Sumber Energi Terbarukan dan Pupuk Organik dari Limbah Kotoran Sapi

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 191
Mulyatun Mulyatun

<p>In order to meet households energy needs, one of the groundbreaking efforts that needs to be done is to implement appropriate technology training in utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer. Animal husbandry in Bambankerep Sub-District of Ngaliyan, Semarang City, are sufficiently developed, however, the use of livestock manure has not been optimal, whereas livestock manure can be used as raw material to produce renewable energy in the form of biogas and organic fertilizer. Furthermore, Limited knowledge and skills of the people in Bambankerep sub-district in the utilization of cow manure waste by recycling it into biogas and organic fertilizer have become the main problem. Steps performed in Community service programs are as follow (1) Socialization of recycling livestock waste into a blessing; (2) training, (3) Monitoring and outreaching. The impact generated from this community service programs, among others are: (1) raising public awareness in the utilization of cow manure waste for biogas alternative energy, (2) increasing knowledge and skills of people in processing cow manure into energy and fertilizer, (3) growing number of business groups in cow manure organic fertilizer processing that are expected can improve the welfare of the people in Bambankerep sub-district, Mijen, Semarang City.</p><p> </p><p>Dalam rangka pemenuhan keperluan energi rumah tangga, salah satu upaya terobosan yang perlu dilakukan adalah melaksanakan pelatihan teknologi tepat guna pemanfaatan limbah kotoran sapi menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik. Usaha peternakan di Kelurahan Bambankerep, Ngaliyan Semarang cukup berkembang, tapi pemanfaatan kotoran ternak selama ini belum optimal, padahal kotoran ternak dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan baku untuk menghasilkan energi terbarukan dalam bentuk biogas dan pupuk organik. Keterbatasannya pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang dimiliki masyarakat di Kelurahan Bambankerep mengolah limbah kotoran sapai menjadi biogas dan pupuk organik menjadi permasalahn utama. Tahapan program pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan adalah: (1) Sosialisai pemanfaatan limbah kotoran hewan menjadi berkah; (2) pelatihan; (3) Monitoring dan Pendampingan. Dampak yang dihasilkan dari program pengabdian masyarakat ini antara lain: (1) meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan limbah kotoran sapi untuk energi alternatif biogas, (2) meningkatnya pengetahuan dan ketrampilan masyarakat bidang pengolahan kotoran sapi menjadi energi dan pupuk, (3) tumbuhnya kelompok usaha pengolahan pupuk organik dari kotoran sapi sehingga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat Kelurahan Bambankerep Ngaliyan Semarang.</p>

Santoso Tri Raharjo

AbstrakPenguatan masyarakat yang menjalan proses adaptasi di tengah situasi dan dampak Pandemi Covid 19 menjadi hal penting saat ini. Banyak masyarakat yang terdampak dengan situasi pandemi saat, ada yang berhasil dan ada yang memerlukan pertolongan dan penguatan. Keperdulian di antara sesama anggota masyarakat sangat diperlukan dalam menghadapi bencana non alam ini. Tidak terkecuali dengan pihak perguruan tinggi, dalam hal ini civitas akademika Universitas Padjadjaran, dengan berbagai sumber daya yang dimiliki dapat mengambil peran penting memperkuat kemampuan masyarakat agara dapat menjalani kehidupan di tengah pandemi cobid 19 ini. Berbagai program dan kegiatan keperdulian pengabdian masyarakat dapat diintegrasikan dengan pembelajaran dan riset. Salah satunya melalui kuliah kerja nyata mahasiswa (KKNM), walaupun dilaksanakan secara virtual. Pemberian informasi dan pengetahuan mengenai pola hidup sehat dan bersih (PHBS) atau penerapan protokol kesehatan (prokes) untuk mencegah penyebaran Covid-19, merupakan salah satu bentuk dari upaya memperkuat kelompok-kelompok masyarakat. Demikan pula dengan cara-cara menghadapi situasi pemberitaan tentang pandemi secara jernih, serta memilah pemberitaan yang valid agar tidak mengganggu kestabilan mental. Hal ini juga merupakan aspek perlu diperkuat, apalagi di era dijital yang makin masif dan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan penggunaan media sosial massal. AbstractStrengthening people who undergo the adaptation process amidst the situation and the impact of the Covid 19 Pandemic is currently important. Many people were affected by the current pandemic situation, both in the economic, education and health sectors, some were successful and some needed help and strengthening. Concern among fellow community members is needed in dealing with this non-natural disaster. The higher education institutions are no exception, in this case the Padjadjaran University academic community, with its various resources, can play an important role in strengthening the ability of the community so that they can live life in the midst of this Cobid 19 pandemic. Various community service programs and activities can be integrated with learning and research. One of them is through student real work lectures (KKNM), although it is implemented virtually. Providing information and knowledge about healthy and clean lifestyles (PHBS) or the application of health protocols (prokes) to prevent the spread of Covid-19, is one form of efforts to strengthen community groups. Likewise, by dealing with the news situation about the pandemic clearly, and sorting out valid news so as not to disturb mental stability. This is also an aspect that needs to be strengthened, especially in the increasingly massive digital era and advances in information technology and the use of mass social media.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 110
Sri Hartati ◽  
Ongko Cahyono

