scholarly journals Model E-Readiness Untuk Pengukuran Kesiapan Pengelolaan Aduan E-Lapor DIY

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Dwi Lestari ◽  
Wing Wahyu Winarno ◽  
Mei P Kurniawan

Pemanfaatan TIK secara efektif dan efisien telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah. Pemerintah Daerah DIY telah mengembangkan aplikasi aduan E-Lapor sejak 2018, akan tetapi pengelolaanya aduan yang masuk belum terespon tepat waktu sesuai dengan SOP E-Lapor DIY dimana aduan yang masuk harus direspon paling lambat 5 hari kerja. Sehingga untuk mengetahui hambatan dan kendala dalam pengelolaan E-Lapor DIY diperlukan pengukuran kesiapan faktor-faktor dalam pengelolaan E-Lapor DIY. Suksesnya pengelolaan E-lapor DIY bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor infrastruktur TIK saja, akan tetapi faktor yang turut mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan. Telah dikembangkan pada tingkat negara tertentu beberapa model e-readiness yang mengidentifikasi dari faktor-faktor perspektif makro. Sebelum melakukan pengukuran e-readiness terdapat hal yang krusial yang perlu dilakukan yaitu dengan pemilihan model e-readiness yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur dengan membandingkan beberapa model e-readiness yang telah popular dan sudah sering diadopsi dalam penelitian di Indonesi. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan sebuah rekomendasi model e-readiness Mutula Brakel yang paling sesuai untuk pengukuran kesiapan dalam pengelolaan aduan melalui aplikasi E-lapor DIY.Kata Kunci— e-lapor, e-readiness, tik, mutula dan brakel Effective and efficient use of ICT has been used to improve public services provided by the Government. The Regional Government of DIY has developed the E-Lapor complaint application since 2018, but the management of complaints that come in yet responded on time in accordance with the E-Lapor DIY procedure where the incoming complaint must be responded to no later than 5 working days. Efforts to determine the obstacles in managing E-Lapor DIY are needed to measure the readiness of the factors in managing E-Lapor DIY. The success of E-Lapor DIY management is not only influenced by ICT infrastructure factors, but also factors that influence the level of readiness. There are several e-readiness models that have been developed by identifying factors from a macro perspective at a particular country level. The selection of the right e-readiness model is an important thing that needs to be done, before measuring e-readiness. This research will compare several popular e-readiness models and are often adopted in research in Indonesia with a literature study approach. This study produces recommendations for the Mutula Brakel e-readiness model that is suitable for measuring readiness in complaint management through the E-Lapor DIY application. Keywords— e-lapor, e-readiness, ICT, mutula dan brakel

