Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi
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Published By Universitas Negeri Padang (UNP)


2022 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-133
Najlaa Syarif ◽  
Evi Nursanti Rukmana ◽  
Asep Saeful Rohman

Library services are an illustration of the fulfillment of library functions. One of the services that must be provided in the library is a catalog service. A service that makes it easier for users to find the collection they need in addition to asking a reference service. The catalog has three objects as mentioned by Cutter, namely the find function, the collect function, and the select function. In addition, the existence of a catalog can facilitate librarians in the collection development process. Therefore, a catalog should be in every library. The purpose of writing is to find out whether the use of catalogs in the intended library has been effective? Has the library implemented a catalog service? Is the SLiMS application in the Library effective to use? The author uses qualitative research methods so that the results obtained can be in accordance with the facts that appear and are seen when researchers observe the state of the object, namely the Sindanglaya Small Library. With the results of the study that the Sindanglaya Regional Small Library has not applied catalog services properly, only relying on the arrangement on the bookshelves so that researchers work with managers to use online catalogs by inputting data collections from the library using the SLiMS application. , , 

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-65
Fransisca Rahayuningsih

As a result of the Covid-19 outbreak, libraries must change their habits and order in providing library services. Library services, which were initially carried out in person or on the spot, were turned into online services to facilitate and provide convenience for users and librarians. Librarians are expected to be more creative in creating new innovations in providing online services to users. Librarians must still be able to provide excellent service to users even with various existing limitations, both librarians, infrastructure, and library collections. In the midst of the limitations of excellent service, the librarian is the key to this excellent service. Librarians must have a brand. How the librarian shows brand personality, brand-ability, brand value, and has a stimulus that produces positive perceptions. The brand of personality to build is one that is friendly, cooperative, forgiving, understanding, and good on good terms with other people. Librarians must also hone their brand personality in terms of being systematic, careful, thorough, responsible, and disciplined. Librarians should also have less negative emotionality, so that they are relatively balanced, calm, steadfast, and feel safe. Librarians must be sociable, articulate, assertive, and open to new relationships. besides that the librarian must have a high, to listen to new ideas and change ideas. The brand of librarian abilities that must be built is solving problems systematically, being able to find and finding creative and original ideas, managing people, coordinating with other people or teamwork, regulating and controlling emotions, being able to draw decisions, under any conditions, have a service or service orientation, negotiate, have cognitive flexibility or are able to think spontaneously in response to adjusting to situational needs. The librarian's brand value that must be built is the value of integrity and leadership. In terms of integrity, librarians must value honesty in speaking and acting; be able to balance/be consistent between thoughts, words, and actions; fair in treating others; have a high dedication to the institution; can always be trusted in carrying out the mandate and carrying out daily tasks. In addition to leadership, librarians must build teamwork in order to generate new ideas, ideas, suggestions so that work goals can be implemented.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-27
Wafi Ariqo ◽  
Yunus Winoto

The development of information technology has greatly affected people's lives. This can be seen with theuse of gadgets that cannot be separated from one's activities in daily life. In addition, one of the othercharacteristics is the emergence of new media platforms in the community, namely social mediaplatforms. In this regard, the library must always exist in a society that is always dynamic, so that libraryinstitutions follow developments around them and are able to transform services according to the needsof the community, especially the millennial group. implementing social media-based library services.This paper tries to discuss about the transformation of social media-based services. The method used islibrary research method. From the results of the study, it is known that the transformation of libraryservices based on social media is something that must be done in an effort to meet the informationneeds of the community, especially people from the millennial group. This is because social media hasseveral characteristics such as networking, information, interaction, dissemination and entertainmentelements that are in line with the expectations of the millennial group.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 66-81
Cherly Pratiwi

