scholarly journals Pengaruh Video Modelling terhadap Kemampuan Toileting pada Anak Usia Toddler di Kelompok Belajar Permata Bunda Padasan

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 24-33
Tiara Putri Ryandini ◽  
Dyah Pitaloka ◽  
Novia Dwi Astuti ◽  

At the time toddler, this is the right time for parents to teach children to perform toileting. Children who have not been able to perform toileting properly because of the ability of a child who is not robust like, not yet accustomed to sitting or squatting on the toilet, have not been able to remove his trousers, and some children do who do not know how toileting, requires a method or way that is easily understood by children in teaching toileting, one of which is by video modeling. This study uses Analytical Experimental Design with one-group pretest-posttest design conducted on 34 respondents. The sampling technique uses probability sampling with a simple random sampling method. The instruments used were toileting ability questionnaire and video modeling. The results showed that the ability of child toileting before being given video modeling most of the respondents had sufficient ability, and after being given video modeling almost all respondents had good abilities. This is evidenced by the Wilcoxon test obtained p-value = 0,000 (α <0.05) where 0,000 <0.05 then there is an influence of video modeling on the ability of toileting toddler children in the Bunda Padasan Permata study group. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that video modeling can be used as an alternative to toileting learning media in toddler-age children.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 29
Susanti Susanti

ABSTRAK Penderita Diabetes Mellitus (DM) berisiko mengalami penurunan sensitivitas pada kaki. Kebiasaan maupun perilaku penderita seperti kurang menjaga kebersihan kaki dan tidak menggunakan alas kaki saat beraktivitas akan beresiko terjadi perlukaan pada daerah kaki. Keadaan kaki diabetik lanjut yang tidak ditangani secara tepat dapat memicu dilakukannya tindakan amputasi kaki.  Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis Pengaruh Senam Kaki Diabetes terhadap Leg Sensitivity Monofilament Test pada penderita Diabetes Melitus di Wilayah Posyandu Lansia Endrosono Surabaya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-experiment designs dengan rancangan yang digunakan yaitu one group pretest-postest dengan sample 54 responden lansia di Posyandu Lansia Endrosono Kelurahan Wonokusumo Kecamatan Semampir Kota Surabaya diambil menggunakan tehnik sampling Simple Random Sampling. Pengukuran Leg Sensitivity dipeoleh dari observasi menggunakan Monofilament Test. Data dianalisis menggunakan Uji Mc. Nemar didapatkan p value = 0,008 pada kaki kanan dan p value = 0,003 pada kaki kiri dengan α=0,05 (p< α). Hal ini berarti tidak terdapat pengaruh antara senam kaki diabetes dengan leg sensitivity monofilament test (H0 diterima, H1 ditolak). Implikasi hasil penelitian bahwa senam kaki diabetes tidak dapat mempengaruhi leg sensitivity monofilament test. sehingga perlu lebih ditingkatkan aktivitasnya sehari-harinya dan melakukan senam kaki diabetes 5-7x perhari. Kata Kunci : Senam Kaki Diabetes, Leg Sensitivity, Monofilament Test   ABSTRACT Patients with Diabetes Mellitus (DM) are risked with Leg Sensitivity decreasing. Patient’s habits or behavior such as less maintaining of their cleanliness and not wearing footwear or slippers will make the risk of them infect their feet increase. If the conditions of further diabetics are not handled properly, it can increase the act of foot amputations.  This research objective is to analyze the effect of Diabetics Foot Exercise against Leg Sensitivity Monofilament Test to patients with Diabetes Mellitus in Posyandu Lansia Endorsono Surabaya. This research is using pre-experiment designs methods and the design used is one group pretest-posttest with 54 elderly respondents from Posyandu Lansia Endorsono Wonokusumo Village, Semampir sub-district, Surabaya as sample and using Simple Random Sampling as the sampling technique. Leg sensitivity measuring is collected from Monofilament Test observation. The Data are analyzed by SPSS 16.0 program and using Mc. Nemar obtained p value = 0,008 for the right foot and p value = 0,003 for the left foot α=0,05 (p< α). It means that there is no effect between Diabetic Foot Exercise with the Leg Sensitivity Monofilament test (H0 is approved, H1 is disapproved). The implication of the research is that Diabetic Foot Exercise cannot be affecting Leg Sensitivity Monofilament Sensitivity Test. As the result patients with diabetes mellitus need to increase their daily activity and do the Diabetic Foot Exercise 5-7 times per-day. Key words: Diabetic Foot Exercise, Leg Sensitivity, Monofilament Test

