2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
I Dewa Putu Subamia ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Sri Wahyuni ◽  
Ni Nyoman Widiasih

This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the video to increase knowledge of occupational health and safety using chemical materials. The kind of this study was the experimental study, the research design which was used was Pre-Experimental Design with the design model One-Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Sampling was done by simple random sampling technique through google form, 31 people were randomly selected from all students who filled out the pre-test and post-test forms as the research sample. The data collection methods used were tests and questionnaires. Data were analyzed using Paired Sample t Test, and test the percentage of effectiveness. The results showed that the pretest mean score was 69.86 and the posttest mean score was 81.50, an increase of 11.64. The significance value (2-tailed) = 0.000 (p<0.05), indicating that the pretest and posttest results have increased significantly. The result of the percentage test effectiveness = 81.50% categorized as effective. In conclusion, the provision of video guidance on using chemicals was effective to increase knowledge of occupational health and safety using chemicals for students of the Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Ganesha University of Education.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 397
Iswatun Hasanah ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

AbstrakPenelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kurangnya kesadaran mahasiswa tentang  pentingnya penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dari segi diri sendiri dalam penerapan ergonomi kerja dan pemakaian alat pelindung diri saat melaksanakan pratik di workshop tata busana Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang.  Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja di workshop tata busana terhadap diri sendiri. Metodologi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah mahasiswa Pendidikan Kesejahteraan Keluarga Tata Busana Fakultas Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Universitas Negeri Padang dari tahun 2016-2018 yang terdaftar periode Juli-Desember 2019 sebanyak 222 orang mahasiswa dan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan proportionate statified random sampling  berjumlah 69 orang mahasiswa. Teknik analisis data menggunakan SPSS 16. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa  persepsi mahasiswa terhadap penerapan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja tehadap diri sendiri berada pada kategori cukup baik yaitu 74,94%. Hal ini menunjukkan mahasiswa berpersepsi bahwa mahasiswa dalam menerapkan kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja terhadap diri sendiri di workshop tata busana sudah cukup baik.  Kata Kunci: persepsi, kesehatan, keselamatan kerja.AbstractThis research is motivated by the lack of student awareness about the importance of the application of occupational health and safety in terms of themselves to the application of work ergonomics and the use of personal protective equipment when carrying out practices in the fashion workshop workshop of the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality, Padang State University. The purpose of this study is to describe students' perceptions of the application of occupational health and safety in self-dress fashion workshops. The methodology used in this study is quantitative descriptive. The study population was students of the Family Welfare Clothing Management School of Tourism and Hospitality of Padang State University from 2016-2018 who registered the period July-December 2019 as many as 222 students and the sampling technique using proportionate statified random sampling was 69 students. The data analysis technique used SPSS 16. The results showed that students' perceptions of the application of occupational health and safety to themselves were in the quite good category, 74.94%. This shows that students perceive that students in applying health and safety to themselves in fashion workshops are good enough.Keywords: perception, occupational, health safety. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 758-764
Herlinawati Herlinawati ◽  
Hayyatun Nubus

