2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 39
Paloma Rodrigues Rodrigues

A Lei Brasileira de Inclusão (LBI) afirma que as pessoas com deficiência possuem direito aos meios culturais acessíveis e que é preciso assegurar a participação delas nas atividades culturais. A acessibilidade cultural pressupõe que os documentários, as peças de teatro, as exposições nos museus, entre outros, estejam ao alcance de qualquer pessoa. No entanto, observa-se que há uma precarização no que concerne aos elementos de acessibilidade em espaços culturais. Diante disso, o grupo de pesquisa Nefti da Unifei, refletindo sobre a importância da acessibilidade em atividades científicas de cunho cultural realizadas nas instituições escolares e em espaços de Educação não formal, desenvolveu um projeto de extensão que visou ofertar, aos professores da cidade de Itajubá-MG e região, o curso “Acessibilidade Cultural: Articulações e Reflexões na Formação de Professores”, na modalidade semipresencial. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho consiste em apresentar o delineamento metodológico do curso, assim como os resultados relativos à contribuição dessa formação de extensão para a atuação inclusiva desses professores no contexto escolar. A análise dos dados apontou que a realização do curso de extensão possibilitou a construção de conhecimentos, pelos professores, sobre a importância da cultura para a formação dos alunos com ou sem deficiência, assim como instigou a reflexão no tocante à necessidade de as ações culturais contemplarem a acessibilidade. Palavras-chave: Diversidade, Acesso, Conhecimento, Igualdade   Cultural accessibility: links and reflections about teacher training in an extension action Abstract: The Brazilian Inclusion Law states that people with disabilities have the right to access cultural means and guaranteed participation in cultural activities. Cultural accessibility presupposes that documentaries, plays, exhibitions in museums, among others, are within the reach of anyone. However, there is a precariousness regarding accessibility in cultural spaces. This way, the research group Nefti of Unifei has developed an extension project to offer to the teachers of Itajubá-MG and surroundings, the semi-distance course “Cultural Accessibility: Links and Reflections about Teacher Training”. It showed the importance of accessibility in cultural scientific activities in school institutions and in non-formal education spaces. Therefore, this work aims to present the methodological outline of the course, as well as the results related to the contribution of this extension activity to the inclusion of these teachers in the school context. The data analysis reveals that the completion of the extension course made it possible for teachers to construct knowledge about the importance of culture for the training of students with or without disabilities, as well as instigating reflection on the need for cultural actions to contemplate accessibility. Keywords: Diversity, Access, Knowledge, Equality   Accesibilidad cultural: articulaciones y reflexiones en la formación de profesores en una acción de extensión Resumen: La Ley Brasileña de Inclusión (LBI) afirma que las personas con discapacidad tienen derecho a los medios culturales accesibles y que es necesario asegurar la participación de ellas en las actividades culturales. La accesibilidad cultural presupone que los documentales, las obras de teatro, las exposiciones en los museos, entre otros, estén al alcance de cualquier persona. Sin embargo, se observa que hay una precarización en lo que concierne a los elementos de accesibilidad en espacios culturales. Frente a ello, el grupo de investigación Nefti de la Unifei, reflejando sobre la importancia de la accesibilidad en actividades científicas de carácter cultural realizadas en las instituciones escolares y en espacios de Educación no formal, desarrolló un proyecto de extensión que pretendía ofrecer, a los profesores de la ciudad de Itajubá-MG y región, el curso "Accesibilidad Cultural: Articulaciones y Reflexiones en la Formación de Profesores", en la modalidad semipresencial. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo consiste en presentar el delineamiento metodológico del curso, así como los resultados relativos a la contribución de esa formación de extensión para la actuación inclusiva de esos profesores en el contexto escolar. El análisis de los datos apuntó que la realización del curso de extensión posibilitó la construcción de conocimientos por los profesores, sobre la importancia de la cultura para la formación de los alumnos con o sin discapacidad, así como instigó la reflexión en cuanto a la necesidad de las acciones culturales contemplaren la accesibilidad. Palabras-clave: Diversidad, Acceso, Conocimiento, Igualdad