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  

Abstrack. Follow-up audit results is one indicator to determine the successful of an audit process. Law Number 15 of 2004 stipulates that follow-up activities on the recommendation of the audit BPK on Local Government Financial Statement (LKPD) are the responsibility that must be implemented by the entity. Recommendations are improvement on the things that need to be supervised and monitored in order to audit not only limited to giving opinions but more into the financial management improvements that the accountability is aspired to be realized better. Low completion of follow-up on the results of BPK could be an indication that the regional government has not fully committed to implementing the recommendations follow-up given by the examiner. This study is aimed to analyze the obstacles faced by SKPD of Gorontalo Province and the efforts that have been did by the Provincial Government of Gorontalo in order to accelerate the completion of the follow-up audit results of BPK. This study used a qualitative method with case study approach and the Government of Gorontalo Province as the research object with 4 (four) SKPD which is considered to represent the entity of Gorontalo Provincial Government with regard to several factors, namely the completion status of follow-up; the magnitude of the amount managed; the complexity of the activities; public service functions; and the internal audit function. Data was obtained by in-depth interviews, observation and documentation study in 4 (four) SKPD. The key informants were purposively determined to get the right information and accurate based on the following criteria: authoritativeness to the implementation of the follow-up, in charge of finding materials, preparing materials follow-up report, to master the problems of programs and activities, findings related parties, and the internal audit. Results showed that the constraints faced SKPD in following up the audit report of BPK, namely: lack of organizational commitment; weak internal control systems; findings related parties have died/retired/address unknown; rotation of employees; and disagreements over the results of the examination.Keywords: audit findings, financial statements, constraints and efforts of the provincial government, and follow-upAbstrak. Tindak lanjut hasil pemeriksaan merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan suatu pemeriksaan. Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2004 mengamanatkan bahwa kegiatan tindak lanjut atas rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan BPK atas Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah (LKPD) merupakan tanggungjawab yang harus dilaksanakan oleh entitas. Rekomendasi merupakan perbaikan terhadap hal yang perlu diawasi dan dimonitoring agar audit yang dilakukan tidak hanya sebatas pemberian opini tetapi lebih kedalam perbaikan pengelolaan keuangan agar akuntabilitas yang dicita-citakan dapat terwujud dengan lebih baik.Rendahnya penyelesaian tindak lanjut rekomendasi hasil pemeriksaan BPK dapat menjadi indikasi bahwa Pemerintah Daerah belum sepenuhnya berkomitmen dalam melaksanakan rekomendasi tindak lanjut yang diberikan oleh pemeriksa.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kendala-kendala apa saja yang dihadapi oleh SKPD Provinsi Gorontalo serta upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukakan oleh Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo dalam rangka percepatan penyelesaian tindak lanjut hasil pemeriksaan BPK. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus dan Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalosebagai objek penelitian yaitu 4 (empat) SKPD yang dianggap mewakili entitas Pemerintah Provinsi Gorontalo dengan memperhatikan beberapa faktor yaitu status penyelesaian tindak lanjut; besarnya jumlah anggaran yang dikelola; kompleksitas kegiatan; fungsi layanan publik; dan fungsi pengawas internal. Data diperoleh melalui teknik wawancara mendalam, pengamatan, dan studi dokumentasi pada 4 (empat) SKPD. Informan kunci ditentukan secara purposif untuk mendapatkan hasil informasi yang tepat dan akurat berdasarkan kriteria antara lain :mempunyai kewenangan terhadap pelaksanaan tindak lanjut, membidangi materi temuan, menyusun bahan laporan tindak lanjut, menguasai permasalahan program dan kegiatan, pihak terkait temuan, dan pengawas internal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya kendala-kendala yang dihadapi SKPD dalam menindaklanjuti hasil pemeriksaan BPK yaitu : (1) kurangnya komitmen organisasional; (2) lemahnya sistem pengendalian intern; (3) pihak terkait temuan telah meninggal/pensiun/alamat tidak diketahui; (4) rotasi pegawai; dan (5) adanya ketidaksepakatan atas hasil pemeriksaan.Kata Kunci : hasil pemeriksaan, laporan keuangan,kendala dan upaya pemerintah provinsi, dan tindak lanjut

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 423-433
Dana R. Buana ◽  
Masayu N. Juwita

The development of religious extremism in Indonesia continues to increase every year so that serious attention is needed by the government to deal with religious extremism in Indonesia. Indonesia is an archipelagic country where there are various ethnic groups and religions that coexist. However, the development of religious extremism sometimes becomes a serious problem for the Indonesian people because it can have a negative impact and damage the unity between nations and religions. This research uses literature study. This research method is carried out by reviewing various literatures, both books, newspapers, survey reports, academic journals related to religious extremism in Indonesia. The results show that not all religious extremism has an impact on the emergence of terrorism, but the government still must make the right policies in handling religious extremism that can cause division and affect peoples welfare. The policies that have been made by the government are considered appropriate and based on the laws that have been set by the government so that they can have a positive impact in maintaining the unity and integrity of the Indonesian nation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Nevy Rusmarina Dewi ◽  
Wahyu Khoiruzzaman ◽  
Muhammad Fatwa Fauzian ◽  
Abdul Ghofur