Berdasarkan hasil dari data kinerja karyawan PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon pada bulan Juni tahun 2015 menunjukkan output kerja atau pencapaian kerja masih kurang dari target yang diharapkan maka hasil produksi perhari belum menunjukkan kinerja yang baik yang dimungkinkan dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal organisasi, yaitu program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dimana pelaksanaan program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang masih kurang baik sehingga kinerja karyawannya pun kurang baik. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan pelaksanaan program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dengan kinerja karyawan bagian tambang di PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon Tahun 2015. Rancangan dalam penelitian ini adalah Cross Sectional. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan bagian tambang di PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon Tahun 2015 sebanyak 112 karyawan. Jumlah sampel sebanyak 52 karyawan yang diambil secara Simple Random Sampling. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan cara angket. Data dianalisis secara statistik menggunakan Uji Chi-Square pada taraf kepercayaan 5% (0,05). Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan uji Chi-Square diperoleh nilai P value = 0,020 pada taraf kepercayaan 5% karena nilai P value = 0,020 lebih kecil dari 0,05 (0,020 ≤ 0,05). Sehingga Ha diterima yang menyatakan ada hubungan antara pelaksanaan program kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja dengan kinerja karyawan bagian tambang PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon Tahun 2015.Kata Kunci          : Kesehatan Keselamatan Kerja, Kinerja Karyawan   ABSTRACTBased on the results of the performance data of employees of PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon in June 2015 shows the output of work or achievement of work is still less than the expected target, the production  day has not shown good performance enabled influenced by factors internal to the organization, a program of health and safety where implementation of the program occupational health and safety are still not good so the performance was less good employees. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the program with the occupational health and safety performance in the mining section of employees of PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon 2015. The design of this study was cross sectional. The study population is all employees of the mine in PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon in 2015 as many as 112 employees. The total sample of 52 employees who were taken by simple random sampling. Methods of data collection using the questionnaire method. Date were statistically analyzed using Chi-Square test at the level of 5% (0.05). Results of statistical test by using Chi-Square test values obtained P value = 0.020 confidence level of 5% since the value P value = 0.020 less than 0.05 (0.05 ≤ 0.020). So Ha is received stating there is a relationship between the implementation of occupational health and safety program with employee performance of the mining PT. Arteria Daya Mulia (ARIDA) Cirebon 2015.Keywords: Health Safety at Work, Employee Performance

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Salfiani Salfiani ◽  
La Ode Nggawu ◽  
Sitti Agustina

This research was conducted to find out whether there was a significant effect of the Mnemonic method in teaching vocabulary mastery at the Seventh-grade students’ of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah. The design of the research was a pre-experimental design ( one group pre-test post-test design). The population of this research was the seventh-grade (VII) of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah which consists of three classes, while the sample in this research was class VII3 that consisted of 25 students and used a simple random sampling technique. The instrument in this study was multiple choices, matching tests and public buildings, food, people around us to the topic. This study was conducted three sections namely pre-test, treatment, and post-test. The researcher used a paired sample T-test through SPSS 16.0 version to analyze the result of this research. The result showed that the mean score of students’ vocabulary mastery in the post-test was higher than students’ vocabulary in the pre-test ( 53.6 > 45.28 ). The hypothesis testing found that the value of sig ( 2 Tailed ) was 0.00 while the significant alpha value was 0.05. It can be concluded that the value of Sig ( 2 Tailed) was lower than the significance of α value (0.000< 0.05). in other words, (H1) was accepted. It showed that there was a significant effect of using the Mnemonic Method on teaching vocabulary mastery at the seventh-grade students of SMPN 22 Buton Tengah.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Wa Sani ◽  
Rohmana Rohmana ◽  
Muhammad Khusnun Muhsin

The objective of the study was to find out whether or not the silent way method can significantly affect students’ speaking competence. The design of this study was a pre-experimental research design (one group pre-test post-test design). The researcher applied a simple random sampling technique. The class 10 IPA1 was taken as the sample of the study with 18 students. The instrument of this study was an oral test in pre-test and post-test. This research was conducted through the following procedures: giving a pre-test, applying treatments and giving a post-test. The data were analyzed by using paired sample t-test. Through the SPSS16.0 version. The result showed that the mean score on students’ speaking competence in a pre-test was 32.22 and in the post-test was 49.44. Hypothesis testing found that the value of sig (2 tailed) was 0.00 while the significant alpha value was 0.0. It could be concluded that the value of sig (2 tailed) was lower than the significant alpha value was (0.00<0.05). Therefore, H1 was accepted and H0 was rejected. So, the use of the silent way method had a significant on the students’ speaking competence at the tenth grade of SMAN 1 Kontu kowuna.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Meilinda Fitriani Ariko

This research aims to find impact of work discipline, competence, occupational health and safety to employees performance on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang. Design used in this research is associative. Variables used are four variables, those are independent variables which Work Discipline (X1), Competence (X2), and Occupational Health and Safety (X3), and also dependent variables is Employees Performance (Y). Population in this research as much 135 persons. Sampling technique useed probability sampling, sampling method used cluster sampling. Sample used as much as 101 persons. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regression.According to the research result, find: (1) Work discipline, competence, occupational health and safety simultaneously have positive and significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang, (2) Work discipline and competence partially have positive and significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang, and (3) Occupational health and safety have no significant effects to employees performance on on Sucofindo, Co. Ltd Branch Palembang.

