scholarly journals Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Mempengaruhi Persepsi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Hutan Tanaman Rakyat pada KPH Gedong Wani

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 61
Dian Nova Yanti ◽  
Irwan Sukri Banuwa ◽  
Rahmat Safe’i ◽  
Christine Wulandari ◽  
Indra Gumay Febryano

One effort to reduce environmental damage is the launching of the Social Forestry Program by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. One such program is Community Plantation Forest (HTR). Farmers' perception of a program is the main basis for the willingness to participate in a program. The purpose of this study are: 1) Knowing the perception of the community, and 2) Knowing the factors that affect the public perception of the HTR development program in KPH Gedong Wani. The research was conducted in Sinar Ogan Village, Srikaton, Jati Indah, Jati Baru, and Budi Lestari, which is the recipient village of IUPHHK-HTR. Sampling technique using stratified random sampling and obtained as many as 95 respondents by interview method. To know the factors that influence perception using multiple regression. The results of this study show the public perception on the development of HTR in the medium category. Factors that have significant effect on public perception are formal education, informal education, HTR land area, monthly income, availability of information, and intensity of counseling.

e-GIGI ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Ayu Angraeni

Kehilangan gigi dapat menimbulkan dampak emosional serta menyebabkan berkurangnya kemampuan untuk melakukan aktivitas pengunyahan dan berbicara. Melihat akibat yang ditimbulkan maka seharusnya gigi yang hilang diganti dengan gigi tiruan. Pada umumnya untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pembuatan gigi tiruan, masyarakat lebih memilih mengunjungi tukang gigi daripada pergi ke dokter gigi. Salah satu alasan yang memengaruhi seseorang memakai gigi tiruan yaitu persepsi terhadap status kesehatan gigi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Treman kecamatan Kauditan berlangsung selama bulan April-Oktober 2013. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan secara purposive sampling dengan membagikan kuesioner pada sampel yang berjumlah 107 orang.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan waktu memiliki skor tertinggi yaitu 398 termasuk kategori baik, persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan keterjangkauan memiliki skor sebanyak 395 termasuk kategori baik, persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan biaya jumlah skor yaitu 379 termasuk kategori baik, persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan kebutuhan memiliki skor sebanyak 366,6 termasuk kategori baik, dan persepsi masyarakat berdasarkan kompetensi memiliki skor terendah yaitu sebanyak 236,25 termasuk kategori cukup.Kata kunci : persepsi masyarakat, tukang gigi, pembuatan gigi tiruan ABSTRACTTooth loss can cause emotional effect and also reduce the ability to chew and speak. Based on these, missing teeth should be replaced with dentures. In general, to meet the needs of dentures, same people prefer visiting dental handyman rather than dentist. One of the reasons that affect a person to wear denture is the perception of dental health status. This research is a descriptive study. This study was conducted in Treman village, on april-oktober 2013. The sampling technique was done with purposive sampling by distributing questionnaires to the sample that consist of 107 people.The results of this research showed the public perception based on the time has the highest scores that is 398 including good categories, the public perception based on the affordability has 395 scores categorized as good, the public perception based on the cost has 379 scores including as good categories, the public perception based on the needs has 366,6 scores categorized as good, and the public perception based on the competence has the lowest scores as many as 236,25 including enough category. Keywords: public perception, dental handyman, manufacture denture

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-36
Rosyidatuzzahro Anisykurlillah

Illiteracy is a global issue that must be addressed immediately. In Malang Regency, there were 18,535 people who were illiterate. The effort of the Malang Regency Education Office to improve AMH is through Non-Formal Education Program (PNF). The assessment of the literacy development program through the PNF Program can use Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation assessments. This research uses descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The purpose of this research is to describe and analyze the evaluation of literacy education through the PNF Program in Malang Regency using the CIPP methods. Data analysis techniques used in this study are interactive model analysis of Miles, Huberman, and Saldana. Based on the evaluation results using the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) method, there are still obstacles that must be resolved for the success of the PNF program. These obstacles include learning time that is not on schedule, lack of awareness of citizens in following the program, incapability of citizens, the difficulty of convincing the public, data collection of prospective citizens who fail to meet expectations. Abstrak Isu permasalahan buta huruf merupakan isu global yang harus segera ditangani. Pendidikan keaksaraan (belajar membaca dan menulis) diukur dengan Angka Melek Huruf (AMH) dapat menggambarkan jumlah orang yang memperoleh akses pendidikan sebagai hasil pembangunan. Di Kabupaten Malang terdapat 18.535 orang yang buta huruf. Upaya Dinas Pendidikan Kabupaten Malang untuk meningkatkan AMH adalah dengan Program Pendidikan Non Formal (PNF). Untuk menilai pembangunan pendidikan keaksaraan melalui Program PNF dapat menggunakan penilaian evaluasi Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP). Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah interactive model analysis Miles, Hubermana, dan Saldana. Jika dilihat dari hasil Evaluasi menggunakan metode CIPP (Context, Input, Process, dan Product), masih ada hambatan-hambatan yang harus diselesaikan demi keberhasilan program PNF. Hambatan tersebut diantaranya waktu pembelajaran yang tidak sesuai jadwal, kurang kesadaran warga Belajar (WB) dalam mengikuti program, ketidakmampuan Warga Belajar (WB), sulitnya meyakinkan masyarakat, pendataan calon warga belajar yang tidak sesuai harapan.

