scholarly journals Scaling Innovation Hubs: Impact on Knowledge, Innovation and Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Tanzania

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-63
Kelefa Mwantimwa ◽  
Nora Ndege ◽  
Joanes Atela ◽  
Andrew Hall

This study has explored the impact of innovation hubs on knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystems. To gain deeper insights, the study adopted an exploratory case study design along a qualitative approach to conduct an empirical investigation. The study reveals a noticeable contribution of the X-Innovation Hub in empowering youths in aspects of knowledge co-creation and transfer, and promotion of diverse innovations. The findings of the study also disclose that the contribution of the innovation hub in transforming innovations into entrepreneurial opportunities is still unsatisfactory. Furthermore, the findings suggest that not all start-ups emanating from the hub are taking off. This is due to various undermining factors such as financial constraints and unfriendly legal frameworks. For X-Innovation Hub to satisfactorily and sustainably contribute to national innovation systems, deliberate efforts must be made, and strategies put in place by different stakeholders such as the government. Particularly, diversification of funding sources to minimise dependence on international development funding agencies and organisations is important.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Betty Tresnawaty

Public Relations of the Bandung Regency Government realizes that its area has a lot of potential for various local wisdom and has a heterogeneous society. This study aims to explore and analyze the values of local knowledge in developing public relations strategies in the government of Bandung Regency, West Java province. This study uses a constructivist interpretive (subjective) paradigm through a case study approach. The results showed that the Bandung Regency Government runs its government based on local wisdom. Bandung Regency Public Relations utilizes local insight and the region's potential to develop a public relations strategy to build and maintain a positive image of Bandung Regency. The impact of this research is expected to become a source of new scientific references in the development of public relations strategies in every region of Indonesia, which is very rich with various philosophies.Humas Pemerintah Kabupaten Bandung menyadari wilayahnya memiliki banyak potensi kearifan lokal yang beragam, serta memiliki masyarakatnya yang heterogen. Penelitian ini bertujuan menggali dan menganalisis nilai-nilai kearifan lokal dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di pemerintahan Kabupaten Bandung provinsi Jawa Barat.  Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma interpretif (subjektif) konstruktivis melalui pendekatan studi kasus. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Pemerintah Kabupaten (Pemkab) Bandung menjalankan pemerintahannya berlandaskan pada kearifal lokal. Humas Pemkab Bandung memanfaatkan kearifan lokal dan potensi wilayahnya untuk mengembangkan strategi humas dalam membangun dan mempertahankan citra positif Kabupaten Bandung.Dampak penelitian ini diharapkan menjadi sumber rujukan ilmiah baru dalam pengembangan strategi kehumasan di setiap daerah Indonesia yang sangat kaya dengan beragam filosofi. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (14) ◽  
pp. 7600
Wenting Ma ◽  
Rui Mu ◽  
Martin de Jong

Co-production is a solution by which the government provides public services. Co-production theory is built upon Western experience and currently focuses on the types of co-production in different policy stages, the barriers and governance strategies for co-production. However, little attention is paid to how political background will influence the co-production process. To fill the gap, we analyzed a case of co-production that occurred in China, and we characterized the political background as consisting of three main political features: political mobility, central–local relations, and performance measurement. Based on an in-depth case study of a government project in a medium-sized Chinese city, the impact and the changes of political features affecting governmental projects in different co-production stages are analyzed and assessed. We find that political features play a critical role in the co-production of China’s large government projects and may separately and jointly affect co-production. Government performance measurement affects the co-design and co-implementation of projects. Political mobility and changes in local government and performance measurement also affect the co-implementation continuity of the project. Political focus affects the co-design of projects. Central-local relations influence the support from higher government and the actual practices of lower government in the co-implementation stage.

2008 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-300 ◽  
Daniel Edwards

There is a wide variety of universities, university campuses and university courses in Australia available to those interested in pursuing a higher education degree. This paper examines the impact of increasing competition for entrance to university on the educational outcomes for students from the government school sector. Using Melbourne as a case study, the research shows that, over a four-year period of increased competition, entry to some of the more academically accessible university campuses in the city became more difficult and this disproportionately affected the opportunities for university entrance among some groups. Despite the fact that there was no noticeable change in the academic standards achieved by government school completers, the rate at which government school students gained access to these universities declined noticeably during this time. These findings show how changes in supply of university places from year to year can have a profound effect on the opportunities of secondary-school completers—particularly those in more educationally disadvantaged settings.