2021 ◽  
Olasunkanmi Olusogo Olagunju ◽  
Ejekwu Pascal Andy

Abstract The vital purpose of this research work is to examine the impacts of occupational health and safety management on employee's performance. It aims to investigate the nexus between the practice of OHS, safe working environment and performance of employees. The research work adopt a descriptive approach to scrutinize the contributions of provision of adequate health and safety equipment to performance of employees at Ardova Plc. Aside collecting primary data from the staffs of Ardova Plc in Lagos State cutting across diverse socio-economic class, simple random sampling was utilised in the study using 90 questionnaires to collect the primary data. However, descriptive data was therefore analyzed using Statistical Tool to show the Cross-tabulation, correlation and Chi-Square Test. The research study concludes that practice of occupational health and safety management can boost employee performance, and further suggest some policy recommendations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 126-135
Erdani Murdani Nur

Zakat is one of the pillars of Islam that every capable Muslim must do. One of the institutions that manage zakat funds is the National Zakat Agency (BAZNAS). This study aims to partially and simultaneously examine the effect of promotion and service quality on people's interest in paying zakat through BAZNAS, Indragiri Hilir Regency. This type of research is field research. The data used in this study were primary and secondary. 87 Respondents in this study were Muzakki in BAZNAS Indragiri Hilir Regency. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. The data collection methods were questionnaires, interviews, and documentation. The data analysis technique partially used the t-test and simultaneously used the Anova test. The results showed that either partially or simultaneously, promotion and service quality had a significant influence on people's interest in paying zakat in BAZNAS, Indragiri Hilir Regency.

Kappa Journal ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 102-108
Fartina Fartina ◽  
Khaerus Syahidi ◽  
Laxmi Zahara ◽  
Zaotul Wardi ◽  

This study aims to determine the differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comic media. This type of research is experimental research. The population in this study is all students of class VII MTs. The State of Selong Model and the sampling was determined by using cluster random sampling technique to select the class and simple random sampling to select the students in that class. The second sampling technique is random sampling by drawing lots, cluster random sampling, namely the class is divided into experimental class I, namely the class that is taught using interactive multimedia drills model (class VII-E) and the experimental class II, namely the class that is taught using comic media. science (class VII-F), each of which consists of 36 students. And simple random sampling, where students are drawn after data collection to reduce the sample to 30 students to facilitate hypothesis testing. The data collection technique used post-test while the data analysis technique to test the hypothesis was the t-test. The results of data analysis using t-test showed that there were differences in student achievement who were taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who were taught using science comic media. This can be seen in the post-test results where t-count > t-table is 2.206 > 2.002. Thus H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. This means that there are differences in student achievement who are taught using interactive multimedia drills model with students who are taught using science comics

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 11
Suheni Safitri Hsb ◽  
Nurwani Nurwani

