GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Luiz Antônio Evangelista De Andrade

Há uma renitente negativa, de boa parte Judiciário brasileiro, em aplicar o postulado contido no princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade. A observância do mérito das contendas em torno das utilizações da propriedade fundiária vem privilegiando a sua dimensão civilista, em detrimento da sua natureza social. Em face daquela negativa, nas metrópoles brasileiras têm sido intensas as reivindicações dos movimentos sociais de luta pela moradia, cujo fito é o de fazer cumprir tal princípio constitucional, bem como de seus dispositivos, regulamentados no Estatuto da Cidade. Uma das chaves de interpretação dessas decisões do judiciário é que a função social da propriedade é uma categoria jurídica e política que expressa teórica e idealmente os pilares da economia política. Atendo-se a esse pressuposto, assim como ao fato de que a propriedade fundiária, nos últimos 30 ou 40 anos, assumiu uma importância renovada na dinâmica da acumulação e da urbanização brasileira, há diversas implicações sobre a reflexão e as reivindicações em torno do cumprimento daquele mesmo princípio. E a historicidade da formação da moderna propriedade e dos debates sobre sua função social, dentro e fora do Brasil, são cruciais no entendimento daquelas implicações.    THE PRINCIPLE OF SOCIAL FUNCTION OF PROPERTY ON THE LEGAL-POLITICAL RING: A CONTRIBUTION TO DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CONTEMPORARY URBAN PROBLEMS. Abstract: There is an intransigent refusal, from a good part of Brazilian Judiciary, to apply the postulate from the constitutional principle of social function of property. The observance of the merit of strivings about the uses of land properties has been focusing on their civil rights dimension, rather than the social one. On the other hand, in Brazilian major cities, the demands of the Housing Policy social movements, whose the main order is to enforce this constitutional principle, as well as its provisions, regulated in the Statue of the City. One of the keys to interpret those judicial decisions is that the social function of property is a legal and political category which represents theoretically and ideally the pillars of political economy. Based on this premise likewise on the fact that, in the last 30 or 40 years, land properties renewed their importance in the accumulation dynamics and in Brazilian urbanization, there are several implications for reflection about and claims around the implementation of that same principle. And both the historicity of the modern property formation and the debates about its social function, inside and outside Brazil, are crucial to understand those implications. Keywords: land property; social function of property; land rent; built urban environment. EL PRINCIPIO DE LA FUNCIÓN SOCIAL DE LA PROPRIEDAD EN LA ZONA DE CONFLICTO JURIDICO-POLITICO: UNA CONTRIBUCIÓN AL DEBATE SOBRE LA PROBLEMÁTICA URBANA CONTEMPORÁNEA Resumen: Hay un obstinado rechazo, de buena parte del Poder Judicial brasileño, en aplicar el postulado contenido en el principio constitucional de la función social de la propiedad. La observancia del fondamento de las disensiones en torno a los usos de la propiedad de la tierra viene privilegiando su aspecto civilista, en detrimento de su naturaleza social. Por otro lado, en las metrópolis brasileñas han sido intensas las reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales de lucha por la vivenda, cuya finalidad es el de hacer cumplir dicho principio constitucional, así como de sus prescripciones juridicas, reguladas en el Estatuto de la Ciudad. Una de las claves de interpretación de estas decisiones judiciales es que la función social de la propiedad es una categoría jurídica y política que expresa teórica e idealmente los pilares de la economía política. Teniendo e cueta a este presupuesto, así como al hecho de que la propiedad territorial, en los últimos 30 o 40 años, ha ganado una importancia renovada en la dinámica de la acumulación y de la urbanización brasileña, hay varias implicaciones sobre la reflexión y las reivindicaciones en torno al cumplimiento de aquel mismo principio. Y la historicidad de la formación de la moderna propiedad y de los debates sobre su función social, dentro y fuera de Brasil, son fundamentales en el entendimiento de aquellas implicaciones. Palabras-clave: Propiedad territorial; Función social de la propiedad; Renta del suelo; Espacio urbano construido.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Luiz Antônio Evangelista De Andrade

