scholarly journals Pemanfaatan Tanah Liat Bakar pada Situs Blandongan dan Candi Jiwa, di Kompleks Situs Batujaya, Kabupaten Karawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat (Studi Bahan Baku Berdasarkan Analisis Laboratorium

2020 ◽  
Vol 25 (1) ◽  
pp. 12-23
Ni Komang Ayu Astiti

ABSTRACT. The use of Baked Clay at the of Blandongan and Jiwa Temples at Batujaya Temple Complex, Karawang Regency,West Java Province: Study on Row Material of Artifacts  Based on Laboratory Analyses. The site of Batujaya, which is located at at the Segaran Village, Batujaya District, Karawang Regency, West Java Province, is a complex of temples (candies) that use clay from the surrounding environment as their main raw material. The people of Batujaya have mastered the technology of brick-making to build the temples and pottery making. This is proven by the fact that almost all of the 14 candis used baked clay and by the abundance of pottery found around the temple complex, both intact and fragmented ones. Result of laboratory analyses on some pottery samples from this site show physical characteristics and compositions of chemical elements, which are varied in terms of hardness, specific gravity, porosity, water absorption, and baking temperature. The quality of the pottery is also varied, depending on the condition of the raw material and the level of technological mastery of the potters. ABSTRAK. Situs Batujaya yang terletak di Desa Segaran, Kecamatan Batujaya, Kabupaten Kerawang, Provinsi Jawa Barat, merupakan sebuah kompleks percandian yang memanfaatkan tanah liat di sekitarnya sebagai bahan utama pembuatannya. Masyarakat pendukung kompleks percandian ini sudah mengenal teknologi pengolahan tanah liat menjadi bata untuk bahan pembuatan candi dan teknologi pembuatan wadah-wadah dari tanah liat bakar. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hampir seluruh unur (14 buah) candi mempergunakan bahan bata dan banyaknya temuan tembikar disekitar kompleks percandian, baik dalam keadaan utuh maupun dalam pecahan. Hasil analisis laboratorium terhadap beberapa sampel tembikar dari situs ini memperlihatkan sifat-sifat fisik dan komposisi unsur kimia yang sangat bervariasi dalam kekerasan, berat jenis, porositas, serapan air, dan suhu pembakaran. Kualitas tembikar juga sangat bervariasi, dipengaruhi oleh kondisi bahan baku dan tingkat penguasaan teknologi pembuatannya.

Nurhakim Ramdani Fauzian

The research describes the licensing service innovation model called SIMPATIK JABAR (Licensing Service Information System for the People of West Java) at the Investment and One Stop Service Office of West Java Province. The research was based on the finding that the implementation of SIMPATIK JABAR innovation did not contribute much in elevating the quality of public services at the Investment and One Stop Service Office of West Java Province. This can be seen from the unsatisfactory Public Satisfaction Index over the public service delivery at the Investment and One Stop Service Office of West Java Province, especially due to sluggish licensing service completion. The research employed a qualitative method. The data were obtained through document reviews, observations, and in-depth interviews to 16 (sixteen) informants. Referring to the analysis results, a form of innovation development was formulated by using the approach of USAID Innovation Development Process.Based on the research findings, it is recommended that the implementation of the SIMPATIK JABAR innovation model introduce an improvement in the form of the human resource management for the Technical Team of One Stop Service (PTSP). This can be done by recruiting experts/academicians to become members of the Technical Team. The experts/academicians then collaborate with the civil servants of West Java Provincial Government assigned as the Technical Team to formulate the licensing technical considerations. It is expected that the involvement of experts/academicians at the PTSP Technical Team can help resolve technical recommendations more quickly, so that it can improve the quality of public services at the Investment and One Stop Service Office of West Java Province.