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 74
Gusti Ayu Martha Winingsih ◽  
Ni Putu Nia Virgantari

<p><strong><em>Abstract : Knowledge of young women with attitude of the use of jeans to leucorrhoea. </em></strong><em> The purpose of this study is to know the relationship knowledge of young women with attitude of the use of jeans to leucorrhoea at SMA Negeri 1 Manggis.This research is a kind of analytic research with correlation research study and using cross sectional approach. Population of 193 people. Sampling technique that is simple random sampling with total 64 respondents. This study uses Spearman Rank Correlation.<strong></strong></em></p><p><em>Based on research results, total respondent 64 people (100%), obtained almost all respondents have good knowledge that is as much as 43 respondents (67,2%), and almost all 36 respondents (56,2%) have a positive attitude about the use of hjeans to leucorrhoea. Result of speraman rank test analysis obtained result that p-value = 0,001 which means alpha 5%, shows that there is a strong relationship between the knowledge of young women with the attitude of the use of jeans</em></p><p><em> </em></p><p><strong>Abstrak : Hubungan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri dengan Sikap Penggunaan Celana <em>Jeans</em> terhadap Keputihan.</strong> Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri dengan Sikap Penggunaan Celana <em>Jeans</em><em> </em>Terhadap Keputihan di SMA Negeri 1 Manggis. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian <em>analitik</em><em> </em>dengan studi penelitian korelasi dan menggunakan pendekatan <em>cross sectional</em>. Jumlah populasi 193 orang. Teknik sampling yaitu <em>simple random sampling</em><em> </em>dengan jumlah 64 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisa data korelasi <em>Spearman Rank</em>. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, dimana total responden 64  orang (100%) diperolehhampir seluruhnya resoponden memiliki pengetahuan baik yaitu sebanyak 43 responden (67,2%), dan hampir seluruhnya 36 responden (56,2%) memiliki sikap positif tentang penggunaan celana <em>jeans</em> terhadap keputihan. Hasil analisis uji <em>rank spearman</em> diperoleh hasil bahwa nilai <em>p-value</em> = 0,001 yang berarti  pada alpha 5%, Nilai <em>r </em>= 0,792 menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang kuat antara pengetahuan remaja putri dengan sikap penggunaan celana jeans.<em></em></p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p> </p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 562-567
Mitayakuna Stianto

Backgroumnd The BKB important to enhance resistance family esp in the role of optimize growth and development for children under five. A lack of understanding of the toddler mother BKB can cause the toddler did not attend BKB. The purpose of research is analyzing the information about BKB effects on knowledge about and liveliness mother in activities in the village in BKB Keras Diwek Jombang district. Methods Design used the model one group post pra-test test design. Population is all mother bulan-36 have children age 3 months. Sampling technique using a technique simple random sampling with large samples from 60 respondents. Independen variable is knowledge and liveliness mother in BKB activities before it was given information about BKB and variable dependen knowledge and liveliness mother in BKB activities after given information about BKB. An instrument use questionnaire sheets. Statistical tests use the wilcoxon on the mistake level (α) 0,05. The results of the study before given information obtained almost all respondents prescience enough 49 as many as percent of respondents (81,7) and the majority of respondents active BKB 33 activities as many as percent of respondents (55), after counseling and have found the majority of respondents prescience enough 44 as many as percent of respondents (73,3) and the majority of respondents in the active BKB 33 as many as percent of respondents (55). The analysis result of knowledge or value p-value 0,005 and liveliness value p-value 0,000 Conclusion  the value of p-value 0,005 and 0,000 < 0.05 , so h0 were rejected and h1 received which would mean there are the information about BKB effects on knowledge about and liveliness mother in activities in the village in BKB Keras Diwek Jombang district. Suggestion Enough mother and knowledge about BKB made mother and capable of change behavior to actively in the BKB. Keywords: information, BKB, knowledge, liveliness ABSTRAK Latar Belakang Program BKB penting untuk meningkatkan ketahanan keluarga khususnya dalam peran mengoptimalkan pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak balita. Kurangnya pemahaman ibu balita tentang BKB dapat menyebabkan ibu balita tidak mengikuti BKB.Tujuan penelitiannya adalah menganalisis pengaruh penyuluhan tentang BKB terhadap pengetahuan dan keaktifan ibu dalam kegiatan BKB di Desa Keras Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang.Metode Desain penelitian menggunakan model one group pra-test post test desain. Populasinya adalah semua ibu yang memiliki anak usia 3 bulan-36 bulan. Teknik sampling menggunakan teknik simple random sampling dengan besar sampel sebanyak 60 responden. Variabel independennya adalah pengetahuan dan keaktifan ibu dalam kegiatan BKB sebelum diberikan penyuluhan tentang BKB dan variabel dependennya pengetahuan dan keaktifan ibu dalam kegiatan BKB sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang BKB. Instrumen menggunakan lembar kuesioner. Uji statistik menggunakan uji wilcoxon dengan tingkat kesalahan (α) 0,05.Hasil penelitian sebelum diberi penyuluhan didapatkan hampir seluruh responden pengetahuannya cukup sebanyak 49 responden (81,7%) dan sebagian besar responden aktif kegiatan BKB sebanyak 33 responden (55%), sedangkan sesudah diberi penyuluhan didapatkan sebagian besar responden pengetahuannya cukup sebanyak 44 responden (73,3%) dan sebagian besar responden aktif dalam kegiatan BKB sebanyak 33 responden (55%). Hasil analisa pengetahuan didapatkan nilai p-value 0,005 dan keaktifan  nilai p-value 0,000, karena nilai p-value 0,005 dan 0,000 < 0,05, maka H0 ditolak dan H1 diterima.Kesimpulan ada pengaruh penyuluhan tentang BKB terhadap pengetahuan dan keaktifan ibu dalam kegiatan BKB di Desa Keras Kecamatan Diwek Kabupaten Jombang.Saran Pengetahuan cukup ibu balita tentang BKB menjadikan ibu balita mampu merubah perilaku untuk  aktif dalam kegiatan BKB. Kata kunci: penyuluhan, BKB, pengetahuan, keaktifan 

