2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
Endang Mulyani ◽  
Ali Muhson ◽  
Sukidjo Sukidjo ◽  
Yeni Nur Prilanita ◽  
Nenden Susilowati

Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini akan melakukan implementasi Model Evaluasi Pendidikan Karakter pada Rumpun Pembelajaran Ekonom. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan Research & Development yang dikembangkan Borg and Gall.  Subjek penelitian adalah mahasiswa di Fakultas Ekonomi yang sedang mengambil matakuliah rumpun ekonomi dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 186 mahasiswa yang terdiri  empat  prodi S1 yang ada di Fakultas Ekonomi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji manova. Hasil dari penelitian ini ada dua. Pertama, asesmen karakter mahasiswa dalam pembelajaran ekonomi menyatakan bahwa pada awal semester (pengamatan awal) karakter mahasiswa cenderung rendah tetapi setelah pengimplementasian pendidikan karakter pada pertengahan semester (pengamatan akhir) karakter mahasiswa cenderung sedang ke tinggi. Kedua, Pembelajaran ekonomi yang menerapkan model evaluasi pendidikan karakter dapat dikatakan efektif dalam meningkatkan karakter mahasiswa. Terbukti dengan adanya rata- rata antara pretest dan posttest yang signifikan. Abstract: This research aims to implement the Character Education Evaluation Model in the Economist Learning Cluster. The study used the Research & Development approach developed by Borg and Gall. The research subjects were students at the Faculty of Economics. They were taking economic classes with 186 students as respondents consisting of four undergraduate study programs in the Faculty of Economics. The data analysis technique used was the Manova test. The results of this study are twofold. First, the assessment of student character in economic learning states that at the beginning of the semester (initial observation), the character of the student tends to be low, but after the implementation of character education in the middle of the semester (final observation) the character of the student tends to be high. Second, economic learning that applies the character education evaluation model can be effective in improving student character. It is proven by the significant mean between pretest and posttest.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 254
Binti Anisaul Khasanah ◽  
Nurmitasari Nurmitasari ◽  
Robia Astuti

The purpose of this study was to explain the perceptions of the final year students of FKIP UMPRI towards Muhammadiyah and as a material for evaluating the advancement of Muhammadiyah cadre education methods within the university scope. This analysis is categorized as a descriptive study with a survey method. The research subjects during this study were all final year students in the 2019-2020 academic years from five study programs in FKIP UMPRI. The data analysis technique in this study was the following subsequent steps: (1) determining the score; (2) confirming the category; (3) creating the evaluation results using the program Excel Microsoft 2010. The results of this study are the perceptions of UMPRI final year students towards Muhammadiyah at the amount of antipathy to Muhammadiyah by 7%, the level of neutrality towards Muhammadiyah by 38%, the level of sympathy for Muhammadiyah by 35%, and also the level of Muhammadiyah cadres by 20%.Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menjelaskan persepsi mahasiswa tingkat akhir FKIP (Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan) UMPRI (Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung) terhadap Muhammadiyah dan sebagai bahan evaluasi kemajuan metode pendidikan kader Muhammadiyah di lingkungan universitas. Analisis penelitian ini metode deskriptif dengan metode survei, subjek penelitian selama penelitian ini adalah seluruh mahasiswa tingkat akhir tahun akademik 2019-2020 dari lima prodi di FKIP UMPRI. Teknik analisis data dalam penelitian ini: (1) menentukan skor; (2) mengkonfirmasikan kategori; (3) Membuat hasil evaluasi dengan menggunakan program Excel Microsoft 2010. Hasil penelitian ini adalah persepsi mahasiswa tahun akhir UMPRI terhadap Muhammadiyah yaitu tingkat antipati terhadap Muhammadiyah sebesar 7%, tingkat netralitas terhadap Muhammadiyah sebesar 38%, tingkat simpati terhadap Muhammadiyah sebesar 35%, demikian pula tingkat kader Muhammadiyah sebesar 20%.