Há uma renitente negativa, de boa parte Judiciário brasileiro, em aplicar o postulado contido no princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade. A observância do mérito das contendas em torno das utilizações da propriedade fundiária vem privilegiando a sua dimensão civilista, em detrimento da sua natureza social. Em face daquela negativa, nas metrópoles brasileiras têm sido intensas as reivindicações dos movimentos sociais de luta pela moradia, cujo fito é o de fazer cumprir tal princípio constitucional, bem como de seus dispositivos, regulamentados no Estatuto da Cidade. Uma das chaves de interpretação dessas decisões do judiciário é que a função social da propriedade é uma categoria jurídica e política que expressa teórica e idealmente os pilares da economia política. Atendo-se a esse pressuposto, assim como ao fato de que a propriedade fundiária, nos últimos 30 ou 40 anos, assumiu uma importância renovada na dinâmica da acumulação e da urbanização brasileira, há diversas implicações sobre a reflexão e as reivindicações em torno do cumprimento daquele mesmo princípio. E a historicidade da formação da moderna propriedade e dos debates sobre sua função social, dentro e fora do Brasil, são cruciais no entendimento daquelas implicações.    THE PRINCIPLE OF SOCIAL FUNCTION OF PROPERTY ON THE LEGAL-POLITICAL RING: A CONTRIBUTION TO DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CONTEMPORARY URBAN PROBLEMS. Abstract: There is an intransigent refusal, from a good part of Brazilian Judiciary, to apply the postulate from the constitutional principle of social function of property. The observance of the merit of strivings about the uses of land properties has been focusing on their civil rights dimension, rather than the social one. On the other hand, in Brazilian major cities, the demands of the Housing Policy social movements, whose the main order is to enforce this constitutional principle, as well as its provisions, regulated in the Statue of the City. One of the keys to interpret those judicial decisions is that the social function of property is a legal and political category which represents theoretically and ideally the pillars of political economy. Based on this premise likewise on the fact that, in the last 30 or 40 years, land properties renewed their importance in the accumulation dynamics and in Brazilian urbanization, there are several implications for reflection about and claims around the implementation of that same principle. And both the historicity of the modern property formation and the debates about its social function, inside and outside Brazil, are crucial to understand those implications. Keywords: land property; social function of property; land rent; built urban environment. EL PRINCIPIO DE LA FUNCIÓN SOCIAL DE LA PROPRIEDAD EN LA ZONA DE CONFLICTO JURIDICO-POLITICO: UNA CONTRIBUCIÓN AL DEBATE SOBRE LA PROBLEMÁTICA URBANA CONTEMPORÁNEA Resumen: Hay un obstinado rechazo, de buena parte del Poder Judicial brasileño, en aplicar el postulado contenido en el principio constitucional de la función social de la propiedad. La observancia del fondamento de las disensiones en torno a los usos de la propiedad de la tierra viene privilegiando su aspecto civilista, en detrimento de su naturaleza social. Por otro lado, en las metrópolis brasileñas han sido intensas las reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales de lucha por la vivenda, cuya finalidad es el de hacer cumplir dicho principio constitucional, así como de sus prescripciones juridicas, reguladas en el Estatuto de la Ciudad. Una de las claves de interpretación de estas decisiones judiciales es que la función social de la propiedad es una categoría jurídica y política que expresa teórica e idealmente los pilares de la economía política. Teniendo e cueta a este presupuesto, así como al hecho de que la propiedad territorial, en los últimos 30 o 40 años, ha ganado una importancia renovada en la dinámica de la acumulación y de la urbanización brasileña, hay varias implicaciones sobre la reflexión y las reivindicaciones en torno al cumplimiento de aquel mismo principio. Y la historicidad de la formación de la moderna propiedad y de los debates sobre su función social, dentro y fuera de Brasil, son fundamentales en el entendimiento de aquellas implicaciones. Palabras-clave: Propiedad territorial; Función social de la propiedad; Renta del suelo; Espacio urbano construido.