ABSTRACTThe radicalism movement is currently one of the centres of attention of the Indonesian government because several incidents have repeatedly occurred in Indonesia. The radicalism movement is a concept that wish changes in society using a narrow religious understanding base which usually leads to bomb terror acts. The Central Java region is one area that is often used as the basis of radicalism movements spreading across various regions. The government cooperates with several Islamic organizations, one of which is (Nahdlatul Ulama), to take part in preventing radicalism that can threaten the integrity of the nation and state. This article aims to reveal the role of Nahdlatul Ulama's national politics in repressing the radicalism movement in Indonesia, especially in the Pati Regency area. The research method applied is qualitative with a literature study approach and through interviews. The NU Branch Leader (PCNU) made several programs to repress radicalism in the Pati Regency area, among others, by solidifying students in the Nahdlatul Ulama Student Association (IPNU) by holding Basic Leadership Training (LDK) in collaboration with the National Military Forces (TNI) and academics. In addition, Ansor and Banser of Pati Regency were active in conducting discussions with the theme of counteracting radicalism. These activities by Nahdlatul Ulama are effective in repressing radicalism in the Pati Branch area.  Keywords: national politics; radicalism; PCNU Pati Kabupaten.ABSTRAKGerakan radikalisme pada saat ini menjadi salah satu pusat perhatian pemerintah Indonesia karena berulang kali aksi ini terjadi di Indonesia. Gerakan radikalisme merupakan paham yang menginginkan perubahan dalam masyarakat yang seringnya menggunakan dasar pemahaman agama yang sempit yang biasanya berujung pada aksi teror bom. Wilayah Jawa Tengah merupakan salah satu wilayah yang sering menjadi basis gerakan radikalisme yang tersebar di berbagai daerah. Pemerintah menggandeng beberapa ormas Islam salah satunya adalah Nahdlatul Ulama yang ikut andil dalam rangka pencegahan radikalisme yang dapat mengancam keutuhan bangsa dan negara.  Artikel ini bertujuan mengungkap peran politik kebangsaan Nahdlatul Ulama dalam membendung gerakan radikalisme di Indonesia khususnya di wilayah Kabupaten Pati. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur serta melalui wawancara. PCNU membuat beberapa program yang dilaksanakan dalam rangka membendung radikalisme di wilayah Kabupaten Pati antara lain dengan mensolidkan para pelajar dalam Ikatan Pelajar Nahdlatul Ulama (IPNU) dengan mengadakan Latihan Dasar Kepemimpinan (LDK) yang bekerjasama dengan TNI maupun akademisi.  Selain itu Ansor dan Banser Kabupaten Pati aktif untuk melakukan diskusi dengan tema menangkal radikalisme. Kegiatan-kegiatan tersebut efektif dalam rangka membendung radikalisme oleh Nahdlatul Ulama di wilayah Cabang Pati.Kata kunci: politik kebangsaan; radikalisme; PCNU Kabupaten Pati.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-134
Marthinus Ngabalin

AbstractThe world created by God, with everything in it is saved as an expression of God’s justice that should be guarded to maintain a cosmological balance for the welfare of all beings. However, it is realized, that human individualism often control itself to exploit nature. It is realized that the conception of salvation possessed by the Church had long been dominated by human-centered theology of salvation, consciously putting aside the conscience of life and salvation which are also the right of all beings. This research is a qualitative research with a literature study approach. This study aims to explain the ecotheology of the environment, its model and its implementation as a human effort in overcoming natural and environmental problems.Keywords: Nature; life; salvation; ecotheology AbstrakDunia yang diciptakan oleh Allah, dengan segala sesuatu yang mendiaminya diselamatkan sebagai wujud keadilan Allah yang patut dikawal untuk menjaga keseimbangan kosmologi bagi kesejahteraan segala makhluk. Namun di dalam kenyatannya, sikap individualisme manusia seringkali menguasai dirinya untuk mengeksploitasi alam. Disadari bahwa konsep keselamatan yang dimiliki oleh Gereja sudah sejak lama didominasi oleh teologi keselamatan yang bersifat berpusat pada manusia, yang secara sadar mengesampingkan nurani kehidupan dan keselamatan yang juga adalah hak segala makhluk. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan ekoteologi lingkungan hidup, model serta implementasinya sebagai upaya manusia dalam mengatasi masalah alam dan lingkungan hidup.Kata Kunci: Alam; Kehidupan; Keselamatan, Ekoteologi

