2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 16
Devina Sari ◽  
Marzam Marzam

AbstractThis study aims to determine students’ interest inmusical art learning and what factors that influence students' interest in musical art learning in SMA Negeri 1 Sumatra Barat.This type of studywas a qualitative with using a descriptive approach. The main instrument in this study was the researcher. It was assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery and camera. Techniques of Data collection were carried out by taking literature study, observation and interview. The analysis process was startedby analyzing data and seleceting selectively, then the data were displayed in a descriptive form.The result shows that the lack of students’ interest occur inmusical art learning in SMAN Sumatra Barat. The cultural art teacher in the learning process does not understand the learning material and the teaching method is not variative. The Factors that influence students' interest in learning at SMAN 1Sumatra Barat in the subject of musical art are internal and external factors.Keywords: Interests, learning, cultural arts

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 72
Monalisa Chania ◽  
Esy Maestro

AbstractThis study aims to see and describe the students' perceptions of music art learning in SMA 12 Padang. This type of study was a qualitative with using a descriptive approach. The instrument in this study was the researcher. It was also assisted by supporting instruments such as stationery and camera. Types of data used primary and secondary. Techniques of Data collection were carried out by doing observation, interview and literature study. Techniques in analyzing data were done by collecting, classifying, describing and making data conclusion. Based on observations and interviews, there are still many things that must be addressed by the school in order to improve the students learning outcomes. Some of them are as follows: (1) The students' perception of music art learning at class XI IPA 4 in SMA 12 Padang. (2) The students attention towards music art learning. (3) The music art learning material in SMA 12 Padang. (4) The facilities and the infrastructures provided by the school that can be supported by giving invitations to students to pay more attention to the learning of music as a subject that is as important as other subjects. Keywords: perception, music art learning 

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 342
Sri Haryati

ABSTRACTThisi study was aimed at to constructed the actual issues of national resilience ini thei developmenti of educational content of civici educationi as a description of knowledge about the actual issue of citizenship in the national resilience studies asi thei content of civici educationi in school.The research used qualitative descriptive approach. Source of informant data with purposive sampling technique, relevant document and literature study. Data collection was done throughi in-depthi interviewsi, FGD, iobservation, and documenti studyi. The validity of data was done by triangulation process of source and method. iData analysisi was done byireduction, data ipresentation, and iconclusion.Thei resultsi showedi thati the description of the content of civic education was based on the actual issues of national resilience concerning ideological, political, economic, socio-cultural and security issues in the form of basic competence study which translated into indicators to achieved the objectives of basic competence. Based on idataianalysis, it wasiinecessary to studiedi theiactual issue of national resilience to supported the content of civic education education in schoolABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkonstruksi isu aktual bidang ketahanan nasional dalam pengembangan isi pendidikan kewarganegaraan persekolahan berupa deskripsi pengetahuan tentang isu aktual kewarganegaraan bidang ketahanan nasional sebagai isi pendidikan kewarganegaraan persekolahan.Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data informan dengan teknik purposive sampling, dokumen dan kepustakaan yang relevan. Data dikumpulkan dan diolah dengan cara wawancara mendalam, FGD, observasi, dan studi dokumen. Validitas data dilakukan melalui proses trianggulasi sumber dan metode. Data dianalisis melalui reduksi data, pemyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Penelitian ini menemukan rumusan tentang deskripsi isi pendidikan kewarganegaraan berdasarkan isu aktual bidang ketahanan nasional yaitu tentang isu-isu ipoleksosbudhankam berupa kajian kompetensi dasar yang diterjemahkan menjadi indikator-indikator untuk mencapai tujuan dari kompetensi dasar tersebut. Berdasarkan analisis data, diperlukan kajian isu aktual ketahanan nasional untuk mendukung isi pendidikan kewarganegaraan persekolahan

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 494
Indah Rusmaidi ◽  
Desriyeni Desriyeni

AbstractThis paper discusses the Making of a Dance Studio Directory in the City of Padang. The purpose of this paper is (a) to describe the making of a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang; (B) describing the transition in creating a directory of dance studios in Padang City; (c) describe the business in making a directory of dance studios in the city of Padang. This research was conducted using descriptive methods by describing the subject or object based on visible facts. Data collected through observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the research that has been done, it can be concluded, first, the steps in the process of making dance studios in the city of Padang are (a) data collection that collects all information relating to which is not in doubt to be made in the directory; (B) collect all data obtained; (c) Focus on a vision that has been created; (d) making books so that they are easier to produce and making books more directed; (e) determine the subject, the subject used in making the directory is the name of the street, location of each studio; (f) classification or grouping, grouping data that has been collected and adjusted to the subjects that have been determined; (g) directory design that is by making cover designs, and compiling information from directories. Second, the challenges involved in making a dance studio directory in Padang City are as follows: (a) when collecting data the writer had difficulty in finding the dance studio to be addressed. This is because there are some studios that do not have banners or name bars installed. Discusses some problems in finding the studio; (B) some studios that the author visits the owner often go to the studio or the owner is out of town because they have to accompany their students in the race; (c) difficulties in contacting the studio owner. Third, the non-related ones involved in making directories include; (a) the name of the studio; (b) the name of the owner; (c) year of establishment; (d) number of students; (e) hours of practice; (f) address; (g) telephone number; (h) location plan; and (i) studio photos.Keywords: Manufacture, Directory, Dance Studio