GEOgraphia ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (41) ◽  
pp. 54
Luiz Antônio Evangelista De Andrade

Há uma renitente negativa, de boa parte Judiciário brasileiro, em aplicar o postulado contido no princípio constitucional da função social da propriedade. A observância do mérito das contendas em torno das utilizações da propriedade fundiária vem privilegiando a sua dimensão civilista, em detrimento da sua natureza social. Em face daquela negativa, nas metrópoles brasileiras têm sido intensas as reivindicações dos movimentos sociais de luta pela moradia, cujo fito é o de fazer cumprir tal princípio constitucional, bem como de seus dispositivos, regulamentados no Estatuto da Cidade. Uma das chaves de interpretação dessas decisões do judiciário é que a função social da propriedade é uma categoria jurídica e política que expressa teórica e idealmente os pilares da economia política. Atendo-se a esse pressuposto, assim como ao fato de que a propriedade fundiária, nos últimos 30 ou 40 anos, assumiu uma importância renovada na dinâmica da acumulação e da urbanização brasileira, há diversas implicações sobre a reflexão e as reivindicações em torno do cumprimento daquele mesmo princípio. E a historicidade da formação da moderna propriedade e dos debates sobre sua função social, dentro e fora do Brasil, são cruciais no entendimento daquelas implicações.    THE PRINCIPLE OF SOCIAL FUNCTION OF PROPERTY ON THE LEGAL-POLITICAL RING: A CONTRIBUTION TO DISCUSSIONS ABOUT CONTEMPORARY URBAN PROBLEMS. Abstract: There is an intransigent refusal, from a good part of Brazilian Judiciary, to apply the postulate from the constitutional principle of social function of property. The observance of the merit of strivings about the uses of land properties has been focusing on their civil rights dimension, rather than the social one. On the other hand, in Brazilian major cities, the demands of the Housing Policy social movements, whose the main order is to enforce this constitutional principle, as well as its provisions, regulated in the Statue of the City. One of the keys to interpret those judicial decisions is that the social function of property is a legal and political category which represents theoretically and ideally the pillars of political economy. Based on this premise likewise on the fact that, in the last 30 or 40 years, land properties renewed their importance in the accumulation dynamics and in Brazilian urbanization, there are several implications for reflection about and claims around the implementation of that same principle. And both the historicity of the modern property formation and the debates about its social function, inside and outside Brazil, are crucial to understand those implications. Keywords: land property; social function of property; land rent; built urban environment. EL PRINCIPIO DE LA FUNCIÓN SOCIAL DE LA PROPRIEDAD EN LA ZONA DE CONFLICTO JURIDICO-POLITICO: UNA CONTRIBUCIÓN AL DEBATE SOBRE LA PROBLEMÁTICA URBANA CONTEMPORÁNEA Resumen: Hay un obstinado rechazo, de buena parte del Poder Judicial brasileño, en aplicar el postulado contenido en el principio constitucional de la función social de la propiedad. La observancia del fondamento de las disensiones en torno a los usos de la propiedad de la tierra viene privilegiando su aspecto civilista, en detrimento de su naturaleza social. Por otro lado, en las metrópolis brasileñas han sido intensas las reivindicaciones de los movimientos sociales de lucha por la vivenda, cuya finalidad es el de hacer cumplir dicho principio constitucional, así como de sus prescripciones juridicas, reguladas en el Estatuto de la Ciudad. Una de las claves de interpretación de estas decisiones judiciales es que la función social de la propiedad es una categoría jurídica y política que expresa teórica e idealmente los pilares de la economía política. Teniendo e cueta a este presupuesto, así como al hecho de que la propiedad territorial, en los últimos 30 o 40 años, ha ganado una importancia renovada en la dinámica de la acumulación y de la urbanización brasileña, hay varias implicaciones sobre la reflexión y las reivindicaciones en torno al cumplimiento de aquel mismo principio. Y la historicidad de la formación de la moderna propiedad y de los debates sobre su función social, dentro y fuera de Brasil, son fundamentales en el entendimiento de aquellas implicaciones. Palabras-clave: Propiedad territorial; Función social de la propiedad; Renta del suelo; Espacio urbano construido.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-35
Romano Deluque Júnior ◽  
Cristiane Maluf Rodrigues Correia