Yurnal Yurnal ◽  
Anis Shafika Binti Saiful Adli

The purpose of this study was to describe public perceptions of people’s housing programs for handling slums in Malaysia. Malaysia has begun organizing and fostering communities that have lived in slums since 1998 in the 'slum-free Malaysia vision 2005' program, and today Malaysia can be said to have successfully resolved slums, through public housing programs. The type of research used is this research is descriptive qualitative, using accidental sampling as sampling technique. Data collection methods used are interview and documentation methods, with research instruments in the form of interview guidelines. The results showed that the community strongly agreed with the existence of The People’s Housing Program (PPR), especially for the lower middle class and poor people in Malaysia. This program is able to realize the dream of the poor to be able to have a place to live that is suitable for living with family. Furthermore, the program itself is acknowledged by the community as being able to deal with slum settlements in Malaysia, and the poor who are biased in occupying slum areas voluntarily move to the houses provided by this PPR. So, people's perception of the Public Housing Program is very supportive especially to deal with slums in Malaysia.

Nikki Nguyen ◽  
Yvanna Ireland

Effectively managing watercourse crossings is critical for pipeline operators since a failure in a watercourse can not only cause significant environmental damage, but it can also affect the safety of the public and damage public perception. This paper describes the steps that two liquids operating pipeline companies, Spectra Energy Liquids and Kinder Morgan Canada, take in the management of their watercourse crossing programs. It describes four main phases of the program including taking inventory of the water crossings, completing a hazard assessment of the water crossings to determine which hazards could pose a threat to the pipeline integrity if the crossings were to become exposed, completing engineering assessments to determine the actual risk of failure from static or dynamic loading or vortex shedding if the pipe were to become exposed, and finally prioritizing the mitigation of water crossings. This paper also describes steps to be taken to ensure the integrity of the pipeline during flood events.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 157
Muhammad Rajif Ali

This study aims to describe the public perception of the existence of asphalt minning in relation to the environmental inpact caused in the Winning Vilage of Pasar wajo Distric in Buton District. This research is descriptive qualitative whit case study approach. Data collection is done by using method: questionare, interview, observation and documentation. Data obtained from 55 respondents, then presented in tabular from percentage, then described qualitatively. The result showed that the public response about the presence of asphalt mining in Winning Vilage, divided into positive and negative impacts. Positive impacts of asphalt mining such as: increased local income, creation of employment opportunities for local communities, exposure of territories from isolason. While the negative impact is asphalt mining activities caused environmental damage include: 1) land danmage, land disruption, 2) Damage to flora and fauna, communities responding to asphalt mining activities caused damage to vegetation and people responded to asphalt mining activities causing damage/wild animal/wildlife, 3) The contamination river water, times and swamps where people respond to the mining activitie of asphalt cause pollution of riverwater/times and swamps, 4) Air pollution mainly dust produced from the development process and the means of transportation passing by, 5) Noise, where people respount to asphalt mining activities generate noise, 6) The existence of healt problems where people respoud to asphalt mining activities cause public health problems,

Javeria Karim ◽  
Dr. Shahid Hussain

The relations of Pakistan and India have always been critical since the partition due to unresolved issues. Although both have tried to find mutual ground and reap the benefits of peace through bilateral dialogues and agreements but a state of the cold war has always been a reality. This research paper highlights the role of Pakistani news media as perceived by the public. The role of media is very important in highlighting the issues and make public perception (Wanta et al., 2004). This study investigates whether and to what extent Pakistani news media play its role in promoting friendly relationships. The major objective of this study is to compare the role of private News media regarding Pak-India relationship through coverage of issues like Sports, Water, Kashmir, Line of control, Trade, Showbiz, and Terrorism etc. For that purpose, three foremost watching Pakistani news channels were selected i.e. Geo News, ARY News and Dunya News and perception of their audience has been analyzed. A methodology based on survey has been used for this study by taking a sample of 300 respondents. The convenience sampling technique has been applied to collect respondents’ views. Finding illustrates that viewers were gratified with the coverage of Geo news over other channels and its role in de-escalating ties between Pak-India. The study also elaborates that media has been doing great discussion on terrorism, sports and showbiz. The audience thinks that both media and dialogues are important factors for promoting peace and friendly relationship between India and Pakistan