<div data-canvas-width="511.892564516129"><em><strong>The Assistance of Hybrid Orchid Agribusiness in Matesih District Karanganyar Regency</strong></em>. Matesih District of Karanganyar Regency is known as the center of ornamental plants including orchids. However, most of the farmers grow orchids by raise the juvenile orchids into adult orchids which are then sold. Farmers have not been able to produce seedlings as well as to transfer plantlets from tissue culture bottles to media in pots. These community service programs aim to provide knowledge and increase the skills of partner farmers in acclimatizing hybrid orchids. Therefore they can transfer orchid seeds with a high success rate and earn higher profits from their orchid agribusiness. The program was carried out in Plosorejo Village, Matesih District, Karanganyar Regency from April to October 2020. Partner farmers consist of two farmer groups, namely the farmer group of RT 002 RW XIII and Tani Rejo IX. This program has succeeded in increasing the knowledge and skills of partner farmers in acclimatizing hybrid orchids. In terms of business, this program is profitable because based on the calculation with a capital of Rp869.000, 00 generates a profit of Rp1.311.000,00 per four months with a BC ratio of 1.5.</div>

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 214-219
Teuku Athaillah ◽  
Bagio Bagio ◽  
Yusrizal Yusrizal ◽  
Sri Handayani

Abstrak: Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) adalah pupuk cair yang dibuat dari berbagai bahan alami. Bahan alami tersebut bisa berasal dari sampah dedaunan ataupun dari limbah dan sisa makanan. Sampah dan limbah makanan tersebut difermentasikan secara anaerob (tanpa oksigen) dan tanpa bantuan matahari. Tujuan Kegiatan ini untuk memperkenalkan pembuatan POC Limbah sayur terhadap masyarakat Desa Lapang. Adapun manfaat dari kegiatan ini adalah membantu masyarakat dalam pengelolaan sampah dan limbah rumah tangga dan mengajari masyarakat untuk membuat POC dari limbah sayur. Materi yang diberikan dalam kegiatan ini adalah bagaimana memanfaatan limbah sayuran menjadi produk yang bernilai ekonomis. Materinya antara lain tentang mengolah sampah menjadi pupuk organik cair. Materi diberikan dengan cara presentasi dengan menggunakan powerpoint. Masyarakat yang hadir pada saat berlangsungnya kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berjumlah 20 orang. 70 persen yang hadir adalah wanita, sementara sisanya adalah pria. Pengabdian ini juga dihadiri oleh Penyuluh dari BPP Desa Johan Pahlawan. Cara pembuatan pupuk organik mampu disosialisasikan dengan baik kepada masyarakat Desa Lapang. Dampak dari pengabdian ini yaitu setelah mengetahui cara pembuatan POC, masyarakat Desa Lapang bisa merealisasikannya dengan cara membuat POC, menggunakannya dan bisa juga memasarkan POC tersebut.Abstract: Liquid Organic Fertilizer (POC) is a liquid fertilizer made from various natural ingredients. This natural material can come from leaves or from waste and food scraps. waste and food scraps are fermented anaerobically (without oxygen) and without sunlight. The purpose of this service is to introduce the manufacture of vegetable waste POC to the people of Lapang Village. The benefits of this activity are to help the community in waste management and household waste and teach the community to make POC from vegetable waste. The material given in this activity is how to use vegetable waste into products of economic value. The materials include processing waste into liquid organic fertilizer. The material are given by means of presentation using a power point. There were 20 people who attended the community service activities. 70 percent attended were women, while the rest were men. This service was also attended by the Extension Officer from BPP Johan Pahlawan Village. How to make organic fertilizers can be well socialized to the people of Lapang Village. The impact of this service is that after knowing how to make POC, the people of Lapang Village can make it happen by making POC, use it and can also market the POC.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 280-284
Muchamad Zaenuri ◽  
Suswanta Suswanta ◽  
Muhammad Iqbal

Dukuh Sikepan Ngagrong Village is one of the villages located in Gladagsari District, Boyolali Regency, Central Java Province. Plantations and animal husbandry are the sources of livelihood for the people of Dukuh Sikepan, most of whom work as farmers and breeders. Also, the limited knowledge of residents about animal feed fermentation has made residents only provide feed with ordinary grass, which is only found in the rainy season. So that during the dry season, residents have to buy feed elsewhere at a higher cost. The not yet optimal marketing of agricultural products and development is also an obstacle for Sikepan residents. Thus, it is necessary to have a community service program that is expected to help the people of Sikepan Hamlet reduce the problems they are facing. Through the method of extension, education, and assistance to develop public knowledge to recognize and utilize agricultural knowledge about animal feed fermentation and education about post-harvest online marketing in Sikepan Hamlet, it is necessary to do it. KKN students, assisted by Field Supervisory Lecturers, carry out community service programs that interact with the community. The KKN-PPM program is beneficial for residents in carrying out livestock feed fermentation, providing technical training to enable farmers to do what they need. Besides that, with online marketing training, mothers and adolescents can sell their products smartly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 494
Andi Amran Asriadi ◽  
Firmansyah Firmansyah ◽  
Nailah Husain