Nyimas Ayu Dillashandy ◽  
Nurmala K Panjaitan

Mount Merapi eruption has occurred several times in Indonesia and the biggest eruption that last occurred in 2010. The community were suffered losses and were affected by eruptions. The purposes of this research are to analyze community resilience, to analyze the level of vulnerability, and to analize the community adaptive capacity. The research using a quantitative approach supported by qualitative data. Simple random sampling technique is used as the sampling method and the informant was taken purposively. The results of this research showed that when the eruption occurred the community has a high vulnerability. The adaptive capacity is also high with innovative learning based on institutional memory and supported by the connectedness. Communities achieve resilience and can adapt to changes with high adaptive capacity.  Keywords: adaptive capacity, community resilience, eruption, vulnerability ABSTRAK Erupsi Gunung Merapi sudah terjadi beberapa kali di Indonesia dan erupsi terbesar yang terjadi terakhir kalinya yaitu pada tahun 2010. Komunitas mengalami berbagai kerugian dan terkena dampak dari erupsi. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis resiliensi komunitas, menganalisis tingkat kerentanan komunitas, dan menganalisis kapasitas adaptasi komunitas. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif yang didukung oleh data kualitatif. Pemilihan responden dilakukan dengan teknik sampel acak sederhana sedangkan pemilihan terhadap informan dilakukan secara sengaja. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa saat erupsi terjadi komunitas memiliki kerentanan yang tinggi. Kapasitas adaptasi komunitas tinggi dengan adanya innovative learning yang didasari oleh pengetahuan dan pengalaman dan didukung oleh jaringan yang dimiliki. Komunitas berhasil mencapai resiliensi dan dapat beradaptasi dengan perubahan-perubahan dengan kapasitas adaptasi yang tinggi.Kata kunci : kapasitas adaptasi, kerentanan, erupsi, resiliensi komunitas

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 62
Indah Jayani ◽  
Fatma Sayekti Ruffaida

Approach to PLWHA by providing interpersonal counseling is the right thing to do to overcome psychological problems including social, emotional and spiritual aspects of PLWHA. This study aims to look at the effect of interpersonal counseling on social, emotional and spiritual responses in HIV/ AIDS patients. This research is a type of non-experimental research with a cross-sectional approach. The sample is post-test people and tested positive for HIV in the Kediri region, which is 32 with purpossive sampling technique. Data on social, emotional and spiritual responses were obtained based on the results of data recapitulation from the instrument in the form of a questionnaire. The results of the study with the non-parametric Wilcoxon test showed there were differences between social responses of HIV/AIDS patients before and after given interpersonal counseling with p value = 0,000, there were differences between the emotional responses of HIV/AIDS patients before being given interpersonal counseling and after being given counseling with p value = 0,000, and there is a difference between spiritual responses in HIV/AIDS patients before being given interpersonal counseling and after being given interpersonal counseling with p value = 0,000. It can be concluded that interpersonal counseling influences social, emotional and spiritual responses of HIV/AIDS patients. It is recommended that the mentoring of HIV/AIDS patients through interpersonal counseling can continue so as to enhance physiological responses that will have an impact on disease prognosis, prevention of opportunistic infections and reduce mortality rates for HIV patients/ AIDS.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Yong Adilah Shamsul Harumain ◽  
Nikmatul Adha Nordin ◽  
Nur Farhana Azmi ◽  
Osada Teppei ◽  
Akinori Morimoto ◽  