This study discusses the level of user satisfaction of the Solok City Library and Archives Service which was analyzed using Libqual+Tm. Libqual+Tm. Consists of three dimensions, namely affect of service, information control and library as place. The purpose of this study is to describe the level of user satisfaction at the Solok City Library and Archives Service. This research is a quantitative research with descriptive method. Data collection techniques through interviews and questionnaires. The research data was obtained from distributing questionnaires to the users of the Solok City Library and Archives Service as a population. Sampling from the study using incidental sampling technique and obtained a sample of 50 people. Based on the results of the study, the following conclusions were drawn: (1) based on the dimensions of the officer's performance in serving (affect of service) the users felt quite satisfied with the Adequacy Gap (AG) the dimension was positive with a score of 0.05 and the level of user satisfaction with the library was considered very satisfied. with the Superiority Gap (SG) is positive with a score of 0.52; (2) based on the dimensions of information quality and access to information (information control) the users are not satisfied with the Adequacy Gap (AG), the dimension is negative with a score of -0.20 and the level of user satisfaction with the library is considered very satisfied with the Superiority Gap (SG) is positive with score 0.25; (3) based on the dimensions of library facilities and infrastructure (library as place) the users are quite satisfied with the Adequacy Gap (AG) with a value dimension of 0.013 and the level of user satisfaction with the library is considered very satisfied with the Superiority Gap (SG) with a positive value with a score of 0.50 . Overall, the level of user satisfaction, the level of satisfaction of the users of the Library and Archives Service of Solok City, the users are quite satisfied with the average Adequacy Gap (AG) is positive with a score of 0.08 and the level of user satisfaction with the library is considered very satisfied with the average Superiority (SG). positive value with a score of 0.4.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-120
Mindy Syailah Nurthoyyibah ◽  
Susanti Agustina

The pandemic Covid-19 has impact most  of human activities, one of them is education. The implementation of distance learning has influence for the parents, teachers, and students who are the main subjects in education, as though increased stress, less of competency development,  or technical learning problems related to fulfill information needs. In case the  problems abandoned, it will hinder the students-development, the development of sustainable education, and the progress of the nation. This research aims to determine the information behavior of students of SMAN 1 Cicalengka in overcome learning constraints during the pandemic  Covid-19. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Data collection techniques is using triangulation data, through observation/surveys, interviews, and literature study. The population were all students of SMAN 1 Cicalengka with 5 informants. It uses the Ohotshi-Gottschalg-Duque information-behavior model as conceptual framework. The results showed that: First, students information needs were at the concious, visceral, and adapted levels; Second, information needs are mostly related with learning materials, motivation, health, hobbies, college even job vacancies; Third, students information behavior based on habits and intuitions, most of students do not understand the process of extracting because they do not recognize the domain of the information need. The implication that learning based on library is necessity at the level of educational unit that collaborates between teachers and school librarians.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 28-45
Sri Wulandari Martinus

The purpose of this study is to describe (1) the availability of collections local content in increasing public information literacy about wisdom local at the Padang Panjang City Library and Archives Service; (2) obstacles in improving public information literacy about local wisdom in the Dinas Padang Panjang City Library and Archives; and (3) efforts in improving public information literacy about local wisdom in the Dinas Padang Panjang City Library and Archives. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive method. Data collection techniques through observation, interview, and documentation. Research data was obtained from the results of an interview with the Head of the Library Service and Assistant Service Staff Padang Panjang City Library and Archives. The results of this study are as follows. First, in doing availability of local library collections pay attention to indicators availability of library collections including. (1) relevance, availability collection of local content in the library is relevant to the related user needs collection of local content; (2) user-oriented, collection availability local content in the library related to the information needs of users; (3) completeness of collections, completeness of local content collections in the library is still not complete because it only exists in printed form; (4) the ratio of titles, users and field specialist. The ratio between the titles of local content collections in the library and current users is still limited; (5) does not conflict with politics, ideology, religion or belief, race, or class. Availability of local content collection what is in the library does not conflict with politics, ideology, religion as well as existing races and groups; (6) scientific objects, collection availability local content in the library is adjusted to the vision and mission of the parent institution to achieve goals and objectives. Second, the City Library and Archives Service Padang Panjang has obstacles, namely: (1) lack of librarians functional in carrying out coaching activities; (2) users looking for local content collection is still very limited; (3) lack of active community participation. Third, the Padang Panjang City Library and Archives Service carried out several efforts to improve public information literacy about wisdom local Padang Panjang, namely: (1) holding traditional training activities; and (2) providing guidance to the Community Reading Park (TBM)

