2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 106
I Gusti Ayu Dewi Hendriyani

Festivals or special events have been one of the fastest developing tourism attractions in many countries. Bali as tourism destination have many activities on tourism event such as festivals or special events to attract more tourists to come every year. Sanur Village Festival (SVF) declared by the government as one of the top ten national tourism event in Indonesia. SVF is an annual event since 2006. Its community event founded by Sanur Development Foundation (YPS) which is a combination of several large-scale activities involving food festival, creative economy exhibition, various contests and competitions, art and cultural attractions, music as well as various types of environmentally-friendly activities. Quality of  activities and service on an event is dynamic conditions that relate to fullfill the visitors expectation. In tourism event, quality of activities and service becomes success parameter as indication of satisfaction. The aim of these research is to know the visitors satisfaction attending festival in Bali, case study of SVF 2018.  Sample of the research is visitors of SVF 2018 during period 22-26 August 2018 with total 135 respondents. The method of this research is quantitative method with analysis factor confirmatory using SPSS. Using teory from Crompton (2003) there are six factors and twenty six variables that were observed. The factors and variables  are convenience value (F1) through five variables, service value (F2) through six variabels, perceived price (F3) through four variables, aesthetic value (F4) through four variables, playful value (F5) through four variables and social value (F5) through three variables. Finding in this research about visitors satisfaction attending festival in Bali, case of SVF 2018 is in good condition according to the guest overall comments. The leading factor and variable are playfull value (F5) and X21 (enjoyable). The strategic implication that should be done by management of  SVF or Sanur Development Foundation to the result of reserach is to maintain what has been good and improve which one is unfavourable by make evaluation and standarization of work for all vendors/ suppliers that supported the festival.Festivals or special events have been one of the fastest developing tourism attractions in many countries. Bali as tourism destination have many activities on tourism event such as festivals or special events to attract more tourists to come every year. Sanur Village Festival (SVF) declared by the government as one of the top ten national tourism event in Indonesia. SVF is an annual event since 2006. Its community event founded by Sanur Development Foundation (YPS) which is a combination of several large-scale activities involving food festival, creative economy exhibition, various contests and competitions, art and cultural attractions, music as well as various types of environmentally-friendly activities. Quality of  activities and service on an event is dynamic conditions that relate to fullfill the visitors expectation. In tourism event, quality of activities and service becomes success parameter as indication of satisfaction. The aim of these research is to know the visitors satisfaction attending festival in Bali, case study of SVF 2018.  Sample of the research is visitors of SVF 2018 during period 22-26 August 2018 with total 135 respondents. The method of this research is quantitative method with analysis factor confirmatory using SPSS. Using teory from Crompton (2003) there are six factors and twenty six variables that were observed. The factors and variables  are convenience value (F1) through five variables, service value (F2) through six variabels, perceived price (F3) through four variables, aesthetic value (F4) through four variables, playful value (F5) through four variables and social value (F5) through three variables. Finding in this research about visitors satisfaction attending festival in Bali, case of SVF 2018 is in good condition according to the guest overall comments. The leading factor and variable are playfull value (F5) and X21 (enjoyable). The strategic implication that should be done by management of  SVF or Sanur Development Foundation to the result of reserach is to maintain what has been good and improve which one is unfavourable by make evaluation and standarization of work for all vendors/ suppliers that supported the festival.

