2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
Sigit Nugroho

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap nilai-nilai nasionalisme yang terkandung di dalam Serat Tripama. Sumber data yang dipakai sebagai bahan penelitian adalah naskah Serat Tripama karya KGPAA Mangkunegara IV koleksi Musium Sana Budaya kode P28 Kempalan Serat Warni-Warni, SK 20 397. Naskah menggunakan bahasa Jawa disajikan dalam bentuk tembang macapat dhandhanggula berjumlah tujuh bait beraksara Jawa carik Rol 111 no.2. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Transliterasi teks dilakukan untuk mengkaji, mengetahui, dan menjabarkan isi teks. Data dikumpulkan dengan menggunakan metode baca catat. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif. Triangulasi sumber digunakan untuk validasi data, sedangkan reliabilitas menggunakan intrarater. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Serat Tripama memuat nilai-nilai nasionalisme yang masih relevan diterapkan pada masa sekarang terutama sebagai sarana pendidikan karakter. Nilai-nilai nasionalisme dalam Serat Tripama tercermin melalui tiga tokoh pewayangan; Patih Suwanda, Raden Kumbakarna, dan Adipati Karna.Adapun nilai-nilai nasionalisme yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sarana pendidikan karakter di dalam Serat Tripama adalah cinta tanah air, semangat kebangsaan dan menghargai perbedaan.NATIONALISM VALUES IN “SERAT TRIPAMA”, BY MANGKUNEGARA IV, AS A MEANS OF CHARACTER EDUCATIONThis study attempts to uncover the nationalism values contained in Serat Tripama. The manuscript of “Serat Tripama” by KGPAA Mangkunegara IV was the main data source and it was a collection of Sana Budaya Museum, coded P28 Kempalan Warna-warni, SK 20 397. This manuscript was written in Javanese  in the form of Macapat songs (Dhandhanggula) with a total of 7 stanzas, using Javanese Carik alphabets Rol 111 number 2.  A qualitative method was employed in this study. The transliteration of the text was carried out to examine, identify, and describe the contents of the manuscript. The data were collected using the note-taking method which were then analysed using descriptive analysis technique. Triangulation of sources was used for data validation, while intrarater was carried out to ensure the reliability of the data. The results presented that “Serat Tripama” contained a number of nationalism values which are still relevant and can be applied in today’s circumstances, especially as a means of character education. The values which comprise love towards motherland, spirit of nationalism, and respect for differences were reflected through the three puppet figures: Patih Suwanda, Raden Kumbakarna, and Adipati Karna which can be used as a means of character education.

Mochamad Choirur Riza ◽  
Sahid Teguh Widodo ◽  
Atikah Anindyarini

This study aimed to describe the form of tolerance values in the novel Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika by Hanum Salsabiela Rais and Rangga Almahendra. The research method which was used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection used reading and note-taking techniques. The data in this study was a novel entitled Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika. The data source in this study were quotes which were contained in the novel. The analysis technique which was used is the content analysis technique. The theory used is the theory of tolerance values found in each text by paying attention to the elements of tolerance values. The results of this study indicated that there was a tolerance value that included in four elements. The first element was to give freedom or independence. The second element was recognizing the rights of each individual, then the third element was respecting the beliefs of others, and the fourth element is mutual understanding. One aspect of character education was a tolerance. For this reason, the results of this study could be used as material for character education. That was because the research results of the novel entitled the Bulan Terbelah di Langit Amerika were in accordance with the four elements of tolerance values.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-19
Dian Apriyanti ◽  
Mutiara Ayu

