scholarly journals Ekoteologi : Tinjauan Teologi Terhadap Keselamatan Lingkungan Hidup

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 118-134
Marthinus Ngabalin

AbstractThe world created by God, with everything in it is saved as an expression of God’s justice that should be guarded to maintain a cosmological balance for the welfare of all beings. However, it is realized, that human individualism often control itself to exploit nature. It is realized that the conception of salvation possessed by the Church had long been dominated by human-centered theology of salvation, consciously putting aside the conscience of life and salvation which are also the right of all beings. This research is a qualitative research with a literature study approach. This study aims to explain the ecotheology of the environment, its model and its implementation as a human effort in overcoming natural and environmental problems.Keywords: Nature; life; salvation; ecotheology AbstrakDunia yang diciptakan oleh Allah, dengan segala sesuatu yang mendiaminya diselamatkan sebagai wujud keadilan Allah yang patut dikawal untuk menjaga keseimbangan kosmologi bagi kesejahteraan segala makhluk. Namun di dalam kenyatannya, sikap individualisme manusia seringkali menguasai dirinya untuk mengeksploitasi alam. Disadari bahwa konsep keselamatan yang dimiliki oleh Gereja sudah sejak lama didominasi oleh teologi keselamatan yang bersifat berpusat pada manusia, yang secara sadar mengesampingkan nurani kehidupan dan keselamatan yang juga adalah hak segala makhluk. Penelitian merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menjelaskan ekoteologi lingkungan hidup, model serta implementasinya sebagai upaya manusia dalam mengatasi masalah alam dan lingkungan hidup.Kata Kunci: Alam; Kehidupan; Keselamatan, Ekoteologi

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 53-69
Selvy Iriany Susanti Dupe

The ever-expanding changes times have an impact on many people even more on the lives of Christian teens. The teenage phase is a pretty hard time to deal with because of many influences around both positive and negative. This phase is also in which a person’s mind begins to form and depends on the circumstances surrounding them. This study aims to provide an overview of the self-concept of Christian teens in the face of changing times that continue to develop. Researches use a literature study approach to find the main picture of the research in question. The results showed that Christian youth in facing the changing times needed God’s wisdom in this world and needed to be followed by the right example of life. In addition, it is necessary to present the right figures and be the right role models, both from parents and the church (youth servants, servants of God/pastors) so that there is a role model for adolescents who help them live a wiser and more responsible life even if it occurs changing times that have their own impact. Perubahan zaman yang terus berkembang tentu memiliki dampak bagi banyak orang terlebih lagi pada kehidupan remaja Kristen. Fase remaja adalah masa-masa yang cukup sulit dihadapi dikarenakan banyaknya pengaruh di sekitar baik secara positif dan juga negatif. Di fase ini pula pola pikir seseorang mulai terbentuk dan tergantung dari keadaan yang ada di sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang konsep diri remaja Kristen dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman yang terus berkembang. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan studi pustaka untuk menemukan gambaran pokok penelitian yang dimaksud. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa remaja Kristen dalam menghadapi perubahan zaman, perlu hikmat Tuhan dalam dunia ini dan perlu diikuti dengan keteladan hidup yang benar. Selain itu, perlu menghadirkan tokoh-tokoh yang benar dan menjadi teladan yang benar, baik itu dari orangtua maupun gereja (pelayan remaja, hamba Tuhan/pendeta) agar ada role model bagi remaja yang membantunya dalam menjalani hidup dengan lebih bijak dan lebih bertanggungjawab sekalipun terjadi perubahan zaman yang membawa dampak tersendiri.

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Abdurrozaq Abdurrozaq ◽  
Gustu Rahma Deni

This research was motivated by the condition of the weaving craftsmen at the “Karya Mandiri” Weaving Center Sumbawa who had difficulty in marketing the woven fabric products they produced, Kre Sesek (traditional woven cloth typical of Sumbawa). This study aims to design the branding of Kre Sesek Sentra Weaving “Karya Mandiri” Sumbawa to be better known by the wider community through the use of visual communication media. The research method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Methods of collecting data through observation, literature study, interviews, and documentation. The research data obtained, then analyzed in order to develop the right branding concept. The branding concept used is KRESAMAWA (Kre Sesek Samawa)

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-33
Jhon Leonardo Presley Purba