Lentera Hukum ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 131
Era Nandya Febriana ◽  
Jayus Jayus ◽  
Rosita Indrayati

Indonesia is the Unitary State. It is understood that within a unitary state, the central government operates a high state sovereignty. In order not to be arbitrary, the activities of the central government are supervised and limited by the constitution. The government which is divided from the Central Government to the Regional Government included Regional Autonomy therein, as well as the authority of the Regional Government, is on duty to manage the Regional Property. In carrying out its authority as an administrator of local property, there are still many abuses or omissions committed by the local government in operating its authority in managing regional property, such as the negligence of the Regional Assets, the misuse of authority in the revocation of rights already granted by the regional government on the right to use of local property, using local property for personal interest. In the management of regional property required planning, implementation, and supervision by the local government in accordance with applicable laws and regulations in the constitution. Keywords: Authority, Local Government, Management of Regional Property

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 84-88

This study examined the supervision of public services as stipulated in Law 25 of 2009, namely regarding public services and Law 23 of 2014 concerning regional government. Supervision carried out in the law is to give authority to each of the existing institutions or institutions, causing overlapping existing authority. Giving authority to officials will give birth to the rights and obligations to achieve the goals and intentions specified in the legislation. The rise of corruption cases occurs because of the weakness of existing supervision of government administration, especially in public services. In this case corruption will foster public distrust of public services. The form of maladministration carried out by public service providers is always associated with behavior in services performed by public officials and the norms of behavior of officials in public services. In addition, these problems are also caused by the opportunities and authority given to be abused and the low quality of public services in various service sectors. Supervision of public services can provide certainty about the public services provided by the government whether it has been running according to targets and objectives and is a way to find out as early as possible maladministration that might occur so that effective and accountable government can be realized.

1969 ◽  
Vol 10 (3) ◽  
Witra Apdhi Yohanitas dan Teguh Henry Prayitno

One manifestation of good governance is the availability of infrastructure that providing information and take into account of people's expectations, so that it can be used to improvethe performance of government services. Basically, public has the right to use the complaints media if the performance of the government is not in line with public prospects. By giving an example of complaints managements and policiesthat are applied in the city of Bekasi as a benchmark that can be copied or replicated in other agencies. This study utilize exploratory descriptive method that link with regulationin order to explain the complaint in a straightforward and structured. Bekasi city has packed a system of provision of information and public complaints by utilizing technology which is the website and the SMS center. In addition, to support the success of the public services, Bekasi provides clear rules related to the provision of information and public complaints, and organizingtransparency complaint data and simple management. Model that performed by Bekasi Local Government is quite simple, therefore it can be duplicated/ replicated in other local governments.Keywords: complaint management, Bekasi City, website, sms center, community expectationsSalah satu wujud pemerintahan yang baik adalah tersedianya sarana dan prasarana untuk pemberian informasi, mendengar dan memperhatikan harapan masyarakatsehingga dapat menjadi perbaikan pelayanan dan kinerja pemerintah.Masyarakat berhak menggunakan media pengaduan jika kinerja pemerintah tidak sesuai dengan harapannya. Pemberian contoh pola pengaduan yang diterapkan di kota Bekasi dan memberikan beberapa contoh kebijakan yang ditempuh agar pengelolaan pengaduan yang diterapkan dapat berjalan sesuai dengan yang diinginkan diharapkan pengelolaan pengaduan kota Bekasi dapat menjadi pembanding yang dapat dicontoh atau direplikasi instansi lain.Melalui Metode deskriptif eksploratifterhadap peraturan dipilih untuk menjelaskan pengaduan secara lugas dan terstruktur. Kota Bekasi telah mengemas suatu sistem pelayanan penyediaan informasi dan pengaduan masyarakat dengan memanfaatkan sarana teknologi yaitu situs web dan sms center.Selain itu, untuk menunjang keberhasilan pelayanannya, kota Bekasi memberikan aturan yang jelas terkait pemberian informasi dan pengaduan masyarakat, dan melakukan transparansi data pengaduan serta manajemen yang sederhana. Model yang dilakukan cukup sederhana, maka pengelolaan pengaduan yang dilakukan oleh kota Bekasi dapat ditiru/ direplikasi didaerah lain.Kata Kunci: pengelolaan pengaduan, Kota Bekasi, situs web, sms center, harapan masyarakat