Think-Pair-Share technique is one of the cooperative learning strategies that promote student involvement in the classroom. This strategy makes students engaged in in-class activities such as discussions and provides opportunities to share their ideas with others. The purpose of this study was to describe the implementation of the Think-Pair-Share strategy in teaching speaking skill for secondary students. A qualitative method with a descriptive analysis was undertaken in this study. The sample was twenty students of eighth grade. The data was collected through interviews, observation, and document analysis. The data analysis technique used was presented in a descriptive form. The results indicated the implementation of the Think-Pair-Share technique during the learning process took place following the stages that have been stated in the learning process plan made by the teacher. Appreciation for the implementation of the Think-Pair-Share technique both from students is quite good. Students stated that they can overcome the constraints in the learning process of speaking activity through Think-Pair-Share.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-218
Fakhri Fauzi

Abstraks Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kesalahan-kesalahan umum yang biasanya ditemukan pada mahasiswa suku Sunda yang ada di jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris tahun ajaran 2013 dalam mengikuti matakuliah pronounciation, khususnya pada masalah bunyi mendesis. Adapun fokus penelitian ini ditujukan pada mahasiswa baru yang berlatarbelakang budaya Sunda dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui keakurasian pengucapan kata-kata yang mengandung unsur desisan/desahan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif. Peneliti sebagai pengumpul data melakukan hal-hal sebagai berikut: melalui observasi langsung terhadap mahasiswa suku Sunda. Merekam atau mencatat cara pengucapan (pronounciation) dan menganalisis kesalahan-kesalahannya berdasrkan konsep Error Analisis dari beberapa sumber. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa mahasiswa yang berasal dari Sunda pada umumnya bnyak melakukan kesalahan dalam pengucapan kata-kata yang mengandung desahan. Dengan demikian hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan koreksi dan masukan bagi para pelajar atau mahasiswa yang berasal dari Sunda.---Abstract This study is aimed to find out the errors that commonly made by Sundanese student of English Letters Department in the year 2013 who already taken a pronunciation class, in pronouncing a fricative sounds. The reseacher focuses on freshman student who has Sundanese cultural background to know their accuracy in pronouncing some fricative’s words. The reseacher uses qualitative method on writing his thesis. He also analyzes the collected data through descriptive analysis technique in order to reach the objective of the research. The reseacher involves himself to collect data by observing the respondents, recording their pronunciation and analyzing the error on their pronunciation based on theories of error analysis which are taken from some relevant references. On the conclusion, the reseacher finds that Sundanese student of English Letters Department are made some error on their pronunciation. Error of omission and error of addition are found on the vowels and consonant sound except the fricatives sound. While error of selection, is occurred both on the fricatives sound and the rest of sound. The reseacher also finds that overgeneralization is one of the reasons why the Sundanese student made errors on their pronunciation.

2018 ◽  
pp. 139
I Gusti Ngurah Mahadiputra ◽  
Ni Luh Sutjiati Beratha ◽  
I Made Netra

This paper is entitled “The Form and the Use of Swearing Words in the Wolf of the Wall Street Movie”. This study aims to identify the kinds of swearing words and explain the purpose of the use of swearing words in the movie. The data were collected directly from the movie subtitle as the data source. The data of swearing words were collected by note-taking technique, the dialogues containing swearing words were noted and then the best ones were chosen to be analyzed according to the theory. The data were analyzed by using the qualitative method, and analyzed based on the theory of classification of swearing words proposed by Hughes (1991) to identify the kinds of swearing words and theory of principle purpose of verbal obscenity proposed by Liedlich (1972) used to analyze the purpose of the use of swearing words. The finding shows that there are six kinds of swearing words found. The kinds of swearing words found in the movie are indicated from the genital term, excretory term, animal term, anatomical term, imbecilic term, and general term. All those words are used in the informal situation and mostly used by the character to express their feeling such as anger, happiness and their dissatisfaction with something. Besides, from seven principal purposes of verbal obscenity, there are six purposes of using swearing words found in this study; they are swearing words used to provide catharsis, to discredit, the term of endearment, to show personal identification, to create attention, and to insult. By using swearing words they can express their emotion and feel as well. Generally, swearing words are not allowed to be spoken in daily conversation but in this movie, all characters mostly used swearing words in their daily conversations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 64-73
Andini Nurwulandari