Indonesia is the most plural country in the world. Pluralism in Indonesia also concerns religion. The role of the Church and the Servant of God is very important in dealing with intolerant behavior between religions in the pluralism of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. This research is a descriptive qualitative research that uses literature research methods and data collection using the literature study method. The purpose of this research is to find out how the role of the Church and the Servant of God in dealing with intolerant behavior and religious hardliners within the framework of the Republic of Indonesia. Using descriptive qualitative methods with a literature study approach, the conclusion of this study is that the Church and the Servant of God have an important role to play and be proactive in maintaining and dealing with intolerant behavior towards Christians in Indonesia by being responsible for educating Christians in Indonesia so that they do not have sectarianism. radical which leads to aggressive and intolerant behavior towards adherents of other religions. The Church and the Servant of God must realize that every citizen has the right that is protected by the state to worship according to the religion and belief of each citizen. If there is an intervention against Christians exercising their religious rights, the Church and the Servant of God must act to defend their rights as citizens according to the laws in force in Indonesia by making various efforts including through inter-religious dialogue approaches, social approaches, political approaches and formal legal approaches according to the law applies in Indonesia. .

2021 ◽  
Candra Gunawan Marisi ◽  
Didimus Sutanto B Prasetya ◽  
Martina Novalina ◽  

Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) in Ipoh-Perak, Malaysia mostly have multi-dimensional problems from home; generally experience low self-esteem, have no ideals, are relatively young, and have poor experience. Pressure after pressure from the work environment, economic problems, bad relationships and worries about the future in foreign countries actually add to the negative psychological impact. The church is an important part to provide mentoring and strength of faith to the PMI, the church manages, regulates and involves the congregation in ministry and maintains true teaching. This study aims to: (1) determine the strategic importance of the role of praise and worship as adiscipleship strategy at BCM Ipoh, Malaysia, (2) find out the function of praise and worship as a continuous way of restoring self-image. This paper uses descriptive qualitative research with a literature study approach. As a result, praise and worship can become a strategy in discipleship that is, as teaching that will lead people to the right understanding so as to produce a response andfaith (Rom. 10:17). Praise and worship has an important role to make people aware of their position in Christ and awaken to sin, so that they repent and turn to God's way, personal experience with God, brings God's presence that builds faith, hope and love so that it becomes the opening key in restoring self-image PMI in Malaysia.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati ◽  
Yonatan Alex Arifianto ◽  
Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin

Abstrak Pemuridan adalah harga mati dari seorang murid Yesus. Murid Yesus yang sejati harus menghasilkan murid lainnya bagi Yesus. Pola pemuridan yang benar dan efektif yang diteladankan Yesus, dan dicontoh Rasul Paulus dalam pelayanan dan kehidupannya yang dalam 2 Timotius 1:2 dipercayakan dan diwariskan kepada Timotius untuk diteruskan kepada generasi murid-murid Yesus terus sampai kesudahan akhir zaman sungguh terbukti ampuh. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi pustaka melalui buku-buku dan artikel-artikel yang berkualitas dalam membahas pemuridan Kristen. Hasil dari penelitian ini disimpulkan bahwa implikasi kehidupan yang bermakna dari seorang murid Kristus yang memuridkan lagi yang harus nyata diperagakan dalam kehidupan kekristenannya sebagai pribadi dan gereja sebagai kehidupan komunitas murid-murid Yesus, yaitu: Pertama,  Tetap tinggal di dalam Kristus. Kedua, Hidup dengan tujuan menghasilkan buah. Ketiga, Memiliki hasrat untuk regenerasi dan pelipatgandaan murid. Keempat, Meneladani Yesus yang memuridkan murid. Kelima, Gereja dan pemimpin rohani yang memuridkan. Keenam, Menjadikan pemuridan sebagai gaya hidup.   Abstract  Discipleship is the fixed price of a disciple of Jesus. A true disciple of Jesus must produce other disciples for Jesus. The pattern of true and effective discipleship that Jesus imitated, and was imitated by the Apostle Paul in his ministry and life which in 2 Timothy 1:2 was entrusted and passed on to Timothy to be passed on to generations of Jesus' disciples until the end of the age had really proven effective. The method in this study uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach through quality books and articles in discussing Christian discipleship. The results of this study conclude that the implications of a meaningful life of a disciple of Christ who make disciples again that must be manifested in his Christian life as a person and the church as a community life of Jesus' disciples, namely: First, Remain in Christ. Second, live with the aim of producing fruit. Third, have a desire to regenerate and multiply disciples. Fourth, Imitate Jesus who made disciples. Fifth, the Church and spiritual leaders who make disciples. Sixth, Make discipleship a lifestyle.      

