scholarly journals Synchronous and asynchronous online learning of advanced statistics during Covid-19 pandemic

Jackson Pasini Mairing ◽  
Rhodinus Sidabutar ◽  
Elyasib Yunas Lada ◽  
Henry Aritonang

Online learning could have negative impacts on learning processes and outcomes. The condition needed to be resolved through the implementation of appropriate online learning approaches. The research was aimed at describing the effectiveness of the implementation of asynchronous and synchronous online learning approaches in students’ learning outcomes and skills of using Microsoft Excel on the Advanced Statistics of Mathematics Education Department from one of the universities in Central Kalimantan. The learning approaches were integrated with mathematics problems, Minitab software and Microsoft Excel, and videos. The research design was experimental research using a one-group posttest-only design. The subjects were chosen by clustered random sampling. They were 18 students of the department in the 2020/2021 academic year. The instruments were a lesson plan, several videos, textbooks, e-books, questionnaires, mathematics problems, mid-test, and final-test. The students learned using textbooks, e-books, and videos and solved the problems independently. Then, they discussed the solutions online in groups through their WhatsApp group (asynchronously). The problem solutions were presented by the students using a class on WhatsApp or video conference platforms (synchronous). The authors collected data by administering the questionnaire and the tests and analyzed the data using a -test and a Wilcoxon test. The results showed that the implementation of the approaches was effective in enhancing the learning outcomes and skills of using Microsoft Excel. Furthermore, most students positively responded to learn independently and all the students positively responded to analyze data using the software.

Masiah Masiah ◽  
Sri Nopita Primawati

This study aimed to describe student responses toward online learning. The respondents in this study were students of the first semester of the Biology Education Department in academic year 2019/2020, totaling 33 people. The sample in this study used a convenience sampling technique. The data obtained were analyzed descriptively using Microsoft Excel. Research data shows that only 6 percent of students feel happy with online learning, because respondents think that they are more flexible about the time and place of learning. Meanwhile, 91 percent of students stated that they were not happy due to many factors such as being difficult to meet face-to-face with friends and lecturers, requiring a lot of money to buy internet quota and an unstable internet network. Referring to these results, it is very necessary to conduct an evaluation by lecturers and relevant policy makers to support the achievement of maximum learning objectives.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-108
Nurma Zuliyanti

These classroom action research aims: To improve student learning outcomes using Powtakon kardus media. The research setting was grade V students of SDN 2 Kembang Jepara for the 2019/2020 academic year. This study consisted of 2 cycles in one basic competency. The research begins with compiling a lesson plan, making observation sheets and other research instruments. During the learning process, observations were made on the performance of the teacher as a researcher, and an assessment was made of students through test sheets. Other findings during the learning process were discussed between the researcher and the observer, equipped with data from observations made by reflection at each meeting. The results of research in cycle 1 and cycle 2 showed an increase in student learning outcomes. The student learning outcomes are in cycle 1 an average of 66.33 with learning completeness 40%, in cycle 2 an average of 81.27 with learning completeness 86.67%. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the learning process using powtakon kardus media can improve student learning outcomes in Class V SDN 2 Kembang Jepara for the 2019/2020 academic year.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
pp. 146
Arina Restian

