scholarly journals Aidoo, Lamonte, and Daniel F. Silva, editors. Emerging Dialogues on Machado de Assis. Palgrave Macmillan, 2016.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Armândio Reis

In the context of Machadian studies, the present volume is a welcome surprise. Aidoo and Silva are both US-based specialists in nineteenth-century Brazilian literature and culture, and they propose to reevaluate this literature from a multidisciplinary perspective.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 ◽  
pp. 160
Antonio Marcos Sanseverino

A escravidão é o nexo fundamental para pensar a literatura brasileira do século XIX. Na prosa machadiana, esse nexo histórico foi evidenciado por diferentes críticos (CHALHOUB, 2003, 2012; GLEDSON, 2006; SCHWARZ, 2000). Na leitura dos jornais, desde os anos de 1870, através da leitura de anúncios, vemos o quanto a presença do escravo doméstico era fato naturalizado no cotidiano do Rio de Janeiro (FREYRE, 2012; SCHWARCZ, 1987). Amas, copeiros, cozinheiros, moleques eram anunciados como objeto de venda ou de aluguel. Não apenas o trabalho era vendido ou alugado, mas o próprio trabalhar-escravo. Essa presença cotidiana de escravos é necessária (ou não) para a compreensão dos enredos? Alguns contos machadianos que trazem à primeiro plano do conflito a presença da escravidão: “Mariana” (1871), “O caso da vara” (1899) e “Pai contra mãe” (1906). Entretanto, há um apagamento da história pessoal do escravo enquanto personagem. A expressão “cria da casa” usada para caracterizar Mariana, uma mulata que vive como fosse da família, mostra o quanto a genealogia da personagem se apaga, diluída no pertencimento à casa do dono. Palavras-chave: Machado de Assis. Escravidão. Conto. Cria da casa.ABSTRACTSlavery is the fundamental link to think of nineteenth-century Brazilian literature. In Machado’s prose, this historical nexus was evidenced by different critics (CHALHOUB, 2003, 2012, GLEDSON, 2006, SCHWARZ, 2000). In the reading of the newspapers, from the 1870s, through the reading of advertisements, we see how the presence of the domestic slave was a naturalized fact in the daily life of Rio de Janeiro (FREYRE, 2012; SCHWARCZ, 1987). Mothers, cupbearers, cooks, brats were advertised as objects for sale or rent. Not only was work sold or rented, but the work-slave itself. Is this daily presence of slaves necessary (or not) for the understanding of entanglements? Some Machado tales that bring to the forefront of the conflict the presence of slavery: “Mariana” (1871), “The case of the stick” (1899) and “Father against mother” (1906). However, there is an erasure of the slave’s personal history as a character. The expression “housekeeper” used to characterize Mariana, a mulatta who lives as if she were one of the family, shows how much the character’s genealogy is extinguished, diluted in belonging to the owner’s house.Keywords: Machado de Assis. Slavery. Tale. Of the house.

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 140

<p><strong>Resumo: </strong>O presente artigo trata de analisar o modo particular como Machado de Assis constrói a representação dos fatos históricos brasileiros no romance <em>Esaú e Jacó</em>. Este romance traz em seu enredo dois importantes fatos históricos ocorridos no final do século XIX: a Abolição da Escravatura, em 1888 e a Proclamação da República, em 1889. O tratamento literário dado pelo autor aos fatos, imprimindo irrelevância aos mesmos no contexto do enredo, revela que para ser Realista ‘à brasileira’, naquelas circunstâncias específicas, era necessário mostrar o curso da História tendo como base a ausência de transformação.</p><p><strong>Palavras-chave</strong>: Machado de Assis – <em>Esaú e Jacó</em> – História do Brasil.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract: </strong>This paper intends to analyze the special way Machado de Assis builds the representation of Brazilian historical facts in the novel <em>Esaú e Jacó</em>. This novel brings in its plot two important historical events that happened in the late Nineteenth century: the Abolition of Slavery, in 1888; and the Proclamation of the Republic, in 1889. The literary treatment given by the author to the events, printing irrelevance to them, in the context of the plot, reveals that to build a Brazilian realism, in those circumstances, it was necessary to show the course of history based on the absence of transformation.</p><p><strong>Keywords</strong>: Machado de Assis – <em>Esaú e Jacó –</em> Brazilian History.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (41) ◽  
pp. 72-83
Fan Xing