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 507-528
Maria José de Pinho ◽  
Deusirene Magalhães de Araújo

O artigo tem por objetivo analisar contribuições das tecnologias digitais para o professor tocantinense. Destaca as tecnologias na educação do Tocantins e a formação do professor como espaço de reflexão e autonomia docente. O artigo é parte da dissertação de Mestrado em Educação da Universidade Federal do Tocantins, intitulada contribuições do curso Redes de Aprendizagem do ProInfo, para construção de conceitos e autonomia de professores. Os resultados apontam que a inserção de tecnologias na educação do Tocantins, aliada a formação continuada Redes de Aprendizagem, contribuíra para a reflexão a sobre o contexto escolar atravessado pela cultura digital, inclusão digital e autonomia de professores, no uso de alguns recursos tecnológicos.   PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Tecnologias digitais; Tocantins; Formação de professor, autonomia.     ABSTRACT The article aims to analyze the contributions of digital technologies to the teacher from Tocantins. It emphasizes the technologies in the education of the Tocantins and the formation of the teacher as space of reflection and autonomy teaching. The article is part of the dissertation of Master of Education of the Federal University of Tocantins, titled contributions of the ProInfo Learning Networks course, for the construction of concepts and autonomy of teachers. The results point out that the insertion of technologies in the education of Tocantins, together with the continued formation of Learning Networks, contributed to the reflection on the school context crossed by digital culture, digital inclusion and teacher autonomy, in the use of some technological resources.   KEYWORDS: Digital technologies; Tocantins; Teacher training, autonomy.     RESUMEN El artículo tiene por objetivo analizar contribuciones de las tecnologías digitales para el profesor tocantinense. Destaca las tecnologías en la educación de Tocantins y la formación del profesor como espacio de reflexión y autonomía docente. El artículo es parte de la disertación de Maestría en Educación de la Universidad Federal de Tocantins, titulada contribuciones del curso Redes de Aprendizaje del ProInfo, para la construcción de conceptos y autonomía de profesores. Los resultados apuntan que la insersión de tecnologías en la educación de Tocantins, aliada a la formación continuada Redes de Aprendizaje, contribuyeron a la reflexión sobre el contexto escolar atravesado por la cultura digital, inclusión digital y autonomía de profesores, en el uso de algunos recursos tecnológicos.   PALABRAS CLAVE: Tecnologías digitales; Tocantins; Formación de professor: autonomía.  

Professare ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 41 ◽  
Valeria Sardi

<p class="resumoabstract">La residencia docente en el Profesorado en Letras universitario se presenta como una instancia de intervención en escuelas secundarias donde la dimensión de los cuerpos y las corporalidades se escenifica dando cuenta de experiencias corporales diversas que, en algunos casos, entran en tensión en el territorio del aula. Es allí donde aparece la pregunta acerca del cuerpo y sus límites, de las formas de vincularse con el cuerpo propio y con los cuerpos de los otros/as.En este artículo nos proponemos analizar –a partir de registros de clase y entrevistas de profesores/as en formación- cómo al momento de entrada en la escuela, los/as profesores/as en formación toman conciencia de su cuerpo sexuado en relación con los cuerpos de los/as estudiantes. Y es ahí, en ese vínculo tensionado donde, como señala Rella (2004), se escenifica el cuerpo en tanto “límite y lo que lo excede, confín y lo que está más allá” (12). Asimismo, en tanto juego dialéctico, los cuerpos de docentes y estudiantes se mueven midiendo el espacio y la relación con los demás cuerpos (RELLA, 2004); en ese territorio se muestran los cuerpos docentes plegados sobre sí mismos – a veces, atravesados por la vergüenza- y los cuerpos festivos (DIEZ, 2010) de los/as jóvenes estudiantes.</p><p class="resumoabstract"><strong>Palabras-clave</strong>: Residencia docente. Cuerpos. Contexto escolar.</p><h3>ABSTRACT</h3><p class="resumoabstract">Student teaching at the university Language and Literature Teacher Training Course stands as an example of the intervention there is in secondary schools, in which the dimension of the bodies and of corporealities is staged, thus acknowledging diverse bodily experiences, which, in some cases, come into tension in the classroom environment. It is in the early teacher training course, where there raises the question about the body ant its boundaries, about the way to connect to one’s body and with the bodies of others. In this article we set out to analyze –from class records and interviews to teachers-in-training– how it is that, ever since the first moment they enter the school, the teachers-in-training become aware of their sexed body in relation to the students’ bodies. And it is there, in that tensed connection, where, as Rella (2004) points out, the body becomes staged inasmuch as it is “a boundary and what exceeds that boundary, an edge and what is beyond it”<a title="" href="">[1]</a> (12). Additionally, as a dialectic game, the bodies of teachers and students move measuring the space and their relation to the other bodies (RELLA, 2004); in this territory, the teachers’ bodies are shown folded upon themselves –sometimes experiencing embarrassment– before the young students’ festive bodies (DIEZ, 2010).</p><p class="resumoabstract"><strong>Keywords</strong>: Teacher training. Bodies. School context.</p><div><br clear="all" /><hr align="left" size="1" width="33%" /><div><p class="Textodenotaderodap1"><a title="" href="">[1]</a> Todas las traducciones de las citas son nuestras.</p></div></div>

