scholarly journals Implementasi Corporate Social Responsibility Berdasarkan Tri Hita Karana pada Lembaga Perkreditan Desa Kesiman Denpasar Timur

2021 ◽  
Vol 31 (7) ◽  
pp. 1828
Ni Putu Anggie Krisnaningrum ◽  
I Gusti Ayu Nyoman Budiasih

The Village Credit Institution as a financial institution runs its business emphasizing the Tri Hita Karana concept. Based on this concept, LPD has Corporate Social Responsibility to the surrounding community. This study used a qualitative approach in the form of a descriptive ethnographic method. The informants in this study were treasurers, staff, and customers. Data collection was carried out by interview and documentation. The results show that CSR implementation from the Parhayangan aspect is realized by performing the yajnya, contributing to villages or communities that are carrying out religious ceremonies, and conducting funds, from the Pawongan aspect manifested by providing assistance to residents affected by disaster and who are grieving in the form of cash and from the Palemahan aspect it is manifested by maintaining cleanliness and help each other. Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility; Tri Hita Karana; Village Credit Institution.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
Asrun Ode ◽  
Yudi Agusman

This research aims to describe the effectiveness of the implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs in proverty alleviation in the village of pamalaa district of kolaka district in the field of program kemitraan dan bina lingkungan (PKBL). This researcher uses qualitative research methods in accordance with natural objects, the data collected consists of primary data and secondary data with data collection techniques namely observation, interview, documentation, documents, literature books and previous reseach. The data analysis techniques used are miles and huberman data analysis models, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion withdrawal. Researchers used the theory presented by campbell J.P (1999) in smith (2016) abaout the implementation of the sposing policy. The result showed that the effectiveness of corporate social responsibility (CSR) programs PT Antam TBK in provety alleviation in the village of pomalaa district of kolaka district in the field of Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) when viewed from five indicators of strengthening in the effectiveness of the program it can be concluded that it cannot be said to be  effective, this is seen from three indicators, namely againts programs that are still not fulfilled.AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendiskripsikan efektivitas dari pelaksanaan Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) dalam Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kelurahan Dawi-dawi Kecamatan Pomalaa Kabupaten Kolaka pada Bidang Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif sesuai dengan objek alamiah, data yang dikumpulkan terdiri dari data primer dan data skunder dengan teknik pengumpulan data yaitu observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, dokumen-dokumen, buku literatur serta penelitian terdahulu. Adapun teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah model analisis data Miles dan Huberman yaitu pengumpulan data, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan teori yang disampaikan Campbell J.P. (1999) dalam Smith (2016) tentang Implementasi Kebijakan Persampahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Efektivitas dari Program Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT. ANTAM Tbk dalam  Pengentasan Kemiskinan di Kelurahan Dawi-dawi Kecamatan Pomalaa Kabupaten Kolaka pada Bidang Program Kemitraan dan Bina Lingkungan (PKBL) jika dilihat dari lima indikator pengukuran dalam efektivitas program maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa belum bisa dikatakan efektif, hal ini dilihat dari tiga indikator yaitu indikator keberhasilan program, indikator keberhasilan sasaran dan indikator kepuasan terhadap program yang masih belum terpenuhi.     

Helvivi Anggriyani ◽  
Intan Fitri Meutia ◽  
Devi Yulianti ◽  

Corporate Social Responsibility is an obligation carried out by the company and regulated in article 74 paragraph (1) of Law No. 40 of 2007 on Limited Liability Companies. Social responsibility carried out by IPC is realized through the IPC Peduli program. The purpose of this research is to find out the effect of roadmap csr programs on IPC II.. The method used in this research is a type of descriptive study with a qualitative approach. Data collection is conducted using observation techniques, interviews and documentation. The results showed that there are three areas of programs that become the main focus of CSR in IPC, namely in the field of environment, education and health. The effectiveness of the roadmap CSR programs at IPC can be shown that the implementation is considered quite effective on several indicators such as target accuracy, goal achievement and real change indicators. Indicators whose implementation is not optimal are focused on understanding related to CSR programs. The peoples around the portof panjang has not fully understand every CSR programs in IPC due to the lack of socialization carried out by the IPC to the community, and the lack of timeliness in the implementation of activities in the environmental and health fields. In the implementation of CSR programs there are inhibitory factors and supporting factors from internal and external aspects.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  
pp. 265
Agung Guritno