Prior studies have identified that enhancing a city’s walkability could be helpful in revitalizing an old, decayed or blighted downtown. While the benefits of walking are obvious and have been widely explored especially in terms of health and environment, this paper explores the potential of Machinoeki as a push factor in changing the mindset of a community about walking. A pilot survey was conducted to understand the interests of people in selecting their mode of transport and to communicate with the willingness of respondents to change their attitude by introducing facilities that can promote walking needs. To gather a collection of respondents and further to illustrate the role of Machinoeki, a simple random sampling method was used. The paper concludes that while Machinoeki has the right facilities to encourage walking, more research is needed to demonstrate the link between facilities with the community's preference for walking in town. In this analysis, however, we found that the Machinoeki components have the potential to be a push factor with respect to the positive responses of 72 percent of respondents to Machinoeki's ability to encourage walking. Keywords: Walkability, Machinoeki, Public Transportation, Taiping

Novi Anggraeni

Nipple blisters can be caused by trauma to the nipple during breastfeeding, but it can also cause cracks and the formation of a gap - a gap. The incidence of sore nipples caused by several factors including improper feeding techniques and lack of breast care. This study aims to investigate the relationship between breastfeeding and breast care techniques with incidence of sore nipples. This research was conducted in June 2017 and BPS BPS Meiyuni Siti Hotijah Bangkalan. This research uses a checklist approach Sectional Cros. Subjects studied were maternal postpartum primipara 1-40 day total of 36 people. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. Statistic test used lambda. The results showed breastfeeding technique in the category of pretty 16 respondents (44.4%) and treatment of breast category fairly 18 respondents (50%), while the incidence of sore nipples in the category were 18 respondents (50%). Statistical test results showed the value of breastfeeding technique p Value (0.019) <α (0.05) means that there is a correlation technique of breastfeeding on the incidence of sore nipples, while for the treatment of breast statistical result p value Value (0.047) <α (0.05 ) means that there is a relationship to the incidence rate of breast care sore nipples. This research is expected to provide knowledge to prevent the incidence of sore nipples in a mannerappropriate feeding techniques and treatment of breast good.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 158-166
Ni Kadek Purnamawati ◽  
Ade Maharini Adiandari ◽  
Nyoman Dwika Ayu Amrita ◽  
Luh Putu Virra Indah Perdanawati

This study aims to determine the effect of entrepreneurship education and family environment partially and simultaneously on the interest in entrepreneur in student of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. The number of samples is determined by the Probability Sampling technique using the Simple Random Sampling method of 75 students in the sixth semester of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar. Analyzed by classical assumption, multiple linear regression analys, determination analys, simultaneous significant test (F-test) and partial significant test (T-test). The results showed that there was a positive and significant influence partially or simultaneously between entrepreneur education and the family environment towards the interest in entrepreneurship in students of the Faculty of Economics, University of Ngurah Rai in Denpasar.

Jurnal NERS ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 42
Baskoro Setioputro ◽  
Indah Listiyawati ◽  
Kholid Rosyidi Muhammad Nur

Introduction: The number of mortality due to traffic accidents is still becoming a global burden. In addition SDGs 2030 has set a target to decrease the number of mortality and global injuries due to traffic accidents. The purpose of this study was to analysis the risk of mortality due to traffic accidents in the Eemergency Department (ED) of dr.Soebandi Hospital Regional, Jember Regency.Method: A retrospective observational study was carried out in the ED by studying medical records of the traffic accident patients aged ≥16 years. The sampling technique was used simple random sampling with the sample size 250. The study was collected data with Modified Rapid Emergency Medicine Score. This study result was analyzed with frequency distribution and Chi-Square test. Results: The result showed respondents who experienced traffic accidents mostly was 20-29 years old (19.6%). The majority of the patient was men (68,4%). The riders of two/three-wheeled vehicles who suffered traffic accidents reached 73.2%. Most of the accidents that occurred at 06.00-11.59 AM were around 37.6%. Generally, traffic accidents occur to drivers as much as 68.4%. The number of types of head trauma as much as 57,2%. This study showed that 94,8% patients were at low risk of mortality. There were significant relationship between risk of mortality and the role in vehicle use (p-value = 0,043).Conclusions: Almost all patients have a low risk of mortality in the ED of dr. Soebandi Hospital Jember Regency.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 21
Puspa Ayu Larasanti ◽  
Baiq Iin Rumintang