Abstract: Dance teacher have a very important role in improving the learning outcomes of students in schools in learning the art of dance with management in the classroom. The field of dance lessons more emphasis on aspects of psychomotor, and this is what distinguishes the field of dance lesson with other lessons. So the solution was also different. One form solution is to select or determine the learning approaches that enable learners to participate actively in the learning and learning goals can be achieved. One approach appropriate learning is active learning, creative, effective, and fun (PAKEM) which requires the activity of teachers and students in the learning process. PAKEM make students can be more creative and learning process can take place in an effective and enjoyable. This study aims to determine learning the art of dance at the junior high schools in Malang by using. Dance lesson with an art management approaches. The scope of the study include: (1) Dance Lessons Planning, (2) Implementation of learning the art of dance (3) The role of teachers and students in learning the art of dance, (4) The results of student learning. The results showed that the dance teacher has made the completeness or learning devices, one of which is learning implementation plan (RPP). When viewed from the implementation of the lesson plan in mind that the learning is in conformity with the characteristics of PAKEM namely making students active and creative in finding new ideas. In addition teachers are also active in managing the classroom so as to create effective learning in a pleasant atmosphere. Additionally supporting infrastructure PAKEM learning approach is sufficient in the implementation of learning the art of dance, especially in the optimal use of instructional media so as to support the teaching and learning process (PBM). The results of the second study found that learning the art of dance in Junior High School in Malang in addition to using PAKEM approach also uses the approach to CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) in with the intent to be able to achieve the learning objectives and lesson plans that have been made previously. So as to create a more conducive learning environment in achieving optimal learning outcomes. Abstrak: Guru seni tari memiliki peranan yang sangat penting dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar peserta didik di sekolah dalam pembelajaran seni tari dengan menajemen di kelas. Pelajaran bidang seni tari lebih banyak menekankan pada aspek psikomotorik dan hal ini yang membedakan pelajaran bidang seni tari dengan pelajaran lainya. Sehingga penanganannya pun juga berbeda. Salah satu bentuk penanganannya adalah dengan cara memilih atau menentukan pendekatan pembelajaran yang memungkinkan peserta didik berpartisipasi secara aktif dalam pembelajaran dan tujuan pembelajaran bisa tercapai. Salah satu pendekatan pembelajaran yang tepat adalah pembelajaran aktif, kreatif, efektif, dan menyenangkan (PAKEM) yang menuntut keaktifan guru beserta siswa dalam proses pembelajaran. Dengan PAKEM siswa bisa lebih kreatif dan proses belajar mengajar dapat berlangsung secara efektif dan menyenangkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pembelajaran seni tari pada SD di Malang dengan menggunakan pembelajaran seni tari dengan pendekatan menajemen seni. Ruang lingkup penelitian ini meliputi: (1) Perencanaan Pembelajaran Seni Tari, (2) Pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari (3) Peran serta guru siswa dalam pembelajaran seni tari, (4) Hasil belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa guru seni tari telah membuat kelengkapan atau perangkat pembelajaran, salah satunya adalah rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (RPP). Bila dilihat dari rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran diketahui bahwa dalam pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengan karakteristik PAKEM yaitu membuat siswa aktif dan kreatif dalam menemukan ide baru. Selain itu guru juga aktif dalam mengelola kelas sehingga tercipta pembelajaran yang efektif dalam suasana yang menyenangkan. Selain itu sarana prasarana pendukung pembelajaran dengan pendekatan PAKEM sudah cukup dalam pelaksanaan pembelajaran seni tari khususnya dalam penggunaan media pembelajaran yang optimal sehingga mampu mendukung proses belajar mengajar (PBM). Hasil penelitian kedua ditemukan bahwa pembelajaran seni tari pada  di SD Negeri Malang selain menggunakan pendekatan PAKEM juga menggunakan pendekatan CTL (Contexstual Teaching and Learning) secara beriringan dengan maksud agar mampu mencapai tujuan pembelajaran serta rencana pembelajaran yang telah dibuat sebelumnya. Sehingga tercipta lingkungan belajar yang lebih kondusif dalam pencapaian hasil belajar secara optimal. Kata Kunci: Desain pembelajaran PAIKEM GEMBROT, seni tari

2021 ◽  
Stephen J Aguilar ◽  
Hernan Galperin ◽  
Thai V. Le

Since 2008, the California Emerging Technology Fund (CETF) has conducted a statewide survey to assess California’s progress towards closing the divide in broadband connectivity across the state. Over the years, the results have shown a steady increase in broadband adoption, though the gains have been uneven across regions and groups. With the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the transition to remote learning across California, there has been particular attention to deficits in connectivity and device availability among K-12 families. Prior research has shown that these deficits are associated with demographic characteristics such as income and race or ethnicity, as well as place of residency. The concern is that barriers to online learning associated with broadband connectivity and digital literacy may further exacerbate existing educational dis- parities along income, racial and geographical lines. This policy brief examines these questions based on the findings from the 2021 Statewide Survey on Broadband Adoption. The results are organized along three pillars that, when taken together, have been shown by prior research to enhance remote learning outcomes and mitigate its potential negative impacts. These pillars are: (1) access to the appropriate devices for remote learning; (2) access to robust connectivity for remote learning activities; and (3) parental support for online learning, which include helping children with schoolwork, communicating with teachers, and checking on students’ progress. The results are disaggregated by race or ethnicity, income and other demographic characteristics that reveal disparities in the ability to cope with the transition to remote learning among California families.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 852
Samsul Susilawati ◽  
Triyo Supriyatno