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-33
David Setiawan ◽  
Jonathan Hizkia Hosea Salendur

This article aims to look at the self-concept that is formed in Christian youth today with the lively development of TikTok social media. Informing a positive self-concept of young people, external factors are very influential. Of the many studies that have been conducted, many have found that a positive self-concept is influenced by the TikTok social media application for TikTokers. Based on these facts, it is necessary to conduct research on the causes of positive self-concept for today's youth, especially Christian youth. Through descriptive qualitative research with a literature study approach and field surveys, it can describe the causes of positive self-concept TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan Tawangmangu to be implemented for today's Christian youth. From this research, it was found that the positive self-concept of TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan is not affected by TikTok social media, but because TikTokers ITBK Bukit Pengharapan Tawangmangu is young people who have accepted Christ and live life to be like Christ.

Tumou Tou ◽  
2020 ◽  
pp. 11-26
Jeane Marie Tulung ◽  
Yornan Masinamboue

The purpose of this paper is to describe and understand how the thought of John Calvin who was a famous reformer figure from time to time. Calvin paid great attention to Christian education especially in the church. He arranged systematically the way, the content of the teaching, as well as the qualifications, self-image of the teachers both pastors and religious teachers who were all based on the Bible and to glorify God. The method used in this paper is a qualitative research method with a literature study study in which the researcher reviews, compares, formulates and analyzes Calvin's thoughts both in his life context, his thoughts through books, documents, journals and other relevant literature studies. From the findings it can be said that Calvin's educative theological thought is purely based on the Bible. For Calvin, the teaching of the Christian faith is determined by the Bible and interpretations that are right and right and can have a good influence on the church and society. Calvin is always thinking of the right way so that the quality of the faith of the congregation continues to develop well and can be implemented in a variety of social life. In the midst of challenges today the church is required not to be carried away by various kinds of ideas that do not emphasize the Bible as the basis of human life. As it was done, Calvin the priests, teachers of religion today are required with full responsibility to think deeply about ways to continue to nourish the true Christian faith based on the Scriptures so that the quality of their faith is well preserved and lives glorifying God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-32
Muhamad Parhan ◽  
Adilla Tieky I. D ◽  
Ajeng Irma H. S ◽  
Arnis Susnita ◽  
Eva Fauziah K

Penelitian ini merupakan sebuah upaya yang dilakukan peneliti dalam mengkaji tentang masalah-masalah penerapan metodologi Barat pada pendidikan dasar di Indonesia dalam perspektif Islam. Upaya yang dilakukan dengan cara studi pustaka yang bertujuan untuk mendapatkan metode pendidikan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan tujuan pendidikan di Indonesia. Pendekatan penelitian ini merupakan kombinasi antara penelitian kuantitatif dan kualitatif (mix research) dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa sebar kuesioner, studi pustaka, dan wawancara yang dilakukan kepada beberapa narasumber yang berbeda guna mendapatkan jawaban-jawaban untuk disimpulkan dengan benar. Penelitian ini dapat dilihat dari hasil kuesioner dan wawancara. Masalah-masalah penerapan metodologi Barat pada pendidikan dasar di Indonesia dapat diatasi dengan menerapkan beberapa cara mendidik anak yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah saw., yaitu didasarkan kepada Alquran dan Hadits, serta mengambil metodologi Barat dengan terlebih dahulu melakukan pemilihan konten yang tepat dan relevan dengan pendidikan Islam.   Kata Kunci: problematika, metodologi barat, pendidikan dasar This research is an attempt by the researcher in examining the problems of applying Western methodology to basic education in Indonesia in an Islamic perspective. Efforts are made by means of literature study that aims to get the right educational methods and in accordance with the objectives of education in Indonesia. This research approach is a combination of quantitative and qualitative research (mix research) with data collection techniques in the form of questionnaires, literature studies, and interviews conducted to several different sources to get answers to be concluded correctly. This research can be seen from the results of the questionnaire and interview. The problems of applying Western methodology to basic education in Indonesia can be overcome by applying several ways of educating children as exemplified by the Messenger of Allah, which is based on the Qur'an and Hadith, and taking Western methodologies by first selecting the right content and relevant to Islamic education.