Strategic Charity, as the more specific implementation of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is now gained its popularity among the company in Indonesia, including the Islamic Financial Institution. However, the execution sometimes did not achieve the goal nor misdirected. This study was conducted to determine the implementation of strategic charity done by BMT Al-Hikmah, Ungaran, Central Java. The method used was qualitative descriptive, and data collection was done using interviews and observations. The study revealed that the source of funds of the strategic charity comes from zakat, infaq, alms, and fines fund. The implementation was right on the target even though sometimes it is not enough since the source of funds is minimal while so many parties need those funds.

2017 ◽  
Vol 14 (02) ◽  
pp. 120
Syahril Syahril ◽  
Isnani Yuli Andini

Internal accountants has critical leverage to encourage hospitals to be involved in activities such as social or corporate social responsibility.This study aims to examines the role of internal accountants in the implementating of corporate social responsibility at RSUD Moh. Anwar Sumenep District. Research uses descriptive (qualitative) approach to interpret and describe data that obtained from observation, interview and documentation. This research concludes that RSUD Moh. Anwar Sumenep District does not have a clear standard about corporate social responsibility. Its only depends on the willingness of the organization, not an obligation to disclose in hospital financial statements. Internal accountant who is in charge of performing systematic and objective analysis and assessment on the operation and control of company's activities is needed to encourage companies to carry out social responsibility. Researcher suggest that governments needs to increasing their concern toward this issues whether in the form of programs, policies, regulations or awards of the social environment.Keywords: Internal Accountant, Corporate Social Responsibility, Hospital

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
Szilvia Szalai Módosné ◽  
Szonja Jenei

Kutatásunk célja a vállalati társadalmi felelősségvállalást befolyásoló tényezők hatásainak elemzése. Kvantitatív vizsgálatot folytattunk, melynek megalapozása során a vezetői személyiség, a vállalati kultúra és a humán menedzsment működési sajátosságait elemeztük. A kutatás 2020 őszén zajlott Magyarországon. Vállalati vezetők és HR szakemberek töltötték ki kérdőívünket, számítógéppel támogatott adatgyűjtést végeztünk. A kapott 37 választ a kismintára érvényes statisztikai szabályok szerint elemeztük. Eredményeinket a COVID-19 járvány hatásai befolyásolták, a vállalati CSR tevékenység a recesszió hatására háttérbe szorult, de a vezetők attitűdje nem változott, csak a lehetőségek szűkültek. Corporate Culture, Management Personality, HR Organization and Corporate CSR Activities I. Our research aims to analyze the effects of factors influencing corporate social responsibility. We conducted a quantitative study, in the course of which we explored the operational characteristics of the managerial personality, the corporate culture and human resource management. The research took place in the autumn of 2020 in Hungary. Company executives and HR professionals completed our questionnaires, and we conducted computer-assisted data collection. The 37 responses received were analyzed according to the statistical rules applicable to the small sample. Our results were affected by the effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. Corporate CSR activity was pushed into the background due to the recession, but the attitude of managers did not change, only the opportunities narrowed. Keywords: social responsibility, managerial personality, HR activity, corporate culture 

Ulima Harma ◽  
Timbul Dompak

The purpose of this research to see how management Hazardous and Toxic Material Waste Judging From the Aspects of Industrial Relations and Corporate Social Responsibility. This type of research used in this research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The results of this study show that the management of Hazardous and Toxic Material Waste Judging from the aspects of industrial relations and corporate social responsibility, although there are still some shortcomings. Such as that there are still many industrial companies that are not very aggressive in carrying out the B3 waste management process. This proves that the policies governing waste management have not been so effectively applied in life, this can be caused by several factors such as lack of awareness in managing B3 waste, a less strict supervision system, and also rules that are felt to be not too binding so that many do not manage B3 waste properly.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 245
Rahmelia Ahyani ◽  
Windhy Puspitasari