Abstract: The rise and development of Left-wing literature in Brazil is closely connected to the obstacles and dilemmas encountered during the evolution of its nation, and it is also inseparable from international political movements and intellectual trends. From the abolishment of slavery and collapse of empire in the nineteenth century, to the establishment and return of dictatorship in the 30s and 60s of the twentieth century, at every moment of crisis, Brazilian left-wing literature always played a seminal role. While criticizing social injustices, it also invigorates the development of modern Brazilian literature by incorporating different forms of language, thoughts and art. It is safe to say that left-wing literature forms a kind of literary tradition in Brazil, as it not only represents a moral and ethical stand, but also innovates the form and aesthetics.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-32
Kelly Yshida

Resumo: Enquanto escreveu para Gazeta de Noticias, um dos temas discutidos por Machado de Assis foi a imigração de trabalhadores asiáticos, especialmente da China e do Japão. Neste artigo, interessa compreender o modo como o autor tinha acesso às informações sobre esses países e como lidava com elas diante das questões nacionais. Tratando-se de crônicas jornalísticas, muito do conhecimento e diálogos sobre o tema eram mediados por notícias, mas também por livros e telegramas internacionais. Nesse sentido, uma aproximação inicial dos estudos da tradução nos auxilia a compreender as estratégias narrativas do autor. Machado debatia os acontecimentos recentes e, desse modo, seus textos foram um dos meios que apresentaram a Ásia no Brasil oitocentista, possibilitando acompanhar as considerações sobre o continente, bem como sobre a vinda de seus imigrantes para o trabalho na lavoura. Palavras-chave: crônica jornalística; Machado de Assis; Ásia.Abstract: While writing to Gazeta de Noticias, one of the topics discussed by Machado de Assis was the immigration of Asian labourers, mostly from China and Japan. The purpose of this article is to understand how the author had access to information about these countries and how he dealt with it regarding national issues. As he was writing journalistic chronicles, he made connections not only with news, but also with books and international telegrams. Therefore, an initial approach of translation studies helps us to understand the narrative strategies of Machado de Assis. He debated the recent events and, in this case, those chronicles were used to introduce Asia in Brazil in the late nineteenth century, making it possible to understand the idea that Brazilians had about Asian immigrants in Brazil as working force for agriculture.Keywords: chronicles; Machado de Assis, Asia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 5-24
Krista Brune

This article examines how translation helped to establish Brazil as a tropical site of desire for foreign audiences in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and how translations of contemporary literature often struggle to break free from this established dynamic. By studying the discursive construction of a modern Brazil in the nineteenth century and the practices of translation in contemporary Brazilian literature, I contend that the insertion of Brazil into realms of world literature often depends upon acts of representation and translation that frame the nation and its peoples as exotic. Analysing the Brazilian government's recent translation grants and contemporary English-language anthologies of Brazilian literature reveals a tendency to translate either an exotic Brazil marked by violence and poverty or a global Brazil inhabited by cosmopolitan characters. The piece concludes by reflecting on how a politics of untranslatability could transform the translation and global circulation of Brazilian literature.

The long nineteenth century spans a host of important philosophical movements: romanticism, idealism, socialism, Nietzscheanism, and phenomenology, to mention a few. Hegel, Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Marx are well-known names from this period. This, however, was also a transformative period for women philosophers in German-speaking countries and contexts. Their works are less well known yet offer stimulating and pathbreaking contributions to nineteenth-century thought. In this period, women philosophers explored a wide range of philosophical topics and styles. Throughout the movements of romanticism, idealism, socialism, and phenomenology, women philosophers helped shape philosophy’s agenda and provided unique approaches to existential, political, aesthetic, and epistemological questions. While during the nineteenth century women continued to be (largely) excluded from formal education and positions, they developed ways of philosophizing that were accessible, intuitive, and activist in spirit. The present volume makes available to English-language readers––often for the first time––the works of nine significant women philosophers, with the hope of stimulating further interest in and scholarship on their works. The editors’ introductions offer a comprehensive overview of the contributions of women philosophers in the period as well as to individual figures and movements. The translations are furnished with explanatory footnotes and are designed to be accessible to students as well as scholars.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (25) ◽  
pp. 112-130

Abstract This article analyzes a short yet significant episode in Machado de Assis's novel Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas in which the main protagonist-narrator describes the recollections of an amorous encounter with a young girl, Eugênia, who had the misfortune of being born lame. Theoretically informed by the work of Lennard Davis, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson and Mark Osteen, among others, in the field of Disability Studies, this study engages with prior readings of Memórias Póstumas to discuss the embodied experience of disability at the intersection of the aesthetics of beauty and social acceptance within the context of the Brazilian nineteenth century.

