2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-184
Bella Bintari ◽  
Rismayeti Rismayeti ◽  
Hadira Latiar

The title of this research is the analysis of the subject of library collections at the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library. The purpose of this study was to determine how the subject analysis in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Lancang Kuning University Library. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with a sample of 867 collection titles in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. The results showed that from a total of 867 collections, a small part (7%) of collection subjects were in accordance with the principle of determining the subject specifically and directly, then out of a total of 867 collection titles, a small part (7%) of collection subjects were in accordance with the usability principle, then from a total of 867 the title of the collection a small part (6%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of uniformity, then from a total of 867 titles of the collection a small part (4%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of subdivision of physical form, then from a total of 867 titles of the collection a small part (3%) of the subject of the collection in accordance with the principle of a specific topic or aspect, then out of a total of 867 collection titles, a small portion (1%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of geographical subdivision, then the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library does not apply a collection of chronological subdivisions, further from a total of 84 the title of the collection there are 19 collections on the principle of biography a small part (23%) subj oak collections are in accordance with biographical principles, then out of a total of 175 collection titles there are 38 collections on the principles of language and literature, a small portion (22%) of collection subjects according to the principles of language and literature.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 494
Indah Rusmaidi ◽  
Desriyeni Desriyeni

AbstractThis paper discusses the Making of a Dance Studio Directory in the City of Padang. The purpose of this paper is (a) to describe the making of a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang; (B) describing the transition in creating a directory of dance studios in Padang City; (c) describe the business in making a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang. This research was conducted using descriptive methods by describing the subject or object based on visible facts. Data collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded, first, the steps in the process of making dance studios in the city of Padang are (a) data collection that collects all information relating to which is not in doubt to be made in the directory; (B) collect all data obtained; (c) Focus on a vision that has been created; (d) making books so that they are easier to produce and making books more directed; (e) determine the subject, the subject used in making the directory is the name of the street, location of each studio; (f) classification or grouping, grouping data that has been collected and adjusted to the subjects that have been determined; (g) directory design that is by making cover designs, and compiling information from directories. Second, the challenges involved in making a dance studio directory in Padang City are as follows: (a) when collecting data the writer had difficulty in finding the dance studio to be addressed. This is because there are some studios that do not have banners or name bars installed. Discusses some problems in finding the studio; (B) some studios that the author visits the owner often go to the studio or the owner is out of town because they have to accompany their students in the race; (c) difficulties in contacting the studio owner. Third, the non-related ones involved in making directories include; (a) the name of the studio; (b) the name of the owner; (c) year of establishment; (d) number of students; (e) hours of practice; (f) address; (g) telephone number; (h) location plan; and (i) studio photos.Keywords: Manufacture, Directory, Dance Studio

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 229
Gede Adi Yuniarta

This study aims to determine the relation of the number of tourist visits to the opearsional costs at Sunari Hotel. The subject of this research is Sunari Hotel which is located at Dusun Banyualit, Kalibukbuk Village, precisely on Jalan Raya Lovina - Kalibukbuk Singaraja Bali, while the object of research is Relationship Number of Tourist Visits To Operational Costs at Hotel Sunari. Data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, documentation, and literature study. Analysis technique used is correlation coefficient analysis technique. The result of the research shows that the number of tourist visits to the operational cost of Sunari Hotel for the year 2016 amounted to 11.115%, it means up and down the operational costs at Sunari Hotel which is influenced 11.115% the number of tourist visits and the remaining 88.885% influenced by other factors.

