scholarly journals Pengadaan Koleksi Muatan Lokal “Local Content ”sebagai Upaya Pelestarian Budaya Daerah di Dinas Kearsipan dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Sumatera Barat

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 73
Cici Anjelina Putri ◽  
Nurizzati Nurizzati

AbstractThe writing of this paper aims to describe: (1) local content collection services, (2) constraints in procuring local content collections; and (3) efforts in procuring local content collections in the Archives Service and West Sumatra Province Library. The method of writing this paper is to use a qualitative descriptive method which is done by observation, interviews and data collection directly to the source, the Office of Archives and the Library of West Sumatra Province. Based on the results of interviews and observations conducted at the Archives Service and West Sumatra Province Library are as follows: First, the service collection of "local content" content at the Archives Service and West Sumatra Province Library through the procurement of local content collection, local content collection service system and the use of collections local content by users in the Archives Service and Library of West Sumatra Province. Second, the obstacles faced are: (1) limited number of local content collections, (2) limited access to local content collections, (3) lack of government and other related parties' attention to cultural functions, (4) lack of human resources as skilled librarians. Third, the efforts that have been made by the Office of Archives and Library of West Sumatra Province, namely conducting education, outreach, law enforcement and infrastructure facilities for local content collection works in an effort to preserve regional culture.Keyword: local content collection; cultural preservation; public library

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Nawangsih Nawangsih

The unique and interesting tourism potential and local wisdom that the region has had so far is still not being promoted. The Candipuro Culture Festival event can become an opportunity and explore the value of cultural tourism in a region to be promoted as a potential tourist destination for tourists. The purpose of the study was to find out the tourism promotion strategies carried out in promoting and cultural attractions displayed in the Candipuro Culture Festival Event The study used a qualitative descriptive method. collecting data technique are interviews, observation and documentation. step of data analysis activities: data collection, data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results that the promotion strategy used in the Candipuro Culture Festival Event was conducted using online and offline media to increase the number of tourist visits. Cultural attractions displayed at the Culture-based Candipuro Culture Festival Event, namely in the form of traditional arts and local wisdom of local residents, but there are cultural elements whose meaning has begun to shift, so more attention is needed. The importance of cultural preservation from generation to generation so as not to lose meaning.

2020 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 21-30
Mahi M Hkikmat ◽  
Andang Saehu

Local contents in broadcasting institutions, both of local broadcasting stations (SPL) and network station systems (SSJ), still face a problem. An effort to encourage the existence of local content in broadcasting institutions can be done by regional legislative institution (DPRD). The implementation of regional legislative function in encouraging optimization of local content existence in broadcasting institutions is the main focus of this study. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method with an empirical juridical approach with study documentation subject of regional legislative functions in encouraging the existence of local content. The results of study show that optimizing the function of regional legislative is significant in encouraging local content existence since they have access to KPID (The Regional Indonesian Broadcasting Commission) and Local Public Broadcasting Institution (LPPL). At least, there are implementation model of DPRD functions in encouraging the optimization of local content actualization in Broadcasting Institutions, namely: Accessibility Model through KPID and LPPL & LPS Broadcast Network Models

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1199-1208
Natanail Sitepu ◽  
Isnaini Isnaini ◽  
Muhammad Citra Ramadhan

This study aims to analyze the legal rules regarding the crime of gambling to analyze what factors encourage the occurrence of illegal toto gambling crimes, especially in Deli Serdang Regency. The research method used is descriptive method, with a case approach and legislation, with interview data collection instruments and documentation studies, while the data analysis technique uses qualitative descriptive. The results of the study show that the legal regulation of lottery gambling is based on article 303 of the Criminal Code and article 303 bis and the UTE Law article 27 paragraph (2), with criminal threats in article 45 paragraph (2), as well as Law no. 7 of 1974 concerning Gambling Control in Article 1 that gambling in any form is a crime. The factors that encourage the occurrence of gambling crimes in Deli Serdang Regency are: the hope of getting a win, the influence of the environment, lottery gambling is easy for everyone to do, it doesn't take much time to do it, lottery clerks are available in many places, the development of information technology make it easier for players to send guesses for lottery gambling numbers, as well as weak supervision by the police. Law enforcement against lottery type gambling at the Lubuk Pakam District Court is still not firm.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
pp. 384
Maharanni Maharanni ◽  
Novia Juita