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 60
Isril ' ◽  
Rury Febrina ◽  
Zulfa Harirah

The partnership between the Regional Government and the private sector is a step that the Government can take as an effort to cover up the limitations in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru. The dynamics of rapid population growth have had consequences for increasing the volume of garbage to approximately 1,100 tons per day. The Pekanbaru City Government then took steps to implement partnerships with the private sector as an effort to manage waste management. However, the involvement of the private sector in dealing with waste issues actually showed a failure in 2015. In 2018, the Pekanbaru City Government again planned to submit waste management to the private sector. Therefore, this study tries to focus on two formulations of the problem, which is why the Pekanbaru City Government again delegates the authority to manage waste in the city of Pekanbaru to the private sector? And what is the right scheme for government and private partnerships in carrying out waste management in Pekanbaru City? To answer the above questions, this research was escorted by the Reinventing Government theory of David Osborne and Ted Gaebler and also the theory of Public Private Partnership. Through the case study method, this research will explore the partnership between Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management in Pekanbaru City. The results showed that the objective of the partnership between the Regional Government of Pekanbaru and third parties in waste management in the city of Pekanbaru was to overcome the inability of the Pekanbaru City Government to provide facilities and infrastructure, garbage fleets, human resources and budget constraints. Thus, the logic of this partnership leads to one of the lines of thought offered by Osborn regarding the Catalytic Government (Steering Rather Than Rowing). The scheme of success of the partnership of Pekanbaru City Government and the private sector in waste management needs to pay attention to process factors, partner factors and structural factors. Thus, waste management in the city of Pekanbaru requires a paradigm shift, from being limited to disposal to become a focus on management and utilization.

Muhammad Isa Daud ◽  
Mufty Mufty

Making the right decision is very important in a management, wrong decision making can be fatal for both companies and individuals Through the Education Office the government seeks to allocate funds to provide scholarships to students who are economically unable to finance their education and provide scholarships to students who have achievements. In order for the implementation of scholarships to be achieved, it must be in accordance with the principle of 3T, namely On target, Right amount and On time. The provision of tuition fee assistance in the form of scholarships is also given to students in universities. Scholarships are given to students who excel and are underprivileged. The selection of scholarship recipients so far is not maximal because of the assessment that seems to favor one student so that students who really deserve it become unable to get. In this research using Weighted Products method to conduct the assessment process and the process implemented into a system, it is expected that with the system of decision-makers can choose students who really deserve. The results showed that Mahasiswa 4 was selected as a scholarship student with a score of 0.237

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
M. Sofiatul Iman

The obligation of da’wah for every Muslim individual is an undeniable reality in order to improve the religion of the religious community and change from a bad living condition to a better life based on daily behavior on the Al-Quran and Sunnah, ijma ‘and qiyas. The success or failure of da’wah depends on how the message is delivered by the da’wah communicator (da’i) on the receiver (mad’u). But now the da’wah is faced with the reality of cyber society, the cyber community which is also called the global community gave birth to a variety of new cultures because of the freedom of unlimited interaction through the internet. It is necessary to have a resolution from the proselytizing practitioners, meaning that a da’I is not only required to be a vocalist in conveying his message of preaching, but is also required to be creative and innovative so that cyber society as mad’u can still be interested in the da’wah packaging delivered. With literature study approach and also mass media communication theory, this article is present to offer a resolution of a proselytizing practitioner in addressing cyber society as his mad’u. In this paper in the language about the method of da’wah that is associated with the relevance of cyber society, namely the method of da’wah in general in the Qur’an as a resolution. In other words, da’wah bilhikmah in cyber society, mau’idzatul hasanah in cyber society and al-mujadalah in cyber society. In addition, to support the effectiveness of da’wah in cyber society, an important component that must participate is the government, education environment and family environment. Keywords : Da’i, Media, Cyber Community

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