2020 ◽  
pp. 86-91
Tri Nurza Rahmawati

Absract- This article will explain and describe the opportunities for Social Sciences subjects in realizing multicultural-based education. In compiling this article, the authors used the literature study method is data collection techniques are carried out using books, and other literatures such as journals or articles related to the theme discussed. The results showed that multicultural-based education is education that must be realized in formal education in Indonesia, departing from the conditions of people in Indonesia who have a diversity of ethnicities, cultures, and religions. Seeing all subjects in the world of education at the junior high level, Social Sciences subjects have a very strategic position. This is based on aspects of the study in the subject of Social Sciences providing a gap in almost every material. Thus, the availability of the gap is expected to be used as fully as possible and as effectively as possible in incorporating multicultural values, for the creation of multicultural-based education.   Keyword: Social Sciences, Education, Multicultural   Abstrak- Artikel ini akan menjelaskan dan mendeskripsikan Peluang mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) dalam mewujudkan pendidikan yang berbasis multikultural. Dalam menyusun artikel ini, penulis menggunakan metode studi pustaka yaitu teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan buku-buku, dan literatur-literatur lainnya seperti jurnal ataupun artikel yang terkait dengan tema yang dibahas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pendidikan berbasis multikultural merupakan pendidikan yang harus diwujudkan dalam pendidikan formal di Indonesia, berangkat dari kondisi masyarakat di Indonesia yang memiliki keragaman suku bangsa, budaya, dan agama. Melihat semua mata pelajaran dalam dunia pendidikan ditingkat SMP, mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial memiliki kedudukan yang sangat strategis. Hal ini didasari aspek kajian dalam mata pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial menyediakan celah hampir disetiap materi. Dengan demikian, ketersediaan celah tersebut diharapakan mampu digunakan semaksimal mungkin dan seefektif mungkin dalam memasukkan nilai-nilai multikultural, guna terciptanya pendidikan yang berbasis multikultural.   Kata Kunci: Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial, Pendidikan, Multikultural  

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-26
Muhammad Rasyid Ridlo ◽  
Robi Yoswan Zain ◽  
Yesika Anggreini Br Ginting ◽  
Yoandini Saputri

Introduction. This article evaluates library websites of world class universities in Indonesia from several aspects including features, responsibility, and speed. One library website overseas is explored as a reference: Harvard University.   Data Collection Method. This is a literature study exploring features on library websites of Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) and Telkom University. Data analysis. The study used Harvard University library website as a reference. The results were presented into tables to discuss library websites of UGM and Telkom University. Results and Discussion. Harvard University library webiste has 21 features except gallery, UGM has 11 features and Telkom University has 12 features similar to Harvard University library webiste. Our result showed that Library website of UGM and Telkom University still need to be improved as required to be a world class university. All three websites has an adjustable display depending on devices in accessing websites. Those three websites were considered as responsive websites. Based on PageSpeed Insight, they showed good performance. Conclusion.  Information on the websites are well-managed, informative, efficient, and accessible. Universities in Indonesia may use several overseas university library websites as a reference.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-95
Dian Ramadan Lazuardi ◽  
Sri Murti

The objective of the research is to improve students' writing poetry skill.  There are twenty four third semester students' of Indonesia Language and literature study program of STKIP PGRI Lubuklinggau in this research. The research design was classroom action research. Test was used in data collection. The test was analyzed to know the mean score in pre-action, cycle I, and cycle II. The technique of data analysis was done by sum up the scores from the indicator assessment that obtained by the students. The results showed that learning mastery in writing poetry in pre-action was 45.83% meanwhile  in cycle I was 70.83%, and  learning mastery improved 91.66%  in cycle II. In summary, students' ability in writing poetry improved through type VAK quantun learning. Keywords: Quantum, poetry, writing skill.

2020 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 883
Intan Permata Putri ◽  
Mohammad Mahrus Ali

Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi dalam pengujian undang-undang terhadap Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945 (UUD NRI 1945) dengan amar tidak dapat diterima atau niet ontvankelijke verklaard (NO) pada umumnya tidak memiliki pertimbangan hukum. Akan tetapi dalam perkembangannya MK memberikan pertimbangan hukum baik mengenai pokok perkara dan kedudukan hukum Pemohon. Penelitian ini hendak menjawab dua permasalahan yaitu; apa urgensi adanya pertimbangan hukum yang mengandung judicial order dalam putusan dengan amar tidak dapat diterima? Kemudian bagaimana karakteristik judicial order dalam putusan dengan amar tidak dapat diterima? Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian hukum normatif dengan metode pengumpulan data melalui studi pustaka. Penelitian ini mengelompokkan putusan yang memiliki amar NO dari tahun 2003 sampai dengan 2018 yang berjumlah 375 putusan. Dari jumlah tersebut, putusan NO yang memiliki pertimbangan hukum sebanyak 71 putusan. Penelitian ini menemukan 3 putusan yang didalam pertimbangan hukumnya terdapat judicial order yakni Putusan 105/PUU-XIV/2016, Putusan 57/PUU-XV/2017, dan Putusan 98/PUU-XVI/2018. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah putusan dengan amar Tidak Dapat Diterima yang memuat judicial order selalu berkaitan dengan implementasi putusan yang tidak berjalan sebagaimana mestinya. MK menegaskan kembali sifat final dan binding Putusan MK serta sifat putusan MK yang declatoir konstitutif melalui putusan a quo. Karakteristik judicial order dalam ketiga a quo adalah ketika MK memberikan peringatan konstitusional secara bertahap (gradual). Pada Putusan 105/PUU-XIV/2016 MK menegaskan bahwa pengabaian putusan MK merupakan perbuatan melawan hukum, selanjutnya pada putusan 57/PUU-XV/2017 MK tegaskan sifat putusan yang self executing dan yang paling mendasar adalah pada putusan 98/PUU-XVI/2018 yang menyatakan bahwa lembaga atau masyarakat yang tidak menjalankan putusan MK merupakan pembangkangan terhadap konstitusi. Lahirnya pertimbangan tersebut sebagai ikhtiar menegakkan supremasi konstitusi dan marwah Mahkamah Konstitusi.Decisions of the Constitutional Court in judicial review of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia (1945 Constitution) with an unacceptable verdict or niet ontvankelijke verklaard (NO) generally do not have legal considerations. However, in its development the Court gave legal considerations both on the subject matter and legal position of the Petitioner. This research wants to answer why is the Constitutional Court gives judgment (judicial order) to the case with the unacceptable verdict? What are the legal consequences of legal considerations in the unacceptable verdict on compliance with the Constitutional Court's decision? This research is a normative legal research with data collection method through literature study. This study grouped the decisions that had NO verdicts from 2003 to 2018 totaling 375 decisions. From all of those, NO verdicts that have legal considerations are 71. This study found 3 decisions that have judicial orders in their legal considerations namely Decision 105/PUU-XIV/2016, Decision 57/PUU-XV/2017, and Decision 98/PUU-XVI/2018. The conclusion of this research is that an unacceptable verdict that contains a judicial order is always related to the implementation of a decision that does not work as it should. The Court reaffirmed the final and binding character of the Constitutional Court's decision as well as the character of the Constitutional Court's decision which declared constitutive through a quo decision. The characteristic of judicial order in the three a quo is when the Constitutional Court gives a gradual constitutional warning. In Decision 105/PUU-XIV/2016 the Constitutional Court confirmed that the disregard for the Constitutional Court's decision was an act against the law, then in the decision 57/PUU-XV/2017 the Constitutional Court affirmed the character of the decision that was self-executing and the most basic was the decision 98/PUU-XVI/2018 which states that an institution or community that does not carry out the Constitutional Court's decision is a defiance of the constitution. The birth of these considerations is as an effort to uphold the supremacy of the constitution and the spirit of the Constitutional Court. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 43-48
Sunasih Mulianingsih ◽  
Engkus ◽  
Tika Ayu Tri Lestari

The quality of E-KTP service is one of the basic forms of government services to the community. The main problem of this research is that the quality of E-KTP service at the Cibeunying District Office, Bandung City is not optimal and not satisfactory. Optimizing e-KTP services is needed to improve service quality and satisfy the community. This synthesis is the subject of this article. The research method used is a qualitative approach with data collection techniques: observation, interviews and literature study. Based on the research results, the service is not optimal because it is not fully based on the dimensions: 1. Service Speed, 2. Cleanliness, Tidiness and Facilities; 3. Friendliness and Patience of Employees in Serving the speed of service; 4. Employees who are helpful and friendly and considerate of customers; 5. Security and Comfort.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Devina Sari ◽  
Marzam Marzam

AbstractThis study aims to determine students’ interest inmusical art learning and what factors that influence students' interest in musical art learning in SMA Negeri 1 Sumatra Barat.This type of studywas a qualitative with using a descriptive approach. The main instrument in this study was the researcher. It was assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery and camera. Techniques of Data collection were carried out by taking literature study, observation and interview. The analysis process was startedby analyzing data and seleceting selectively, then the data were displayed in a descriptive form.The result shows that the lack of students’ interest occur inmusical art learning in SMAN Sumatra Barat. The cultural art teacher in the learning process does not understand the learning material and the teaching method is not variative. The Factors that influence students' interest in learning at SMAN 1Sumatra Barat in the subject of musical art are internal and external factors.Keywords: Interests, learning, cultural arts