Bun Merdianto ◽  
Timmy Setiawan

Jakarta has a fairly rapid rate of economic growth, a modern life and very dense activities, making people increasingly lose time to socialize and rest. Almost all people will spend their time to work with the aim of being able to meet their personal needs. However, when they are tired of working, they cannot find a place to facilitate them to socialize, relax and refresh their body and mind. As a result, the potential for living thought is only for work. This can trigger stress on factory workers who are most susceptible to stress. If this is left unchecked, this will have an impact on the quality of the HR itself and worsen their performance. Therefore the purpose of this research is to create a suitable forum for workers and the community so that they can gather, socialize, relax themselves and refresh their body and mind (Third Place). So that it can reduce stress levels, build community and improve socialization among surrounding communities and can solve existing issues. There is also a method that is used is the everyday urbanism method that sees changes in time and habits of the surrounding community, so that it can provide a place to support the activities of the people who are in that location. The program produced to enter into this project such as communal space, community space, fitness and many others. AbstrakJakarta memiliki tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi yang cukup pesat, kehidupan yang modern dan sangat padat aktivitas membuat masyarakatnya semakin kehilangan waktu untuk bersosialisasi dan beristirahat. Hampir semua masyarakat akan menghabiskan waktunya untuk bekerja dengan tujuan dapat mencukupi kebutuhan pribadi. Namun ketika setelah lelah bekerja, mereka tidak dapat menemukan tempat fasilitas yang mewadahi mereka untuk bersosialisasi, merelaksasikan diri dan menyegarkan tubuh serta pikiran. Akibatnya muncul potensi pemikiran yang hidup hanya untuk bekerja. Hal ini dapat memicu stress pada pekerja pabrik yang paling gampang terkena stress. Jika hal ini dibiarkan, ini akan berdampak terhadap kualitas SDM itu sendiri dan memperburuk kinerja mereka. Oleh sebab itu tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu menciptakan sebuah wadah yang layak untuk pekerja dan masyarakat sehingga dapat berkumpul, bersosialisasi, merelaksasikan diri dan menyegarkan tubuh serta pikiran (Third Place). Sehingga dapat menurunkan tingkat stress, membangun komunitas  dan meningkatkan sosialisasi antar masyarakat sekitar dan dapat menyelesaikan isu yang ada. Ada pun metode yang digunakan yaitu dengan metode everyday urbanism yang melihat perubahan waktu dan kebiasaan masyarakat sekitar, sehingga dapat memberikan sebuah tempat untuk mendukung aktivitas masyarakat yang berada di lokasi tersebut. Adapun program yang dihasilkan untuk masuk ke dalam proyek ini seperti ruang komunal, ruang komunitas, kebugaran dan masih banyak lainnya.

Nadiia Nikitenko

St. Sophia of Kyiv, built in 1011‒1018 at the turn of the reigns of Volodymyr the Great and Yaroslav the Wise, has preserved a large number of unique secular frescoes. Their customer was Volodymyr, who owns the idea of the temple, which is reflected in the mosaics and frescoes. A triumphal fresco cycle is unfolding in the two stair towers which, according to the Byzantine tradition, glorifies its customer. The frescoes tell about a dynastic marriage between Prince Volodymyr the Great and the Byzantine Princess Anna Porphyrogenitus at the turn of 987–988, which initiated the baptism of the Kyivan State. The cycle consists of narrative historical and symbolic (ornamental, zoomorphic, and teratological 4) plots. The central composition of a symbolic nature is a mysterious teratological plot of five interconnected medallions placed on the vault of the south tower. This combined plot traces the Scandinavian influences caused by Volodymyr’s princely order, which are present in the unique emblematic image of god Odin with two wolves. The decoding of the plot revealsits semantic unity both with the triumphant fresco cycle of towers, which it is a part of, and with the ideological concept of the whole temple complex as a memorial of the baptism of Rus-Ukraine, the founder and builder of which was Volodymyr the Great. The plot reveals deep sacred and at the same time ethnically colored connotations with the image of Volodymyr as a crowned prince-baptizer and a powerful military leader. This concept fits into the general marital leitmotif of the secular cycle. The frescoes of the towers present not only a completely realistic outline of the initial event of the baptism of the people (the engagement of Volodymyr and Anna) but also a corresponding symbolic and metaphorical disclosure of this theme.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 62-73
Turmiya Fathal Adawi ◽  
Irwan Mahakam Lesmono Aji ◽  
Dwi Sukma Rini ◽  