À luz de uma reflexão jusfilosófica, a pessoa humana ascende enquanto sujeito de maior relevância para a ciência do Direito, nesse mesmo sentido, se faz relevante citar que o Direito possuiria, em todas as suas instâncias, a seguinte preocupação: de caminhar paralelamente a um verdadeiro senso de justiça, que se volte à solidariedade e ao bem comum. O presente artigo possui como objetivo fazer emergir uma reflexão ética acerca da função social dos contratos, por sua vez aqui percebida tal como um instituto norteador das relações jurídicas contratuais relacionando-a  com a questão da dignidade da pessoa humana enquanto basilar princípio constitucional. A discussão proposta decorrer-se-á de modo a defender a premissa de que a manutenção e a defesa dessa dignidade ocorreriam  dentro de uma perspectiva contratualista, a partir da observância e do respeito pelos limites impostos pela própria função social dos contratos, na figura da probidade contratual, da boa-fé objetiva, e da defesa dos interesses difusos e institucionais. Propõe-se, ainda, discutir a respeito de uma ética contratual contemporânea, que a partir dos conceitos aqui em análise, possuiria o intento de superar o ciclo histórico de individualismo exacerbado, e substituí-lo pelo ideal da coexistencialidade. Nessa nova perspectiva ter-se-á em pauta o instituto da boa-fé objetiva, através da qual a relação negocial passaria a ser vislumbrada a partir de uma ética do comum proveito, que caminharia, não obstante, à harmonia jurídico-contratual em prol da coletividade e dos interesses difusos. Palavras-chave: Função Social do Contrato. Contratos. Direito Civil. AbstractOn the  light of a jus-philosophical reflection, the human being ascends as a subject of greater relevance to the science of Law, in the same sense, it is relevant to mention that Law would have, in all its instances, the following concern: to walk in parallel to a true sense of justice, to return, to solidarity and to the common good. The purpose of this article is to make an ethical reflection about the social function of contracts, in turn perceived here as an institute guiding contractual legal relationships  regarding the issue of the dignity of the human person as a basis for constitutional principle. The proposed discussion will be carried out in such a way as to defend the premise that the maintenance and defense of this dignity would take place, from a contractual perspective, from the observance and respect for the limits imposed by the social function of the contracts themselves, figure of contractual probity, objective good faith, and defense of diffuse and institutional interests. It is also proposed to discuss a contemporary contractual ethic that, based on the concepts analyzed here, would attempt to overcome the historical cycle of exacerbated individualism and replace it with the ideal of coexistentiality. In this new perspective, the institute of objective good faith, through which the negotiating relationship would be perceived from an ethic of common advantage, would nevertheless follow the legal-contractual harmony in collective and diffuse interests. Keywords: Social Function of Contract. Contracts. Civil Law.

2019 ◽  
pp. 90-99
Julio Meza Díaz

El presente artículo trata sobre la función social del museo y sus acciones a favor de los derechos igualitarios de las personas con discapacidad, dentro de lo establecido por la Convención Sobre los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (CDPD). Los museos pueden efectivizar los derechos contenidos en el artículo 30 de la CDPD, es decir, el derecho a la accesibilidad a la cultura y a la posibilidad del desarrollo de una agencia artística.  Palabras clave: museos, discapacidad, derechos humanos, accesibilidad a la cultura, desarrollo de la agencia en el campo de la cultura.   AbstractThis paper deals with the social function of the museum and its actions in favor of the equal rights of persons with disabilities, within the provisions of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CDPD). Museums can make effective the rights contained in article 30 of the CRPD, that is, the right to access to the culture and the right to the possibility to develop an artistic agency. Keywords: museums, disability, human rights, accessibility to culture, development of the agency in the field of culture.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Wida Oktavia Suciyani ◽  
Husna Candranurani Oktavia