<p><strong>Abstract:</strong> The purpose of this study is to find out the online learning process in the middle and post-pandemic Covid-19. This research employed one group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of the study were the fourth-semester students of the MPI Department of the State Islamic University of Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang in the even semester of the academic year 2019/2020. The sample of this study was 30 students. Data obtained using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used a paired T-test with an error rate of 5%. With online learning using WhatsApp shows that there is a correlation between the two variables of 0.776 it shows that there is a correlation between the pretest-posttest, the significance was 0.00 &lt;0.05 then H0 was accepted. It further confirms that there is a significant increase in student learning outcomes before and after using WhatsApp. The results of the analysis and discussion can be concluded that there is an increase in online learning in the era and post-pandemic Covid-19 by using WhatsApp to increase learning motivation.</p><strong>Abstrak:</strong> Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui proses pembelajaran <em>online</em> di tengah dan pasca pandemi Covid-19. Penelitian ini menggunakan on<em>e group pretest-posttest design</em>. Subjek penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa semester empat Jurusan MPI Universitas Islam Negeri Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang semester genap tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 30 mahasiswa. Data diperoleh dengan menggunakan kuesioner. Teknik analisis data menggunakan paired T-test dengan tingkat kesalahan 5%. Pembelajaran <em>online</em> menggunakan <em>whatsapp</em> menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara kedua variabel sebesar 0,776, hal ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat korelasi antara <em>pretest-posttest</em> dengan signifikansi 0,00 &lt;0,05 maka H0 diterima. Hasil ini semakin menegaskan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan dalam hasil belajar siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan <em>WhatsApp</em>. Hasil analisis dan pembahasan dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pembelajaran <em>online </em>di era dan pasca pandemi Covid-19 dengan menggunakan <em>WhatsApp</em> untuk meningkatkan motivasi belajar.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-69
Dede Shinta Sari ◽  
Tri Jalmo ◽  
Ismi Rakhmawati ◽  

The objective of this research is to analyze the effectiveness of online learning on the cognitive learning outcomes of students. The population used in this study were all students in class XI MIPA 3 to XI MIPA 7 SMA Negeri 14 Bandar Lampung in the academic year 2020/2021, which consist of 143 people using purposive sampling technique. This research design is a descriptive design by a survey approach. Data were analyzed descriptively referring to the Minimum Criteria of Mastery Learning with classical completeness requirements of >60% and counting the number of respondents’ answers from each statement on the questionnaire.Based on the research results show that the cognitive learning outcomes of students achieve completeness of 60.4% classically and most of the learning outcomes of students are in the excellent category, which is 43.35%, so it can be concluded that online based learning is effective on the cognitive learning outcomes of students.

Tetty Natalia Sipayung ◽  
Sinta Dameria Simanjuntak ◽  
Ariyadi Wijaya ◽  
Sugiman Sugiman

In this era of revolution 4.0, it is hoped that everyone will be active in managing their knowledge through digital media. Digital media needs to be well designed attractive. This can have an impact on motivation and learning outcomes, especially in the field of education. In online learning, digital media is an alternative in helping the learning process. Therefore a qualitative research was conducted. The subjects of this study were seventh grade students of SMP HKBP Lubuk Pakam for the 2020/2021 Academic Year who applied online learning assisted by realistic mathematics comic videos. While the object of this study is learning motivation so that the purpose of this study to analyze the learning motivation of these students. Based on the results of the provision of a learning motivation questionnaire, it was found that the average learning motivation of students who were taught using realistic mathematics comic videos in online learning was high which was assessed based on six indicators, namely responsibility, trying to excel, liking challenges, independence, fortitude, and resilience. This is a positive attitude that supports efforts to improve learning outcomes, especially in online learning.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
Nur Alfi Farikhah ◽  
Muhamad Chamdani ◽  
Kartika Chrysti Suryandari

<p align="left"><strong><em>Abstract</em></strong></p><p><em>During Covid-19 pandemic, the government had policy to do online learning as an alternative in learning process. It expected that online learning built students’ character. It predicted that students’ character and online learning contributed on students’ mathematics learning outcomes. The study aimed to examine positive correlation between students’ character and online learning on mathematics learning outcomes. The research was quantitative research with correlation method. The sampling technique was non probability sampling. The data analysis used SPSS version 25. The result showed that the correlation value between students' character and online learning on mathematics learning outcomes was 0.440. It concludes that there is correlation between students’ character and online learning on the mathematics learning outcomes of students at SDN 5 Panjer.</em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong><em>: character, online learning, and mathematics </em></p>

2021 ◽  
Slamet Utomo

The aim of the study was to describe the online learning approaches used at SDN Cabean 3 Demak during the COVID-19 pandemic, and to describe the impact of this online learning on the teachers, students and parents. This research was a qualitative case study. The participants were teachers, students and parents of the first through fifth grade at SDN Cabean 3 Demak. Data were collected through open questionnaires, interviews, and documentations. The data were analyzed by using data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The results of the study showed that: 1) The application of distance learning technologies at SDN Cabean 3 Demak consisted of a preparation step, process-specific planning, and learning assessment phases via WhatsApp groups; and 2) The impact of this online learning on the teachers, students and parents could be seen by creating WhatsApp groups for each class. The positive impacts included that teachers, students and parents obtained new learning experiences, developed technology skills and could benefit from the flexible timing of the online environment. The negative impacts were having to deal with internet credits, issues with internet signal, lack of technology skills and incomplete materials based on curriculum achievements. Keywords: online learning

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