The purpose of this study was to describe the forms of violations of the principle of cooperation by legislative officials and city level party leaders in West Sumatra on social media. This study used a qualitative-descriptive method. The data source in this study is in the form of speech in the Facebook status of officials and party leaders. The object of this research is the speech on Facebook of legislative and party leaders. Data collection was carried out by (1) printing screenings on Facebook of city-level legislative and party leaders in West Sumatra; (2) transcribing writings on facebook city level legislative and party figure officials in West Sumatra; (3) pay close attention to the writings on Facebook of city-level legislative and party figure officials in West Sumatra which are included in the section on language performance and politeness of communication; and (4) determine data included in the language performance section and politeness of written communication. Analyzing data is done with the aim of grouping data, analyzing data, and determining conclusions.Keywords: performance, facebook, linguistic, communication

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 1047-1056
Herman Frenky Sinaga ◽  
Ediwarman Ediwarman ◽  
M Citra Ramadhan

Human activities that cause environmental damage, one of which is illegal logging or illegal logging, which is an act of exploitation by humans on forests, causing damage to forest ecosystems. This study aims to determine the factors that cause illegal logging in the Langkat Police jurisdiction and the policies carried out by the Police in law enforcement against illegal logging in the Langkat Police jurisdiction. The research method used is descriptive method, using qualitative descriptive data analysis techniques. The results showed that the factors that caused illegal logging in Langkat Regency were internal factors, consisting of economic factors and the lack of public awareness of the environment, and external factors, consisting of high wood prices, high wood demand, weak supervision, law enforcement is not strict. The policies carried out by the Langkat Police in law enforcement against the crime of illegal logging consist of penal policies, namely reporting illegal logging, following up on illegal logging, going to illegal logging locations, securing evidence, catching illegal timber trucks. Non-penal policies include socializing the prohibition of illegal logging, increasing community participation, supervising timber trucks, examining suspects, developing cases, and transferring files.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Erna Susanti ◽  
Dimas Perdana Oskar

<p><em>Souvenirs shop plays important part in selling and introducing the SME’s product. This research purpose are to understand and to identify of how the souvenirs shop in Padang deal in the application of integrated promotional mix. This study uses qualitative descriptive method to 10 souvenirs shop in Padang, Padang Culture and Tourism Office, Padang Cooperatives and SME’s Office, and ASITA West Sumatra. Data collection method used were in-depth interview and focus group discussion. Their understanding in integrated promotional mix are identically expensive and have no direct impact in trading which this research try to change that mislead understanding. In general, the promotion mix </em><em>that </em><em>they </em><em>do is using visual media in the form of bilboard for advertsing, for sales promotion by providing product samples, giving discounts dan brochures. The ability of the resources owned which is still limited and still depends on the programs from related offices for the promotion of teir products.</em><em> </em><em></em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 62

Lauri Novita Sinaga. NIM 2131140024. Forms And Meaning Of Ende Jeir In The Mandailing Society InWek V Village Padangsidimpuan. Faculty of Language and Art. State University of Medan 2017.This study aims to determine the form and significance of the Ende Jeir in the Mandailing Society inKelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan. The purpose of this research is to find out the form of Ende Jeirsong in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the meaning contained inEnde Jeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village, to know the function of EndeJeir in Mandailing community in Wek V Village Padangsidimpuan, to know the response of local peopleto preserve Ende Jeir on Mandailing community in Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.The theory used is form, meaning, function, and Ende. The shape is the arrangement of the frame of asong that is determined according to the parts of the sentence. Meaning is the purpose that is derivedfrom things that want to be shown by something or want to be expressed, exposed, with the word actuallydoes not interfere with the value of taste. The function of music is to express the taste, and simultaneouslyas an activity of various types of human communication. Ende is a traditional song (folksong), whichrepresents the representation of structure, function and cultural values.Methods in this research using qualitative descriptive method. The samples in this study were the lectureand audio visuals of Ende Jeir, singer Ende Jeir, artist and community Wek V Padangsidimpuan Village.This data collection is done by observation method or observation, interview, and documentation. Thisresearch was taken at Kelurahan Wek V Padangsidimpuan, and this research was conducted from August2017.The results of this study indicate that the form of Ende Jeir song consists of a one part song form, with AA 'form. the meaning of Ende Jeir is a prayer, plea, expectation of parents to his daughter who is doingthis marriage and singing to advise on a good domestic life. Ende Jeir function is as symbolicrepresentation media, media of emotional expression and media of cultural preservation. Ende Jeir needsto be preserved because it begins to be forgotten and left behind. For that, it needs to be developed andintroduced in the young generation so as not to just disappear.

