHA. Importantly, our new drug combination strategies were also effective in human primary thyrocytes, suggesting they target endogenous NIS physiology. In patients with papillary thyroid cancer, genes involved in proteostasis were remarkably altered and predicted significantly worse outcome, but only in those patients who received RAI therapy. Collectively, we therefore propose a new model of intracellular NIS processing, and identify key nodes which may now be druggable in patients with aggressive thyroid cancer.SUMMARYOur data identify FDA-approved drugs that enhance radioiodide uptake outside of the canonical pathways of NIS processing, leading to a new mechanistic understanding of endogenous NIS function which is subverted in cancer.

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