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 14-20
Rena Juliana ◽  
Reni Juliani

Abstract The increasing role of English in this era of globalization seems to force us to recognize that English has a great impact on all aspects of life, so learning the English language is a must. Previously, studying English at Indonesian universities was limited to General English or English General Purposes, which became general subjects. However, over time, learning English has been developed specifically for English for Specific Purposes. This study is intended to show how the use of English learning at universities, especially in vocational education, works. In this study, the literature study was chosen as the research method. The literature study shows that the use of General English and English for Specific Purposes in higher education is very different. Where there is no special learning material for teaching General English. The learning material usually contains general knowledge of English. Unlike English for Specific Purposes, where teaching English for Specific Purposes requires special materials that are tailored to the needs of students depending on the subject. Keywords: Use, General English, English for Specific Purposes, University, Vocational Education. __________________________ Abstrak Meningkatnya peran bahasa Inggris di era globalisasi ini seolah memaksa kita untuk mengakui bahwa bahasa Inggris mempunyai pengaruh besar di segala aspek kehidupan sehingga mempelajari bahasa Inggris merupakan hal yang wajib. Sebelumnya di Indonesia, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi hanya sebatas General English atau English for General Purposes yang menjadi mata kuliah umum, namun seiring berjalannya waktu pembelajaran bahasa Inggris dikembangkan lagi secara khusus dalam mata kuliah English for Specific Purposes. Studi ini memiliki tujuan untuk melihat bagaimana penerapan kedua pembelajaran bahasa Inggris tersebut di perguruan tinggi khususnya pada pendidikan vokasi. Studi pustaka dipilih sebagai metode penelitian dalam studi ini. Dari studi kepustakaan tersebut diperoleh hasil bahwa penerapan General English dan English for Specific Purposes di perguruan tinggi sangatlah berbeda antara keduanya. Dimana tidak ada materi pembelajaran khusus terhadap pengajaran General English. Materi pembelajaran biasanya berisikan pengetahuan umum tentang bahasa Inggris. Beda halnya dengan English for Specific Purposes, dimana dalam pengajaran English for Specific Purpose, dibutuhkan materi khusus yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dari mahasiswa sesuai dengan bidang yang mereka ambil. Kata Kunci: Penerapan, General English, English for Specific Purposes, Perguruan Tinggi, Pendidikan Vokasi. __________________________

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Wildan Munawar

AbstractNazir has a central role in management and development of waqf assets. A nazir’s method of managing waqf assets will decide the quality and quantity of the use of waqf assets, so that the existence of a professional work team will make the waqf assets more developed and productive. The purpose of this study was to determine the professionalism of waqf nazir by analyzing the management of productive waqf in the Daarut Tauhiid Bandung waqf institution. This research used a qualitative descriptive approach by analyzing productive waqf management from three aspects, namely nazir, waqf assets, and finance at the Daarut Tauhiid waqf institution. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study. The data analysis technique used interactive model analysis by Miles and Huberman. The findings of this study indicate that productive waqf management at the Daarut Tauhiid Waqf Institution, which is reflected in three aspects, namely nazir, asset management, and financial reporting has gone well. This is supported by professional and competent nazirs in managing and developing waqf assets productively through collaboration with various parties; as well as management of waqf finances in a transparent and accountable manner through reporting to BWI, the community and waqif. AbstrakNazir memiliki peran sentral dalam pengelolaan dan pengembangan aset wakaf. Cara nazir dalam memperlakukan aset wakaf akan menentukan kualitas dan kuantitas pemanfaatan aset wakaf, sehingga keberadaan tim kerja yang profesional menjadikan aset wakaf akan semakin berkembang dan produktif. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui profesionalitas nazir wakaf dengan menganalisa manajemen wakaf produktif di lembaga wakaf Daarut Tauhiid Bandung. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif dengan menganalisa manajemen wakaf produktif dari tiga aspek, yaitu nazir, aset wakaf, dan keuangan di lembaga wakaf Daarut Tauhiid. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi dan studi kepustakaan. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis model interaktif Miles dan Huberman. Temuan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa manajemen wakaf produktif di Lembaga Wakaf Daarut Tauhiid yang direfleksikan melalui tiga aspek yaitu nazir, pengelolaan aset, dan pelaporan keuangan telah berjalan dengan baik. Hal ini didukung oleh para nazir yang profesional dan kompeten dalam mengelola dan mengembangkan aset wakaf secara produktif melalui kerja sama dengan berbagai pihak, dan juga pengelolaan keuangan wakaf secara transparan dan akuntabel melalui pelaporan kepada BWI, masyarakat dan waqif. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 71
Dwi Witri Anggraini ◽  
Indrayuda Indrayuda

