GEOgraphia ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (51) ◽  
Rafael Roxo

O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a relação entre a reestruturação urbano-industrial e os conflitos na conservação do patrimônio industrial de Campinas. A análise privilegia o final dos anos 1970 até 2014, anos de intensificação dos processos destacados. Nossa pesquisa teve como procedimentos metodológicos: revisão bibliográfica, trabalhos de campo, entrevistas, pesquisa documental, produção cartográfica. O estudo mostra que, em Campinas, o elevado número de tombamentos associados à dimensão cotidiana do trabalho indica uma tendência política de preservação da memória trabalhadora, ferroviária e industrial. Entretanto, muitos dos tombamentos contribuíram contraditoriamente para a deterioração de exemplares do patrimônio industrial da cidade. Nesse sentido, os projetos e as ações impelidas pelos agentes produtores do espaço urbano de Campinas – o poder público municipal, os empresários, os moradores (antigos e novos), as instituições e os grupos políticos de defesa do patrimônio – evidenciam os conflitos pelos usos, funções e apropriação material e simbólica da cidade.  Palavras-chave: reestruturação urbano-industrial; patrimônio cultural; produção do espaço urbano. PRESERVE FOR WHOM? THE CONTRADICTIONS IN THE PRESERVATION OF THE URBAN-INDUSTRIAL HERITAGE IN CAMPINAS (SP) Abstract: The purpose of this article is to analyze the relationship between urban-industrial restructuring and conflicts in the conservation of the industrial heritage of Campinas. The analysis privileges the late 1970s to 2014, years in which the highlighted processes were intensified. As methodological procedures, our research had: bibliographic review, fieldwork, interviews, documentary research, cartographic production. The study shows that, in Campinas, the high number of legally protected buildings associated with the daily dimension of work indicates a political tendency to preserve working, railway and industrial memory. However, many rules contradictorily contributed to the deterioration of specimens of the city's industrial heritage. In this sense, the projects and actions driven by the producing agents of the urban space of Campinas – the municipal public power, the businessmen, the residents (old and new), the institutions and the political groups for the defense of the heritage – evidence the conflicts over the uses, functions and the material and symbolic appropriation of the city. Keywords: urban-industrial restructuring; cultural heritage; urban space production. ¿CONSERVAR PARA QUIÉN? LAS CONTRADICCIONES EN LA PRESERVACIÓN DEL PATRIMONIO URBANO-INDUSTRIAL EN CAMPINAS (SP) Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es analizar la relación entre la reestructuración urbano-industrial y los conflictos en la conservación del patrimonio industrial de Campinas. El análisis privilegia los últimos años de la década de 1970 hasta 2014, años de intensificación de los procesos destacados. Nuestra investigación tuvo como procedimientos metodológicos: revisión bibliográfica, trabajo de campo, entrevistas, investigación documental, producción cartográfica. El estudio muestra que, en Campinas, el elevado número de edificios legalmente protegidos asociados a la dimensión cotidiana del trabajo indica una tendencia política a preservar la memoria laboral, ferroviaria e industrial. Sin embargo, muchas de las normas han contribuido de forma contradictoria al deterioro de ejemplares del patrimonio industrial de la ciudad. En este sentido, los proyectos y acciones impulsados ​​por los agentes productores del espacio urbano de Campinas – el poder público municipal, los empresarios, los vecinos (viejos y nuevos), las instituciones y los grupos políticos de defensa del patrimonio – evidencian los conflictos por los usos, funciones y apropiación material y simbólica de la ciudad. Palabras clave: reestructuración urbano-industrial; patrimonio cultural; producción de espacio urbano.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (01) ◽  
pp. 125-139
Gilson Bento Correia ◽  
Carlos Tavares