2020 ◽  
Maria Patrícia Silva

The book Research on Curricula and Cultures: tensions, movements and creations, organized by Marlucy Alves Paraíso and Maria Patrícia Silva, it consists of 17 chapters, one of which is an interesting work by a Canadian scholar who investigates state anti-feminism. The other chapters bring results from 16 researches developed by researchers from the Study and Research Group on Curricula and Cultures (GECC), created and coordinated by Marlucy Alves Paraíso, which has researchers from several Brazilian universities and states. The articles in the book combine the post-critical perspectives used to investigate curricula and cultures in their different nuances, addressing silences, power relations, modes of subjectivation and the movements that prevent their fixity. The book brings research results that discuss the possibilities of creating possibilities at school and in other cultural spaces that also have curricula and develop pedagogies, such as: cyberspace, city, health care programs, teacher training programs, educational policies, etc. In addition, curricula are investigated with emphasis on different practices and aspects: childhood, art, music, dance, gender, sexuality, ethnicity, corporality, politics, with research that also innovates methodologically when operating with openings, experiments, do-it-yourself and compositions in different ways. to research curricula without rigidity, although with the necessary rigor in academic research. O livro reconhece de diferentes modos as possibilidades de conexões entre currículos e culturas, e mostra movimentos capazes de operar transgressões apostando em uma cultura porvir.

2017 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 51
I Nyoman Suparsa

The article entitled “Sequence of Nasal-Stops as A Distinct Segment in Balinese” attempts to investigate wheather Balinese has sequence of nasal stops both bilabial nasal stops (<m-b>, <m-p>), alveolar nasal-stops (<n-d>, <n-t>), and velar nasal-stops (<ng-g>, <ng-k> or it has a prenasal stops both bilabial prenasal stops (<mb>, <mp>), alveolar prenasal stops (<nd>, <nt>) or it has velar prenasal stops (<ngg>, <ngk>). Based upon the data analysis, it has sequence of nasal-stop segments. The judgement is based on (1) the existence of suspicious syllabic nasal phonemes, (2) its clear word structure such as (a) VC.CVC e.g. <aggag> /aggag/ [ag.gag] ‘open’, (b) CVC.CV e.g. <bakta> /bakta/ [bak.ta] ‘bring’, (c) CVC.CVC e.g. <dapdap> /dapdap/ [dap.dap] ‘careful’ and (d) VC.CV e.g. <akta> /akta/ [ak.ta] ’official document’. (3) On the bases of its clear word structure, Balinese shares sequence of nasal-stop segments both bilabial nasal-stop such as <m-b> e.g. <embok> ‘elder sister’ of which the right pronunciation is [ǝm.bɔk] rather than prenasal stop [ᵐb] as in [ᵐbɔk], alveolar nasal-stop such as <n-d> in <cande> ‘just for kidding’ of which the right pronunciation is [can.dǝ] rather than prenasal stop [ⁿd] in [ca.ⁿdǝ] and velar nasal-stop such as <ng-g> in <bengkek> ‘short body posture’ of which the right pronunciation is [bǝŋ.kǝk] rather than velar prenasal [ᵑg] in [bǝ.ᵑkǝk].