ABSTRACTOne of the parks that became a priority in the Cimahi City Park facilities and utilities development program is Kartini Park. Besides an ecological function, Kartini Park has a social function to accommodate the activities of various creative communities in the City of Cimahi. The problem arises that the park does not have a specific theme to support the community, that make Kartini park hasn’t had a special attractiveness for the society or the creative community in the neighborhood.  The purpose of this research is to evaluate the social function of Kartini Park that measured based on the three-dimensional measurement of social integration in public space : structural, interactive and subjective. The study used qualitative and quantitative methods with data collection through field observations, interviews, documentation and distribution of questionnaires to the park user community by using accidental sampling. The results based on structural dimensions in the form of accessibility indicate the location of Kartini park located in a strategic area, the types of activities carried out in the park have adjusted to zoning and have involved community participation in the interactive dimension. The subjective dimension shows the highest level of community satisfaction is the safety indicator and the lowest satisfaction level is the completeness indicator of the facility.Keywords: urban garden, social function, creative communityABSTRAKSalah satu taman yang menjadi prioritas pada program pengembangan fasilitas dan utilitas taman Kota Cimahi adalah taman Kartini. Selain memiliki fungsi ekologis, Taman Kartini memiliki fungsi sosial untuk mewadahi aktivtas dari berbagai komunitaskreatif yang ada di Kota Cimahi. Permasalahan yang timbul menunjukkan bahwa taman tersebut belum memiliki tema yang spesifik untuk mewadahi komunitas, sehingga taman Kartini belum memiliki daya tarik khusus bagi masyarakat maupun komunitas kreatif di lingkungan sekitar. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengevaluasi fungsi sosial taman Kartini Kota Cimahi yang diukur berdasarkan tiga dimensi pengukuran integrasi sosial dalam kajian ruang publik meliputi: struktural, interaktif dan subjektif. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data melalui observasi lapangan, wawancara, dokumentasi dan penyebaran kuesioner pada komunitas pengguna taman dengan menggunakan accidental sampling. Hasil evaluasi berdasarkan dimensi struktural berupa aksesibilitas menunjukkan lokasi taman Kartini berada pada kawasan strategis, jenis aktivitas yang dilakukan di taman telah menyesuaikan dengan zonasi dan telah melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat pada dimensi interaktif. Dimensi subjektif menunjukkan tingkat kepuasan komunita syang tertinggi adalah indikator keamanan dan tingkat kepuasan terendah pada indikator kelengkapan fasilitas.Kata Kunci: Taman Kota, Fungsi Sosial, Komunitas Kreatif

2021 ◽  
pp. 181-195
Juan Pablo Carvallo-Ochoa

Históricamente, la casa se ha constituido como el espacio fundamental que permite la realización de las actividades domésticas, la interrelación familiar y el desarrollo y afianzamiento del yo personal. Diversos autores concuerdan que durante el siglo XX suceden las mayores alteraciones en las estructuras sociales, entornos de ciudades y en la vivienda y sus espacios (Cañar & Torres, 2018); convirtiéndose esta, en el laboratorio de experimentación teórico y de aplicación práctica de los modernos estilos de vida (Añón, 2013). En el Ecuador, las transformaciones sociales, económicas y políticas de inicios de siglo, se dieron paralelamente a las transformaciones tecnológicas y energéticas, las cuales con mayor o menor demora llegaban a Cuenca. La presente investigación plantea estudiar la modernización de la casa burguesa en Cuenca, a partir de la identificación y análisis de las estrategias proyectuales aplicadas, en la casa Peña (1954) y la casa Vázquez (1962), por el Arq. Cesar Burbano Moscoso. Estas viviendas se caracterizaron por la innovación y búsqueda de una nueva manera de habitar, asumiendo los cambios que la ciudad exigió a mediados del siglo XX. En los dos casos se evidencia como la tipología tradicional de casa con patio interior, organizada centralmente y alineada y conectada a la calzada, se invierte y muta en una tipología radicalmente contraria, compuesta por construcciones aisladas y retiradas de la calle, modificando así las relaciones, internas de la casa y con la ciudad. El estudio explora procesos arquitectónicos, enfocando el interés en reconocer criterios y valores que provienen de las obras, así como elementos arquitectónicos y urbanos de un momento particular de la arquitectura cuencana. Palabras clave: Arquitectura moderna, vivienda moderna, transformaciones del espacio doméstico, Cesar Burbano Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador. AbstractHistorically, the house has been constituted as the fundamental space that allows the realization of domestic activities, family interrelationship and the development and strengthening of the personal self. Several authors agree that during the twentieth century the greatest alterations in social structures, city environments and housing and its spaces took place (Cañar & Torres, 2018); becoming the laboratory of theoretical experimentation and practical application of modern lifestyles (Añón, 2013). In Ecuador, the social, economic and political transformations at the beginning of the century were parallel to the technological and energy transformations, which with greater or lesser delay reached Cuenca. This research proposes to study the modernization of the bourgeois house in Cuenca, based on the identification and analysis of the applied project strategies, in the Peña House (1954) and the Vázquez House (1962), by the architect Cesar Burbano Moscoso. These houses have been characterized by innovation and the search for a new way of living, assuming the changes  that the city demanded in the mid-twentieth century. In both cases it is evident how the traditional typology of a house with an interior patio, centrally organized, aligned and connected to the road, is inverted and transformed into a radically opposite typology, composedof isolated structures and withdrawn from the street, thus modifying the internal relations to the house and with the city. The study explored architectural processes, approaching the interest in recognizing criteria and values that come from the works, as well as architectural and urban elements of a particular moment of Cuenca architecture. Keywords: Modern architecture, modern housing, transformations of domestic space, Cesar Burbano Moscoso, Cuenca-Ecuador