2021 ◽  
Sharfina Az-Zahrin Hakim ◽  
Anggie Ayu Isra Tristanty ◽  
Moses Glorino Rumambo Pandin

In this digital era, the urgency to learn digital literacy is very important. Digital literacy means having skills so that you can live, study, and work or thrive in society through digital platforms such as social media. Digital literacy has been used by various institutions, not only that, but everyone from students to workers should have this skill nowadays. The method used on this study is library analysis by using accumulating information, information, and statistics from numerous reliable resources associated with the subject. Google chrome helps search literature sources with the keywords “Digital Literacy”, “Digital Age”, “Philosophy”, and “Axiology”. There were 33 articles, seminars, journals, thesis, and so on. As well as one book that became used as a source of literature. Based at the studies we did, it suggests that Digital Literacy is certainly very vital on this digital era due to the fact it is simpler to apply and analyze. From the perspective of Axiology, it also shows that Digital literacy is very valuable especially that the world has been suffering from the pandemic. Other than that, digital literacy has risen in the past century. This article explores the importance of digital literacy through the perspective of philosophy values in the wave of the public eye. Here we will state an assertion from axiology perspective. In particular, this paper discusses the language and literature side in digital literacy along with some crucial roles about digital literacy. It is envisaged that the paper result may help people to understand more about literary and language importance in the digital era. The article also provides some recommendations based on literature study and previous research about digital literacy in the modern era.

2015 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
M. Imam Khamdani

Creating an artwork with javan rhino as the source of inspiration was based on theauthor’s interest towards rhinoceros especially javan rhino. Javan rhino has its own uniquenesscompared to other species of rhinoceros and the phenomenon of its extinction that happenednowadays such as the skin’s physical form that is folded as if it’s forming an armor, its horn, andjavan rhino is considered as an animal that is almost extinct so the author was interested increating a metal craft artwork with Javan rhino as the theme in this final project as well as therequirement to graduate from bachelor degree of craft major.The methods of approach used are the expressive, contemplation, aesthetic, and thenthe data collection was done by using literature study and observation methods. The artworkscreated through three stages : exploration, design, and embodiment. Metal art presented in thisfinal project is a figurative artwork and the object was developed which is the result of Javanrhino embodiment.The produced artwork is a three-dimensional metal craft artwork with the shape ofJavan rhino as the inspiration of the craft art’s creation and has a shape development in such away. This artwork is expected to communicate with the society properly. This metal craftartwork was created neither for finding solutions nor solving the problems, but it is a touch ofexpression and a means of delivering a personal idea which is presented especially for art loversand generally for the society.Keywords: Javan rhino, Crafts art, Metal craft Menciptakan karya dengan sumber inspirasi Badak Jawa didasari atas ketertarikanpenulis terhadap binatang badak khususnya badak Jawa. Badak Jawa memiliki keunikantersendiri dari badak lainnya dan fenomena kepunahan yang terjadi saat ini seperti bentuk fisikkulit badak yang belipat seperti membentuk baju baja, cula, dan tergolong hewan yang hampirpunah sehingga penulis tertarik untuk menciptakan sebuah karya seni kriya logam bertemakanbadak Jawa ke dalam tugas akhir ini sekaligus sebagai syarat menyelesaikan studi S1 jurusankriyaMetode pendekatan yang digunakan adalah ekspresi, kontemplasi, estetis, kemudianmetode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan observasi. Proses penciptaankarya seni ini memalui tiga tahapan yaitu, eksplorasi, perancangan, dan perwujudan. Karyalogam yang disajikan dalam Tugas Akhir ini merupakan karya figuratif dan dikembangkanobjeknya yang merupakan hasil dari perwujudan badak Jawa.Hasil karya ini adalah seni kriya logam tiga dimensi dengan bentuk badak Jawa sebagaiinspirasi dari penciptaan seni kriya dan memiliki pengembangan bentuk yang sedemikian rupa.Diharapkan karya ini dapat berkomunikasi dengan masyarakat secara baik. Karya seni kriya logam ini dibuat bukan dimaksudkan untuk mencari solusi ataupun menyelesaikan masalah,tetapi merupakan sebuah sentuhan ekspresi dan sarana penyampaian ide pribadi yangdisampaikan kepada penikmat seni pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya.Kata kunci: Badak Jawa, Seni kriya, Kriya logam

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