Silvia Nur Priasti ◽  
Suyatno Suyatno

This study aims to find a model for the application of character education for reading fondness through literacy programs. This research is a type of qualitative research with a case study approach. The research subjects consisted of the principal, teachers, and students at SD Negeri Sidareja 01 Cilacap. In collecting data, researchers used instruments in the form of interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and document analysis guidelines. The data analysis technique used is the interactive data analysis technique of Miles and Huberman which consists of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing. The results showed that character education for reading fondness through the School Literacy Program at SD Negeri Sidareja 01 was carried out through: 1) The habituation phase which includes reading habit for 10-15 minutes and other activities that can build literacy culture and literacy-friendly physical environment conditioning. 2) The development phase which includes the development of literacy skills through various non-academic activities as well as the promotion of the social and affective environment as a model of literate communication and interaction. 3) The learning phase which includes the implementation of learning using a variety of literacy strategies and making schools a literate academic environment through professional development.

2021 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 2366-2385
Umum Budi Karyanto, Zamroni, Badrun Kartowagiran

This study aims to develop a construct of an instrument of character education evaluation model in MTs in the area of former Pekalongan residency.  It is a development research using Borg and Gall model with the number of samples involving 64 students for a limited test and 292 students for a large-scale test, as well as 8 teachers. The sampling technique used disproportionate stratified random sampling. To find out the number of samples, the Slovin formula was used. Meanwhile, data collection was done by distributing questionnaires and observations. The data were analysed using a quantitative and qualitative descriptive analysis technique. To improve the validity and reliability of the instruments, a CFA was done through the Lisrel 8.5 program. The instrument construct so that a fit model is obtained, seen from the following indicators: (a) Chi-Square, the value obtained = 789,9; (b) GFI, the value obtained = 0.83; (c) RMSEA, the value obtained = 0,071. The judgment for face validity and content validity in the model is good (0.73), while construct validation with CFA shows that all variables appear to have a factor load value of (λ) > 0.30. The estimated reliability of the model instrument using the Cronbach Alpha formula has met the minimum standard index, which is above 0.7. The empirical character education evaluation model has been declared feasible in the implementation test on the users

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-28
Ai Siti Mutmainah

The purpose of this study is to know 1) the values of religious character education developed, 2) the process of internalizing the values of religious character education, and 3) the supporting and inhibiting factors of the process of internalizing the values of religious character education in RA Persis 39 Jamanis Tasikmalaya Regency . This research uses descriptive analytic method with a qualitative approach. The data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observations, and documentation The research subjects are the Principal, Teachers, and students. Data analysis is done by selecting and sorting the answers of the data obtained then collected for analysis and conclusions drawn. This study found that 1) The values of religious characters developed were divine values and insyaniyah 2) The process of internalizing religious character education values was first, the stage of giving knowledge and understanding both inside the classroom and outside, Second, the habituation stage. Third, the stage of trans-internalization, and 3) Supporting and inhibiting factors of the internalization process of religious character education values, namely factors that support and inhibit the role and policies of the principal, the cooperation of the school and parents. As for the inhibiting factor, the environment outside the school is so rapid with the presence of sophisticated technology and does not get a good example from parents in his home

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 21
Imas Ismayati ◽  
Nani Ratnaningsih ◽  
Supratman Supratman

The aims of this study are to analyze and describe the metacognition of students who have high, moderate, and low Self-Regulated Learning (SLR) in solving Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) type problem. The research method that used was qualitative, research subjects were taken from students who can provide information about the results of their work to obtain complete data and stop when there was no information that can be extracted (saturated data), then obtained 6 people consisting of students who have high, medium, low SLR. The Data collection technique used was the think-aloud method. The data analysis technique used in this study was a model from Miles and Huberman. Based on the data analysis, it can be concluded that: the metacognition of students with high SLR used metacognition in the indicators to compose strategies and monitor actions to the maximum while at the evaluation stage they had not been able to mention other alternatives to solve the problem, the metacognition of students with medium SLR used metacognition to the maximum in the indicators of the stage of compiling strategies but at the monitoring actions they had not been able to interpret the results of the answers and at the stage of evaluation they had not been able to mention other alternatives to solve the problem, the metacognition of students with low SLR had not been able to use metacognition to the maximum. Teachers must pay attention to students' self-regulated learning and metacognition in solving HOTS problems.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
Sri Haryati ◽  
Erviyenni Erviyenni ◽  
Usman Rery ◽  
Elva Yasmi ◽  
Fauzia Rahmi