<p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on Financial Performance on Return On Assets (ROA), Return On Equity (ROE) and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The population used in this study is the Sub-Sector Services company of Property and Real Estate listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2013-2017. Data collection used purposive sampling method which aims to determine the samples taken with certain criteria and objectives, deliberate data collection to be included in the criteria according to the research. Based on sample collection techniques obtained as many as 175 companies.</em></p><p><em>The results found that 1) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on corporate financial performance as measured by ROA, 2) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on corporate financial performance as measured by ROE, and 3) Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) had a significant positive effect on the company's financial performance as measured by NPM. This research has implications for the property and real estate industry sector in improving its financial performance through CSR disclosure considering the higher the corporate social responsibility disclosure, the higher the company's financial performance.</em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 136-151
Ismartaya Ismartaya ◽  
Djaali Djaali ◽  
Suparno Eko Widodo

The purpose of this research is to determined whether the evaluation corporate social responsibility program implementation in Bogor PDAM Tirta Pakuan has been implemented in accordance with the vision, mission, and objectives of the company. PDAM Tirta Pakuan has a vision of CSR as a pioneer in the implementation of social responsibility in Bogor city especially and Indonesia in generally. Through this vision, PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor city, would really seriously on the implementation of the CSR programs. Based on these purposes, this research is done by evaluating the CSR programs which implemented by PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor city and use CIPP evaluation model to conduct an evaluation of the program. The type which used on this research is evaluation research with use qualitative approach. The source of information used is the Chief Executive of CSR PDAM Tirta Pakuan Bogor. Data collected by the observation, interview and documentation. Test validity of this research by using triangulation technique, while data analysis is done by reducing the data, presenting and concluding . The result shows that the program Tirta Pakuan care as the company’s strategy goes according to the purposes and plans that have been made by the company.Keywords: evaluation, corporate social responsibility, CIPP Model

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (7) ◽  
pp. 114-126
Nur Hanisah Razali ◽  
Nizam Jaafar ◽  
Ismail Ahmad

Islamic Banking works in an economy and achieving the ideal position of Shariah financial institution requires continuous improvement and indicators. The right values and environment of a bank that is operating based on Shariah are important to ensure that the delivery services could be executed in the best manner possible. Islamic Bank therefore should embed with social and the charity work network for the purpose of its corporate social responsibility to the community. The fundamental issue which is due to the lack of focus on prioritising the social objective of Islamic organisations based on Shariah leads to the inadequacy of conventional CSR theories to underpin CSR practices of Islamic organisations. The existing concept of CSR is grounded on western perspectives, and it will be a great implication to delve into CSR within the Islamic perspectives. Therefore, the objective of this study to examine the extent of CSR based on Maqasid Al Shariah in terms of four dimensions of the Islamic Banks sector between Malaysia and the MENA region for the period of 2013 to 2018. This study employed a content analysis method to collect quantitative data on CSR based on Maqasid Al-Shariah in the Bank Islam annual report and stand-alone sustainability report. The content analysis was carried out to achieve this objective. The investigation on the content is based on CSR reporting in their annual report and stand-alone sustainability report according to what has been provided by the banks. The results of the analyses provide significant insight into the amount and nature of CSR among Islamic Banks across sectors. Generally, the CSR activities cover all organization activities related to the organization and its various stakeholder. Finally, through mean score ranking for CSRD items shows that there was a mixed ranking for CSR based on Maqasid Al-Shariah dimension and element in Malaysia and MENA region.

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 332
Nurendahsari Gunawan ◽  
Siti Inayatul Faizah

This study aims to understand the implementation of mosque-based empowerment through CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) funds in improving the economic benefit of the people around the mosque. This study uses a qualitative approach with an exploratory case study strategy. The object of this study is Ummad Action Program, which was initiated in 2017 by the Financial Services Authority (OJK). The results of this study are that each partner knows and agrees with the background, goals, and benchmarks of program success. However, each partner has not been optimal in carrying out their duties and responsibilities. Moreover, the success of the Ummad Action Program can be assessed in terms of the benefits felt by the congregation, including the category of success with several evaluations.Keywords: Empowerment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Mosque, Financial Services Authority (OJK).

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