Each type of investment has different risks. However, the general rule is that the higher the likelihood of an investment the greater the risk of the instrument. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive analysis approach. The data source is secondary data from the official BI website. OJK and BPS. This research covers all OJK mutual funds between 2015-2019. Sampling was done purposively. Data documentation is used for sampling. The results of the study found that the level of development has a negative effect on the results of fixed-income mutual funds, the lower the SBI, the worse the output of mutual funds that have fixed income will be; and inflation does not affect the FIM, because inflation represents a continuous increase in costs for products and services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-204
Ibnu Ajan Hasibuan

AbstractNegation is a denial form in language which function to deny a statement of an interlocutor. This study aims to analyze words for negation in the Panyabungan Mandailingnese . The research used qualitative method and descriptive analysis. The data were collected from native speakers by means of interviewing, listening and note taking techniques. The Data were analyzed to find out the connotative meanings so as their negation functions were explained . The results of the study show that there are several words for negation in mandailingnese namely ‘inda’, ‘unang’, ‘nangkon’, ‘biai’, ‘anggo na’, and ‘nanggo’. There are  also words for negation in Panyabungan Mandailingnese bound to auxiliary words such as a combination between ‘anggo’ and ‘na’ results in a form of negation. AbstrakPenegasian adalah bentuk pengingkaran yang sering digunakan dalam berbahasa dengan tujuan mengingkari suatu pernyataan oleh lawan bicara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kata negasi dalam bahasa Mandailing Panyabungan. Adapun metode yang dilakukan ialah metode kualitatif melalui analisis deskriptif pada data yang dikumpulkan dari narasumber atau penutur asli melalui teknik wawancara, simak, dan catat. Data diambil dan dianalisis hingga mendapatkan makna konotasi yang menjelaskan fungsi negasi tersebut. Dari analisis yang dilakukan ada banyak kalimat dalam BMP menggunakan metafora atau konotasi dalam penegasian. Keunikan yag terdapat pada negasi Mandailing dari beberapa klausa ialah kata negasi yang selalu berada pada awal kalimat, misalnya inda, anggo, nangkon, biai. Penegasian dalam BMP juga memiliki kata yang terikat dengan kata bantu seperti anggo dengan na yang apabila dihubungkan maka akan muncul bentuk negasi.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 252-263
Heppy Lismayanti ◽  
Haris Supratno ◽  
Tengsoe Tjahjono

This study examines the religious values ​​contained in the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. The purpose of this study is to: (1) describe aqidah, (2) describe worship, and (3) describe morals in the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. The method in this research is descriptive analysis method. The data source in this study is the novel Mengejar Halalnya Syabila by Noor Ruhaimin. This novel was published by BanyuwangiNaa Publisher in 2018. The collection technique in this research is the text observation technique and the data analysis technique used is interpretive descriptive technique. Based on the research results obtained: Religious values ​​associated with aqidah namely, (a) faith in God, (b) faith in books. (c) faith in the Rasul, and (d) faith in qada and qadar. Religious values ​​related to worship are, (a) public worship, such as helping in the family (b) special worship. Religious values ​​related to morals, namely, (a) morals towards God. (b) the morals of both parents. (c) morals towards oneself (d) morals towards family and relatives. (e) morals towards the community

Harun Joko Prayitno ◽  
Hari Kusmanto ◽  
Yakub Nasucha ◽  
Laili Etika Rahmawati ◽  
Norliza Jamaluddin ◽  