The research aims to develop devices integrated learning Malay culture in the form of RPP, LKPD and evaluation tools to improve character education learners. This type of research is the development of research (research and the development) with the procedural model. Research has been conducted in the development of chemistry teaching lab FKIP Riau University from June to November 2016. The prototype learning device generated through research is Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) consisting of 4x meeting, Activity Sheet Students (LKPD) for 4x meetings and 1 set of tools evaluation. Product prototype learning device has been evaluated by 3 validator. Data collected through questionnaires and observation techniques. The data analysis technique is a descriptive quantitative by calculating the percentage of the value of the validation. The average score ratings seventh aspect of the RPP is 95.95% with a valid category. The average score of the four aspects of the feasibility assessment LKPD is 95.95% with a valid category. The average score of all fifth aspects of the feasibility assessment evaluation tool was 94.58% with a valid category. While the percentage of learners response to LKPD is 97.36% which is at the criteria very well.

Horizon ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 622-634
Zulma Hendra ◽  
Alfi Yunita ◽  
Ainil Mardiyah

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the effect of the application of blended learning on the learning outcomes of class X MIA students at SMA PGRI 2 Padang. This study used a pre-experimental design in the form of a One-Shot Case Study by taking research subjects by Purposive Sampling. The sample of this research was the students of class X MIA. This study used descriptive questions as a final test instrument. The data analysis technique used in this research was a t-test. Based on the data collection techniques and data analysis carried out, it was obtained that tcount = 1.81 and ttable = 1.68, because tcount > ttable, then reject H0 at a significant level of 0.05 so it can be concluded that there is an effect of applying blended learning on studensts’ learning outcomes of class X MIA at SMA PGRI 2 Padang. Keywords: Blended Learning, Learning Outcomes

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Aunurrahman Aunurrahman

This research aims to find out about the implementation of character education in building school culture. The research was conducted at elementary schools in Sambas Regency with representation of a number of elementary schools from several sub-districts in Sambas Regency. The data were collected by combining quantitative and qualitative approaches, with data collection techniques using interviews, FGDs and questionnaires. The qualitative data analysis used the interactive analysis technique of Miles and Huberman, while the quantitative data analysis used factor analysis and percentage. The results showed that in general the implementation of character education in building school culture in the Sambas Regency elementary schools in several dimensions was well implemented. However, in certain parts, especially in the dimensions of the program and evaluation, it has not been fully actualized as expected. Meanwhile, school culture as a whole has developed well, especially in the dimensions of disciplinary culture, exemplary culture and culture of order and cleanliness. These three dimensions of culture are the fundamental foundation of building school culture. In the disciplinary culture dimension, the biggest contribution is to hold the midday prayer in congregation, while in the dimension of order and cleanliness culture, the biggest contribution is to hold a school ceremony.Key words: Character Education, School Culture

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 138-150
Fathimah Fithriyaani ◽  
Deddy Yusuf Yudhyarta ◽  
Syarifudin Syarifudin

The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of character education on students' learning motivation at State Elementary School 019 Sungai Beringin, Tembilahan Indragiri Hilir Riau Indonesia. This research used a quantitative approach. A total of 74 students were selected to participate in this study using the proportional random sampling technique. Data collection techniques were questionnaires and documentation. The data analysis technique used was a simple regression test. Based on the results of data analysis on variable X, namely Character Education, it was found that 73.69% was categorized as strong. Then, based on the results of data analysis of variable Y, namely Student Learning Motivation, it was found that 77.39% was also categorized as strong. While the effect of character education on student learning motivation obtained Fcount ≥ Ftable = 20.92 ≥ 3.97, so Ho is rejected, which means that there was a positive and significant influence between character education on student learning motivation

Komalasari Komalasari

This study aims to improve mastery of dexterity gymnastics through playing approaches and assistive media in physical education learning for students. This research method uses a classroom action research method with research subjects namely students of class II SD Negeri 44 Ampenan. The research instrument used observation, interviews, and tests. The data analysis technique used in this research was qualitative and quantitative descriptive analysis. The results of this study indicate that the play approach and assistive media can increase interest, activeness, and dexterity gymnastics for the second grade students of SD Negeri 44 Ampenan.

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