Abstract Bambusa blumeana BI. Ex. Schult. F. is a non-timber forest product used as building material by the people of Lombok. The utilization of bamboos leaves their branches as a waste that has not fully utilized. One way to take advantage of this waste is to use it as a raw material to make activated charcoal. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of variations activation temperature, the concentration of phosphoric acid (H3PO4), as well as interactions between variations of the activation temperature and the concentration of phosphoric acid (H3PO4) on the quality of activated charcoal of B. blumeana branch. This study employed a factorial completely randomized design (RAL) with two (2) factors. The first factor (A) was activation temperature i.e. 600oC (A1), 700oC (A2), and 800oC (A3), meanwhile the second factor (B) used the concentration of phosphoric acid (H3PO4), namely 10% (B1) and 20% (B2). The results showed variations in the activation temperature significantly affected the yield and iodine adsorption. Based on the results, the best treatment was obtained at a temperature of 700oC with an H3PO4 concentration of 10% (A2B1) with the yield value of 76.04%, moisture content of 2.12%, volatile matter content of 32.70%, ash content of 8.15%, fixed carbon content of 59.15%, and sodium adsorption of 599.63 mg/g. Abstrak Bambu duri (Bambusa blumeana BI. Ex. Schult. F.) merupakan hasil hutan bukan kayu yang dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan bangunan oleh masyarakat Lombok. Pemanfaatan bambu tersebut meninggalkan limbah cabang yang belum dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Salah satu pemanfaatannya adalah menjadi arang aktif. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh variasi suhu aktivasi, konsentrasi asam fosfat (H3PO4), serta interaksi antara variasi suhu aktivasi dan konsentrasi asam fosfat (H3PO4) terhadap karakteristik arang aktif cabang bambu duri (B. blumeana). Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) faktorial dengan 2 faktor, faktor pertama (A) menggunakan suhu aktivasi yaitu 600oC (A1), 700oC (A2), dan 800oC (A3), sedangkan faktor kedua (B) menggunakan konsentrasi asam fosfat (H3PO4) yaitu 10% (B1) dan 20% (B2). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa variasi suhu aktivasi berpengaruh nyata terhadap nilai rendemen dan daya serap iod. Berdasarkan hasil pengujian, perlakuan terbaik diperoleh pada suhu 700oC dengan konsentrasi H3PO4 10% (A2B1) yang menghasilkan nilai rendemen sebesar 76,04%; kadar air 2,12%; kadar zat terbang 32,70%; kadar abu 8,15%; kadar karbon terikat 59,15%; dan daya serap iod 599,63 mg/g.

Muji Indarwanto ◽  
Sarjono Puro ◽  
Edison Hatoguan Manurung

In order to improve the function of the Mosque in this case, mushalla as a place of worship and the construction of the people in particular, where people's lives are so compound and crowded, and to increase piety in performing worship (congregational prayer) as best as possible, prospering the Mosque has a positive influence for the development of the community in order to improve the quality of life of the community and the country. In order for religious syi'ar to be more echoed because it requires some improvement because of the inadequate physical condition of the building, it is necessary to renovate the construction of Mushalla and Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA) which is regressive, is a program of mushalla management in Curug Village, RT.06 RW.04, Bojongsari Subdistrict, Depok City, West Java for the creation of a solemn and comfortable atmosphere of worship. The activities began with a coordination meeting with mushalla administrators in Curug Village, RT.06 RW.04, Bojongsari Subdistrict, Depok City, West Java, and residents around the Mosque, planning, drafting, and calculation in the making of Unit Price Analysis (AHS) in order to be analyzed and carried out on time. Mushalla is a center of community activities and development. And besides that, we should be able to position the Mosque as a unifying forum for Muslims

P. Sarvaharana ◽  
P. Thiyagarajan ◽  
S. Manikandan

Right to live, equity and social justice are watch words that determine quality of life in a society. There is always a fight between the haves and have nots’, in the end the powerful would not only prevail in the society but dominate the have nots’ to the utter dismay of the social thinkers (1). Question arises whether films and film songs address the issue of social inequality and voice against the sufferings of the lowest rung of the people of Tamil Society? In his scholarly article Robert L Hardgrave states that “Film had become increasingly pervasive in almost all aspects of Tamil society and perhaps most prominently in political life”. He also states that “although Bombay is usually considered the capital of the Indian film world, it is within south India that film has made its greatest impact (2).