Politeness of expression and character education are both crucial aspects, in the current era of disruption, especially concerning sociopragmatic political purposes. The realization of politeness acts of language in the context of communication and global communication has now penetrated without limits on social distance, time, and goals. The problem is the act of language in electronic media, especially Instagram, giving space to the user to be more open in expressing his goals and objectives, including to the president in relation to specific goals and politics. This study aims to identify the forms of positive politeness acts of followers' comments on President Jokowi's official Instagram account and describe the intent of politico pragmatic power of positive politeness of followers of Jokowi's Instagram accounts. The data source of this study was the speech of followers on the official Instagram account of Indonesian President Jokowi #MenujuIndonesiaMaju managed by the President's Digital Communication Team for the period October-November 2018. The study data were in the form of comments from Jokowi's Instagram account followers who had positive politico pragmatic politeness. The data collection technique was carried out using documentation, note-taking techniques, and continued with heuristic listening techniques. Data analysis was performed with an intralingual equivalent technique which was strengthened by an extra lingual equivalent and sharpened with Levinson's politeness analysis technique based on the principle of harmony in Javanese culture. The results of the study showed that the form of positive politeness acts that were most used by followers was by giving attention to the speech partners. Political propaganda power of dominant followers’ comments was in the form of the power to ask and support rather than the power of praise, the power of influence, the power of motivation, and the power of suggestion. It shows that Instagram account followers have an optimistic attitude towards Jokowi's leadership. Jokowi's managerial, and leadership performance has a positive face among followers. This power of praise, motivation, and advice is an essential component in the formation of children's character education in the current era of disruption of education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Suwarna Dwijonagoro ◽  
Avi Meilawati ◽  
Nurhidayati Nurhidayati ◽  
Sri Hertanti Wulan

Character education is very essential. Good character brings peace, happiness and peace of mind, both personally and socially, even for the nation. Character education reflection is shown in many puppet shows. Wayang as a spectacle and guidance. Wayang as a spectacle is for entertainment, while as a guidance is a vehicle for character education. Which is indeed full of character education. The data source of this research was "Banjaran Bima Play" in the video of Ki Seno Nugroho's puppet show, and is done by exploring and collaborating character education in the Banjaran Bima puppet play and its implications in education. This research used an instrument in the form of data cards. Data collection was done through the stages of observing, transcribing, identifying, and coding. The data validity was established through in-depth observation, repeated studies, extended participation, peer discussions, and source triangulation. Data analysis technique used the steps of classification, description, interpretation, elaboration, and conclusion. The results of the study show the character of (1) Godhead, (2) obedient to teachers and parents, (3) nationalism, (4) integrity, (5) responsibility, (6) discipline, (7) respect for others, ( 8) independent, (9) mutual cooperation, (10) hard worker, and (11) smart. These various characters can be implicated in the field of education, both at the education center (informal, formal and non-formal) and at every level of education (elementary school to university). This is evidenced that these characters are always contained in the Education Curriculum in Indonesia since 1947 to 2013 with various developments. Keywords: character, puppet, Banjaran Bima, spectacle, guidance,  PENDIDIKAN KARAKTER DALAM LAKON BAJARAN BIMA DAN IMPLIKASINYA  DALAM PENDIDIKAN Pendidikan karakter amatlah penting. Karakter baik membawa kedamaian, kebahagiaan, dan ketenteraman jiwa, baik secara personal maupun sosial, bahkan bagi bangsa dan negara. Pendidikan karakter banyak ditentukan dalam pertunjukan wayang. Wayang sebagai tontonan dan tuntunan. Sebagai tontonan wayang untuk hiburan, sebagai tuntutan wayang sebagai wahana pendidikan karakter.  Sumber data penelitian adalah Lakon Banjaran Bima dalam video pagelaran wayang oleh Ki Seno Nugroho dengan mengeksplorasi dan mengalobari pendidikan karakter dalam lakon wayang  Banjaran Bima dan implikasinya pendidikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen yang berupa kartu data. Pemerolehan data melalui tahapan mengamati, mentranskripsi, mengidentifikasi, dan kodifikasi. Keabsahan data menggunakan pengamatan yang mendalam/cermat, kajian berulang, perpanjangan keikutsertaan, diskusi teman sejawat, triangulasi sumber.  Analisis data menggunakan langkah klasifikasi, deskripsi, interpretasi, elaborasi, dan inferensi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakter (1) Berketuhanan, (2) patuh pada guru dan orang tua, (3) nasionalisme, (4) integritas, (5) bertanggung jawab, (6) kedisiplinan, (7) menghormati orang lain, (8) mandiri, (9) gotong royong, (10) pekerja keras, dan (11) cerdas. Berbagai karakter tersebut dapat diimplikasikan dalam bidang pendidikan, baik pada tripusat pendidikan (informal, formal, dan nonformal) maupun pada setiap jenjang pendidikan (Sekolah Dasar  hingga Perguruan Tinggi). Hal ini dibuktikan bahwa karakter-karakter tersebut selalu termuat dalam Kurikulum Pendidikan di Indonesia semenjak 1947 hingga 2013 dengan mengalami berbagai perkembangan. Kata kunci: karakter, wayang, Banjaran Bima, tontonan, tuntunan