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 455
Joko Dwi Widiyanto ◽  
Akhmad Khisni

The purpose and this research is for the existence of function and benefit of waqf as well as factors influencing the existence of function and manfat of waqf, solution and solution about function and benefit of waqf in society after notarial deed and social function become function in town of SemarangThis research is empirical law research, that is research based on the implementation of optimization of social wakaf utilization value into a frugal function in Semarang City The existence of shifting funngsi and wakaf benefits in Semarang City in the formulation of the transfer function by granting the previous waqf. Factors that affect the function and benefits are by way of selling and the results used to purchase new and broad wakaf data obtained are analyzed quantitatively.Optimizing the benefits of the utilization of waqf from social function into a frugal function in the city of Semarang by the researchers, then at the end of the series of research activities of this Thesis, will be concluded about the practice of transferring wakaf by nazhir Pedurungan Sub-district of Semarang that has been found, the existence of shifting funngsi And Benefits of waqf in Semarang City in the way of testing by granting the previous waqf, factors influencing the existence of the functions and benefits by way of selling and the results used to buy a new waqf, the implementation of the transfer function is done by granting the previous waqf After being dismantled As a waqf object that pole mosque, roof and windows, and the floors derived from the wakaf of the mosque maker's waqf objects is no longer functioned as a waqf object of the mosque that comes from ulin wood, all the wakaf objects that dibabak is granted to Other mosques y Ang need.The reason for the constraints on the function and benefits of wakaf in the community after the notarial deed of the social function became the basic economic function of the practice of transferring wakaf function by nazhir in Kecamatan Pedurungan Semarang City is as follows: Because the mosque can not accommodate the number of jama "ah that happened happened At The first case In the case of the second and the third case Accompanied by the highway Solutions falling out of the consequences of wakaf pengakfungsian practices by nazhir in Pedurungan Subdistrict Semarang City is the community can take advantage of the implementation of the transfer of wakaf function by nazhir in Pedurungan Subdistrict Semarang City, occurred in all cases Has been investigated in the field A practice of transferring the function of waqf by nazhir in Kecamatan Pedurungan there is pro and there is a cons, and the law is not the practice of wakaf pengakfungsian by nazhir in Kecamatan Pedurungan not procedural, As for the solution about Function and benefit of waqf in society after made notary deed from social function become basic security function of practice of transferring wakaf by nazhir in Kecamatan Pedurungan Semarang CityKeywords: Utilization of Endowment and Social Function