Gainiya Tazhina ◽  
Alessandro Figus ◽  
Ramón Bouzas-Lorenzo ◽  
Diana Spulber

The DeSTT concept of teacher training for leadership examines the importance of non-formal education, i.e., training for teachers. The monitoring study revealed the urgent needs of Kazakhstani teachers in training their leadership skills. The paper analyzes two sets of research questions (each consists of 6 sub-questions), which we defined as follows: 1) What are the challenges of teacher training/upskilling for leadership and their involvement in the local community? This group of questions was studied at the stage of preparing the project proposal. 2) What are the impacts of DeSTT training on teachers' leadership skills and experiences? This group of questions was studied during the 2nd year of the project lifetime. The purpose of this paper is to indicate the findings and implementation of the concept of preparing teachers for leadership from the project proposal launch to the execution of pilot trainings. Research methods employed in the study are interviews of universities specialists and analyzes of the State data/reports for the project proposal. Observations of training participants and post-training interviews were used to study the 2nd group of research questions. The findings of the study confirm the data obtained in both groups of interviews and observations. Participants were enthusiastic and interested in the pieces of training, aware and confident of the need to continue learning, share experiences, and develop leadership skills achieved in DeSTT training. The reflection on the central terms of leadership and training has proved to be crucial for teachers. Further research is to survey the implications of the DeSTT project for all its consumers. The dissemination and sustainability perspective of the project is to collaborate with the National Center ORLEU for training leadership skills to the instructors from 17 regional branches who, in turn, will train teachers for leadership. The authors acknowledge the Erasmus Plus CBHE for funding the DeSTT project.

Jurnal Akta ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 277
Muhammad Madih ◽  
Munsharif Abdul Chalim

Marriage is a bond between man and woman which is also the religion of Islam is a way of worship, that in the community there is monogamy: one husband and one wife, but there are also polygamous marriage is one man with more than one wife with their applicable laws and regulations for implementation. The purpose of this study was to: 1) To determine the function of the marriage covenant can provide legal protection of the rights wife and children in polygamous marriages. 2) To determine the right of wife and children in polygamous marriages. 3) To know the legal remedies can be done to determine the rights of wives and children in polygamous marriages. Based on the results of data analysis concluded that: 1) The function of the marriage contract may provide legal protection of the rights of the wife and children in polygamous marriages as a certainty or limitation of rights received by his wife and children during the marriage took place and as a measure for husbands to act fairly in polygamous marriages , 2) The position of the right wife and children in polygamous marriages, namely the right wife by the husband proportionate balanced well after their second marriage and so are the rights of children still get their right in accordance with the provisions of the Act. 3) Remedies that can be done to determine the right istir and children in polygamous marriages with authentic mating agreements made governing the boundary between the rights and obligations of husband and wife in a polygamous marriage.Keywords: Marriage; Polygamy; Marriages Agreement; Wife and Children's Rights.