2019 ◽  
pp. 257
Ni Putu Asri Widiyasari ◽  
Ni Made Wiasti ◽  
Aliffiati .

Ngusaba Dangsil is one of the religious rituals performed by Bungaya Villages. Despite their different beliefs, they remain respectful of each other. Tolerance among religious people in Bungaya Village is one of them can be seen during Ngusaba Dangsil ritual, a small community living in Bungaya Village called as Islam Belalungan is also involved in the big ritual procession. The aims of this research are to know: (a) Why Islam Belalungan play a role in Ngusaba Dangsil ritual and (b) How does Ngusaba Dangsil ritual mean for Islam Belalungan. The involvement of Islam Belalungan in Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual is studied through role theory, while the meaning of Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual for Islam Belalungan can be studied through interpretative theory. The concepts used as a guideline in this research is the concept of role, the concept of Islam Belalungan, and the concept of Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual. Thus, this study uses ethnographic research methods that belong to qualitative research with data collection techniques through observation, interview, and literature study. The results showed that the existence of Islam Belalungan in Bungaya Village can not be separated from the history of Islamic entry in Karangasem through several channels namely, government, trade, and kinship. The factors of involvement of Islam Belalungan in Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual are among others history and part of the village. In addition, the role of Islam Belalungan in Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual is at the time before, when the ritual, and after the ritual. Before the ritual begins, the Islam Belalungan participate to assist the preparation of making banten dangsil, when the ritual has taken place, Islam Belalungan are involved to help lift dangsil in the peak of the Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual. After Ngusaba Dangsil Ritual is completed, Islam Belalungan given the right to take or eat a surudan of banten that has been offered.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 86
Dwi Lestari ◽  
Wing Wahyu Winarno ◽  
Mei P Kurniawan

Pemanfaatan TIK secara efektif dan efisien telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang diselenggarakan oleh Pemerintah. Pemerintah Daerah DIY telah mengembangkan aplikasi aduan E-Lapor sejak 2018, akan tetapi pengelolaanya aduan yang masuk belum terespon tepat waktu sesuai dengan SOP E-Lapor DIY dimana aduan yang masuk harus direspon paling lambat 5 hari kerja. Sehingga untuk mengetahui hambatan dan kendala dalam pengelolaan E-Lapor DIY diperlukan pengukuran kesiapan faktor-faktor dalam pengelolaan E-Lapor DIY. Suksesnya pengelolaan E-lapor DIY bukan hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor infrastruktur TIK saja, akan tetapi faktor yang turut mempengaruhi tingkat kesiapan. Telah dikembangkan pada tingkat negara tertentu beberapa model e-readiness yang mengidentifikasi dari faktor-faktor perspektif makro. Sebelum melakukan pengukuran e-readiness terdapat hal yang krusial yang perlu dilakukan yaitu dengan pemilihan model e-readiness yang tepat. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan studi literatur dengan membandingkan beberapa model e-readiness yang telah popular dan sudah sering diadopsi dalam penelitian di Indonesi. Penelitian ini akan menghasilkan sebuah rekomendasi model e-readiness Mutula Brakel yang paling sesuai untuk pengukuran kesiapan dalam pengelolaan aduan melalui aplikasi E-lapor DIY.Kata Kunci— e-lapor, e-readiness, tik, mutula dan brakel Effective and efficient use of ICT has been used to improve public services provided by the Government. The Regional Government of DIY has developed the E-Lapor complaint application since 2018, but the management of complaints that come in yet responded on time in accordance with the E-Lapor DIY procedure where the incoming complaint must be responded to no later than 5 working days. Efforts to determine the obstacles in managing E-Lapor DIY are needed to measure the readiness of the factors in managing E-Lapor DIY. The success of E-Lapor DIY management is not only influenced by ICT infrastructure factors, but also factors that influence the level of readiness. There are several e-readiness models that have been developed by identifying factors from a macro perspective at a particular country level. The selection of the right e-readiness model is an important thing that needs to be done, before measuring e-readiness. This research will compare several popular e-readiness models and are often adopted in research in Indonesia with a literature study approach. This study produces recommendations for the Mutula Brakel e-readiness model that is suitable for measuring readiness in complaint management through the E-Lapor DIY application. Keywords— e-lapor, e-readiness, ICT, mutula dan brakel

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