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 46
Nurul Masfufah

AbstrakKajian terhadap bahasa Tonyooi sampai saat ini masih tergolong minim, khususnya kajian mikrolinguistiknya. Pada tataran sintaksis, termasuk di dalamnya relasi makna antarklausa belum banyak disentuh oleh para peneliti dan pemerhati bahasa Tonyooi.  Oleh karena itu, tulisan ini akan mengkaji atau mendeskripsikan relasi makna antarklausa dalam kalimat majemuk bahasa Tonyooi. Kajian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif. Sumber data berasal dari wacana tulis dan lisan yang menggunakan kalimat majemuk. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode dokumentasi (studi pustaka) dan wawancara dengan teknik simak dan catat. Sementara itu, teknik analisis data yang digunakan, yaitu teknik analisis deskriptif. Berdasarkan hasil kajian, diperoleh beberapa simpulan, yaitu Berdasarkan relasi antarklausanya, kalimat majemuk bahasa Tonyooi dibedakan atas kalimat majemuk setara dan kalimat majemuk bertingkat. Dalam kalimat majemuk setara ditemukan tiga relasi makna, yaitu makna penjumlahan,  pemilihan, dan pertentangan. Sementara itu, dalam kalimat majemuk bertingkat setidaknya memiliki sepuluh relasi makna antarklausa, yaitu makna kesyaratan, tujuan, penyebaban, hasil atau akibat, perbandingan, sangkalan, cara, alat, kewaktuan, dan atributif.  Konjungtor yang digunakan untuk menjalin hubungan antarklausa cukup variatif. Namun, jumlahnya tidak sebanyak dalam bahasa Melayu Kutai ataupun dalam bahasa Indonesia.Kata kunci: relasi makna, klausa, kalimat majemuk, bahasa Tonyooi AbstractThe study of the Tonyooi language is still relatively minimal, especially its microlinguistic studies. At the syntactic level, including the meaning relation between clauses, has not been touched by many researchers and observers of the Tonyooi language. Therefore, this paper will examine or describe the meaning relations between clauses in compound sentences in Tonyooi. This study uses a descriptive method. Sources of data come from written and oral discourses that use compound sentences. The data was collected using the documentation method (literature study) and interviews with the observation and note-taking technique. Meanwhile, the data analysis technique used is descriptive analysis technique. Based on the results of the study, several conclusions were obtained, namely based on the relation between the clauses, the Tonyooi language compound sentences are differentiated into equivalent compound sentences and multilevel compound sentences. In an equivalent compound sentence, three meaning relations are found, namely the meaning of addition, selection, and contradiction. Meanwhile, in multilevel compound sentences there are at least ten interlausal meaning relations, namely the meaning of requirements, goals, causes, results or consequences, comparisons, denials, means, tools, timing, and attributes. The conjunctor used to establish the relationship between clauses is quite varied. However, the numbers are not as high as in Kutai Malay or in Indonesian.Key words: meaning relation, clause, compound sentence, Tonyooi language

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