2020 ◽  
Vol 44 (1) ◽  
pp. 31
Oky Dea Novianti ◽  
Dwiningtyas Padmaningrum ◽  
Agung Wibowo

<p>:  Farmers’ participation  shows  farmers’ involvement  and  partnership  in  agriculturewhich  include activities of planning, implementing, and utilizing the results of a development program done by local communities. Objectivesof this research were analysing: (1) farmers’ participation in program of Organic Fertilizer Processor Unit or Unit Pengolah Pupuk Organik (UPPO); (2) age, individual’s experience, non-formal education, information access, and farmers’ risk taking in UPPO; and (3) correlation between age, individual’s experience, non-formal education, information access, and farmers’risk taking with participation in UPPO. Basic method of the research was quantitative method with survey technique. Area determination was intentionally decided, the areas that ran UPPO in six villages from five sub-districts, consisting of Pereng and Pendem Villages (Mojogedang Sub-district); Seloromo Village (Jenawi Sub-district), Ngeblak Village (Tawangmangu Sub-district); Kerjo Village (Kerjo Sub- district); Ngadiluwih Village (Matesih Sub-district) in Karanganyar Regency. The sampling technique used proportional random sampling that involved sixty respondents. The analysis data used correlation test of Rank Spearman (r ) with program of IBM SPSS 22.0.  The research result showed that: (1) farmers’ participation in UPPO were included as high category. (2) age included as productive category, individual’s experience included as high category, non-formal education as high category, information access in low category, risk taking included as prepared category. (3) there was significant correlation between individual’s experience, information access, and taking farmers’ risk with farmers’ participation in UPPO, however there was not significant correlation between farmers’age and non-formal education with farmers’participation in UPPO.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-18
Robi Gustia

The purpose of this study was to determine the public perception of  Bandung Juara Wifi program 2013-2015. In this research, there are attributes Bandung Juara Wifi used to determine the public perception that consists of Internet access services, internet access tool, the cost of  internet access, internet access time and service packs. The sampling technique used in this research is purposive sampling so as to produce the 400 respondents who answered the questionnaire. This research data analysis technique is univariate data analysis techniques. The results of this study stated that overall public perception of the Bandung Juara Wifi is good. But needs to be improved on one attribute, namely, the services pack by improving the speed and stability of the Internet that are owned by Bandung Juara Wifi.

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 242
Babatunde Femi Akinyode ◽  
Olaitan Olutayo Odunola ◽  
Michael Adekola Adetunji

<p><em>The importance of market’s location in the patronage and development cannot be over emphasised. This necessitates public perception in order to achieve balanced development that is convenience and comfortable to the marketers. This study examined the perception of public on relocation of wazobia market in Ogbomoso North Local Government area and the problems encountered in the new market. The study employed secondary and primary sources of data. A total number of 274 questionnaires were administered using random sampling technique to collect information for the study. The data were analysed with the aid of descriptive, correlation and regression techniques. The findings revealed that, educational status of the public have a great influence on the income level of the public which determine their perception on the relocation of the market. The income level has the potential to be explained by the educational status of the public. Besides, new market lacks some basic infrastructural facilities such as electricity, portable water and standard parking spaces. The authors are of the opinion that Ogbomoso North Local Government should be of assistance in making provision for necessary infrastructural facilities to ensure market’s environment that is comfortable for the marketers regardless of their educational and income level.</em></p>

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 ◽  
pp. 82-94
Rajan Binayek Pasa

This study explores the interface between education and tourism constructs through a qualitative approach and multiple case study research methods. The key objectives of the research were to look at the interface between informal education and tourism, to appraise the interface between non-formal education and tourism as well as to explore the interface between formal education and tourism development activities in the study area. In-depth interviews of 6 males and 3 females from the education program and another 6 males and 3 females from the tourism development program were undertaken by applying the purposive sampling principle. Likewise, 3 FGDs and participant observation techniques were also applied for developing multiple forms of genres, which were generated through re/productive socio-cultural and economic structures of Panchmul. The findings reveal that education plays a functional transformative role in tourism development that is supported by the theory of practice, capability approach, and sustainability approach. Based on the findings, this study has also developed a strategic interface model and strategic framework for tourism development that can be applied in the Panchmularea and other similar places. Hence, knowledge generated from this study is equally fruitful to readers, local development stakeholders, and policymakers and planners in central, provincial, and local levels of governments in Nepal.  

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