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (10Years) ◽  
pp. 14-15
Pedro Oliveira

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World program for sustainable development presents a transformative vision, recognizing that our planet is changing, bringing with it new challenges that must be overcome if we want to live in a world without hunger, food insecurity, and malnutrition, in any of its forms. At the same time, there is a direct relationship between the quality of food and health. The production of high-quality food in high quantities is an emerging concern. However, the challenges are enormous, as demonstrated by the following: i) there is a demand for food production, occurring amid a declining rural labor force; ii) there is an increasing amount of raw material production (e.g., biomass generated) for a market that has been only mildly explored; iii) there is a lack of simpler and cheaper analytical alternatives to apply in undeveloped countries, whose developments is highly dependent of agriculture; and iv) there is the necessity to adopt more efficient and sustainable production methods that are adapted to climate change. On almost all these fronts, the field of analytical chemistry has a lot to contribute.

1990 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 45-49

In October, about four months before the national elections, the Collectorship of Matsyapura district became vacant with the transfer to another district of the previous holder of the office. The Collector's office was located in the city of Matsyapura, which had a population of over two and a half lakhs. It was a big market centre for agricultural products and textiles. The previous Collector of the district had been promoted to this post and had a reputation among his subordinates and the people of the city for being responsive and accommodating to the local political leaders of the party that was in power before the legislature had been suspended. During President's rule, the Governor, a retired ICS officer, sought to improve the quality of administration to ensure the holding of fair and orderly elections. He arranged for the appointment of strong and more independent men as Collectors. Almost all the heavily populated districts, where corrupt election practices might be expected, were filled with such regular lAS officers. The case presented here describes the experiences of one of the officers.

IAWA Journal ◽  
1987 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-186
J.E. Phelps ◽  
J.G. Isebrands ◽  
R.M. Teclaw

The coppicing ability of Populus hybrid clones after dormant season harvesting is weil suited to a short-rotation, intensively cultured (SRIC) growth system. stems formed from coppice exhibit a greater amount of growth than first-rotation trees during the juvenile stage. This research examines and compares properties, including specific gravity and fibre length of the wood and bark, of 3-year-old firstrotation stems (from cuttings) and 3-year-old coppiced stems of three hybrid Populus clones grown und er SRIC. Trees produced from coppiced stumps were 1.5 to 2.5 times larger (in height and diameter at the base) than first-rotation trees after 3 years of growth. Some of the wood properties of the first-rotation trees differed from those of the coppiced trees. For example, wood specific gravity was higher and wood fibres were longer in the sampies removed from the basal portion of the first-rotation trees. Although significant, these differences were small and not important from an industrial standpoint. The increase in woody biom ass after coppicing is likely to be more important to industry than any decreases in wood properties expected during short-rotation, intensive culture of Populus trees.

IAWA Journal ◽  
1990 ◽  
Vol 11 (4) ◽  
pp. 421-427 ◽  
Helena Pereira ◽  
Clara Araújo

The raw material quality of Eucalyptus globulus during the first year was assessed in an experimental plantation established under four management strategies (control, fertiliser, irrigation and fertiliser/irrigation). The variation of bark content, moisture content, specific gravity and fibre length along the stem for 6-months and II-months-old trees is presented. Bark content decreases with tree diameter and was lowest for the irrigated and fertilised trees. Wood moisture was negatively correlated with specific gravity. No correlation was found between specific gravity and growth rate and fibre length was generally independent of management strategy.

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