Adelaida Larraín ◽  
Noemí Ávila ◽  
Fátima Cortés

Resumen: Criar en colores, nuevas experiencias es un proyecto de arte y salud llevado a cabo en el distrito Villa de Vallecas, Madrid. La intervención, perteneciente al Programa de salud sexual y reproductiva, se encuadra en los programas de promoción y prevención de la salud de los Centros Municipales de Salud Comunitaria del Ayuntamiento de Madrid, en conjunto con el Centro de Servicios Sociales de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se trata de un programa desarrollado semanalmente entre los meses de enero a abril de 2018, en el Centro de Servicios Sociales de Fuentidueña de Villa de Vallecas. La intervención fue llevada a cabo por una profesional del arte y la salud, profesionales de la medicina de Madrid Salud, y los educadores sociales de familia del centro de servicios sociales . El taller se desarrolló con un grupo de mujeres, madres jóvenes de población gitana, beneficiarias de la prestación de renta mínima de inserción, RMI. El grupo denominado Aprendiendo a ser madres, se había formado hace dos años en el centro. Uno de los principales objetivos planteados fue continuar en la línea de formación de este grupo, y para ello se presentó un programa de arte (acuarela y técnicas al agua), a través del cual las mujeres desarrollarían con un lenguaje plástico y artístico, experiencias de bienestar, disfrute, encuentro con sus hijos/as y descubrimiento de nuevos espacios de salud.  Palabras clave: acuarela, bienestar, empoderamiento, gitanas, madres, mujeres  Abstract: Raising in colors, new experiences is an art and health project carried out in the Villa de Vallecas district, Madrid. The intervention is part of the Sexual and Reproductive Health Program and constitutes one of the health promotion and prevention programs implemented by Municipal Health Centers of the City of Madrid in conjunction with Madrid’s Community Social Services Center. The intervention was developed on a weekly basis between January and April 2018 in the Social Services Center of Fuentidueña, Villa de Vallecas, and was carried out by an artist and educator, medical professionals from Madrid Salud and social family educators from the social services center. The workshop was oriented to a group of young gypsy mothers, called Learning to be Mothers, who are beneficiaries of the minimum insertion income (RMI). The group was formed two years ago at the center. One of the main objectives was to continue the capacitation of this group. With this purpose, an art program (Watercolor and water techniques) was presented, and through it women would develop, with plastic and artistic languages, experiences of well-being, enjoyment, connecting with their children and discovering new health spaces.  Keywords: watercolor, wellness, empowerment, gypsy, mothers, women   DOI:   

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 48
Diego Yenmis

As one of developing city, one of urban problems are now facing by its people is the high number people suffered from HIV/AIDS. KPA as governmental institution under the ministry of health is assigned to socialize the planning and program concerns to HIV/AIDS. This study used the qualitative method by interviewing and observing with members of KPA and its counselor  in the city of Padang. KPA makes the social planning by utilizing VCT test, counselor and hospitals that supplies medicines. Kpa also sets priority program for high risk communities to HIV/AIDS by focussing on preventing  and socializing HIV/AIDS. The media used to socialize done by making  more interpersonal approach as sensitive issue will be more easily explained in a face to face w.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 392-425
Heliney Nunes Resende Junior ◽  
Suzana Gilioli da Costa Nunes ◽  
Alain Santoyo

O objetivo dessa pesquisa e mensurar a influência das mídias sociais no processo de planejamento de viagens em relação a população da cidade de Palmas, capital do estado do Tocantins. A metodologia utilizada nessa pesquisa foi uma avaliação quantitativa a partir da aplicação de questionário. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta de 500 respondentes. A análise dos resultados mostrou que as mídias sociais já têm grande influência no processo de planejamento de viagens e que tem um espaço para um crescimento ainda maior, pois as mídias sociais estão em constante evolução de acordo com as necessidades as pessoas. A pesquisa também apontou que as pessoas confiam nas informações obtidas através das mídias e estão deixando de acreditar cada vez mais nos meios de comunicação convencionais.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Mídias sociais; Meios de comunicação; Planejamento de viagens     ABSTRACT The objective of this research is to measure the influence of social media in the process of travel planning in relation to the population of the city of Palmas, capital of the state of Tocantins. The methodology used in this research was a quantitative evaluation based on the questionnaire application. The research sample consisted of 500 respondents. The analysis of the results showed that social media already have great influence in the process of planning of trips and that has a space for an even greater growth, since the social medias are in constant evolution according to the needs the people. The survey also pointed out that people rely on information gained through the media and are increasingly reluctant to believe in conventional media.   KEYWORDS: Social media; Media; Travel planning     RESUMEN El objetivo de esta investigación y medir la influencia de los medios sociales en el proceso de planificación de viajes en relación a la población de la ciudad de Palmas, capital del estado de Tocantins. La metodología utilizada en esta investigación fue una evaluación cuantitativa a partir de la aplicación del cuestionario. La muestra de la encuesta fue compuesta de 500 respondedores. El análisis de los resultados mostró que los medios sociales ya tienen gran influencia en el proceso de planificación de viajes y que tienen un espacio para un crecimiento aún mayor, pues los medios sociales están en constante evolución de acuerdo a las necesidades de las personas. La investigación también apuntó que la gente confía en las informaciones obtenidas a través de los medios y están dejando de creer cada vez más en los medios de comunicación convencionales.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Medios sociales; Medios de comunicación; Planificación de viajes

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