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-231
Lilyk Eka Suranny

The transportation technologies develop more rapidly along with the development of science and technology. One of consequences is the traditional transportation being abandoned by the community. Therefore, it needs cultural preservation efforts, especially in traditional transportation because it is a high historical value for Indonesia. This article describe some kind of traditional transportation modes in Java. It also described the role of society in the era of globalization. Data was collected using observation, interviews and literature study This study used a qualitative descriptive method. Based on the research of traditional modes of transportation used by the Java community is pedicab, wagon, gerobag and onthel bicycle. Traditional modes of transportation have a role namely the role of social, cultural, economic and environmental. AbstrakPerkembarvgan teknologi transportasi semakin pesat sejalan dengan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi. Salah satu dampaknya adalah moda transportasi traditional semakin ditinggalkan oteh masyarakat. Oleh karena itu diperlukan upaya pelestarian budaya khususnya pada alat transportasi tradisional karena memiliki nilai historis yang tinggi bagi bangsa Indonesia. Tuiisan ini menguraikan beberapa jenis moda transportasi tradisional di Jawa. Seisin itu juga dijelaskan mengenai peranannya dalam masyarakat di tengah era globalisasi. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Berdasarkan basil penelitian moda transportasi tradisional yang digunakan oleh masyarakat Jawa yakni becak, delman, gerobag dan sepeda onthel. Moda transportasi tradisional memiliki peranan yaitu peran sosial, budaya, ekonomi dan lingkungan.

Humaniora ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 7
Tukina Tukina ◽  
Abd.Razak M Mozin ◽  
Marta Sanjaya

The research discussed hoax information as an effect of disruptive innovation and how to solve it in society. It applied a qualitative descriptive method with a case study focusing on hoax information of 10 million Chinese workers who came to Indonesia. The research was a library research conducted through various sources of literature and journals. Data analysis was carried out by answering the points that were analyzed and cross-checked to other data sources in order to answer the research questions. It is found that living in the millennial changes rapidly; various forms of innovation are born and developed very quickly, and so do the problems and challenges. To prevent the spread of hoax information, some efforts need to be done to understand the process, ethics implementation, law enforcement, and accountability of information.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 110-117
Rachmad Munazir ◽  
Mujiburrahman Mujiburrahman

This study aims to investigate the role of Panglima laot in solving the conflicts amongst the fishermen in Aceh.   Panglima Laot (The sea commander) is a tribal fishing community exist in Aceh that constitute and use customary maritime law (hukom adat laot) as their fundamental rule. Panglima laot has a strategic function as the only platform for all fishmernen in Aceh. One of their strategic duties is to manage the fisherman community as a unite coastal community that depends their life on the sea to meet their daily needs. Panglima laot also serves as the one who will take the responsibility to solve the social conflicts that may occur among the fishermen. This study used the qualitative descriptive method. The data was collected mainly from words and actions that were gathered from observation and and interview. This research tried to find out the concept map and strategy used by Panglima laot in solving various kinds of cases amongst the fishermen. The result showed that Panglima laot used the strategic customary approach to resolve the conflicts. Further, they put the custom values that has rooted in the fishing community as a tool in preventing the disputes in the community. These custom values which include adat laot, hukom adat laot, and hukom meupayong were socialised to the community and applied as the law enforcement effort . These particular effort  were used as  the main sign carried out by Panglima Laot to prevent conflicts. If the conflicts exist, Panglima laot will solve the conflicts by implementing the customary law which done through Customary Maritime Law Judicial Court. 

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