O artigo aborda uma discussão sobre a produção do espaço, ordenamento do território e criminalidade na cidade da Praia com base nas análises tendo como referência os conceitos do espaço e território. O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar a forma como o espaço da cidade da Praia é produzido, ordenado e como isso pode influenciar na prática dos crimes. Os resultados obtidos mostram que diferentes atores produzem ações no espaço urbano da cidade de acordo com as relações do poder, e a maioria dessas ações realizadas no espaço da cidade da Praia não estabelece uma norma no ordenamento do território, principalmente nas áreas urbanas informais/espontâneas, tornando um fator preponderante na prática de alguns crimes. Palavras-chave: Produção do Espaço; Ordenamento do Território; Criminalidade; Cidade da Praia.   SPACE PRODUCTION, SPATIAL PLANNING AND CRIMINALITY: the case of Praia city, Cape Verde Abstract The article discusses a discussion of the production of space, regional planning and crime in Praia city based on the analysis by reference to the concepts of space and territory. The study aims to examine how the Praia City space is produced, ordered and how it can influence the practice of crimes. The results show that different actors produce actions in the urban space of the city according to the power of relationships, and most of these actions taken on Praia city space does not establish a standard in spatial planning, especially in informal / spontaneous urban areas making a major factor in the commission of certain crimes. Keywords: Space Production; Spatial Planning; Criminality; Praia City.   PRODUCCIÓN DEL ESPACIO, ORDENAMIENTO DEL TERRITORIO Y CRIMINALIDAD: EL CASO DE CIUDAD DE PRAIA - CABO VERDE Resumen  El artículo aborda la discusión sobre la producción de espacio, ordenamiento del territorio y criminalidad en la ciudad de Praia con base en los análisis teniendo como referencia los conceptos de espacio y territorio. El trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la forma como el espacio de la ciudad de Praia es producido, ordenado y como eso puede influenciar en la práctica de los crímenes. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que diferentes actores producen acciones en el espacio urbano de la ciudad de acuerdo con las relaciones de poder, y la mayoría de esas acciones realizadas en el espacio de la ciudad de Praia no establecen una norma en el ordenamiento del territorio, principalmente en las áreas urbanas informales/espontaneas, convirtiéndose en un factor preponderante en la práctica de algunos crímenes. Palabras-clave: Producción del Espacio; Ordenamiento del Territorio; Criminalidad; Ciudad de Praia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (6) ◽  
pp. 442-474
Otacílio Amaral Filho

A ideia de uma cidade midiática vem sendo discutida por vários pesquisadores e estudiosos em uma perspectiva tanto conceitual quanto aplicada, tomando a cidade pelas vias da midiatização, tendo no espaço urbano, por uma amplitude global, um modo de representação da política. O objetivo desse artigo, é discutir o conceito da cidade midiática a partir da ruptura da relação territorialidade e identidade pelos processos de comunicação na contemporaneidade, cuja essência, está na discussão política na sua feição mais avançada, quando oferece à sociedade um espaço público midiatizado e conectado onde se desenrola uma cena social típica deste ambiente em que as mediações respondem objetivamente aos processos de sociação, cidadania e política.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Cidade; Mídia; Política     ABSTRACT The idea of ​​a media city has been discussed by several  researchers and scholars from both a conceptual and an applied perspective, taking the city through mediatization, having in urban space, by a global amplitude, a way of representing politics. The purpose of this article is to discuss the concept of the media city from the rupture of the relationship territoriality and identity by the contemporary communication processes, whose essence is in the political discussion in its most advanced feature, when it offers society a public space mediated and connected where a social scene typical of this environment takes place where mediations respond objectively to the processes of socialization, citizenship and politics.   KEYWORDS:  City; Media; Policy     RESUMEN La idea de una ciudad mediática viene siendo discutida por varios investigadores y estudiosos desde una perspectiva tanto conceptual como aplicada, tomando la ciudad por las vías de la mediatización, teniendo en el espacio urbano, por una amplitud global, un modo de representación de la política. El objetivo de este artículo es discutir el concepto de la ciudad mediática a partir de la ruptura de la relación territorialidad e identidad por los procesos de comunicación en la contemporaneidad, cuya esencia, está en la discusión política en su aspecto más avanzado, cuando ofrece a la sociedad un espacio público y en el que se desarrolla una escena social típica de este ambiente en el que las mediaciones responden objetivamente a los procesos de sociedad, ciudadanía y política.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Ciudad; Medios de comunicación; Política.