2021 ◽  
Vol 41 (65) ◽  
pp. 217
Ailton Pirouzi Júnior ◽  
Mariana Daminato

Resumo: O presente trabalho consiste em uma leitura da obra Dias úteis (2019), da escritora portuguesa Patrícia Portella, sob a perspectiva das epígrafes e de uma particular didascália. A proposta é entender a construção narrativa e temática dos “contos” dessa “novela”, através dos paratextos que os antecedem. Com a utilização de autores predominantemente de língua portuguesa, Portella recorre a Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Clarice Lispector, Érico Veríssimo e Adélia Prado (literatura brasileira) e completa seu repertório com Maria José – o heterônimo de Fernando Pessoa – e Herberto Helder (literatura portuguesa). Por meio de uma visão geral, percebe-se que as epígrafes de Dias úteis (2019) não fazem papel de “borda da obra”, como rotulado por Genette (2009). Tanto quanto as epígrafes, a didascália carrega um significado particular dentro do texto e, mais do que orientações de como ler a obra, ela apresenta uma perspectiva da autora a respeito de algumas ideias que serão exploradas ao longo da trama. Ademais, destaca-se o fato de a obra estar inserida no cenário da novíssima ficção portuguesa. Em suma, a ideia é compreender não só a funcionalidade das epígrafes e da didascália, mas também a maneira como esses paratextos são articulados em Dias úteis (2019), entrelaçando, assim, excertos citados, textos e enredos.Palavras-chave: epígrafes; didascália; paratextos; novíssima ficção portuguesa; Patrícia Portela. Abstract: The present work consists of a reading of the work Dias úteis (2019), by the Portuguese writer Patrícia Portella, from the perspective of the epigraphs and a particular didascalia. The proposal is to understand the narrative and the thematic construction of the “short stories” of this “novel”, through the paratexts that precede them. Using predominantly Portuguese language authors, Portella calls Machado de Assis, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Clarice Lispector, Érico Veríssimo and Adélia Prado (Brazilian literature) and completes his repertoire with Maria José – the heteronym of Fernando Pessoa – and Herberto Helder (Portuguese literature). Through an overview, it is clear that the epigraphs of Dias úteis (2019) do not play the role of “edge of the work”, as labeled by Genette (2009). As much as the epigraphs, the didascalia carries a particular meaning within the text and, more than guidelines on how to read the work, it presents the author’s perspective on some ideas that will be explored throughout the plot. Furthermore, the fact that the work is inserted in the scenario of the newest Portuguese fiction stands out. In short, the idea is to understand not only the functionality of the epigraphs and didascalia, but also the way in which these paratexts are articulated in Dias úteis (2019), thus interweaving quoted excerpts, texts and plots.Keywords: epigraphs; didascalia; paratexts; brand new Portuguese fiction; Patricia Portela.

AmeriQuests ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Renata Philippov

Much has been published and discussed in relation to Edgar Allan Poe’s and Charles Baudelaire’s intertextual dialogues, as well as to the French reception of Poe’s writings and aesthetic theories through Baudelaire’s translations and essays. Likewise, there have been several studies in Brazil comparing Poe’s and Brazilian writer Machado de Assis’ short stories and individual aesthetic theories, as well as studies regarding Baudelaire’s aesthetic reception in 19th century Brazilian literature. However, despite some academic studies and papers in Brazil referring more closely to their literary projects and their possible intertextual bindings, a deeper study into how Machado de Assis may have actually read and subverted Poe’s writings so as to fit it within his own framework and thus help foster his project of defending the formation of a national literary identity still needs to be carried out. The same may be said about both Baudelaire’s role in Poe and Machado de Assis’ literary encounter and Machado de Assis’ reception of Baudelaire’s aesthetic theories and poetics. In this paper, therefore, I want to take a transatlantic voyage while addressing the question of how Machado de Assis may have actually incorporated and, paradoxically, subverted Poe’s and Baudelaire’s imagery, topoi and aesthetics into his own literary project. Two broad aspects regarding the three authors’ writings will be tackled: the universe of mind and man’s isolation vis-à-vis society, within the scope of the fantastic as a genre. To do so, I will focus on “Só!” [Alone/Lonely], a short-story published by Machado de Assis in 1885, thus aiming at addressing how the self, the wanderer and the observer appear in this story and how they dialogue with the same figures in some of Poe’s and Baudelaire’s writings.

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