2016 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Tri Pranadji

<strong>English</strong><br />The condition of rural agriculture recently facing some big problems in particular the weakness of social capital, poverty and environmental degradation which are progressively on large scale. Vision of agricultural development 2025 is sustaining rural welfare which is characterized by highly competitive, equity and sustainable. One of very important agricultural policies is how to improve rural socio-culture regarding to most of rural people good opportunity in higher level of quality of life. Therefore, agricultural development 2025 will strongly require a comprehensive framework of socio-culture policy. There are five primary elements of socio-culture which must be developed in agricultural development 2025, that are human competency (or high quality of human capital), strong local leadership, value system, health agribusiness organization (and management) at village level, and equal social structure (being based on agrarian resources domination). It is highly recommend that framework of socio-culture policy is constructed by combination between time reference of change and level of society in one side, and elements of socio-culture which are being transformed in the other side. Social capital, such as  rural law enforcement and governmental decentralization at rural level, have to be considered as the key to success in achieving rural community welfare. Some important aspects which must be paid attention to arrange good condition for running agriculture vision 2025 are to shift development orientation (from urban bias of non-agricultural resources based and footloose industrialization) toward rural industrialization base on local natural and human resources; agrarian reform base; strengthening of social control based on civil society; harmonization of partnership among government, rural-agricultural economic actors and community; and political arrangement which farmers have higher influence in political decision.<br /><br /><br /><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Pertanian pedesaan saat ini masih menghadapi tiga masalah besar, yaitu lemahnya modal sosial, kemiskinan dan kerusakan sumberdaya pertanian yang semakin membesar. Visi pembangunan pertanian 2025 yang sesuai adalah pertanian pedesaan yang berdaya saing tinggi, berkeadilan dan berkelanjutan. Salah satu kebijakan pembangunan pertanian yang penting adalah kebijakan pemberdayaan sosio-budaya pedesaan. Oleh karena itu pembangunan pertanian 2025 membutuhkan kerangka kebijakan sosio-budaya yang komprehensif. Ada lima elemen sosio-budaya utama yang harus dikembangkan, yaitu: kompetensi SDM, kepemimpinan lokal, tata nilai, keorganisasian (dan manajemen) usaha tingkat desa dan struktur sosial (berbasis penguasaan sumberdaya agraria). Kerangka kebijakan sosio-budaya mengacu pada kombinasi antara tingkat masyarakat dan jangka waktu di satu sisi, dan elemen sosio-budaya yang ditransformasikan di sisi lain. Modal sosial, seperti penegakan sistem hukum pedesaan dan desentralisasi pemerintahan hingga tingkat desa, harus dianggap sebagai kunci sukses pencapaian kesejahteraan masyarakat pertanian pedesaan berkelanjutan. Beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan untuk mengkondisikan visi pertanian 2025 terwujud, yaitu: perlunya mengubah orientasi pembangunan (dari industrialisasi non-pertanian yang footloose dan bias kota) menjadi yang memihak pada industrialisasi pedesaan berbasis pertanian dan perbaikan sumberdaya agraria di pedesaan; pentingnya reformasi keagrariaan; pengembangan kekuatan kontrol masyarakat madani (civil society); sinergi (harmonis) atau partnership antara pemerintah, pelaku usaha pertanian di pedesaan dan masyarakat lokal; dan tatanan politik yang memberi posisi layak bagi petani pedesaan.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 230
Saifullah Saifullah ◽  
Nani Hidayati

<p><em>Data Mining is a method that is often needed in large-scale data processing, so data mining has important access to the fields of life including industry, finance, weather, science and technology. In data mining techniques there are methods that can be used, namely classification, clustering, regression, variable selection, and market basket analysis. Illiteracy is one of the factors that hinder the quality of human resources. One of the basic things that must be fulfilled to improve the quality of human resources is the eradication of illiteracy among the community. The purpose of this study is to determine the clustering of illiterate communities based on provinces in Indonesia. The results of the study are illiterate data clustering according to the age proportion of 15-44 namely 1 high group node, low group has 27 nodes, and medium group 6 nodes. The results of this study become input for the government to determine illiteracy eradication policies in Indonesia based on provinces.</em></p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: <em>Illiterate</em><em>, Data mining, K-Means Clustering</em></p><p><em>Data Mining termasuk metode yang sering dibutuhkan dalam pengolahan data berskala besar, maka data mining mempunyai akses penting pada bidang kehidupan diantaranya yaitu bidang industri, bidang keuangan, cuaca, ilmu dan teknologi. Pada teknik data mining terdapat metode-metode yang dapat digunakan yaitu klasifikasi, clustering, regresi, seleksi variabel, dan market basket analisis. Buta huruf merupakan salah satu faktor yang menghambat kualitas sumber daya manusia. Salah satu hal mendasar yang harus dipenuhi untuk meningkatkan kualitas sumber daya manusia adalah pemberantasan buta huruf di kalangan masyarakat</em><em> </em><em>Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah menetukan clustering masyarakat buta huruf</em><em> berdasarkan propinsi di Indonesia</em><em>.</em><em> </em><em>Hasil dari penelitian adalah data clustering buta huruf menurut propisi umur 15-44 yaitu</em><em> 1 node</em><em> kelompok tinggi</em><em>,  kelompok rendah memiliki 27 node</em><em>, dan kelompok  sedang  6 node. Ha</em><em>sil penelitian ini menjadi bahan masukan kepada pemerintah untuk menentukan kebijakan</em><em> </em><em>pemberantasan buta huruf di Indonesia berdasarakn propinsi</em><em>.</em></p><p><strong>Kata Kunci</strong>: Buta Huruf, Data mining, <em>K-Means Clustering</em><em></em></p>