Xihmai ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (13) ◽  
Verenice Cipatli Ramí­rez Calva

Resumen Durante los siglos XVI y XVII la población de la jurisdicción de Ixmiquilpan tení­a dos actividades económicas importantes: la crí­a de ganado menor y el cultivo. Este panorama se transforma radicalmente hacia finales del siglo XVIII; para entonces eran contados los pueblos que se dedicaban a la agricultura, en cambio, abundaban los asentamientos cuya principal actividad era la arrierí­a. En las zonas cercanas a las minas los oficios principales eran los de jornalero, minero o arriero de metales; mientras que en los lugares donde no habí­a cultivos ni posibilidades de vender la fuerza de trabajo en labores agrí­colas o mineras, una opción viable era el tallado y tejido de la lechuguilla. El estudio del padrón 1791 nos permite adentrarnos en estos aspectos e, incluso, conocer la composición étnica, el parentesco entre los miembros y edades de los grupos domésticos. Palabras clave: Ixmiquilpan, padrones, siglo XVIII, economí­a.   Abstract During the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, the population of the jurisdiction of Ixmiquilpan had two major economic activities: sheep breeding and farming. This view changed radically in the late eighteenth century, by which time there were few people engaged in farming, however, there were many settlements whose main activity was the mule driving. In areas near the mines were the main occupations of laborers, miners, or carriers of metals, while in places where there was no chance of selling crops or the labor force in agriculture or mining, an option was the carving and lettuce tissue.   The study of the 1791 census allows us to get into these issues and even know the ethnic composition, the relationship between members and ages of family groups. Keywords: Ixmiquilpan, census, century  XVIII, economy.

Yolanda Martínez Domingo ◽  
Josefina González Cubero

Resumen: El "hameau" vertical de Le Corbusier es un prototipo de alojamiento colectivo, desarrollado como alternativa plástica a la "Unité d'habitation de grandeur conforme", quizás su obra más sintética. La torre residencial se concreta a partir de las teorías urbanas de la regla de las 7V, a través de la impronta de una de las formas elementales: el volumen cilíndrico, manteniendo prácticamente inalteradas capacidad, forma y dimensiones en cualquiera de los entornos urbanos donde se inserta, los proyectos no construidos de su última etapa para Europa. Lejos de ser un modelo genuino es deudor de otras construcciones previas, los albergues para las colonias infantiles italianas, promovidas por la fábrica FIAT en los años 30, y algunos experimentos residenciales del arquitecto francés Auguste Bossu, erigidos también por esos años en la ciudad de Saint-Étienne. El artículo traza las relaciones entre estas construcciones y las aldeas cilíndricas para solteros, analizando las particularidades de su estructura formal y la dinámica de su organización interna, para comprobar cómo son adoptadas por Le Corbusier en la constitución de la identidad de un nuevo tipo de vivienda colectiva que permanece todavía a la sombra de sus proyectos más reconocidos. Abstract: The vertical "hameau" of Le Corbusier is a prototype of collective housing, developed as a plastic alternative to “Unité d’habitation de grandeur conforme", perhaps his most synthetic work. The residential tower is generated from urban doctrine of 7V theory through the shape of one of the elementary forms: the cylindrical volume. The towers keep capacity, shape and dimensions unchanged in any urban environments where they are inserted: the unbuilt urban projects in his last stage in Europe. Far from being a genuine type, is based in other previous constructions; the children's summer camps sponsored by the Fiat factory in the 30s, and some residential experiments by French architect Auguste Bossu erected by those years in the city of Saint-Etienne. The article describes the relationship between these structures and the cylindrical villages for singles and analyzes the peculiarities of their formal structure and the dynamic of their internal organization in order to check how those constructions were adapted by Le Corbusier for the constitution of a new collective type dwelling which still remains in the shadow of his most famous projects.  Palabras clave: Le Corbusier; hameaux verticaux; comuna cilíndrica; torre residencial. Keywords: Le Corbusier; hameaux verticaux; cylindrical commune; residential tower. DOI:

Ilaria Geddes ◽  
Nadia Charalambous

This project was developed as an attempt to assess the relationship between different morphogenetic processes, in particular, those of fringe belt formation as described by M.R.G. Conzen (1960) and Whitehand (2001), and of centrality and compactness as described by Hillier (1999; 2002). Different approaches’ focus on different elements of the city has made it difficult to establish exactly how these processes interact or whether they are simply different facets of development reflecting wider socio-economic factors. To address this issue, a visual, chronological timeline of Limassol’s development was constructed along with a narrative of the socio-economic context of its development.  The complexity of cities, however, makes static visualisations across time difficult to read and assess alongside textual narratives. We therefore took the step of developing an animation of land use and configurational analyses of Limassol, in order bring to life the diachronic analysis of the city and shed light on its generative mechanisms. The video presented here shows that the relationship between the processes mentioned above is much stronger and more complex than previously thought. The related paper explores in more detail the links between fringe belt formation as a cyclical process of peripheral development and centrality as a recurring process of minimisation of gains in distance. The project’s outcomes clearly show that composite methods of visualisations are an analytical opportunity still little exploited within urban morphology. References Conzen, M.R.G., 1960. Alnwick, Northumberland: A Study in Town-Plan Analysis, London: Institute of British Geographers. Hillier, B., 2002. A Theory of the City as Object: or how spatial laws mediate the social construction of urban space. Urban Des Int, 7(3–4), pp.153–179. Hillier, B., 1999. Centrality as a process: accounting for attraction inequalities in deformed grids. Urban Des Int, 4(3–4), pp.107–127. Whitehand, J.W.R., 2001. British urban morphology: the Conzenian tradition. Urban Morphology, 5(2), pp.103–109.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (3) ◽  
Ana Carla de Lira Bottura

This article introduces partial discussions from a doctoral research in progress that has as object of study the tendency to paci cation and concealment of con icts veri ed in the production process of contemporary urban space - particularly in the most recent Brazil- ian cities - as well as its strategies and mechanisms of control. As a eld of study, it is proposed the city of Palmas, capital of Tocantins, last planned capital of the twentieth century, founded on May 20, 1989, a year that symbolizes the opening of the Western world to the neoliberal economic policy. Based on the observation of the absence of signi cant movements of resistance to the urban space production process at Palmas and interpreting it as a re ection of pacifying tendency of consensus and appeasement / masking of con icts as a feature of neoliberal city, we propose the hypothesis of physical and territorial con guration of the city as a laboratory of the neoliberal model of urban management, in which socio-spa- tial dynamics gradually developed in other contemporary cities through processes historically constructed, get explicit and take place, immediately or in a very short time. Through a historical ap- proach to the context of its creation and occupation, we propose an urban space production reading based on the recognition of char- acteristics relating to its conditions of New Town and neoliberal city as well as the incipient action of the social movements dedicated to the struggles for housing as social agents in this process. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (13) ◽  
pp. 5487 ◽  
Simona Totaforti

The research presented in this article adopts an urban sociology perspective to explore the relationship between spaces designed with biophilic principles and people’s pro-environmental values and behaviors. The research hypothesized that biophilic design and planning promote connectedness with nature and are positively related to pro-environmental and more sustainable values and behaviors. The contemporary city asserts the need for new paradigms and conceptual frameworks for reconfiguring the relationship between the urban environment and the natural environment. In order to understand whether biophilic design, planning, and policies can meet the global challenges regarding the future existence on earth of humans, focus groups were conducted to investigate how people’s relationship with the built-up space and the natural landscape is perceived, and to what extent the inclusion of nature and its patterns at various levels of urban planning meets people’s expectations. The results suggest that biophilic design and planning can be considered a useful paradigm to deal with the challenges that are posed by the city of the future, also in terms of sustainability, by reinterpreting and enhancing the human–nature relation in the urban context.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (24) ◽  
pp. 1-16