Retos ◽  
2015 ◽  
pp. 101-107
Miguel Vicente Pedraz ◽  
María Paz Brozas Polo

Este artículo analiza la evolución de los planes de estudio de educación física y ciencias de la actividad física en la Universidad de León desde su implantación en 1987. Aunque es un estudio de un caso, se plantea como ejemplo del proceso de transformación de dichos estudios en España en los últimos 25 años. El análisis de los datos permite colegir que en este tiempo dichos estudios han sufrido una transformación de fondo al calor de los saberes hegemónicos: la formación humanística, social y pedagógica ha sido sustituida por materias de índole deportivo. Se argumenta que esta transformación provocará cambios en el perfil de los titulados y, eventualmente, puede redefinir el significado y las funciones de la educación física escolar.Palabras clave: planes de estudio, formación inicial de profesores, reforma universitaria, educación física.Abstract: This article analyzes the evolution of the syllabi in physical education and physical activity sciences at the University of León since its introduction in 1987. Although this is a case study is presented as an example of the transformation of these studies in Spain in the last 25 years. The data analysis can infer on that at this time these studies have undergone a fundamental transformation in the heat of the hegemonic knowledge: the humanistic, social and pedagogical education, has been replaced by maters subject sport competitions the humanistic, social and pedagogical education has been replaced by sports. It argues that this transformation will change the profile of graduates and may eventually redefine the meaning and functions of school physical education.Key words: syllabi, initial teacher training, university reform, physical education.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 857
Raquel Chuliá-Jordán ◽  
Amparo Vilches Peña ◽  
María Calero Llinares

Given the seriousness of the socio-environmental situation we are facing, this study aims to contribute to the involvement of teachers in education for sustainability through the use of non-formal education, particularly the press. The main objectives of the present study are to analyse the use of the press in science education, as well as the design, implementation and evaluation of tools aimed at teachers and trainee researchers in order to encourage and promote attention to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and more specifically SDG 7 (clean and affordable energy for all) in science education. The proposals are carried out using a constructivist methodology in sessions structured in small collaborative groups. The initial results show that attention to the press is still insufficient, but that, nevertheless, the strategies designed contribute to raising awareness of the importance of SDG 7 and to the classroom treatment of the energy issue among the participants in the study who attend a Master’s degree program in secondary education teacher training (specialising in physics and chemistry) and a Master’s degree program in research in specific didactics (specialising in experimental sciences).

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-28
Fatkhul Wahab ◽  
Ahmad Bukhori ◽  

Among Muslim communities, love of the Prophet Muhammad embodied in a religious tradition known as shalawāh tradition. Shalawāh is an expression of deep gratitude for the guidance to Muslims on the right path. Sufism that emphasizes reading Shalawāh of the Prophet Muhammad as dhikr primarily is Shalawāh Wāhidiyah. The main purpose of Shalawāh Wāhidiyah is to alleviate people from the shirk and return to the straight and true that by pleasing Allah. The focuses of this study are: (1) how do the precepts and values of Sufism in the Jamaat Shalawāh Wāhidiyah? (2)  How do the precepts and values are promoted and practiced by Jamaat Shalawāh Wāhidiyah? (3)  How does the experience of spirituality Jamaat Shalawāh Wāhidiyah? This study is a qualitative study by using a naturalistic paradigm and phenomenology approach. The data were collected by in-depth interviews, participant observation, and documentary in the form of journals, magazines and so on. While the data analysis techniques include data reduction, presentation of data, the validity of the data and drawing conclusions. The results of this study indicate that: (1) Shalawāh Wāhidiyah precepts include: a. li Allāh, bi Allāh; b. li al-RasÅ«l, bi al-RasÅ«l; c. li al-ghauts bi al-ghauts; d. yu'thÄ« kull dzÄ« ḥaqq; e. taqdÄ«m al-hamm tsumm al-hamm, fa al-fa’ tsumm al-fa'. The values contained in Shalawāh Wāhidiyah Sufism, among others: taubah, ikhlāsh, syukr, mahabbah. (2) Socialization Shalawāh Wāhidiyah precepts are done by 1. individual, 2. packaged in a formal form as mujāhadah nishf al-sanah and mujāhadah kubrā, 3. through dreams, 4. implemented in the form of books, magazines, newsletters, and CDs. While this practice Shalawāh Wāhidiyah carried out in different ways mujāhadah usbÅ«'iyyah, mujāhadah syahriyyah, mujāhadah rub’ al-sanah, mujāhadah nishf al-sanah, and so forth. Keywords: The values of Sufism, Shalawāh Wāhidiyah

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