Pravin Pandit Shinkar ◽  
Dr. Bechoo Lal

In this research article the researcher emphasized thetas move into the 21st century, many factors are bringing strong forces to bear on the adoption of ICTs in education and contemporary trends suggest will soon see large scale changes in the way education is planned and delivered as a consequence of the opportunities and affordances of ICT. It is believed that the use of ICT in education can increase access to learning opportunities. It can help to enhance the quality of education with advanced teaching methods, improve learning outcomes and enable reform or better management of education systems. By employing ICT in teacher training can save a lot of money of the Government. Moreover a lot of qualitative improvement can be seen as resource persons for the training can be best of the world. By employing ICT in administration can help in solving the problem of Absenteeism of students and teachers. Good quality content is one of the major issue and directly affects the standards of education and quality. By overcoming the certain challenges involved in the process of education can help a lot in this side. Conclusively a lot of quality improvement is possible after careful and planned implementation of ICT in education examination System with the help of real time mode.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Inggit Akim

ABSTRACTSupervise the government as the provider of public services to carry out their duties and authorities under applicable regulations. Large-Scale Social Restrictions are restrictions on certain activities in an area suspected of being infected with Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), which causes the quality of public services to be disrupted. The Ombudsman has the task of supervising the implementation of shared services organized by state or government officials and private or individual bodies assigned the task of providing services according to minimum service standards as a benchmark for service delivery and assessing the quality of services to the community. The research method used is normative juridical research with a conceptual approach (Statute Approach).The results of this study are large-scale social restriction policies through the Mayor of Tarakan Regulation Number 17 of 2020, restrictions on activities outside the house such as the implementation of learning at schools and/or other educational institutions, Work From Home (WFH), religious movements in houses of worship, activities in public places, social and cultural activities and Mandatory rapid tests for those using Sea and Air transportation modes, and providing social assistance to communities affected by COVID-19. Ombudsman's supervision of public services during the COVID-19 pandemic in Tarakan City, namely by conducting coordination and control and cooperation with state and private officials as well as community or individual organizations, opening an Online Complaint Post for COVID-19 Affected Persons. Also, conduct unannounced checks to improve public services in the City of Tarakan. Based on the supervision, the receipt of reports on suspicion of maladministration and the Ombudsman's investigation results are subject to examination. Suppose it is proven that it has committed maladministration in public services, the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia can take corrective action and provide recommendations/suggestions to state administrators to improve the quality of public services. Keywords: Surveillance; Ombudsman; Public Service; COVID-19 Pandemic

2022 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-37
Imam Ardiansyah ◽  
Sofiani Sofiani ◽  
Yudhiet Fajar Dewantara ◽  
Stephanie Rosanto ◽  
Vivian Octariana ◽  

ABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have a large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding, and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and SanitationABSTRAK Penerapan kebijakan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB) oleh pemerintah  Indonesia berdampak besar terhadap penurunan kegiatan ekonomi di masyarakat.Hal tersebut memberikan pengaruh kepada sejumlah pengusaha terpaksa membuat keputusan dengan menutup usahanya dan sebagian karyawannya dirumahkan atau melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja karena beban operasional yang tetap berjalan, seperti biaya sewa tempat, listrik, maupun gaji karyawan sementara tidak ada pemasukan. Bagi pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang besar, kemungkinan masih bisa bertahan untuk beberapa waktu ke depan. Namun lain halnya bila pengusaha yang memiliki modal yang relatif kecil atau pas-pasan. Tentu menjadi pekerjaan rumah yang tidak mudah untuk bertahan. UMKM merupakan salah satu sector yang terimbas dari adanya Pemabatasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, Universitas Bunda Mulia melalui program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (PKM) ini, membantu para penggiat UMKM di Desa Cadas Ngampar untuk dapat bangkit dan berinovasi dalam menjalankan usahanya. Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melatih kemampuan berwirausaha masyarakat di desa cadas ngampar.  Beberapa paparan materi yang disampaikan dalam PKM ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas UMKM warga lokal dan meningkatkan lagi perekonomian di Desa Cadas Ngampar. Setelah melakukan penyuluhan dengan pemaparan materi dari masing-masing dosen maka hasil yang di dapatkan berdasarkan intensitas tanya jawab yang muncul, kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah adanya peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman serta keterampilan peserta dalam kewirausahaan, dapat mengetahui manfaat-manfaat dari materi yang disampaikan, dan adanya tambahan motivasi dalam berwirausaha. Kata Kunci: Kewirausahaan, Pemasaran, Higiene dan Sanitasi ABSTRACTThe implementation of the Large-Scale Social Restriction (PSBB) policy by the Indonesian government has had a major impact on the decline in economic activity in the community. This has affected a number of entrepreneurs who were forced to make decisions by closing their businesses and some of their employees being laid off or terminating their employment due to ongoing operational expenses, such as the cost of renting a place, electricity, or employee salary while there is no income. For entrepreneurs who have large capital, chances are they can survive for some time to come. However, it is different if the entrepreneur has a relatively small or mediocre capital. Of course, being a homework that is not easy to survive. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected by these restrictions. Therefore, Universitas Bunda Mulia through this Community Service (PKM) program, helps MSME activists in Cadas Ngampar Village to be able to rise and innovate in running their business. The purpose of this community service activity is to train community entrepreneurship skills in the village of rock ngampar. Some of the material presentations presented in this PKM are expected to improve the quality of local MSMEs and improve the economy in Cadas Ngampar Village. After conducting counseling with material presentation from each lecturer, the results obtained were based on the intensity of the questions and answers that emerged, this service activity was an increase in the knowledge and understanding and skills of participants in entrepreneurship, being able to find out the benefits of the material presented, and additional motivation in entrepreneurship. Keywords: Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Hygiene and Sanitation

One of the leading causes of economic instability is the large-scale counterfeiting of the paper currency notes. Several media reports bring to light the alarming cases and the humungous scales of currency counterfeiting and how this issue has become very serious now. A report on how the Government is coping with these threats with new and stricter rules however counterfeiters adapt to the new rules in an alarmingly fast pace. Criminals continue to find a loophole in the system despite such strict security features. There have been impressive discoveries in the field of counterfeit currency, and this coupled with new age digital technology, counterfeiting is being fought well. However, it is impossible to track all counterfeit notes and impossible to have them checked at a short amount of time. Existing systems involve filing a case with the police, sending the documents for verification and waiting for the results to come. This method is based on Deep Learning, which has seen tremendous success in image classification tasks in recent times. This technique can help both people and machine in identifying a fake currency note in real time through an image of the same. Traditional Deep Learning algorithms require tremendous amount of compute power and storage and hence it is an expensive and elaborate process. The main goal is to make a faster and simpler mechanism to detect a counterfeit note that can be implemented in any random place like an ATM dispenser or an android application. The success of this application will greatly help the quick identification of the threat and help law enforcement in finding the source of the threat faster.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Mukhtar Sarman