 Este artigo investiga, por meio da análise do corpo discursivo dos periódicos Gazeta de Minas e Divinopolis, alguns aspectos acerca do modelo clubá­stico de associação do futebol na cidade de Oliveira, MG, entre os anos de 1916 e 1920, perá­odo que corresponde á s primeiras experiências com o fenômeno futebolá­stico no meio local. Investiga-se, também, de que maneira a difusão espacial do futebol por diversas outras localidades do Oeste mineiro contribuiu para que o esporte bretão se configurasse como veá­culo capaz de favorecer a sociabilidade e a abertura de vias de aproximação polá­tica entre os grupos hegemônicos da cidade de Oliveira e de suas adjacências.Palavras-chave: Prática do Futebol.   História do Futebol. Clubismo.ASPECTS OF CLUB ASSOCIATION IN THE INTRODUCTION OF FOOT-BALL IN OLIVEIRA ”“ MG (1916-1920)Abstract: This article investigates through the discursive body of the periodicals Gazeta de Minas and Divinopolis some features about the club association model of football in the city of Oliveira ”“ MG, concerning the years of 1916 to 1920, a moment that corresponds to the first experiences with the phenomenon of football in the local setting. It is also investigated how the spatial diffusion of football in several other locations in western Minas Gerais contributed to the development of the British sport as a vehicle capable of favoring sociability and opening up political approaches amongst the hegemonic groups of Oliveira and its surroundings.Keywords: Soccer Practice. History of Football. Club Association.  ASPECTOS DEL CLUBISMO EN LA INTRODUCCIÓN DEL FOOT-BALL EN OLIVEIRA ”“ MG (1916-1920)Resumen: Este artá­culo investiga, a través del análisis del cuerpo discursivo de los periódicos Gazeta de Minas y Divinopolis, algunos aspectos acerca del modelo clubá­stico de asociación del fútbol en la ciudad de Oliveira ”“ MG, entre los años de 1916 y 1920, perá­odo que corresponde a las primeras experiencias con el fenómeno futbolá­stico en el medio local. Se investiga, también, de qué manera la difusión espacial del fútbol por diversas otras localidades del "Oeste Mineiro" contribuyó para que el deporte bretón se configurara como vehá­culo capaz de favorecer la sociabilidad y la apertura de vá­as de aproximación polá­tica entre los grupos hegemónicos de la ciudad de Oliveira y de sus adyacencias.  Palabras clave: Práctica del Fútbol. Historia del Fútbol. Clubismo.

Marko Sedlak ◽  
Dejan Šabić ◽  
Snežana Vujadinović

The paper analyzed the impact of tourism development on changes in the employed population in the service sectors by individual activities. The aim of this paper is to point out the relationship between changes in the number of tourists and changes in the number of employed population in service activities. The area of research is limited to the territory of the city of Belgrade. It cover an area of 3.223km2 . The basic methodological procedures used for research are mathematical - statistical methods: Pearson's correlation coefficient (r), testing the significance of the correlation coefficient (t test) and causal relationship (R). By applying the mentioned methods, a strong connection has been established between the growth of tourist traffic and the growth of the number of employed population in the service delivery activities on the territory of Belgrade.

Z. B Abylkhozhin ◽  
I. Krupko ◽  

This article explores some visual narratives of the architectural landscape of Alma-Ata city (modern Almaty). Historical narratives produced or studied by historians in the text are no less vividly and distinctly manifested in the visual sphere. In many ways, this can be attributed to the design of urban space and its architecture. Architecture not only directly depends on the socio-political, ideological, and symbolic regime, but often creates it. Being a product of the era, a zone of perception and reflection of its impulses, the architectural landscape of the city creates a socio-cultural space, which in turn forms the mental background for the inhabitants of this city. Knowledge about cities is a special subject field for comparative urban studies, including a culturalanthropological and ethnographic basis. The article attempts to describe the two main architectural narratives of the city of Almaty (Stalinist Empire style and Soviet modernism) and their projections in the space of historical memory, as well as the relationship of these narratives with the corresponding ideologies (imperial geopolitical ambitions of the USSR in the post-war period and the ideology of modernism of the 60-80s biennium). The problem of updating the cultural heritage of Soviet architecture in the historical memory of the Kazakh society is also posed.

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