Latar Belakang : Setiap hari di negara berkembang, 20.000 anak perempuan di bawah usia 18 melahirkan. Pada tahun 2014 kasus kehamilan remaja mencapai 33,4 juta remaja. Berdasarkan hasil studi pendahuluan yang peneliti lakukan, Kabupaten Lombok Barat merupakan wilayah yang memiliki jumlah ibu hamil terbanyak pada tahun 2017 dengan 15,246 jiwa dibandingkan Wilayah Kota Mataram dengan 10,021 Jiwa, hasil studi kasus kehamilan remaja pada tahun 2017 kasus tertinggi berada di wilayah Puskesmas Lingsar dengan 135 Kasus. Penggunaan media yang tepat dalam memberikan pendidikan kesehatan menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan dalam mengurangi kejadian kehamilan remaja. Video merupakan media yang tepat karena video memiliki durasi yang tidak terlalu panjang. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui adanya Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Menggunakan Media Video Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Mengenai Dampak Kehamilan Usia Remaja Di SMPN 1 Lingsar tahun 2018. Metode : Desain penelitian ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan rancangan penelitian One Group Pre-test Post-test. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan Simple Random Sampling dengan sampel berjumlah 40 responden. Peneliti memberikan intervensi berupa pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media video mengenai dampak kehamilan remaja yang berdurasi 10 menit. Pemberian pendidikan kesehatan diberikan selama 1 hari dan berlangsung 1 jam dengan 2x pemberian pendidikan kesehatan menggunakan media video yaitu setelah pretest dan  sebelum posttest. Hasil : Sebelum diberikan intervensi responden yang mendapatkan skor 76-100 (Kriteria Baik) sebanyak 2 responden (5,0%), kemudian setelah diberikan intervensi responden yang mendapatkan skor 76-100  (Kriteria Baik) meningkat menjadi 37 responden (92,5%)  Hasil uji statistik dengan Wilcoxon Test diperoleh nilai p value = 0,000 atau p < α=0,05 Kesimpulan : Ada Pengaruh Pendidikan Kesehatan Menggunakan Media Video Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Remaja Putri Mengenai Dampak Kehamilan Usia Remaja Di SMPN 1 Lingsar Tahun 2018 AbstractBackground: Every day in developing countries, 20,000 girls under the age of 18 give birth. In 2014 cases of teenage pregnancy reached 33.4 million adolescents. Based on the results of a preliminary study conducted by researchers, West Lombok Regency is the region that has the highest number of pregnant women in 2017 with 15,246 people compared to Mataram City Region with 10,021 Souls, the results of the 2017 teenage pregnancy case study the highest case in the Lingsar Health Center with 135 Case. The use of appropriate media in providing health education is one solution to solve the problem in reducing the incidence of teenage pregnancy. Video is the right media because the video has a duration that is not too long.Aim : This research is to know the influence of Health Education Using Media Video to Improving Young Women Knowledge About The Impact Of Teenage Adolescent Pregnancy At SMPN 1 Lingsar 2018.Method : The design of this study was conducted using the One Group Pre-test Post-test design. Sampling technique in this study using Simple Random Sampling with a sample amounted to 40 respondents. Researchers provide intervention in the form of health education using video media about the impact of teen pregnancy which lasted 10 minutes. Provision of health education is given for 1 day and lasts 1 hour with 2x of health education using video media and that is after pretest and before posttest.Results : Before the intervention of respondents who got the score of 76-100 (Good Criteria) as much as 2 respondents (5.0%), then after given the intervention of respondents who get score 76-100 (Good Criteria) 37 respondents (92.5%) Results of statistical tests with Wilcoxon Test obtained P value = 0,000 or p <α = 0.05Conclusion : There is an Effect Health Education Using Video Media To Increasing Young Women Knowledge About The Impact Of Teenage Adolescent Pregnancy at SMPN 1 Lingsar in Year 2018

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