2021 ◽  
Lami Raei

The King Hussein Foundation (KHF) partners with Oxfam in the Youth Participation and Employment programme (YPE) to promote entrepreneurship through supporting youth to engage in business start-ups and scale-ups. KHF projects support community-based organizations (CBOs) in establishing revolving funds, training CBOs in microfinance management and building the capacity of potential entrepreneurs. Apprenticeships and shadowing are two examples of popular approaches to facilitating entrepreneurship and self-employment. During the COVID-19 crisis, KHF has continued the implementation of activities virtually. This case study presents examples of young people utilizing financial support, reaching out to new clients using ICT, and eventually exploring ways to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
Kurt Shaw ◽  
Rita de Cácia Oenning da Silva

The growth of the randomized controlled trial (RCT) as the “gold standard” for evaluation has justly been praised as an advance in the professionalization of social programs and projects, an “adoption of science” - in the words of the Lancet. None the less, the emphasis on the RCT biases funding for projects that distribute private goods and which focus on “low hanging fruit” in health, nutrition, and sanitation, simply because those areas lend themselves to the sort of measurement that works with RCTs. As a result, many project developers in the government and NGO sectors lament that a hegemonic focus on RCTs impedes creativity or new models that challenge traditional paradigms. This case study of CanalCanoa, a community video coaching project for indigenous parents of young children in the Rio Negro region of the Amazon Basin, offers techniques to measure for innovation. Instead of developing a new RCT for an extremely diverse population (27 ethnic groups) where traditional childcare methods are in historical flux because of urbanization, CanalCanoa measured variables shown by previous RCTs to be causally connected with positive development results. By researching the impact of the intervention on nutrition, language (multilingualism, use of traditional songs and stories), and social network expansion, CanalCanoa measured upstream indicators, thus mixing scientific rigor with an opportunity for innovation and providing important insight and reform of a theory of change.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-168
Devi Asiati ◽  
Gutomo Bayu Aji ◽  
Vanda Ningrum ◽  
Ngadi Ngadi ◽  
Triyono Triyono ◽  

Transformation of digitalization in large industries has an impact on the automation of production equipment, including the replacement of production machines from conventional machines (manual) to digital machines. Meanwhile, automation of production equipment requires workers with higher skills, in fact the existing workforce does not have expertise in carrying out all-digital equipment. The impact is a reduction in labor (layoffs). Machine replacement is done in stages so that the reduction of workforce (PHK) in bulk is not visible. However, the inconsistency between the preparation in the world of education and the needs in the world of work continues to occur today. Until now, vocational development based on local resources has not been operating optimally and needs serious attention from the local government. The government on various occasions mentioned four leading sectors that will be strengthened in the development of vocational institutions, namely maritime, tourism, agriculture (food security), and the creative industry. In addition, the government is also developing a policy scheme for Skill Development Funds (SDF), which is a skills improvement program for workers affected by automation (PHK), including through Vocational Training Center (BLK).

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-48
Yesi Mutia Basri ◽  
Gusnardi Gusnardi

This study aims to observe how local government financial management is in the face of the Covid-19 Pandemic—in particular, observing how budgeting, administration, and accountability of the Riau Provincial Government regarding the Covid-19 Pandemic. The research method used is a qualitative method with a type of case study. The data collection techniques used in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation. To ensure the validity of the data, triangulation was carried out by carrying out source triangulation and technical triangulation. The informants in this study consisted of key informants, primary informants, and supporting informants. Key informants are the head of the budget, the head of the treasury, and the head of the accounting and reporting sub-section. While the primary informants and supporting informants were selected using the snowball sampling technique. Data analysis was carried out by collecting data, reducing data display data, and making conclusions. The results of the analysis show that the impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic caused the Riau Provincial Government to refocus and reallocate the budget four times. At the administrative and accountability stages, there are problems with recording Unexpected Expenditures, namely the absence of technical guidelines regarding the administration of Unexpected Expenditures, determining spending limits for emergencies and urgency. Another problem is the absence of valid data for the distribution of aid funds for MSMEs affected by Covid-19 as well as valid documents in the recording of grant assistance from third parties. This research contributes to the government in making policies in financial management in a disaster emergency.Keyword: The Covid-19 Pandemic, Financial Management, Refocusing, Reallocation, Administration, Accountability AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengobservasi bagaimana pengelolaan keuangan Pemerintah Daerah dalam menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 ini. Secara khusus mengobservasi bagaimana penganggaran, penatausahaan dan pertanggungjawan Pemerintah Provinsi Riau terkait Pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan jenis studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik wawancara medalam, observasi dan dokumentasi. Untuk meyakinkan keabsahan data, triangilasi dilakukan dengan melaksanakan triangulasi sumber dan triangulasi teknik. Informan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari informan kunci, informan utama dan informan pendukung. Informan kunci adalah Kabid anggaran, kabid perbendaharaan dan kasubid akuntansi dan pelaporan. Sedangkan informan utama dan informan pendukung dipilih dengan teknik snowball sampling. Analisis data dilakukan  dengan tahap pengumpulan data, reduksi data display data dan melakukan membuat kesimpulan. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa Dampak Pandemi Covid-19 menyebabkan Pemerintah Provinsi Riau melakukan refocusing dan realokasi anggaran sebanyak empat kali pergeseran anggaran. Pada tahap penatausahaan dan pertanggungjawaban terdapat permasalahan pencatatan pada Belanja Tidak Terduga yaitu tidak adanya juknis tentang penatausahaan Belanja Tidak Terduga, penentuan batasan belanja untuk keadaan darurat dan mendesak.  Permasalahan lainnya yaitu tidak  adanya data yang valid untuk penyaluran dana  bantuan bagi UMKM yang terdampak Covid-19 serta dokumen yang valid dalam pencatatan bantuan hibah dari pihak ke tiga. Penelitian ini memberikan kontribusi kepada pemerintah dalam membuat kebijakan dalam pengelolaan keuangan pada keadaan darurat bencana. Kata Kunci :  Pandemi Covid-19, Pengelolaan Keungan, Refocusing, Realokasi, Penatausahaan, Pertanggungjawaban