ABSTRACT This study aims to determine the ability of students in learning Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung by using textual and contextual strategies in the Sibuhuan Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Padang Lawas Regency. The theory used in this research is theory The learning strategy by Rusman as the main theory, for supporting theories is textual use from Nurwani and contextual from Nurhadi. This type of research is quasi-experimental using simple random sampling technique, namely the experimental class using the contextual and contextual strategies in Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung learning and control classes using conventional learning. The instruments used in this study were two, namely the cognitive ability test in the form of a test essay by using the cognitive domains C1, C2, C3, and C4. Psychomotor ability test which consists of three aspects of assessment, namely wiraga, wirasa, and wirama where each aspect consists of three components. The cognitive abilities of students in the experimental class and control class before using textual and contextual strategies are the same, by using the pre test the average value of the experimental class is 46.9 and the average in the control class is 45.5. After the post test, the ability of students in the experimental class who were treated with textual strategies and contextual learning in Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung experienced a significant increase compared to the control class. Obtained an increase in student learning outcomes in the experimental class of 39.9 from 46.9 so as to achieve 86.8% completeness and for the control class at 9.8 from 45.5 to 55.3%. Psychomotor abilities of students also experienced improvement in each meeting, where the first meeting reached 61.90%, the second meeting reached 75.20% and the third meeting reached 86.92%. The results showed that there were significant differences using textual and contextual strategies for improving students' abilities in learning Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung at Sibuhuan State Islamic Senior High School, Padang Lawas District. Keywords: Tortor naposo nauli bulung, bextual, contextual, cognitive, psychomotor, conventional   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa  dalam pembelajaran Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulungdengan menggunakan strategi tekstual dan kontekstual di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Sibuhuan Kabupaten Padang Lawas. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Strategi pembelajaran oleh Rusman sebagai teori utama, untuk teori pendukung digunakan tekstual dari Nurwani dan kontekstual dari Nurhadi. Jenis penelitian adalah quasi eksperiment dengan menggunakan teknik simple random sampling, yaitu kelas eksperimen dengan menggunakan strategi terkstual dan kontekstual pada pembelajaran Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung dan kelas kontrol dengan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini ada dua yaitu tes kemampuan kognitif dalam bentuk essay test dengan mengguanakan ranah kognitif C1,C2,C3, dan C4. Tes kemampuan psikomotorik yang terdiri dari tiga aspek penilaian yaitu wiraga, wirasa, dan wirama dimana masing-masing aspek terdiri dari tiga komponen. Kemampuan kognitif siswa pada kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol sebelum dilaukan strategi tekstual dan kontekstual adalah sama, dengan menggunakan pre test diperoleh nilai rata-rata kelas eksperimen sebesar 46,9 dan rata-rata pada kelas kontrol sebesar 45,5. Setelah dilakukan post test, kemampuan siswa pada kelas eksperimen yang diberi perlakukan strategi tekstual dan kotekstual pada pembelajaran Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Diperoleh peningkatan hasil belajar siswa dikelas eksperimen sebesar 39,9 dari 46,9 sehingga mencapai ketuntasan 86,8 % dan untuk kelas kontrol sebesar 9,8 dari 45,5 sehingga menjadi 55,3%. Kemampuan psikomotorik siswa juga mengalami peningktan disetiap pertemuan, dimana pertemuan I mencapai 61,90%, pertemuan II mencapai 75,20% dan pertemuan III mencapai 86,92%. Hasil menunjukkan ada perbedaan yang signifikan dengan menggunakan strategi tekstual dan kontekstual terhadap peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam pembelajaran Tortor Naposo Nauli Bulung di Madrasah Aliyah Negeri Sibuhuan Kabupaten Padang Lawas. Kata kunci: Tortor naposo nauli bulung, tekstual, kontekstual, kognitif, psikomotorik, konvenssional

Nora Fudhla

This article is written based on a research done to solve students’ difficulties in improving their vocabulary skill in MKU classes at Universitas Negeri padang. According to some English teachers and students, teaching vocabulary through memorizing the list was very boring and should be avoided. Besides, it was difficult for the students to write correct spelling for certain vocabularies. To overcome these issues, gamification strategy namely Jumbled-Letter game was applied in an experimental study. The design used in this study was one group pre-test post-test design and the sample was chosen through simple random sampling technique. The data was collected through pre-test and post-test. The data then was analyzed using T Paired test (SPSS 23). Based on the data calculation, the mean score of pre-test was 50.87 and the mean score of post-test was 76.23, and sig. 2 tailed test was < 0.05. Based on T Paired test analysis and interpretation, it was found that the mean score on post-test was increased and the significance score shows that the strategy was significantly effective. Thus, Jumbled-Letter Game was effective to boost learners’ interest and improve their vocabulary mastery.

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