Abstract This study aims to express the factors that influence the existence of Madam balanse dance at Seberang Palinggam. Type of this research was a qualitative study with using descriptive method. The main instrument of this study was the researcher. The additional instruments used were such as stationery, camera and flash disk. Techniques of data collection werecarried out by using literature study, observation, interviews, documentation. The steps in analyzing data were data collection, reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions of the research. The results show that the dance originated from trading activity which led to cultural encounters, namely Portuguese culture (dance) with Nias culture (maena). The cultural meeting creates a form of art performance  namely Madam Balance Dance. The existence of the Madam balanse dance is influenced by several factors such as: customs, religion, community and government environment. This dance has changed its function from dance as a custom to dance as entertainment, this is because of the lack of interest in the community and the government of Padang to preserve and learn the Madam Balanse dance. One of the efforts to keep the Madam Balanse dance alive and sustainable is that the government have to promote or introduce the Madam Balanse dance again to the public. Keywords: Factors Affecting the Existence of Madam Balanse Dance

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 6-12
Raden Minda Kusumah ◽  
Jessica Putri Meyliyan

In returning the outpatient medical record file to thesection of the Medical Record Unit, Assembling there was a delay. This is because the return of medical record files has not been carried out according to Standard Operating Procedures, as a result, causing delays in the reporting system. The method used is qualitative using a descriptive approach. Data collection techniques by observation, interviews and literature study. This study aims to determine the return of former medical records of outpatients at Dayeuhkolot Health Center. The results of the study prove that the delay in returning outpatient medical record files at the Dayeuhkolot Health Center with presentations during the 1 week study amounted to 63 or 22% of 285 medical record files. Efforts have been made to disseminate information to all officers related to the efforts made by the person in charge of COVID-19 patients in returning medical record files on time.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-17
Nevi Septianti ◽  
Rara Afiani

This study is based on the existence of learning activities that are less responsive to various individual characteristics. To meet these demands, teachers need to understand students' characteristic. If the teacher in delivering the lesson material less attention to the characteristics of the students and the personality traits of students is not used as a foothold in learning, students will have difficulty understanding the subject matter. Whatever efforts are chosen and performed by the teacher and the lesson designer if they are not based on individual characteristics of the student as subject of learning, then the developed learning will not be meaningful for the students. Characteristics of students is very important to know by educators, because it is very important to be a reference in formulating learning strategies. Learning strategy is developed by teachers and implemented through learning methods to the students so that the learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. This research uses qualitative descriptive approach and data collection techniques used are interview, observation, and documentation in SDN Cikokol 2.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 9
Welly Agita Sari ◽  
Yos Sudarman ◽  
Marzam Marzam

Abstract This study aims to describe the implementation of analysis of examination questions by the cultural arts teachers at Class X of Accounting Department in SMK Negeri 2 Pariaman. This type of study was qualitative research with using descriptive analysis method. The instrument of the study was the researcher and it was assisted by interview note, observation note, and documentation files. The researcher was involved in the research as a participant observer. The types of data were primary and secondary with qualitative data analysis techniques that described the problem. The result of this study indicates that the analysis of examination questions of cultural art (music) done by the teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Pariaman, which have been tested on the final exam in odd semester 2018/2019, shows the results of the existence of categories of questions that are easy, medium and difficult, based on the results of examination of students correct answers which have been recapitulated and summarized. there are six items whose material are not related to the subject, the description of questions are too broad and the questions that the teachers have never been explained in the Indonesian traditional music insight material, then the questions can be removed, replaced or corrected. The results of the analysis of questions. Keywords: semester exam analysis, cultural art teacher

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 229
Gede Adi Yuniarta

This study aims to determine the relation of the number of tourist visits to the opearsional costs at Sunari Hotel. The subject of this research is Sunari Hotel which is located at Dusun Banyualit, Kalibukbuk Village, precisely on Jalan Raya Lovina - Kalibukbuk Singaraja Bali, while the object of research is Relationship Number of Tourist Visits To Operational Costs at Hotel Sunari. Data collection techniques used in this study are interviews, documentation, and literature study. Analysis technique used is correlation coefficient analysis technique. The result of the research shows that the number of tourist visits to the operational cost of Sunari Hotel for the year 2016 amounted to 11.115%, it means up and down the operational costs at Sunari Hotel which is influenced 11.115% the number of tourist visits and the remaining 88.885% influenced by other factors.

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