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 36-51
Harini Mittal

Institutional voids faced by emerging economies have received a lot of attention in recent literature. However, the impact of institutional voids in an emerging economy on the level of company innovation strategies and output is a less researched topic. Using India as a case study, this paper presents a qualitative assessment of the impact of the institutional context of this emerging economy on innovation strategies and consequent outputs of private Indian companies of various sizes and ages. Primary data for the study were collected by means of surveys, in-depth interviews, and secondary data sources including government reports, World Bank and United Nations reports, research articles, and in-depth industry surveys. The paper concludes that in India, large companies and start-ups are more innovative. Most innovations are imitative in nature, and/or driven by customer requirements, and/or international quality norms. “New-to-the-world” innovations are scarce and are mostly driven by multinational corporations (MNCs), government institutions, and to some extent large Indian companies. The paper concludes that in a rapidly emerging economy like India, large companies are more innovative because of their resilience, internal systems, and capabilities that can overcome voids, and exploit opportunities. The fast-paced transitions have created more opportunities for start-ups than small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), thereby creating unequal innovation opportunities for companies of different sizes and ages, as distinct coping strategies are required for innovation to occur.

Khatera Naseri ◽  
Ashurov Sharofiddin

Although the background of the banking system goes back as far as 1933, Islamic finance isstill new in Afghanistan. The history of the firstfull-fledged Islamic bank began asrecently as 2018 with the conversion ofBakhtarBank, a conventional bank, to the IslamicBank of Afghanistan (IBA). There have been numerousstudies done worldwide, but no empiricalstudy has examined the subject of Islamic banking adoption in the specific context of Afghanistan. Therefore, this presentstudy investigatesthe adoption ofIslamic banking in Afghanistan, using a case study of Herat province, based on Rogers’ (1983) Diffusion of Innovation Theory, to determine the impact of awareness,productknowledge,religiosity,relativeadvantage,compatibility, and complexity on the adoption of Islamic banking. A quantitative approach to the stratified convenience sampling method was used in this study. Questionnaires were distributed to 334 bank customers and the responses analyzed using SPSS v22. The multiple regression analysis finding indicated that product knowledge, relative advantage, and religiosity significantly and positively influenced the adoption of Islamic banking. It is suggested that the government and financial institutions should support Islamic banking with beneficial policies and initiatives to enhance the knowledge of the public about the significance of Islamic banking activities.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 12
Zvavahera Promise ◽  
Chigora Farai ◽  
Tandi Roselyn

This study sought to evaluate the impact of the Indigenisation Policy on the socio-economic emancipation of rural communities in Zimbabwe. A case study approach was taken focusing on the Marange and Zimunya communities in Manicaland Province of Zimbabwe, where diamonds are being mined. Both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies were applied to get a balanced view from these two communities on their socio-economic improvement because of the mining of diamonds, which are a valuable natural resource found in these two communities. Purposive sampling was applied to come up with the sample of senior politicians and traditional leaders. Two Focus groups were formed in the two communities. The study established that the five diamond mining companies doing business in the two communities had failed to honour their pledges of contributing USD10 million each towards the development of the two communities. Only USD400 000 was contributed by two mining companies at the time of the study. Ninety five percent (95%) of the respondents reported that there were no projects that were being implemented to benefit the local communities. It was therefore, concluded that there was limited socio-economic empowerment of the Marange-Zimunya communities by the diamond mining companies. The study recommended the intervention by the Government in order for these mining companies to honour their pledges by coming up with empowerment projects and also by allowing the two communities to have shares in these companies so that they could be economically empowered.

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