ABSTRAKDesa Bentang Kecamatan Galesong Selatan Kabupaten Takalar merupakan desa yang sebagian besar penduduknya pada sektor pertanian maupun usaha ternak. Namun pada pelaksanaan dilapangan, desa ini belum memanfaatkan hasil alam, dalam hal ini limbah-limbah kotoran ternak maupun pertanian sebagai bahan dasar pupuk organik yang dipergunakan dalam berusahatani. Sehingga pengabdian masyarakat ini bertujuan agar masyarakat Desa Bentang mendapatkan informasi dan pengaplikasian pembuatan pupuk organik padat yang bersumber dari limbah pertanian dan kotoran ternak. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan masyarakat ini dilakukan dengan beberapa langkah, yaitu: perencanaan, tindakan, observasi dan evaluasi akhir. Hasil kegiatan ini memberikan informasi dan pengaplikasian pembuatan pupuk organik yang bersumber dari limbah pertanian dan kotoran ternak yang nantinya dapat memberikan dampak peningkatan produksi usahataninya.                                                                                                                Kata Kunci: sosialisasi;, aplikasi pupuk organik ABSTRACTBentang Village, South Galesong District, Takalar Regency is a village where most of the populations are in the agricultural sector and livestock business. However, in the implementation of agriculture, that village had not utilized natural products, in this case livestock manure and agricultural wastes as the basic ingredients of organic fertilizer were used in its own agriculture. Thus, this community service aimed to make the people of Bentang Village able to make solid organic fertilizer from compost waste made from livestock manure and agricultural waste to improve agriculture. The method of implementing the had been community activity is carried out in several steps, namely: planning, action, observation and final evaluation. The results of those activities provide information and the application of making organic fertilizers sourced from agricultural waste and livestock manure, which could later have an impact on increasing farm production. Keywords: socialization; application of organic fertilizer 

Arif Fitriyanto Fitriyanto ◽  
Adi Rianto

Desire to engage in enterpreneurial activity often faltred because of limitations capital and the absence of a business entity that lends funds to them at no interest cost (usury) except for loan sharks which actually discourages them to entrepreneurship. This situation made us moved to help people who want to open a business but have limited capital or business funds and help the local community there to provide assistance or business training to minimize the losses that will arise later by establishing Baitul Tanwil Muhammadiyah (BTM) which is certainly based on sharia and not apply the usury system. This paper aims to describe the activities of community service programs undertaken in order to improve the economic growth of the people of Pasar Rumput South Jakarta.

Dharma LPPM ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Yuni Istanto ◽  
Gunawan Nusanto ◽  
Sri Dwi Ari Ambarwati

This community service is a downstreaming of the research results that have been carried out by servants in 2020 with the influence of innovation on social media adoption on the marketing performance of Sleman SMEs. This community service partner is the Brajan Sleman Bamboo Craft UKM Association. The results of research conducted by researchers in 2020 show that many SMEs in Sleman, especially the Bambu Brajan SMEs, have greatly prevented Covid-19 and sales have decreased drastically. The decline in sales of bamboo handicrafts has caused the people in the Brajan area to be threatened with poverty. Research findings that have been carried out by researchers, show that the ability to change the direction of digital marketing is an urgent matter that causes sales to decline. This community service program is intended to assist SMEs producing Bamboo handicrafts in Brajan to be able to rise again during the new normal covid-19 pandemic. Some of these community service programs are carried out to help improve the skills of SME human resources in dealing with digital marketing, through training programs on social media creation, website creation, and how to enter the market to increase demand for products produced by bamboo craftsmen and assistance in improving HR soft skills. This community service is important to do. Bamboo SMEs in Brajan are very vulnerable to the COVID-19 crisis so that they are empowered to be strong in facing crisis conditions through mastering internet and digital technology. Of the various problems faced by partners, this community service justifies the problem with partners, namely the ability to adopt technology by Brajan bamboo handicraft SMEs.

2020 ◽  
pp. 153819272098029
Cheryne M. Kim ◽  
Brittany R. Silverman ◽  
Claudio Cortes

The COVID-19 pandemic has widely affected existing academia-sponsored community service initiatives. Little is known about the strategies to sustain these initiatives during a public health crisis and the potential effects on community well-being and education. In this case study, we describe the impact of the pandemic on service partnerships between our medical school and the Latinx community, discuss the challenges and opportunities of transitioning to a virtual community service model, and offer solutions and considerations.

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