Since 2015, the Government has allocated village development funds in the form of Village Fund policies of IDR 20.7 trillion, then in 2016 it increased to IDR 46.9 trillion, and continues to increase in the following years. However, based on field research in a number of regions in Indonesia, it turns out that the use of Village Funds is not optimal, some of which have been proven wrongly targeted, not transparent in use, and not accountable in reporting. The aspect of planning activities and the quality of human resources implementing policies and coordination between parties that should play a role are still a major problem. The PPP (Public-Private Partnership) model is actually intended for the development of large-scale projects, such as the construction of highways or seaports and airports. But by taking the substance of cooperation from the parties that each have strengths, the PPP model (and its variants) may be applicable in the use of Village Funds. Using secondary data analysts, the following article discusses the theoretical aspects of the advantages of the PPP model. This model is juxtaposed with cases of success in building the economic self-reliance of rural communities with the help of private parties and academics. It is assumed that the partnership model can be an alternative solution to further optimize the use of Village Funds in order to reduce poverty in rural areas.  

Mark T Buntaine ◽  
Patrick Hunnicutt ◽  
Polycarp Komakech

Abstract Governments around the world are investing in technologies that allow citizens to participate in the coproduction of public services by providing monitoring and feedback, but there is little evidence about how these initiatives affect the quality of public services. We implemented a large-scale field experiment that involved organizing 50 citizen reporters in each of 100 neighborhoods across Kampala, Uganda, to provide weekly reports to the municipal government about the delivery of solid waste services via an SMS-messaging platform, resulting in 23,856 reports during the 9-month study period. Citizen reporting did not reduce informal waste accumulation as targeted, which would indicate improvements to formal services. Using our observations as participants in the development and deployment of the reporting platform and interviews with staff at the government agency receiving the citizen reports, we show how the public generated inconsistent information that did not fit existing decision-making processes. We generalize lessons from this field experiment by explaining how coproduction involving information sharing through information and communication technologies is likely to affect public services based on the alignment of citizen-produced data with the information problems managers face; the search costs of detecting public services failures; the quality of citizen-produced data; and the operating costs of citizen-reporting platforms.

Gde Pradnyana

<p>Indonesia has the potential vulnerability enormous energy availability. From the supply side, Indonesia has not showed the synergy between the depletion of oil and gas on a large scale with the search for new sources of its reserves. Searching new reserves abroad also yet to show tangible results and not get full supported from the government. Meanwhile, shares of oil and gas is still a very big role in the national energy mix of Indonesia up to 25 years to come. The government also has not succeeded in converting the results of oil and gas into industrial assets. Prioritizing local-content policy produces only rents of business that would increase the cost of production and distribution of oil and gas to the people.</p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
pp. 39-43 ◽  
Sabina Sultana ◽  
Selina Parween ◽  
M Altaf Hossain

Seven different species viz. Chanda baculis, Chanda ranga, Amblypharyngodon mola, Oxygaster bacaila, Clupisoma atherinoides, Corica soborna, Mystus vittatus and a group of mixed SIS fishes viz. Mastacembelus pancalus, Xenntodon cancila, Chanda baculis and Glossogobius giuris were used for preparation of dust which can be preserved for a time period. The fishes were sun dried or oven dried, which are also method of preservation. Quality of the oven-dried fish was better than that of the sun-dried fish, but sun-drying process is easy and can be used in large scale. The fish powder remained in good condition for 7-9 months at normal room temperature, but at -18°C the powder was in good condition throughout the year. Highest quantity of powder from 1 kg of fish was obtained in case of the mixed species as 24.61% and the lowest in O. bacaila which was 20.52%. Biochemical analysis showed that the maximum calcium content was found as 1.34% in M. vittatus and minimum was 0.80% in mixed SIS fishes. Maximum phosphorus content was 2.90% in C. ranga and minimum was 1.72% in C. soborna. Maximum iron content was found as 45.20 mg/100g in mixed SIS fishes and minimum was found as 16.85 mg/100g in O. bacaila. The maximum moisture content was found in C. ranga (13.50%) and the minimum in mixed SIS fishes (11.65%). The maximum protein content was recorded in the mixed SIS fishes (72.45%) and the minimum in C. ranga (52.65%). The experiment was replicated three times and conducted from July 2005 to July 2008. DOI: JLES 2011 6: 39-43

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