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 82-107
Fepi Febianti

Interest in reading is the emergence of feelings of pleasure or strong interest that encourages individuals to carry out activities so that they do it on their own accord. Then there are attempts to do this activity repeatedly. reading is an important activity. Human civilization will not be far from this activity. Even in its history, a civilization is said to be advanced if humans at that time had the ability to read and write. Even in Islam, the first commandment to the Prophet Muhammad was to read (iqra`: read). It has also been proven, a nation with a high interest in reading becomes a nation that excels in science and technology. By reading, you can find a variety of knowledge and make discoveries in both the scientific and social fields. Based on research on reading interest, broadly speaking, there are two factors, namely internal and external factors. Internal factors generally include perceptions, motivations, and individual feelings towards reading activities. Meanwhile, external factors relate to the environment, ease of access to books, availability of facilities and infrastructure, technological developments, and even distribution of reading books. Therefore, a unique literacy is needed to support the reading culture of the community. Literacy has an important role in the life of a learning community that lives in an era that is based on current knowledge, technology, and information. Human civilization can be awakened by mastery of literacy based on reading, writing, and critical thinking activities. Literacy is a process of how a person communicates in society. In addition, literacy can also be interpreted as practice and social relations related to knowledge, language, and culture. Libraries with librarians can be used to develop a literacy culture for users in particular and society in general. With the available resources, together with stakeholders and community groups, they can innovate, create, and vary literacy-based library services. Thus the literacy culture will grow and develop.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-10
Inda Fitri ◽  
Mega Orina Fitri ◽  
Zulvia Trinova

Education and training for madrasah and school library managers in the city of Padang to manage existinglibraries should have an educational background in Library Science. In fact, the head of the library is ateacher in the field of study and the library manager is still honorary. Lack of attention from the leadershipso that library managers are not creative because there is no continuous education and training. Thequestionnaire was distributed by the service team to 74 schools and madrasahs in the city of Padang andonly 30 returned questionnaires, where the average school library accreditation score was very low andbelow the standard value of accreditation issued by the Jakarta National Library. This research-basedservice method is Participation Action Research (PAR) which involves parties from the Head of the WestSumatra Provincial Education Office, West Sumatra Provincial Archives and Libraries, the Head of theMinistry of Religion of Padang City is invited as a speaker. From the results of the education and trainingactivities, it is not clear that the policies that will be carried out by leaders and decision makers to advancethe library in a better direction.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 171-184
Bella Bintari ◽  
Rismayeti Rismayeti ◽  
Hadira Latiar

The title of this research is the analysis of the subject of library collections at the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library. The purpose of this study was to determine how the subject analysis in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) Lancang Kuning University Library. The method used is descriptive quantitative, with a sample of 867 collection titles in the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, literature study, and documentation. The results showed that from a total of 867 collections, a small part (7%) of collection subjects were in accordance with the principle of determining the subject specifically and directly, then out of a total of 867 collection titles, a small part (7%) of collection subjects were in accordance with the usability principle, then from a total of 867 the title of the collection a small part (6%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of uniformity, then from a total of 867 titles of the collection a small part (4%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of subdivision of physical form, then from a total of 867 titles of the collection a small part (3%) of the subject of the collection in accordance with the principle of a specific topic or aspect, then out of a total of 867 collection titles, a small portion (1%) of the subject of the collection is in accordance with the principle of geographical subdivision, then the Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Lancang Kuning University Library does not apply a collection of chronological subdivisions, further from a total of 84 the title of the collection there are 19 collections on the principle of biography a small part (23%) subj oak collections are in accordance with biographical principles, then out of a total of 175 collection titles there are 38 collections on the principles of language and literature, a small portion (22%) of collection subjects according to the principles of language and literature.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Purwanto Putra ◽  
Renti Oktaria

This research was aimed to examine and tries to see the interrelationships and boundaries between the three components of library, information society and democracy in a pilot study. The study of the relationship of democracy as well as its boundaries with the information society and libraries will try to fill in the blanks regarding information that can be filled in to "patch all leaks" and "imperfection for imperfection". This study uses a qualitative method with the aim of knowing the role of library in information society and democracy . Data collection techniques in this study is to conduct literature reviews and experimental concept. The result of this research showed  antara perpustakaan, information society has a strong connection to democracy. Democracy is a very broad term and libraries and society are one of its components.

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